Audit Solutions Ingersoll-Rand Audit Solutions IR Air Solutions is helping customers optimize their systems and even turn off compressors! This may sound crazy, but it’s true. In the past you asked us to build the best-engineered most reliable, energy-efficient air compressors in the industry. But in today’s global business climate, you need more than great equipment to survive and thrive. Increasing shareholder value for our customers means we must go beyond the components of an air system and find solutions to the operating issues every customer faces. 2 The problems associated with operating a modern compressed air system are fairly complex. At the same time, many companies have cut back the internal resources dedicated to defining and solving those problems. That’s where IR Audit Solutions can help. Audit Solutions addresses the total process of producing compressed air... not just the compressors. It’s about taking compressed air, looking at it as your fourth utility, and making compressed air as stable and consistent as your other utilities. Your air system problems require total solutions. IR Audit Solutions will help you define system problems, whether they are in demand, distribution or supply, and develop cost-efficient solutions that meet your return on investment goals. Benefits of IR Audit Solutions You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Knowing what your system is doing is the first step in reducing costs and improving productivity • The audit will give you a clear picture of how your system runs over time. As an option, the Audit Solution can help you get your own picture in the future, whether it’s a snapshot, a movie or real-time data, through a cost effective management information system. Reduce Operating Costs With all audits, the goal is to reduce operating costs by optimizing your system. • Solve production and process problems. Compressed air might be “invisible,” but that doesn’t mean it can’t be the cause of process problems when improperly applied. Pressure 120 PSI to Production Trend System Performance 110 100 90 80 70 60 Time • Operating costs can be reduced by up to half of the current costs. • Reductions in energy, maintenance, water and rentals will feed your bottom line. Power Power Costs 900 Minimize or Eliminate Future Capital Costs Increased demand does not always mean adding new compressors. • Turning off a compressor or reducing the load can create a back up machine out of your existing compressors. 700 500 300 100 Time • If your system is on the brink of an expansion, an audit can help you squeeze more out of your existing system, delaying the need to expand. If the expansion is large, the audit can help you “right-size” the components rather than oversize the equipment “just in case.” This saves money on both equipment and installation. Improve Productivity A thorough audit of your air system can dramatically improve the productivity of your compressed air-driven operation • Stabilize air pressure under all conditions at all points-of-use. Adding compressors isn’t the only way to increase pressure at a pointof-use. • Eliminate moisture, oil or contamination problems, whether the root cause is the equipment or the application. Current vs Proposed Annual Operating Costs 1 2 3 4 Constituent Current Electricity 136,162 External Maintenance 62,472 Internal Labor 9,645 Rental Costs 7,648 Totals $215,927 Project Cost Simple Payback (months) Simple ROI Proposed 71,538 41,648 6,430 — $119,616 $143,320 17.9 67% Variance 64,624 20,824 3,215 7,648 $96,311 1. Electrical cost for compressors and dryers based on $0.051/kWh. 2. External labor was provided by the plant. 3. Internal labor is minimal as external contracts are in place. 4. Rental costs averaged over past three years. These savings can only be achieved with the completion of all action items. 3 The Audit Solution Process 123 4 56 ! + + 1. Pre-audit Feasibility Study + At minimal to no cost, we conduct a feasibility study to determine = whether an audit can solve your specific problems. You’ll know what to expect, and what opportunities there are, before you commit to spending any funds. + + The Audit efficien cy 2. At the start of the audit, a “kick-off” meeting with all concerned parties quality insures that all needs will be met and that all involved are in agreement on the priorities and the goals of the audit. After this kick-off meeting, the auditor will collect information using state-of-the-art data acquisition equipment to develop an accurate picture of how your system truly operates. As data is developed, the auditor interviews individuals who can provide further information on business practices. At the end of the audit, the auditor holds an “exit” meeting to summarize and present findings. repor t 3. The Audit Report The auditor will create a picture of how the air system operates and assemble an analysis of ways to improve system performance. The final report will contain recommended improvements, equipment performance specifications, control configuration and an implementation schedule. Finally, the report will contain a solution with a financial justification that meets your return-oninvestment criteria. Implementation/Planning 4. IR Audit Solutions auditors can direct the efforts of the implementation team in effecting the audit recommendations. Project Management/Supervise Implementation 5. IR Audit Solutions provides optional project management and oversight, even full responsibility, for the implementation. IR project managers are professional, experienced, and able to operate and maintain the air system for you, even to the point of taking ownership of the assets. Validation 1 .. Did the implementation 2. accomplish all that the audit promised? IR Audit Solutions 3 can provide optional testing and 6. validation services covering any component or the entire air system. 4 Why use Ingersoll-Rand's Audit Services? Just like you, we believe that results count. Our auditors are there to help your company meet its financial business objectives and to solve your compressed air problems. Standardized Training, Equipment and Techniques Whether your plant is in Shanghai, Stuttgart or Chicago, the improvement in the company's financials and in the air system will be the same. We've taken the “magic” out of audits and turned it into a systemized, repeatable science. If you're looking to have solid, consistent, expert advice for one plant or all your plants, then put us to the test. Knowledge Passing the final exam for their certification isn't the end of the road for Ingersoll-Rand auditors. New technologies, and new techniques for handling old problems, are constantly under development, which means that the auditors enjoy a continuous and never-ending learning process. Teamwork What's better than having one expert on your team? It's two of course. Our auditors are routinely cross-audited by a fellow-auditor to insure that you're getting the most value. Plus, the size and breadth of the IR Audit Solutions team means it’s highly likely one of our auditors has experienced a process and problems similar to yours. 5 Single Source Responsibility The entire process is as seamless as you wish it to be. Our auditors take a “Solutions Neutral” approach and they can work with your local IR representative as a team to achieve the goals of your audit. If you've been in the middle when a consultant and a contractor point fingers at each other over something that has gone wrong, you'll certainly appreciate the IR Audit Solutions team approach. All Audits Aren't Created Equal. There seem to be as many definitions of the term “air system audit” as there are auditors out there claiming to be able to provide a valuable service to your business. Here are some suggestions: • Investigate the audit company’s equipment, training, techniques and experience. • What do they say will be included in their report? • Do they analyze your system for opportunity before they quote the project? • Who stands behind their work and what are their resources? • How many auditors get their compressor performance training from the engineers that develop, design and manufacture all types of compressors all over the world? • Are they cross-audited? • Do they provide a plan for moving forward? Perhaps most important, be sure to find a company with a worldwide reputation for quality, reliability, customer service, and engineering excellence and you’ll see your only choice is IR Audit Solutions. More Than Air. Solutions. Online solutions: KNOW SSU R RE E P C MPRESSED AIR CHALLENGE ® Ingersoll-Rand compressors are not designed, intended or approved for breathing air applications. Ingersoll-Rand does not approve specialized equipment for breathing air applications and assumes no responsibility or liability for compressors used for breathing air service. Nothing contained on these pages is intended to extend any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, regarding the product described herein. Any such warranties or other terms and conditions of sale of products shall be in accordance with Ingersoll-Rand’s standard terms and conditions of sale for such products, which are available upon request. Product improvement is a continuing goal at Ingersoll-Rand. Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation. Ingersoll-Rand Company Air Solutions P.O. Box 1840 800-D Beaty Street Davidson, NC 28036 © 2002 Ingersoll-Rand Company Form 3251 Printed in USA