Library Resource

EDH 6065, History & Philosophy of American Higher Education
Wednesday, Sept 3, 2014 -- Ms. Terrie Sypolt
To get to the Higher Education page from the Library home page
Use this path:
 Go to the UCF Libraries homepage at
 Click on the Articles & Databases tab
 Scroll down to Databases by Subject—Education
 Click on <Higher Education>
Finding journal articles
1. Select an index/electronic database
2. Search for the topic
a. Define search by writing out topic in issue statement
b. Break topic into concepts and synonyms, related terms, etc
c. Employ Boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT)
d. Examine descriptors of relevant citations to help refine search
3. Interpret information in the index (field labels)
4. Determine if the library owns the journal
5. Locate the journal (L’s floor 3; current issues; ERIC microfiche; BF’s floor 1)
ERIC is a national information system supported by the U.S. Department of
Education, the National Library of Education, and the Office of Educational
Research and Improvement. It was established to index, abstract, and disseminate
research in education, including journal articles and reviews, books, dissertations,
and unpublished material such as conference papers, curriculum guides, and
research reports. Its coverage begins with documents published in 1966.
There are two types of ERIC items: ERIC Journal articles, which are peerreviewed articles that have appeared in scholarly journals and have an EJ
identifying number; and ERIC Documents, which are items such as conference
proceedings, reports, curriculum guides, etc. and have an ED identifying number.
ERIC Documents are typically self-submitted by authors for inclusion in the
Click on <ERIC EBSCOhost> under Best Resources
Click on “ERIC” in the EBSCOhost list of databases.
Click on the Thesaurus button to limit to Subject terms (SU descriptors)
Place your search term in the Browsing box and click <Browse>
Using <Advanced Search>, place your selected terms in the search boxes
Click Search Options in the right hand box to limit the search
Scholarly (Peer reviewed) journals
Report—Research (limits results to studies OR research)
Filter by publication date if desired
Select items of interest to you
Click on the linked article to read the abstract/summary of the article
Note: The Source line contains the name of the journal
Click on the <Get Full Text> button to see if the Libraries have the article available full-text on
line. Then click on either the database title or the Go button to retrieve the full-text.
Should the full-text not be available, click on the UCF Library Catalog to see if the journal title
is available in print in the library. Click on the Journal title and scroll down to the holding area
to see if the volume and issue you need of the journal is available.
To print/email or export results from ERIC
Add the results you wish to print/email/save to your folder by clicking
Go up to the tabs on the top right of the screen and click on the folder icon or click Folder
View in the right hand column
Select the items you wish to print, email or save
Click on the appropriate icon
To export citations using citation software like RefWorks
Open up RefWorks
From the Libraries homepage click on <Articles & Databases>
Click on the letter “R” in the database titles list
Click on RefWorks
Log in to RefWorks or Create a RefWorks account if you do not have one already
Take the tutorial to learn how to use RefWorks
Basic export = from EbscoHOST, from you have selected items to print, email, save,
You can click on the export icon
Click on Direct Export to RefWorks. Make sure you popup blocker allows
Click on Bibliography to create a bibliography in APA format of your sources
Same basic operation except limit to peer reviewed, by age group, or empirical (under
Filter by publication date if desired
Education Full-Text
Search using keyword or the thesaurus options for subjects. This now looks like, and
works like ERIC via EBSCOhost.
Limit items to Scholarly/Peer reviewed
Click <Search>
Notice that one can limit results by subjects listed on the left side
Notice that many articles are available both in HTML and in PDF format
Click on the Get Full Text button to see if articles are available full-text
To print, email, or save
Check the box to the left of citations you want
Click on the print, email, save tab
When emailing articles be sure to check the Include PDF full-text box
To export citations
Click on
for those you want
Scroll to the top of the page and click on the
Select items you want
Click <Export>
Remove these items from folder after saving
Select Direct Export to Refworks
Login to our RefWorks account or Sign up for a new account
View imported records
Click Create Bibliography using APA 6th
America: History and Life covers U.S. and Canadian history and culture from prehistoric times
to the present. It is an EBSCOhost based database and works like ERIC and Education Full
Very Current Material:
Chronicle of Higher Education (to see how the topic is being treated in higher ed news)
Full-text of the premier newspaper for higher education.
From the Higher Education Databases page, click on Chronicle of Higher Education under Best
 Click on Current issue on the tool bar to view the current issue
 Type your search words in the search box to search by topic.
 Click the Go button.
Refine your search by clicking on one of the following areas in the left hand window:
Content type (such as Articles)
Click on the Article title link/s to display the article
Print, email, or share articles by clicking on the icons in the Article Tools box
Lexis-Nexis Academic
Lexis-Nexis is great for current events as news is entered several times each day. It includes
newspapers featuring current events from around the world that are written in English, legal
information, country information and company information.
Search via the search box at the top of the page
Search using the three columns at the bottom of the Lexis Nexis Academic page.
Use the down arrow for “Look up a Legal Case” OR “Search the News”, type your topic in the
by Topic box.
Click “Go”.
Historical Material
JSTOR (historical treatment of a topic)
JSTOR provides online archives of major journals in all disciplines. Typically the most recent
several years are unavailable due to publisher restrictions, but earlier issues are available in their
entirety in full text. JSTOR is a good starting point for research in many subjects, as long as your
topic is not related to current events or recent scientific developments.
Follow this path:
 From the UCF Libraries homepage, click on Articles & Databases
 Click on the letter J in the A-Z list
 Scroll down to JSTOR and click on it
To Search
Enter keywords for your topic into the search boxes. If you retrieve too many
results, limit the search to article title only
Limit results to journal articles only
Limit by publication date, language or discipline—for example, I limited my results to
Education and History.
To View
Results are listed in order of relevance, so typically the most useful articles will be on the
first screen of results. You can use the Sort by drop-down box to switch to a
chronological ordering of results. To view an article, simply click on its title. To see the
first page on which one of your keywords was encountered, click on Page of First
Match below the article's citation.
To Print, Download and Export
Do NOT use the Print menu in your Internet browser to print the article, as this will only
print one page at a time. Instead, click on the PDF button alongside the article citation,
which will download the article as a PDF document and allow you to print it in its
entirety. You can also save this PDF file to your computer. There is also an Export this
Citation tool that helps you transfer an article's citation information into reference
management software such as RefWorks.
Education Index Retrospective, 1929-1983
Contains indexing, abstracts and some full-text to educational issues between 1929-1983. Works
just like Education Full-Text and ERIC via EBSCOhost.
Books/Catalog: Key to the UCF book collection. Books are a good source of history.
From the Libraries homepage, click on Books/Catalog
Click on the Advanced Search button
Type search terms in the supplied boxes and click Search
Write down the call number and retrieve the book from the shelf
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) (Collects
and analyzes data related to education in the U.S.) Check here for needed statistics
U.S. Census Bureau including the US Statistical Abstract
IPEDS Data Center
Florida Education Statistics (FLDOE)
Educational Policy
Use the Education Commission of the States website at to see what states
are doing on various K-12 educational issues and identify some educational research and
readings on various topics.
 Click on Education Issues A-Z
 Select Postsecondary Issues. Select a topic from the drop down menu
 Select What States are doing
Additional Resources for Graduate Students
Web of Science
Web of Science’s strength is that it includes citation information. If you have one journal
article that is especially interesting, Web of Science can help you find similar items by
searching based on citations.
Searching: Type keywords in the search boxes using Topic from the drop down menu
Click <Search> to display results
Select an article or citation that is relevant to you
Examine items that your relevant article cited:
To find something more recent
Start with a relevant article
Click on the Cited by link
Look at the articles that cite the good one
To find something similar
Start with a relevant article
Click on the Related records link
Look at the articles that cite the same things that the relevant one cites
To find something older
Start with a relevant article
Click on the References link
Look at the items the one relevant article cited
Dissertations & Theses Full-Text
Citations (1861-present), abstracts (1980-present and full-text (1997-present) for doctoral
dissertations from accredited American and Canadian universities, as well as selected British and
European universities. Selected masters theses are also included.
For graduate work, the value of dissertations on your topic resides with the reference list for the
dissertation. That will help you build your list of references for your work.
Enter a word or phrase into the search field
Limit search by
Specific author, index term, school, advisor, if desired
Doctoral dissertations
Publication date
When finished click <Search>
Click on the <Full-Text pdf> to load the full-text of desired documents
To export citations to RefWorks
Check the box to the left of the citations you want in Dissertations & Theses Full-Text
Click on Export
Click on Export Directly to RefWorks
Suggested Journal Titles
From the Higher Education page, click on Higher Education journals for a
suggested list of refereed journals
Should a link not work, click the Online Journals tab on any library page and place
the title of the journal you wish to find in the search box. Click Go
If the journal you need is not available online, check the UCF Library Catalog. If the journal is
not available in the library, consider using Interlibrary Loan.
Click on the link for the Journal title you want.
Click on either the name of the Database in which the journal is found or on the Go button and
then select the needed volume, issue and page numbers.
Interlibrary Loan/UBORROW/Document Delivery (Click on Services to get to this
When UCF does not own the book, article, or other document needed by UCF students, faculty,
or staff, the Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery Services Department (ILL) will try to
obtain a copy of it from another library.
Requested articles are now scanned and emailed to you. Since scanning is done between
libraries, you now received most articles within 24 hours
The John C Hitt Library pulls books and scans articles that are owned by our library for
graduate students as well. Books are left at the Circulation desk for you to pick up.
Articles are sent to your email
UBORROW allows you to request books from other Florida state universities by clicking
on the UBORROW icon. That will automatically fill in the ILL request for you.
Off campus access instructions: You now sign in off campus with your NID and NID password
for off campus access to UCF databases.
Government Documents are wonderful sources of information, especially statistical information.
To see what documents are available, click the Education: Government Resources link
For a research consultation or questions, contact
Terrie Sypolt,
Reference Librarian