Español Intermedio 1 Spanish 201 B Primavera 2007 M-W-F 10:30 – 11:30 Thompson-Clark 315 Course Instructor: Joel Postema Office: Thompson-Clark 414 Office Hours: M 12:00-2:00; Th 1:00 – 2:00 o por cita Phone: x7263 E-mail: Textos: ¡Arriba!: comunicación y cultura Fourth Edition by Zayas-Bazán/ Bacon/Fernández Textbook and workbook packet with interactive CD. (Do not purchase a used workbook) Descripción del curso: Spanish 201 is an intermediate level Spanish course designed for students who have taken Spanish 101/102 or have been placed beyond the elementary level due to past experience. The goals for this course are: -Improve students’ ability to comprehend spoken and written Spanish; -Equip students with grammatical tools, vocabulary and other strategies for communicating orally and in writing; -Encourage students to explore/share aspects of Spanish and Latin American culture; -Develop more advanced writing skills through the composition process. Distribución de la nota: Class Participation: (15% of the final grade). Given the communicative nature of this course, students are expected to arrive to each class prepared to actively participate. Homework and Quizzes: (20% of the final grade). Homework is important to make sure that each student is understanding the material before arriving to class. Additionally, quizzes (announced or unannounced) will be given at various times throughout the semester. Partial Exams: (25% of the final grade). There will be two partial exams during the semester. Students will be given additional information about the exams in the week before their scheduled dates. Compositions: (20% of the final grade). Each student will write a total of three compositions during the semester. Compositions will be graded on grammar and vocabulary usage (70%) as well as on content and organization (30%). Students will have the opportunity to rewrite Compositions 1 and 2. Final Exam: (20% of the final grade). Información adicional: Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. Students will have their grade lowered by one category for each unexcused absence beyond three. For example, a student with a “B+” average will have his or her grade lowered to a “B” with four absences, a “B-“ with five absences, etc. Late homework: All assignments must be submitted no later than one class day after their due date. The grade on any homework turned in late will be lowered by 25%. Academic integrity: Westminster’s policy on academic integrity can be found in the latest version of the student handbook or on the College’s website. This policy will be strictly enforced, so you should familiarize yourself with it thoroughly. Writing guidelines: In addition to the College’s policies on academic integrity, it is expected that all student writings (compositions and other assignments) are written individually, without assistance from more advanced students or translation software. Violations of this policy will result in a grade of “0” for the assignment. Make-up exams: There will be no make-up exams for unexcused absences. If a student will miss an exam for a valid reason, he/she must notify the instructor before the scheduled exam time. Notice on the Use of Translation Software and Online Dictionaries: The use of translation software and online dictionaries is permitted only to translate individual words. Students who use these sources to translate phrases or complete sentences will receive an “F” for the assignment, and may be reported to vice president of academic affairs. Grading scale: A A- 93-100 90-92 B+ B B- 87-89 83-86 80-82 C+ C C- 77-79 73-76 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 63-66 D- 60-62 F 0-59 Calendario tentativo: Enero: 17 19 22 24 26 29 31 Febrero: 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 21 Introducción al curso Repaso del pasado. Así es la vida y vocabulario. Leer: 292-296. Estudiar: Vocabulario 293. Hacer: WB 9-1, 9-4; LM 9-29, 9-30. Por y para y adverbios con “-mente”. Leer: 297-303. Estudiar: Usos de por y para. Hacer: WB 9-6, 9-7, 9-8; LM 9-32, 9-33. El turismo, así es la vida y vocabulario. Leer: 304-310. Estudiar: Vocabulario 306. Hacer: WB 9-12, 9-13; LM 9-36. El subjuntivo: formación y uso en cláusulas nominativas. QUIZ. Leer: 310-314. Estudiar: Conjugación del subjuntivo presente. Hacer: WB: 9-14, 9-15, 9-16; LM 9-37. El subjuntivo con verbos que expresan deseo. Leer: 315-318. Estudiar: Verbos de deseo 315. Hacer: WB 9-17, 9-18, 9-19. Literatura. Cultura. Leer: 320-324. Hacer: WB 9-20. Literatura. Información sobre Composición 1. Así es la vida y vocabulario. Leer: 330-334. Estudiar: Vocabulario 331. Hacer: WB 10-1, 10-2, 10-4; LM 10-28. Entregar Prewriting Activity 1. Hacer: LM 943, 9-44. Los mandatos “nosotros” e indirectos. Leer: 335-339. Estudiar: Las formas de los mandatos 335, 338. Hacer: WB 10-5, 10-7, 10-8, 10-9. Entregar Composición 1. “El ejercicio y la dieta,” Así es la vida y vocabulario. Leer: 340-344. Estudiar: Vocabulario 342. Hacer: WB 10-10, 10-11; LM 10-34. Repaso. EXAMEN PARCIAL. El subjuntivo para expresar emoción. QUIZ. Leer: 345-347. Hacer: WB: 10-13, 10-14, 10-15; LM 10-36. 23 26 28 Marzo: 2 5-13 14 16 19 21 23 26 28 30 Abril: 2 4 6-9 11 13 16 18 20 23 25 27 30 Mayo: 2 4 7 11 El subjuntivo con duda y negación. Leer: 348-350. Hacer: WB 10-17, 10-18; LM 10-40. Repaso del subjuntivo. Hacer: LM 10-42, 10-43, 10-44. Literatura. Cultura. Leer: 352-355. Hacer: WB 10-20. Vacaciones de primavera. ¡No hay clase! Literatura. Composición 2 (en clase). Llegar a clase preparado/a a escribir. Así es la vida y vocabulario. Leer: 362-366. Estudiar: Vocabulario: 366. Hacer: WB 11-1, 11-2; LM 11-31, 11-32. El subjuntivo con expresiones impersonales. QUIZ. Leer: 367-370. Estudiar: Expresiones impersonales 367. Hacer: WB 11-6, 11-8, 11-9; LM 11-33, 11-35. “El empleo y las relaciones personales,” Así es la vida y vocabulario. Leer: 371375. Hacer: WB 11-10, 11-11; LM 11-36. Mandatos formales (Ud. y uds.) y el subjuntivo con conjunciones. Leer: 376-379. Estudiar: Mandatos y conjunciones que siempre requieren el subjuntivo. Hacer: 11-13, 11-16; LM 11-39 El subjuntivo con conjunciones. QUIZ. Leer: 379-384. Estudiar: Conjunciones y el subjuntivo 379. 380. Hacer: 11-17, 11-18, 11-19, 11-20; LM 11-42. Literatura. Repaso. EXAMEN PARCIAL. Cultura. Leer: 386-389. Hacer: WB 11-22. Vacaciones para la Pascua. ¡No hay clase! Literatura. Así es la vida y vocabulario. Leer: 398-402. Estudiar: Vocabulario 399. Hacer: WB 12-1, 12-2, 12-3; LM 11-38. El participio pasado, el presente perfecto y “acabar de” + infinitivo. Leer: 403408. Hacer: WB 12-6, 12-8, 12-9; LM 12-40. El futuro (y la probabilidad). QUIZ. Leer: 409-413. Hacer: WB 12-10, 12-11, 12-14. “La tecnología y el idioma,” Así es la vida y vocabulario. Leer: 414-418. Estudiar: Vocabulario 416. Hacer: WB 12-15, 12-17, 12-18; LM 12-47. El condicional. Leer 419-421. Estudiar: Las conjugaciones del condicional. Hacer: WB 12-19, 12-20; LM 12-51. Literatura. Taller de escritura para composición 3. Mandatos “tú.” Leer 422-424. Estudiar: La formación de los mandatos (tú y ud.) Hacer: WB 12-24, 12-25, 12-26. Cultura. Leer 426-429. Hacer: WB 12-27. Literatura. Repaso final. Hacer: LM 12-54, 12-55, 12-56. Examen final: 11:30 am – 2:00 pm