primes adversary

6. Number of years in the business
6 - 10
7. Annual average (past 3 years) revenue
$5.1 - $12M
8. Current number of full time employees
21 - 50
9. Please select the categories that the small business falls into
Small Business
Small Disadvantaged Business
10. Rank in order the top three (3) categories where the small business currently provides products &
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
Air Force
Marine Corps
Department of Homeland Security
Coast Guard
Intelligence Agencies
If other(DARPA, SOCOM, DTRA, DLA), please specify: DISA)
11. Describe the nature of your business
Professional Services/Consulting
Information Technology
Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict
Systems Engineering
12. Specifically identify the month and year of the project start and completion date. Use "ongoing" if
the project is still in progress. The project should be within the last 24 months.
PROJECT: September 2008 - ongoing PRODUCT 2: April 2010 - ongoing
13. Describe how this project's success directly or indirectly supports the warfighter. (200 words or less)
COMPANY Associates work with CUSTOMER as support for the technical leads designing,
testing and integrating systems to support the warfighter in theater both tactically and logistically
to avoid IED detonation. PRODUCT is essential to combat the current adversary’s prime weapon
of choice, radio controlled IEDs. Supplementary to the PRODUCT is the PRODUCT 2, a testing
package used to check active and reactive statuses. COMPANY’S accelerated acquisitions
capability consistently lowers the mortality rate by reviewing the configurations of the
PRODUCT S systems to meet the evolving technology spectrum by counteracting or disrupting
all different devices. In Q4 2010, DoD wide common and open architecture for all variants were
approved. The PRODUCT approach includes three distinct capabilities developed to utilize
common component, software and hardware solutions for an open, flexible and compatible
system design approach that is modular, interoperable and affordable to upgrade. These
capabilities are: mobile dismounted operations (e.g. manpack), mobile ground transport and
combat systems (e.g. mounted) and semi-permanent geographical area (e.g. fixed) devices. All
capabilities have coalition sharing capabilities. The PRODUCT is and continues to be employed
throughout the future operating environment, supporting U.S. forces dominance over the
electromagnetic spectrum.
14. Describe the need the project fulfills/why the project was started. (200 words or less)
The IED has been the leading cause of troop casualties in Operations Iraqi Freedom, New Dawn
and Enduring Freedom (OIF/OND/OEF). PRODUCT operations aid the warfighter in theater
with capabilities to counter Radio-controlled Improvised Explosive Device (RCIED) through the
use of PRODUCT 2 and RCIED Jammers. The PRODUCT 2 was identified as essential in
supporting the operational level testing of the PRODUCT systems currently fielded in OND and
OEF. The PRODUCT 2 was developed to address the requirement which originated from the
request from OIF in March 2006, through Joint Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Defeat
Organization (JIEDDO), for a test set that could be used by PRODUCT operators to test for
proper output and function of PRODUCT systems. This was re-iterated by a United States
Central Command (USCENTCOM) Joint Urgent Operational Needs Statement (JUONS). The
subsequent USCENTCOM JUONS established a specific requirement for rapid acquisition and
theater deployment of a PRODUCT test capability. The PRODUCT 2 program has been
established in response to the JUONS and purposefully designed to provide a long-term solution
to the requirement.
15. Describe the approach and solution to the project need. Do not provide any information that may be
considered intellectual property. Feel free to provide pictures/graphics if they assist in describing the
story. These may be submitted via email to Rebecca Danahy at Do not provide any
marketing material. (500 words or less)
In support of the PRODUCT acquiring, developing and integrating capabilities to meet mission
requirements, COMPANY provides systems engineering and acquisitions support focused on
delivering decision quality information, as well as a variety of programmatic and budgetary
support services. With continual evolution of PRODUCT from Milestone C to Low Rate Initial
Production and fielding, integration and interoperability between various DoD systems is critical.
COMPANY has excelled in the development of statutory, regulatory, and PM required technical
documentation (including the Information Support Plan, Systems Engineering Plan, Physical
Interface Control Document, and Net Enabled Interface Control Document). Company supported
management activities, based upon PRODUCT, DoN, other Service, Joint and DoD guidance
that include analysis of enterprise architecture, configuration management, requirements
traceability and quality assurance. The Project 3.3 SoS approach includes four variants: (i.e.
dismounted, mounted, riverine and fixed site) with similar core technologies and applications.
The overall Modular Open System Architecture, flexible design and Open Business Architecture
ensure the ability to upgrade the product baseline for performances, affordability, availability and
reliability. The system incorporates modularity and improved programmability and life cycle
support, which will not require new or unique communications systems while providing U.S.
Forces complete electromagnetic spectrum superiority. The PRODUCT 2 provides a quick and
effective means to evaluate the performance of active and reactive PRODUCT systems (e.g.
Jammers), using validated test configurations in an easy to use, lightweight, reprogrammable,
battery powered device. It provides the user with “go/no-go” status of conducted tests. If a
failure is detected, the PRODUCT 2 provides specific information related to the failure which
enables Project Specialists, Electronic Warfare Officers (EWO) and maintenance personnel to
quickly isolate the problem and make informed decisions related to the operational capability of
the PRODUCT system under test. The PRODUCT 2 allows a user to test all currently deployed
PRODUCT based on pre-determined threat loads (TL). The PRODUCT 2 also provides
additional diagnostic capabilities for advanced users to test Project systems.
16. Provide quantitative results, if possible, to describe what savings/benefits/value the project provided.
Examples such as $1.2 M in savings, 50% increase in productivity, or 200% improvement in safety, etc.
are appropriate and recommended as long as they can be verified with the customer. (200 words or less)
Company Associate, MR. SMITH designed macro based spreadsheets that allow for quick and
effective merging of all comments on vendor data items. Company looks at comment matrices
for an efficient and time effective analysis. The spreadsheet also has the capacity to pull together
multiple lists to combine and/or separate them for different data analysis operations. As a result,
review consolidation time line was decreased by 50% to remain on time or ahead of schedule
through vendor services.
17. Describe the extent of the project impact. Was it something that provided positive benefits to all
military personnel (e.g. electronic health records)? Was it something that provided success in a very
specific environment (e.g. Navy aircraft improvement)? (50 words or less)
Inter-connectivity of PRODUCT mobile dismounted, mounted and fixed devices enables
analysis review to be relayed for further warfighter protection against IEDs in theater.
COMPANY has provided a 360 view of all technical, functional and logistical areas to ensure
proper operations of the counter RCIED engineered capabilities for all warfighters.