Genes and DNA Assignments (parts and pieces of ch. 10-11) Worksheets and resources available at Assign Assignment 5/3 Concept Check 11.2 5/8 Transcription/Translation Practice 5/10 Concept Check Handout Due Comments 5/3 5/11 Packet of practice fun 5/11 Selected concept checks from 5/15 5/16 5/17 Genetics #1 Genetics #2 Online Activity Ch. 11 5/15 In class exercise from screen 5/16 worksheet 5/17 Activity from 5/21 Genetics #3 Incomplete Dominance 5/21 To Do Today 1. Answer the Daily Question 2. You will be able to use these key terms notes on the test on Thursday. 3. Chapter Review Ch. 10 # 9, 13, 15, 16, 20 Ch. 11 # 9, 13, 16, 22, 24 Daily Questions 5/22 What is the difference between Codominance and Intermediate inheritance? 5/21 What is color blindness? What numbers do you see in the circles? 5/17 Get yesterday’s worksheet from the basket if you turned it in so that we can go over it. 5/16 If B represents the allele for Brown hair, b represents the allele for blonde hair, and if br represents a recessive mutation for red hair: Identify the phenotype for each of the following genotypes: BB Bb bb Bbr bbr brbr 5/15 How many different blood types are there? Do you know what yours is? 5/14 List 5 physical traits inherited from your parents 5/11 List one thing you learned or one question you have from the video clip “True Gene-ious” 5/10 What is the relationship between DNA and physical traits. 5/9 What is a mutation? Are they good, or bad, or both? 5/8 Define the following terms: Replication: Transcription: Translation: 5/7 What is the sequence of DNA that would match up with this strand: ACGCTAGCTAG TGCGATCGATC 5/4 What is the relationship between DNA, genes, and chromosomes? 5/3 What is DNA? What is it made of and what is its purpose? Biology Assignments Chapter 1 and 2 All Assignments in this section are considered too late as of 11/3 Assign 8/29 8/29 8/30 8/31 9/1 9/6 9/7 9/13 9/15 Assignment Getting to Know You Ideal Teacher Worksheet Parent Letter Signature Slip Most Important Rule Safety Investigation Design an Experiment Concept checks 2.1 and 2.2 Concept checks 1.2 and 1.3 Chapter 1 and 2 Reviews Due 8/29 8/29 9/5 8/31 9/6 9/7 9/8 9/14 9/18 Comments Group Lab Group or Individual Ch. 1 #1-16, AI choose 1, CT choose 2 Ch. 2 #1-14, AI choose 1, CT choose 2 Daily Questions 9/18 – What are the two most important topics to study for tomorrow’s test? 9/15 – Choose 3 of the themes of biology and give 2 examples for each one. 9/14 – Identify an example of a local ecosystem 9/13 – What are the three biological domains discussed yesterday. 9/12 – What part of Biology is the most interesting to you and why? 9/11 – What is the difference between an observation and an inference? 9/8 – Define the following terms: evidence hypothesis theory 9/7 – Why does every science class start out the year by talking about the scientific method? 9/6 – What is the scientific method? 9/5 – What are the steps of the Scientific Method? Ecology Assignments Ch. 34, 35, 36 All assignments in this section are considered late as of 11/3 Assigned 9/21 Assignment BTB Lab reports (2) Due 9/27 9/26 Online Activity Notes 10/27 9/26 9/27 9/29 10/2 10/4 10/5 10/9 Test Corrections Concept Check 34.1 Concept Checks 34.3 and 34.4 Biome Presentations Concept Check 35.1 Concept Check 35.2 Populations Video notes 9/29 9/28 10/3 10/10 10/5 10/6 10/12 10/17 Concept Check 35.4 and 35.5 Deer: Predation or Starvation 10/18 10/20 10/17 STS Alaskan Wilderness 10/23 10/19 10/23 10/27 9/20 11/2 11/3 Concept Check 36.1 Ecology Crossword puzzle Ecology Review Packet Daily Questions Ecology Test Introduced species article 10/20 10/25 11/3 11/3 11/3 11/6 Comments Lab report for an experiment on Friday and an experiment on Monday Notes in class from online activities at List the populations mentioned in the video and describe how they interact Packet with 2 activities, one can be done entirely at home. Online Activity at section 35.5 Questions and article are available at Daily Questions 11/1 What are some things that you can do to have a positive impact on our local ecosystem? If you can’t think of any then explain why it’s too late to do any good. 10/31 What does a prey population need to have in an ecosystem to help it survive against its predators? 10/30 How do Biotic and Abiotic factors influence the carrying capacity of an ecosystem. Give 2 examples of each. 10/27 no question 10/26 The world is full of endangered species like Lonesome George. If we believe in survival of the fittest, then why should we devote so much money and time to saving them? 10/25 List 5 ways that humans impact the biosphere. Try to list positive and negative impacts. 10/24 Draw a food web for a typical meal. (no junk food) 10/23 What does Conservation mean to you? 10/19 What is global climate change? Is climate change something that we as humans can do anything about, either to make it better or worse? Explain. After the video answer this question. Has your opinion changed? Why or why not? 10/18 Based on what you have seen about populations would the earth be better off with humans managing wild lands or should we just leave everything alone and worry about ourselves. Why? 10/17 The relationships between populations are classified as symbiotic relationships. Define the term Symbiotic using your text book. How do the examples you came up with in the previous daily question fit this classification? If your examples do not, come up with a new one involving interactions between species. 10/16 Give an example of each of the following relationships: Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism Predation Competition 10/12 List 3 ways humans impact the biosphere. Are humans a positive or a negative influence on the earth? Why? 10/11 Predation is one example of a relationship between populations. Can you find examples of any other relationships in your book? 10/10 If we think of Hanford High School as a community, name 5 different populations that are on campus. 10/9 Describe the relationship between a predator population and a prey population 10/6 Give an example of a density-dependant factor and a density-independent factor related to populations. 10/5 What were 3 things we mentioned in class that would limit the growth of a population? 10/4 What were the three types of distribution that we discussed yesterday? Give an example of each. 10/3 What is the difference between a population and a community? If I want to count the population of sagebrush in a field what would be the best way to do it? 10/2 What is a habitat? What would your ideal habitat be? 9/29 Survey 9/28 List as many different types of ecosystems as you can. 9/27 What environmental factors have the greatest impact on ecosystems? 9/26 What was the cause of the color change in the bad breath lab? 9/25 What comes out of your mouth as you breathe? What else can you test to solve the riddle of the bad breath lab? 9/22 – What do you think about breath now based on yesterdays experiment? What do you think really happened? 9/21 – Who has better breath boys or girls? What evidence do you have to support your position? 9/20 – What does Ecology mean to you? Chemical Basis of Life Assignments Ch. 4 Assigned 11/7 11/9 11/9 11/9 11/9 11/13 Assignment Daily Questions Due Test day 11/13 11/13 11/13 11/13 11/13 Atomic Structure wksht Concept check 4.1 Concept check 4.2 Concept check 4.3 Periodic Table Comments Available online with this assignment list at Three quizzes, only the best score counts. Daily Questions 11/16 Explain the difference between and acid and a base. What is pH? 11/15 What are the properties of water that make it such a useful chemical compound? 11/14 Substitute 11/13 What is the difference between an acid and a base? 11/9 Explain the difference between Ionic and Covalent bonds. 11/8 How many protons, neutrons and electrons are in the following atoms? What are their chemical symbols? Neon Oxygen Carbon Iron Antimony 11/7 Define the following terms: Element Compound Atom Molecule Isotope The Molecules of Life Assignments Ch. 5 Assign 11/28 11/29 12/1 12/4 12/5 12/7 12/8 12/12 12/12 12/13 12/13 12/19 Assignment Concept Check 5.1 (Webquest packet 5th) Assignment Discovery video – Matter (Webquest packet 2nd) Concept Check 5.2 Carbohydrate Lab part 1 Concept check 5.3 WOC Proteins Create a word puzzle word search or crossword puzzle Carbohydrate Lab part II Carbohydrate Lab report Design a Lab - carbohydrates Research Day Forms Due 12/1 11/29 12/20 12/5 12/11 12/11 12/18 Comments Molecule building Use 20 minimum use definitions as clues 12/20 12/20 12/20 12/19 Daily Questions 1/10 What is the difference between Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic? Give an example of each. 1/9 What is the difference between Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins? 1/8 Computer Lab 1/4 What are Enzymes? What role do they play in the body? 1/3 What do proteins do in the body? What are they made of? What are their functional groups? 1/2 List the 3 categories of lipids and give an example of each. 12/14 What are the steps for conducting a Benedict’s test for monosaccharides? (2-2-2 test) 12/13 During a lab, when can you take off your goggles. List three safety rules related to using a Bunsen burner. 12/12 What is the role of cholesterol in steroid production? What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats? 12/11 What are proteins, and why are they important? 12/8 What are 3 examples of Lipids? 12/7 What functional group is found on all carbohydrates? On all lipids? 12/6 What is the difference between a simple formula and a structural formula 12/4 What are the three categories of carbohydrates / saccharides 11/30 Define Hydrolysis, Dehydration Synthesis. 11/29 Draw and label the 4 functional groups for the essential biomolecules in section 5.1 11/28 Define: Organic, Inorganic, Monomer, Polymer 11/27 What are the three categories of essential biomolecules The Molecules of Life Assignments Ch. 5 Assign 11/28 11/29 12/1 12/4 12/5 12/7 12/8 12/12 12/12 12/13 12/13 12/19 Assignment Concept Check 5.1 (Webquest packet 5th) Assignment Discovery video – Matter (Webquest packet 2nd) Concept Check 5.2 Carbohydrate Lab part 1 Concept check 5.3 WOC Proteins Create a word puzzle word search or crossword puzzle Carbohydrate Lab part II Carbohydrate Lab report Design a Lab - carbohydrates Research Day Forms Due 12/1 11/29 12/20 12/5 12/11 12/11 12/18 Comments Molecule building Use 20 minimum use definitions as clues 12/20 12/20 12/20 12/19 Daily Questions 1/10 What is the difference between Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic? Give an example of each. 1/9 What is the difference between Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins? 1/8 Computer Lab 1/4 What are Enzymes? What role do they play in the body? 1/3 What do proteins do in the body? What are they made of? What are their functional groups? 1/2 List the 3 categories of lipids and give an example of each. 12/14 What are the steps for conducting a Benedict’s test for monosaccharides? (2-2-2 test) 12/13 During a lab, when can you take off your goggles. List three safety rules related to using a Bunsen burner. 12/12 What is the role of cholesterol in steroid production? What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats? 12/11 What are proteins, and why are they important? 12/8 What are 3 examples of Lipids? 12/7 What functional group is found on all carbohydrates? On all lipids? 12/6 What is the difference between a simple formula and a structural formula 12/4 What are the three categories of carbohydrates / saccharides 11/30 Define Hydrolysis, Dehydration Synthesis. 11/29 Draw and label the 4 functional groups for the essential biomolecules in section 5.1 11/28 Define: Organic, Inorganic, Monomer, Polymer 11/27 What are the three categories of essential biomolecules Chapter 6 Assignments Worksheets and resources available at Assign Assignment Due Comments 1/24 Ch. 6 Webquest 1/31 1/25 Video notes AD-Cells 1/25 1/26 Online Activity Notes 6.1 1/26 1/30 Concept Check 6.1 1/30 1/31 Concept Check 6.2 1/31 2/2 Concept Check 6.3 2/5 2/5 Cell Diagrams Draw and label a plant and animal 2/7 cell. 2/7 Video Notes – Organelles 2/7 2/7 Crossword puzzle 2/9 2/8 3-D Cell Models Shared in class 20th or 21st Details on 2/20 my website. Concept Check 6.4 2/12 Concept Check 6.5/6.6 2/12 2/13 Cell Vocabulary Quiz 2/13 2/14 Cell Observations 2/15 2/15 Microscope Packet 2/20 2/20 Cell Model Evaluations 2/21 2/22 Cell City Analogy 2/26 2/22 Chapter 6 Review 2/28 2/26 Diffusion Lab Procedures 2/27 2/28 “Get the Point” Online activity at the end of activity 2/28 6.6 2/28 Diffusion Lab report 3/2 Daily Questions 3/5 What are the most important things to study for the cell test tomorrow? 3/2 In the diffusion labs that we did, list the substances that were able to move? 2/26 Describe the cell membrane structure and function. Use the words phospholipid and permeable in your description. 2/23 Define Osmosis, Diffusion, and Facilitated Diffusion Give an example of each. 2/22 What are the 3 points of cell theory? 2/21 The end of the cells, set up your models and take out your sheet from yesterday. 2/20 Set up your cell model on a lab table. If you did not bring your cell model today, be sure to bring it in tomorrow. 2/15 No Daily Question Work on the Microscope Packet. 2/14 What do we need to remember to safely handle a microscope? 2/13 Vocabulary Quiz Today 2/12 In a beaker there is a balloon of sugar water in a beaker of distilled water. Describe what is happening in this system using some of the key terms from this chapter. 2/8 Describe the path a protein would follow from the ribosome until the time it exits the cell. 2/7 What is the difference between Smooth ER, Rough ER, and the Golgi Apparatus. 2/6 What is the most important part of the cell? Why? 2/2 Define the following terms Diffusion Active transport Hypotonic Osmosis Hypertonic 2/1 Describe or draw the structure of a plasma membrane. 1/31 What processes are used to move substances across the cell membrane? 1/30 What is the job of the cell membrane? 1/29 List as many parts of the cell as you can remember. 1/26 What is tissue engineering? Give your opinion after seeing the video yesterday. 1/25 No Daily Question Guest Teacher 1/24 No Daily Question – Computer Lab Chapter 7, 8 Assignments Worksheets and resources available at Assign Assignment Due Comments 3/7 KWL Chart Photosynthesis and Cellular 3/7 Respiration Turn in you individual list and answers to other groups Q’s 3/13 Concept Check 7.1, 7.2 3/13 3/14-15 Crossword/Vocabulary Match In class assignment 3/15 3/19-20 Computer Lab Waterweed (Elodea) Computer lab simulation. Details at 3/29 simulation and Webquest ogy Also complete webquests for 7 and 8. We will be back in the computer lab on Friday 3/30 3/21 Procedures for Elodea Lab 3/21 3/22 Super Grow packet 3/22 3/23 Elodea lab report 3/26 3/26 C.R. and Photo. notes 3/27 Selections from chapter reviews Ch. 7 16 – 18 3/27 Ch. 8 15, 17 3/28 Complete KWL chart Fill in the L 3/28 3/28 Comparisons 3/28 3/29 Photosynthesis/Respiration test 3/29 Daily Questions 3/28 What is the role of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in living organisms? 3/27 What are the parts of Cellular Respiration? What are the parts of Photosynthesis? 3/26 Write the equations for Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration. Where in the cell does each process occur? 3/23 How could we improve the waterweed simulation to get more consistent results? 3/22 guest teacher no DQ 3/21 Describe the energy transfers from the Sun to the fish in the Pond Ecosystem shown. In your description, be sure to: Identify the forms of energy as well as the where the transfers and transformations happen. 3/19-20 Computer Lab 3/14 Give an example of kinetic and potential energy in plants and in animals. 3/13 How many different types of energy can you think of? 3/12 How does energy from the sun power animal cells? 3/7 List 3 differences between photosynthesis and cellular respiration Chapter 9 Assignments Worksheets and resources available at Assign Assignment Due Comments 4/11 Mitosis phase description Assigned to 2nd period on 4/11 and 5th 4/17 on 4/13. Describe each phase and draw and label a diagram. 4/13 Cell Counts Lab 4/18 4/19 Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis Make a compare/contrast chart based 4/20 on the in class video and text material 4/23 Mitosis notes/crossword 4/27 4/24 Section Review 9.5 4/25 4/25 Chapter Review selections 16, 17, 20, 22, 23 4/30 4/26 Study Guide 4/27 5/1 Test 5/1 Daily Questions 5/2 Are your daily questions and other assignments turned in yet? 5/1 No Daily Question - Test 4/30 What is cancer, what are the three major treatments? 4/27 Describe Meiosis 4/26 Explain how meiosis leads to variations in organisms that reproduce sexually. 4/25 List 4 situations where your body uses mitosis. 4/24 What are the stages of meiosis? How are they like mitosis? 4/23 Define the following terms Benign, Malignant, and Metastasis. 4/19-20 What is Meiosis and how is it different from Mitosis 4/17-18 What cells in the human body go through mitosis? Which cells do not? Why? 4/16 Which of the 5 stages of the cell cycle (I-PMAT) is a cell in for the shortest time? For the longest time? 4/13 List the stages of Mitosis 4/12 Since meiosis leads to random shuffling of genetic traits which provides the opportunity for organisms to evolve, How do you think humans will have evolved in 10,000 years? 4/10 How do bacteria reproduce? Describe the process as well as you can. 4/9 Describe photosynthesis and cellular respiration.