History of the Jewish Temple

Revelation: Unlocking the Future
Lesson #14
Text: Revelation 11
Tonight we are entering into strange territory—many things will happen but to be 100% sure of how to interpret
what we read is impossible. But we are giving it a go….
11:1-2 Then I was given a measuring stick, and I was told, “Go and measure the Temple of God
and the altar, and count the number of worshipers. 2 But do not measure the outer courtyard,
for it has been turned over to the nations. They will trample the holy city for 42 months
What was John given in the beginning of this chapter? A measuring stick.
What was he asked to do? Go and measure the Temple of God and the altar, and count the number of
What does this mean? First we must realize that what John is asked to do is a symbolic act. In the days of
Ezekiel a similar act was performed in the measuring of the Temple (Ezekiel 40-42).
This symbolic prophecy refers to the Jews living in Jerusalem in the Last Days.
History of the Jewish Temple
King David desired to build a temple for God, but because he had been a warrior God would not use him for this
purpose. King David raised money and materials that would later be used by his son King Solomon to build a
The Temple was built in Jerusalem (950 BC) under God’s command because Jerusalem was to be the city where
He would place His name and where His people would come to worship. In the years Israel obeyed God the
Temple was filled with God’s glory, but when Israel turned away from God prophets warned of danger but Israel
would not repent! The Temple was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC.
70 years later a decree was given for the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple. This new Temple served Israel
until it was desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanes, a Syrian ruler. About 40 years before Jesus was born, Herod the
great had the Temple destroyed and rebuilt. The Temple then became known as Herod’s temple.
In Matthew 24:2, Jesus said that the Temple “will be so completely demolished that not one stone will
be left on top of another!” This prophecy was fulfilled during the time of Titus a Roman general who laid
siege on Jerusalem. (70 AD) He gave orders that the Temple NOT be destroyed but the Jews burned it rather
than have it fall into pagan hands! Jesus prophecy was fulfilled exactly for today the site of the Jewish Temple is
occupied by Muslims who built their Temple, the Dome of the Rock.
So, what Temple is John asked to measure? Scripture tells us that in the Last Days, the Antichrist will desecrate
the Temple. For this to happen the Temple must be rebuilt!
It has been nearly 2000 years since a Jewish temple has stood on Mt Moriah. There is presently a Temple
Institute in Jerusalem that is dedicated to reconstructing the instruments of worship for the new Temple. Many
people have set up funds for the reconstruction of the temple—millions of dollars! But there is a problem—the
Islamic Temple stands on the site and as long as it is there it is unlikely the new temple will be built there.
We do know that a new temple will be built—how or when is only a guess. The Muslims will never willingly give
up the spot! The only reasonable options will be that the Muslim temple will be destroyed by natural disaster,
warfare, or terrorism.
John is told to take a measuring stick and measure the Temple. This is symbolizes divine protection for the
sanctuary despite the Gentile invasion of Jerusalem—this would include the Muslims who will try to get their
spot back!
In verse 2, John is told NOT to measure the outer courtyard—why? The Gentile nations will occupy
Jerusalem at this time.
How long will this occupation last? 42 months or 3 ½ years or 1260 days
If there is no measurement what does this mean for the Gentiles? There will be no divine protection!
11:3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will be clothed in sackcloth and will
prophesy during those 1,260 days.
God grants power to whom? Two witnesses
How long will they prophesy in Jerusalem? 42 months or 3 ½ years or 1260 days
Who are the two witnesses? Their identity is never revealed.
Two possibilities:
1. Enoch & Elijah – Both of this men had been taken to heaven without dying. The Bible says that it is
appointed unto man once to die. Neither of these men have died yet!
2. Moses & Elijah – Some of the witnesses abilities are similar to abilities Moses and Elijah possessed in
their earthly ministries. They also appeared with Jesus at His transfiguration.
11:4 These two prophets are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the
Lord of all the earth.
How does John describe the two witnesses? Two olive trees & two lampstands
In Zechariah 4:11-14 we read this prophecy: Then I asked the angel, “What are these two olive trees on
each side of the lampstand, 12 and what are the two olive branches that pour out golden oil
through two gold tubes?”13 “Don’t you know?” he asked. “No, my lord,” I replied. 14 Then he said
to me, “They represent the two anointed ones who assist the Lord of all the earth.”
John has just backed up Zechariah’s prophecy—the two witnesses stand before the Lord doing His great work
despite all opposition!
11:5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire flashes from the mouths of the prophets and consumes
their enemies. This is how anyone who tries to harm them must die.
What will happen to anyone who messes with these two witnesses? Fire from the prophets mouths
will consume them and they will die.
The two witnesses are divinely protected and no one will be able to harm them. They will be given the
supernatural ability to fry attackers with flames from their mouths! Sounds like a scene from X-men! Fire is
always symbolic of God’s judgment!
11:6 They have power to shut the skies so that no rain will fall for as long as they prophesy.
And they have the power to turn the rivers and oceans into blood, and to send every kind of
plague upon the earth as often as they wish.
What other powers do they possess? Power to stop the rain, power to turn water to blood, and power to
send plagues.
These powers are the same powers that God granted Elijah and Moses during their earthly ministry. Elijah shut
up the skies in 1 Kings 7:1-7. Moses used the other two powers when freeing the Israelites from Egypt. (Exodus 711)
There will be no rain on the earth for 3 ½ years while these two are prophesying! With the devastation already
caused by the seals and the trumpets, the additional horror of drought and no drinkable water would bring great
suffering to those on earth. This would be their very last hope! They must believe the message of the two
prophets. After the two witnesses stop preaching there will be no more---ever!
11:7 When they complete their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the bottomless pit will
declare war against them. He will conquer them and kill them.
What happens to the two witnesses after they finish their 3 ½ year work? The beast(antichrist) will
kill them.
At the end of 42 months, God will remove the supernatural protection and allow the Antichrist to kill them.
How is the Antichrist described? The beast that comes up out of the bottomless pit
This description is symbolism to describe the satanic and demonic nature of the Antichrist.
11:8 And their bodies will lie in the main street of Jerusalem, the city which is called “Sodom”
and “Egypt,” the city where their Lord was crucified
The fact that the bodies will be left to lie in the streets shows how corrupt and inhuman people have become by
this time.
Who is Jerusalem compared to? Sodom & Egypt
Why? Sodom was a symbol of rampant immorality. Egypt was a symbol of materialism and worldliness.
11:9-10 And for three and a half days, all peoples, tribes, languages, and nations will come to
stare at their bodies. No one will be allowed to bury them. 10 All the people who belong to this
world will give presents to each other to celebrate the death of the two prophets who had
tormented them.
How can the entire world see the prophets dead in the street? TV! Live from Jerusalem it’s Katie
Couric and Geraldo! Satellite communications will broadcast this scene worldwide in seconds! For three and a
half days CNN will be doing stories about the two witnesses.
CNN: Pardon me ma’am
Woman: Yes?
CNN: Did you see the two crazy preachers when they were still alive?
Woman: Yes…(begin to cry) My son was a freedom fighter for the Euronations and he was asked to snipe the
two madmen from that building right over there.
CNN: What happened?
Woman: Those two maniacs looked right up at my son after he fired a shot and flames shot from their mouths
and incinerated my little Johnny!
(Add other stories)
The fact that TV can be broadcast worldwide within seconds is further proof that we are coming closer to the end
of the age.
What is significant about the fact that they will not be allowed to be buried? The refusal to allow
their bodies to be placed in a tomb was the greatest dishonor possible. This shows an utter hatred the people of
earth will have for these two men.
Not only do they hate these two men but they do something else after they are killed—what? They
Ding Dong the witch is dead! The godless inhabitants of earth will turn the day of their death into a worldwide
Christmas-like holiday!
Why would they celebrate? They had heard the truth. They didn’t like it. They would not heed it or obey it so
they suffered greatly with death, starvation, etc. In their darkened minds the death of the preachers meant
freedom! Don’t we see the same thing? People seem to love it when a man of God messes up or faces hardship.
11:11-12 But after three and a half days, the spirit of life from God entered them, and they
stood up! And terror struck all who were staring at them. 12 Then a loud voice shouted from
heaven, “Come up here!” And they rose to heaven in a cloud as their enemies watched.
I love this verse! Just like movies where the underdog wins the game or the girl, this story ends with a big “Up
3 ½ days CNN has been covering the death of the two prophets. The coverage is starting to slow down—other
newsworthy things have happened. The CNN man on the street decides to conclude the day with one more story.
He positions himself where the bodies of the two preachers can be seen in the background while he interviews
another citizen.
CNN: Can you see them in the background? Make sure they stay in the shot. This makes for good TV. Alright I
am ready.
Camera man: 3 2 1 you’re on!
CNN: Welcome to the beginning of day 4 –Celebration in Jerusalem. Behind me you can still see the bodies of
the two deranged prophets of the so-called God—dead. They tormented Israel for 3 ½ years and now justly they
lie dead in the street. Our great leader vanquished them where they stood—their powers no match for his
awesome power—Hail our Messiah.
The camera man suddenly lifts his head from the viewfinder and his eyes are huge with fright and wonder! The
CNN reporter shrugs his shoulders as if to say what are you doing? The reporter timidly turns to see what has
frightened the camera man so drastically. And when he turns his head he is astonished!! A bright light
surrounded the two prophets and they began to move—their fingers twitched, and their eyes began to open and
flutter, Elijah takes a deep groaning breath and stands to his feet—Moses follows. As they stand their gaze turns
toward the sky and a loud voice says, “Come up here!” and they begin to rise from the ground into the sky!
This will be a frightening scene for the people of earth when their favorite TV show is interrupted with the
resurrection and ascension of the hated two witnesses! The moral climate of earth at this time will be the worse it
has ever been---people love the Antichrist and his free standards for society! They rebel against God and any
suggestion of morality.
My favorite line in that verse? As their enemies watched!!
11:13 And in the same hour there was a terrible earthquake that destroyed a tenth of the city.
Seven thousand people died in that earthquake. And everyone who did not die was terrified
and gave glory to the God of heaven.
What happened as soon as the two witnesses ascended into Heaven? A great earthquake.
What destruction did this earthquake cause? 1/10 of the city was destroyed, 7000 people died.
How did the survivors react? They gave glory to God!
What does this mean?
1. That they were saved.
2. That they recognized that God was in control and gave Him credit for the disaster.
3. Both
11:14 The second terror is past, but look, now the third terror is coming quickly.
Let’s review:
The first terror –The 5th trumpet (9:1-12)
The second terror – The 6th trumpet (9:13-11:14)
The third terror – The 7th trumpet is coming!
Basically , John is reminding the readers that all of the demonic invasions, warfare, famine, drought, etc was the
second terror—worse is yet to come!
Next week we will look at the blowing of the 7th trumpet!!!