BIOLOGY Fortune Fish Lab Report

6. Data: (30 points) CHART FORM *must include all data
Record ALL Observations:
Title _____________________________________________________
Fish Response
Names: ________________________________________Date _______
1. Problem: (5 points)
Is there a scientific basis to the Fortune Telling Fish — or can it really tell your
2. Purpose: (5 points)
Using fortune telling fish we will review the scientific method and make
scientific inquiries about how they work and why.
3. Hypothesis (10 points)
Part 1 Read the back of the fish wrapper of the different types of personalities
the fish can predict that you have. Make a prediction of what personality you
will have once you are allowed to touch the fish. Why did you predict this
Observe fish
on desk
Fish in student
#1 hand
Fish in student
#2 hand
Fish in student
#3 hand
7. Results: (20 points)
Explain or Graph your results AND write in your own words what happened
during the experiment and why.
Answer this question: (Why the fish responds the way it does?)
Part 2 Discuss the reason for the fish’s movements in your group and form at
least two hypotheses to account for the fish’s behavior. In science, it must be a
TESTABLE hypothesis. This means that we should be able to design an
experiment to see whether or not our hypothesis is valid.
4. Materials: (5 points)
Fortune Teller Fish
5. Procedures: (10 points)*must be in numbered order
1. Divide students into groups of 2–3 students each.
Place the Fortune Teller Fish on the desk and make observations.
2. Place the Fortune Teller Fish in the palm of Student #1 hand.
3. Instruct students to make observations as it sits in their palm and
determine what personality that person has.
4. Repeat step #3 for Student #2 and #3. Ask yourself, “Does it respond the
same way or differently?”
5. Allow students to experiment with the fish and brainstorm ideas of how the
fish works.
7. Student groups should hypothesize why the fish responds as it does.
8. Inform students to design an experiment to test their ypothesis in their
8. Conclusion: (15 points) (Design an experiment to test your hypothesis)
Prefixes and Suffixes
Characteristics of Living Things
1. a-without
2. ab- away from, not
3. ad- near, toward
4. aero- air
5. af- near, toward
6. alb- white
7. amphi- both
8. an- without
9. anti- against
10. aqua- water
11. archae- ancient
12. arthr-joint
13. ase- enzyme
14. auto- self
15. bacterio- bacteria
16. bi- two
17. bio-life
18. blast- that which will
19. brachi- arm
20. card- heart
21. carn- flesh
22. cephalo- head
23. chloro- green
24. chondr- cartilage
25. chromo- color
26. cide- act of killing
27. coel- cavity
28. com- with
29. con- with
30. cyst- capsule
31. cyto(e)- cell
32. decid- to cut off
33. dendr- tree
34. dent- tooth
35. derm- skin
36. di- two
37. dis- ill,bad
38. dont- tooth
39. dys- ill,bad
40. echino- spiny
41. eco- household
42. ecto- outer
43. ectomy- removal
44. emir- blood
45. en- inner
46. endo- inner
47. enter- intestine
48. epi- on, at, beside
49. erythro- red
50. eu- true
51. ex-cut
52. fer- bearer
53. gamete(o)- egg, sperm
54. gastro- stomach
55. gen- producing
56. gymno- naked
57. hemo- blood
58. herb- non-woodv plant
59. hepato- liver
60. hetero- other
61. homeo- same
62. homo- same
63. hydro- water
64. hyper- above, excessive
65. hypo- below, not
66. ia- disease
67. iac- pertaining to
68. iasis- disease
69. ic- pertaining to
70. ichthys- fish
71. inter- between
72. intra- within
73. iso- same
74. itis- inflammation of
75. karyo-nucleus of cell
76. kin- motion
77. lac- milk
78. leuco, leuko- white
79. logy- study of
80. lysis- dissolving
81. macro- large
82. mal- bad
83. mega- very large
84. meso- middle
85. meta- beyond, after
86. meter- measure
87. micro- small
88. mito- thread
89. mono- one
90. morpho- shape, form
91. multi- many
92. myo- muscle
93. nema- thread
94. neph- kidney
95. neuro- nerve
96. nucleus- center
97. oma- tumor, swelling
98. omni- all
99. ophth- eye
100. orni- bird
101. ortho- straight
102. osis- act, condition
103. osteo- bone
104. oto- ear
105. oo- egg
106. ous- full of
107. ovi- egg
108. para- beside
109. parous- bearing, forming
110. patho- disease
111. ped- foot
112. peri- around
113. phage(o)- eating
114. pheno- to show
115. phobia- fear
116. photo- light
117. phyll- leaf
118. phyto(e)- plant
119. pino- to drink
120. plasma- form
121. plast- particle
122. pod- foot
123. poly- many
124. post- after, behind
125. proto- first, earliest
126. pseudo- false
127. pter- wing
128. pulmo- lung
129. renal- kidney
130. rhea- discharge
131. rhino- nose
132. sal- salt
133. sclero- hard
134. scope- tube
135. sect- to cut
136. skeleton- skeleton
137. soma(e)- body
138. sperm- seed
139. spore- seed
140. stom- mouth
141. sym- binding together
142. syn- binding together
143. therm- heat
144. thesis- placing or putting
145. toxin- poison
146. trop- turn
147. troph- nourishment
148. viv- living
149. vore- to devour
150. xeros- dry
151. zoo- animal
152. zyg- united