533565473 ECE Senior Design Project Submission Form Please type in your responses directly on this form. Rename this file using the following naming convention: ECE156-LastName_FirstName-PF_Proj0n.doc, and email to the course Gmail account, 200x.spring.ece156@gmail.com . Always use the same file name as the subject line of the email, replace “x” with the current year, and replace “Proj0n” with “Proj01”, “proj02”, etc. 1. Project title: 2. Name(s) and email addresses of participating student(s): 3. Date of submission: 4. Faculty or external sponsor / mentor (if applicable) – full contact information: 5. Purpose of Project – State exactly what your project should do (e.g., “sound a loud alarm if the time between successive breaths of the sleeping patient is more than 6 seconds, but must be immune to reasonable movement and other measurement artifacts to avoid unnecessary false alarms.”). This is not the section in which to discuss other related devices or systems UNLESS the main goal of your system is to improve on them. ( 1 paragraph max): 6. Quantitative Goals of Project – For example, if your system measures something, state the minimum detectable concentration, min detectable signal level, maximum false positive rate, min levels of interfering signals/substances that it must deal with, minimum acceptable measurement accuracy, time required to perform the action, etc. If your system produces mechanical output, state the minimum acceptable force, torque, time, displacement, etc. (1 paragraph max per goal): 7. Summarize similar existing devices, commercially or otherwise available. Be precise in pointing out any differences between what your device will do, and what these other devices already do. SD projects almost always have more limited functionality compared to similar commercially available systems. This is perfectly acceptable and expected, but you must demonstrate in this section that you have an excellent knowledge of the field. Give a precise URL for each related device you mention. (1 paragraph max): 8. Summarize the exact technical approach and/or theory of operation you are proposing to use. p. 1 of 6 533565473 ( 4 paragraphs max. Don’t waste space on basic information / definitions that the readers of this document (i.e., the instructors) almost certainly already know. However, nor should you try to use advanced sounding jargon and buzz words in an attempt to impress us unless you know exactly what they mean. We will immediately disallow any project proposals in which the author is obviously beyond their technical depth.): 9. If the physical principles behind the operation some critical components or sub-systems would not be obvious to a classmate, please summarize ( 1 paragraph max for each): 10. If similar devices exist, contrast your technical approach / theory of operation to that used by existing devices ( 1 paragraph max): 11. Describe *all* of the inputs and outputs of your device / system. Be sure to include everything that your system needs to measure, all user inputs, all non-electrical inputs and outputs (e.g., mechanical forces, torques, displacements & rotations, acoustic and optical inputs and outputs, exact composition of acceptable samples, fluid flows, etc.). In this section, do not describe anything internal to your system, only what goes in and out of it. (Please format as a bulleted list): 12. List the major modules of all types (e.g., electrical, software, hydraulic, pneumatic, optical, mechanical, chemical, etc.). For each, describe the inputs it receives, the outputs it generates, and the function it performs, and whether you will design and construct it, or you will purchase it or obtain it by some other means (e.g., loan). Give an approximate cost for all modules that you intend to purchase. There is no limitation on the number of modules given, but the description of each should occupy no more than 1 paragraph. Make sure your intellectual contribution (i.e., exactly which modules, HW and SW, you intend to design and make) is immediately clear. 13. Describe the major technical hurdles that you anticipate in this project. Which do you expect to be the most difficult parts of the project and why? You can discuss issues arising from a lack of suitable training in this section, but we are more interested in reading about technical, not training hurdles. Example: “the minimum detectable signal level successfully received should be above 1 uV. (1 paragraph max per hurdle): 14. List any resources not available in the ECE teaching labs needed to complete your project. Describe each, if not obvious. Examples include unusual fabrication or testing equipment, access to other student projects such as the mini-Baja car, chemicals, clean room facilities, large outdoor areas needed for tests, etc.: 15. Does the project have any research components (use the definition on the ECESD website)? If so, describe (1 paragraph max): p. 2 of 6 533565473 16. Your Intellectual Contribution – Be especially concise and precise in stating this. Example: “I intend to purchase a commercial dielectric rod antenna and use circuits from the literature for the design of the microwave front end, but will integrate these COTS components with an envelope detector and audio stages that I will design and build. I will design, build and write all the software for the microcontroller that controls the system and provides the user interface.” (1 paragraph max): 17. If the project is a team project, describe the proposed division of responsibilities. Is each sub-project sufficiently complicated to stand alone as a separate senior design project? Describe exactly how you intend to accommodate the unexpected departure of a team-mate. 18. Provide a list of the most important *QUANTITATIVE* things that the system must do in order for it to be considered a success. Each entry must be numerically measurable. Examples include: “detect aircraft up to 1 mile away and 1 mile high”, “distinguish between ten words spoken by one person”, etc. Do NOT attempt to list the things the system doesn’t have to do, don’t list the technical means it will use to accomplish its tasks, and don’t list any qualitative requirements. (Please format as a bulleted list): 19. What equipment is needed to test that each of the quantitative requirements listed in #18 have indeed been met. For example, if your system promises to detect aircraft a mile away, exactly how would you test that this requirement (i.e., promise) has been met? Rent a plane and fly it around? Is this feasible? 20. If the project is suggested and/or sponsored by a commercial entity or faculty member: a) Might the above requirements change over time? b) What funding, critical equipment and materials will the sponsor make available to you? c) Does the sponsor “need results” earlier than a month before you are expected to graduate? 21. Senior Projects must be neither too difficult nor too easy. This can be difficult to judge, but is probably the single most important constraint on senior project selection. To help you in this area, we have attached a table of various academic disciplines, technical skills and specific devices / techniques that are often needed in SD projects. Please indicate the approximate level of each skill needed to complete your project. Acceptable responses are HS (high school), Tech (technical school or technician training), UGlower (freshman & sophomore courses), UG-upper, Grad School, or Post-Grad. If the skill corresponds directly to a GWU ECE courses, just list the course number. For other courses, the course level you indicate should correspond to the course number. For example, if your project relies on testing techniques from Psych 1, that would be listed as UG-lower because even though you might not take Psych 1until your p. 3 of 6 533565473 junior year, psych majors take it as freshman, and it is not listed as a 100 or 200 level course. In the last two columns of the table indicate if you already possess the skill / training of column #1. Please feel free to summarize the skills below in text form, as well as to add rows to the table for technical areas, skills, etc. not already mentioned. p. 4 of 6 533565473 TECHNICAL AREA, SKILL, ETC. LEVEL OF TRAINING REQUIRED Enter: HS, tech, UGlower, UG-upper, Grad, post-grad, or course number in this column. Leave blank if not applicable. ECE - GENERAL Actuators (specify) Analog ckts Communication networks Communications Control systems, feedback, etc. Digital ckts Electromagnetics (ECE 30, 31 & 32) Power RF techniques Robotics Sensors - biomed (specify) Sensors - non-biomed (specify) Signals & DSP Solid state devices Use of analog equipment in teaching labs Use of digital equipment in teaching labs ECE - DIGITAL DESIGN Device-to-device digital communications (e.g. Serial, Parallel, GPIB, IEEE bus, USB, IR links, Bluetooth, other local RF links, etc.) Digital display devices (specify) Microprocessor design Non-numerical general algorithms & data structures - eg. FIFO, trees, priority queues, sorting, etc. Programming - FPGAs - VHDL / Verilog Programming - microcontrollers - eg, PICs Programming - midware level - e.g., APIs Programming - real time embedded systems - data throughput analysis, memory requirements, buffering, interrupts, etc. VLSI design, testing and fab PHYSICAL SCIENCES, MATH and non-ECE Biophysics Chem Engr - eg, flow reactors Chemistry - general, analytical, organic, biochem, etc. Fluid flow Materials Science (not biomaterials) Math - Computational - incl. simulations (physics, mechanical, EE, optics) p. 5 of 6 Training Training Possess at beginning of ECE156 Indicate by “Y” or “N” Will possess by beginning of ECE157 Indicate by “Y” or “N” 533565473 Math - Numerical programming on workstations Math - not computational Mechanical design (ie, mech drawings, mech requirements, specs, etc.) Mechanical design - Strength of materials Mechanics - Statics & dynamics Optics - devices - sources, detectors, filters, etc. Optics - quantum effects Optics - ray Optics - wave Physics - solid state Physics - other (i.e., not listed above) Thermodynamics ENGINEERING - TECHNICAL SKILLS PCB board design - OrCAD parts libraries, footprints, keepout zones, through-hole vs. surface mount parts, etc. Mechanical drawings, dimensioning, etc. of mechanical parts (incl. enclosures for their circuit boards and connectors.) Use of specialized or research level equipment (specify) Use of machine shop equipment LIFE SCIENCES: Bioinformatics Biology (cell and organism level) Biomaterials Biomed imaging methods Biomed instrumentation Biomed signal & image analysis Genetics Medicine Pharmaceuticals Physiology Rehab medicine & engineering incl. prosthetics OTHER: (please specify) p. 6 of 6