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Assignment 3 – Parenting Styles
(20 points)
You may submit this assignment via Moodle (when saving your assignment documents please save
them as the course number, your last name, first initial, assignment #; for example 204ParkerC3) or
bring it to my office by the due date. *Please note you will want to keep a copy of these answers for
yourself for the purposes of studying. I will always return your assignment back to you via Moodle
with comments included. You may wish to review these comments when preparing for exams.
Points Distribution
Grade Percentage
6 points (30%)
Accurate style named (i.e. authoritarian,
authoritative, permissive-indifferent, permissiveindulgent) for each of the 4 dimensions (discipline
techniques, demonstration of affection,
expectations of maturity, and communication)
8 points (40%)
Examples given to illustrate the style named in all
four categories (discipline techniques,
demonstration of affection, expectations of
maturity, and communication)
4 points (20%)
Correct format of the paper (1 -2 page paper,
paragraph style, double-spaced, 12-point font)
2 points (10%)
Other Deductions
Any plagiarized paper will result in a failed grade.
Learning Objectives Met through this Assignment:
By the end of this assignment you should be able to distinguish between the 4 parenting styles (authoritarian,
authoritative, permissive-indifferent, permissive-indulgent).
Watch VOD #17 about the 4 types of parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive-indulgent, and
permissive-neglectful/indifferent) and then answer the questions below.
 Although most caregivers do not fall neatly into only one category, what parenting style (authoritarian,
authoritative, permissive-indifferent, permissive-indulgent) do you think your caregiver(s) most
strongly exhibited in their (a.) discipline techniques, (b.) demonstration of affection, (c.) expectations
of maturity, and (d.) communication. Reflect back on your childhood and not necessarily your
relationship with your parents as an adult. It is quite common for parents to assume a more
permissive style once their children reach adulthood, but I am interested in the style utilized when you
were a child. If you are a parent yourself, you may choose to describe your own style of parenting.
You may want to describe your mother and father figures separately if they tended to use different
styles. You may find that your caregiver displayed one type of parenting style with discipline, but
another with affection (or any other combination) and that is fine as well. *Hint: You may wish to
organize your paper by writing a paragraph about each parent if you were raised in a two-parent home
and your parents displayed different styles or you may wish to write a paragraph about each of the
different dimensions (discipline techniques, demonstration of affection, expectations of maturity, and
communication) if your parent(s) displayed different styles in each of these areas.