Time and Date Lab Time is indefinite. It is defined as the interval between two events or occurrences. For example, a lifetime – from birth to date, the growing season – from the last killing frost of spring until the first killing frost of fall, and a year – time for the Earth to travel from one point in its orbit around the sun and return. Our time is based on the speed of the Earth’s rotation and the relationships of the meridians to the sun. The Earth rotates 360 degrees in 24 hours, or 15 degrees in one hour or one degree every four minutes. Our ancestors used a sundial to tell time. It indicated time in relation to the shadow of an arm as the sun moved across the sky. When the sun is over any meridian, it is noon sun time on that meridian. The sun time of other meridians is found by the distance in degrees between the meridian and the meridian under the sun, divided by the speed of the Earth’s rotation. The Earth rotates at an average speed of 1020 miles per hour at the equator. Try this example: if the sun is on the prime meridian (12 noon), what time is it in York, PA (76 degrees west longitude)? The distance between the two places is 76 degrees, divided by 15 degree/hour. The speed of the Earth’s rotation is 5 hours with 1 degree as the remainder. One degree multiplied by 4 minutes (4 minutes per degree) is 4 minutes. Thus, York’s sun time is 5 hours and 4 minutes before noon or 6:56 A.M. Please try the following: 1. If the vertical sun is directly over the meridian that passes through York, what sun time would it be in London? 2. The time at Leningrad (30 degrees east longitude) is 5:00 P.M. sun time. What sun time would it be at 60 degrees west longitude? 3. If it is 12 noon at 75 degrees west (Philadelphia), what sun time is it in York? The time wheel is a device for telling time anywhere in the world. It is a representation of the Earth (the center wheel), turning in relation to the vertical sun. The center of the wheel would represent the North Pole and the circumference, the equator. Notice the direction of the Earth’s rotation (W to E). Orient the time wheel so that the prime meridian is at noon. When it is noon at 0 degrees longitude, what is the time at the following longitudes? 180 degrees (4); 90 degrees East (5); 90 degrees West (6)? When it is midnight at 0 degrees longitude, what is the time at the following longitudes? 180 degrees (7); 90 degrees East (8); 90 degrees West (9)? Sun time worked fine for our early ancestors, but as travel became faster and life more complex, a problem developed as every village had a different sun time. American railroads, about 1870, introduced a standardized system covering considerable belts of territory. This was further complicated by the railroads themselves as each kept a different time. The obvious solution was a standard time, based on a sun time of a central meridian, which would be given wide strips of country on both sides. It is evident that if central meridians were placed 15 degrees apart, adjacent zones would have standard times differing by exactly one hour. The present system of standard time in the United States was placed in operation in 1883, but it was not until 1918 that Congress passed legislation setting up the boundaries between the time zones. Eastern standard time Central standard time Mountain standard time Pacific standard time Alaska standard time Hawaii standard time 75th meridian 90th meridian 105th meridian 120th meridian 150th meridian 150th meridian Theoretically, the system would have resulted in belts exactly 7 ½ degrees east and west of each central meridian. However, because of local zones of influence, natural boundaries, or state lines, the lines are irregular. (See the time zone maps of the world and the United States.) In Clarion, PA (79 degrees West), our watches (standard time) are off 16 minutes from the sun time. When it is 12 noon in Philadelphia (75 degrees West), what is the sun time in Clarion (79 degrees West)? The differences between Clarion and Philadelphia is 4 degrees and as the Earth takes 4 minutes to turn one degree, the time difference is 16 minutes and it would be 11:44 A.M. when our watches show 12 noon standard time. Work the following: 10. If it is 12-noon sun time at Clarion (79 degrees West longitude), what time would our watched show? 11. When it is 3:00 P.M. standard time in Honolulu (150 degrees West), what time (standard) is it in Clarion? 12. The time is 2:00 P.M. standard time December 31, in York. What time is it in Singapore (105 degrees East longitude)? Few of us wonder where a given date first comes into or finally goes out of existence. They all first appear and finally disappear at the International Date Line. Locate the International Date Line on the globe. What meridian does it approximate? At any location, however, all dates (days) begin and end at midnight. Using the time wheel, follow a day (Sunday) around the Earth: a. At one instant after midnight the beginning of Sunday emerges from the AM side if midnight (180 degree meridian). b. As other places pass midnight, they will also pass from Saturday to Sunday. c. Turn the time wheel until 165 degrees East is at midnight. Sunday is now between midnight and the International Date Line. The rest of the Earth still has Saturday. d. Continue the Earth’s rotation (W to E) until the 180 degree meridian is at noon. Sunday now is from 0 degrees to 180 degrees of the eastern hemisphere. Half of the Earth has Sunday and the other half Saturday. e. Continue the Earth’s rotation until 180 degree meridian returns to midnight. Sunday now has arrived everywhere on the Earth, but as the 180 degree meridian passes midnight Monday begins. f. How long has Sunday been somewhere on Earth? (13) g. How long will it take Sunday to disappear and every place to have Monday?(14) h. How long is any one day or date on Earth? (15) To find time and date at any location when the time and date is know at one location, find the distance in degrees between them and divide by the speed of the Earth’s rotation (15 degrees/hour). (If using standard time, use the central meridian of the time zones.) This will give the difference in time between the locations and it will then be necessary to add or subtract depending on their relative positions. If the new time is past midnight, then the date becomes the next day. 16. When it is 9:00 A.M. watch time (standard time) December 31 in York, what time and date is it in Calcutta, India (90 degrees east longitude)? 17. If your friend in Viet Nam (120 degree East) wanted to call you here at school (75 degree) and had written that he would at 3 P.M. Sunday his time, at what time could you expect the call? 18. A plane leaves New York for a five hour flight to Los Angeles at 9:00 P.M., December 31. At what time and date will it arrive in CA? 19. The pope is planning on broadcasting a message to the world at noon standard time on Christmas day from Rome (12 degree East). At what time could we tune in our short wave radio to hear it? 20. A military transport is flying to Tokyo (135 degrees East) from San Francisco (120 degrees West). If it leaves San Francisco at 7:00 A.M., January 1, and the flight duration is 10 hours, at what time and date will it arrive in Tokyo? 21. In traveling from the United States to Japan, I cross the International Date Line at 6 P.M. Tuesday December 31. What does new time and date become? 22. In traveling from Japan to the United States, I cross the International Date Line at 6 A.M. Wednesday, January 1. What does my new time and date become? Name: Date: TIME AND DATE LABORATORY ACTIVITY ANSWER SHEET (Please record your answers clearly and completely. Thank you) 1: 12: 2: 13: 3: 14: 4: 15: 5: 16: 6: 17: 7: 18: 8: 19: 9: 20: 10: 21: 11: 22: