January 15th Minutes

JANUARY 15, 2015
I. Opening of Meeting
a. Call to Order
i. Vice President Bryson called the meeting to order at 5:03 PM in
the Cascade Room of the Atwood Memorial Center at St. Cloud
State University.
b. Pledge of Allegiance
c. First Roll Call [x for present, o for absent]
President Gunnerson x
Vice President Bryson x
Executive Assistant Gunnerson X
Chief Justice Rivera x
Chair Dyer x
Chair Gutsch x
Chair Muzammil x
Chair Pegg x
Chair Pradhan o
Chair Vogl x
Senator Aurand Weisman o
Senator Blosser x
Senator Fisher x
Senator Gross x
Senator Hwang x
Senator Le x
Senator Manning x
Senator Meyer x
Senator Pexa x
Senator Phillips o
Senator Ronning x
Senator Schnoor x
Senator Scofield x
Senator Uecker x
Senator Witthuhn x
Senator Young o
Senator Drinkwine x
Senator Wething x
Senator Kollie x
Senator Sikorski o
d. Approval of Agenda
i. Moved to approve by [Senator Meyer]
ii. Seconded by…Senator Manning
a. Agenda Approved…Vice President Bryson
e. Approval of Minutes
i. Moved to approve by.. Senator Manning
ii. Seconded by…Senator Meyer
a. Minutes Approved –Vice President Bryson
II. Hearings
a. Open Gallery I :
Student Fee presentation:
Voting on Budgets in upcoming months: We are sending a delegation of
students and staff to advocate for 3 big items. We have prepared power
points to present and provide them with additional information.
We will show you our rough draft and get feedback and everything. We are
explaining that our argument is the declining enrollment still doesn’t mean
we should have less programs. We are including what we are requesting of
students. We are still surviving, and we will explain what technology fee
does here at SCSU. Also we will present our current scenario, with a
550,000 dollar deficit. Showing worst case scenarios. We are trying to find
alternative ways to get around this.
Question: Chair Dyer: can you email this out?
Answer: can’t get out all over because it could end badly
Question: Senator Wething: what are we doing to generate revenue?
Answer: we don’t have control of that it’s more the directors that do that
Point of information: different ways directors are trying to be flexible, and
revenue generating and collaborating
b. no finance hearings!
Internal Elections: Tech Fee:
Senator Fisher: I am a mechanical engineering major, computer and programming
background, I’m interested in seeing what I could do with my knowledge and
Senator Uecker: what do you feel are your strengths?
Answer: built own computer, virtual labs, keeping up in tech world.
Question: Senator Ronning: Are you available 8 am on Fridays?
Answer: yes
i. Judicial Council:
ii. Fee Allocation :
iii. Senate finance
iv. Senator At-Large :Bria Johnson
Came from St.Paul college, I am doing pre-med, I worked two
jobs, I decided I wanted to emerge myself. I am very open
minded, could represent the student body well.
Question: Senator Meyer: What’s your favorite part of becoming a husky?
Answer: the people and my classes I really enjoy them
Qusetion: Chair Blosser: What brought you to St.Cloud State?
Answer: I’ve heard really good things about the school and community
Question: Senator Manning: what do you think needs to be improved?
Answer: Creating a safe environment for transfer students
Senator Le: How many positions are open?
Answer: six
Senator Meyer: Move to White Ballot
We have an election
Congrats you have been elected (:
v. College Senator
III. Plenary Session I :
Unfinished Business : none
b. New Business: Senator Fisher Move to scratch 20 minute
All in favor of scratching 20 min recess from agenda stick out
right hand and say I
Motion carries
IV. Recess – 20 Minutes [strike 20 minute recess and open statements]
V. Officer Reports
President [type reports for all]
b. Vice President
MSUSA Campus Coordinator :
d. Chief Justice:
Executive Assistant
Academic Affairs:
Campus Affairs:
h. Communications:
Executive Board:
Fee Allocation:
k. Legislative Affairs:
Senate Finance:
m. Student Constitution:
n. Student Services
Technology Fee:
p. Urban Affairs:
q. University Committees :
VI. Plenary Session II
a. Last Call for Business :
VII. Closing of Meeting
a. Open Gallery II:
b. Open Statements:
c. Last Roll Call
President Gunnerson x
Vice President Bryson x
Executive Assistant Gunnerson X
Chief Justice Rivera x
Chair Dyer x
Chair Gutschx
Chair Muzammil x
Chair Pegg o
Chair Pradhan o
Chair Vogl x
Senator Aurand Weisman o
Senator Blosser x
Senator Fisher x
Senator Gross x
Senator Hwang x
Senator Le x
Senator Manning x
Senator Meyer x
Senator Pexa x
Senator Ronning x
Senator Schnoor x
Senator Scofield x
Senator Uecker x
Senator Witthuhn x
Senator Young o
Senator Drinkwine x
Senator Wething x
Senator Siroski o
Senator Lindquist o
Senator Loxtercamp o
Senator Moehlmann o
Senator Munson o
Senator Posterick o
Senator Ellig o
Senator Johnson x
d. Adjournment – [ 6:29 pm]
Constitution Report
• I’m super excited to be back with everyone, I hope your breaks were
• We have one more chance to get the constitution passed; I have big plans
in the works that should ensure that it passes.
• I’m excited to get my committee and start working on things
Legislative update
• As part of a project I am going to be working on I am going to be
providing a legislative update every week to the senate on what the MN
legislature is up to, pertaining to higher education. I will be posting short
summaries on our Facebook page as well, along with news links.
• Background of state budget this year. Projected that the state will have a
$1 billion surplus. The battle is on for that money. Some of the big items this
year for the budget are going to be transportation infrastructure, education (k12 and higher education) the battle is on for a piece of the surplus.
• So what about higher education? MnSCU and the University of Minnesota
have said they will freeze tuition if the state provides their requested budgets
(MnSCU $142 million)
• This week: MN DLF’ers (Democrats) are proposing free two year tuition
for students at technical and community schools, with the aim of improving
the states work force. Only recent high school graduates would be eligible and
a gpa requirement would be put in place. Students would also have to attend
for the full two years to receive the benefit. The taxpayer cost is $100-$150
million dollars. So far some have responded negatively to this request, saying
that it could harm four year institutions significantly
• Husky compact is going back to President Potter’s desk for the second
time after the committee made revisions based on his recommendations.
• They are beginning to organize implementation and communication teams
for the project
• As a student I think the compact is ok…. it seems much of it is extremely
faculty driven and some of the members on the committee, who hold much of
the power, seem to only be concerned how the compact effects the faculty,
with students as the secondary concern/ customer
President’s Report
January 12th-January 16th
o Welcome back! So excited to have another great semester with all of you!
I think we have so many strong leaders on this senate that will be able to get
done all we want to if we set our minds to it. With this being said, please write
down a goal you would like to see SG accomplish this semester. We will use
this to develop a strategic plan for the remainder of the year so we are
effective and can show how much we truly do for students.
o MSUSA Update: A ruling was made by the attorney at the end of
December. Mankato’s president and myself did not attend the January Board
Meeting as we did not feel we should without speaking with our respective
senates about the ruling. No vote was taken on Charting the Future or any
legislative items, so that is encouraging that they see our schools’ voices as
being valid ones for these pressing issues. I will share the ruling with you
now; copies will not be emailed out as of right now. If you wish to speak with
o Student Fees: As mentioned earlier, we are sending a delegation to the
System Office to lobby for raising our fee ceiling, waiving the aggregate fee
cap, and separating tech fee. We will remain to keep you updated as this
initiative progresses.
o Alumni Committee: As you know, I desire to create an alumni association
that will foster community and possible donors for future years of student
government. It is important to give recognition to those before us and to have
their support in the future. I am sending around a sign-up sheet for those
interested in assisting with this endeavor.
o 100% involvement: Please fill out the sheet for 100% involvement
activities that you would like to be excused for. Please indicate also if you will
have potential class conflicts.
o Coke Initiative Fund: I need someone to sit on this committee, as I can no
longer attend the meetings this semester. They meet Fridays at 9am and
allocate funds to projects across campus.
o If you know someone that would be great for SG, please recruit them!
Urban Affairs
Chair Drinkwine
Week of Jan. 12th
Jan. 13th Public Safety Meeting
- Met with Assistant Director of Public Safety Jennifer Furan-Super
Got a basic overview of what services PS provides for students
Crime reports
Escort Services
Checking fire extinguishers, AED’s, Call Boxes, Elevators
Provide free fingerprinting for students
Education Students
Study Abroad
Nursing Students
Law Enforcement
- Discussed the things that PS does NOT do
o They are not law enforcement, they have the same authority as students
the only difference being training
o Officers are not trained to intervene in major crimes (ex. Assault)
o Cannot intervene in major emergencies (ex. Fires, Shooters, ect.) they can
only secure the situation
- Discussed the process of becoming a Public Safety Officer
o Application through SCSU Careers, also an optional written application on
why they want to be an officer.
o Screened by two lieutenant or full time staff members for interview
o Interview panel
o Candidates are ranked then they meet with the head of PS
o Conduct background checks with new officers (New)
- PS is not funded by student dollars, it’s funded by the government and
parking passes
o Est. $750,000 in parking pass revenue
- Talk about redoing M & R lots
o Cost est. $1M
- The lot that I cant remember where it is just that its far away used to be a
meat packing building and they still find stuff from it (ex. Rebar coming out
of the gravel)
o Used to facilitate est. 1,500 cars
- No correlation between the number of students and parking passes sold
- Comprehensive facilities plan
o Temporary parking (pay lot) become permanent parking possibly
- Off campus Safety Walk
o Two a year
Fall and Spring
o Only a few have actually been done
- River Walk with the city
- Bring in the director of PS to speak at a senate meeting
- Last time PS got money from SG was 2006 at an estimate of $150k for
funding initial IP camera system
- Metro bus is funded by SG and Public Safety
Jan. 15th meeting with Mayor Kleis
- The current relationship with the campus and community is very strong
and has become integrated since Mayor Kleis became mayor 9 years ago and
President Potter 8 years ago
- Hiring of police officers has been easy Kleis says, continuing on saying
that all positions are bing filled as soon as someone retires
- CAPS program is doing very well, going through cases in and around the
university campus and off campus, relations between Public Safety and CAPS
officers is very good according to Kleis
- Low crime rates with high response time to situations
- Kleis stated that he knows nothing in the city ordinances against a “Greek
Row” or “Greek Village” and that it would be no different than regular
housing around the community around campus.
o Basically* he said that if there is a rule against it, it’s on the University’s
end. *Not a direct quote
o He did say that we do have good Greek life on campus referring to
activities and community relations
- Next City Council Meeting (Jan. 26th @ 6pm) there will be appointments
for positions
o Charter Communications will be a heavy topic
- Rough draft timetable was made, no hard dates set, plan on meeting with
President Gunnerson week of Jan. 19th to confirm dates.
o Safety Walk: End of April 2015, set tentative date for fall 2015 semester
o Off Campus Housing Fair end of 2nd week in Feb. maybe push into the
beginning of the 3rd week if necessary
o Talk about Light Up the Night
Goals Spring Semester 2015:
- Keep in contact with the Mayor’s Office
- Appoint 1-2 delegates to go to City Council Meetings
- Schedule times for Mayor Kleis and Director of Public Safety to address
the Senate
- Complete a safety walk by end of April, and set a date in the fall for
- Light Up the Night
End Report.
Chair Drinkwine
Legislative Affairs Committee
Week of January 12th
I really don’t know how these reports are supposed to be set up. At all. But I’ll
figure it out this next week, and my next report will be better.
We didn’t meet this week, and won’t until I know who all is in the committee.
Once we do I’ll send out a when2meet, and we’ll find our time. I’ll designate
a “senate historian”, and then we will focus our efforts on finding the
numerous reasons as to why a “special events fee” will be a goof thing for our
entire campus.
The communications committee will be working on scheduling weeks this
semester that will co inside with trying to have more students vote. We are
also looking for opinions regarding what you think the husky howler should
be and what information should be in the howler. I personally have found that
a lot of people do not read it and I think it would be great to have more
students interested it to help with causes and events going on on campus and
in the community. Also we do not have a meeting time yet but hopefully we
will be able to meet this week to plan out the weeks. Thanks(: