
Skeletal System
Made of __________________ & _________________(joints)
Primary function of bones—
Primary function of joints—
2 Divisions of Skeleton
1. _____________-- contains _______ bones from the
__________, hyoid, _______________ column, and
2. _________________--contains _______ bones from the
___________ & _________, including the shoulder & hip.
_______________--ribs, skull
Stores ______________--such as _____________ &
5. Forms blood cells (__________________)—red bone
2 Types of Bone Tissue
Bone tissue is also known as ______________ tissue.
1. ________________--looks smooth and is very dense;
2. ________________--lots of open space
Skeletal System
4 types of Bone
1. _____________
2. _____________
3. _____________
4. _____________
Short Bones
 Cube-shaped
 Examples: ________________________________
 Sesamoid bones--_____________ (kneecap)
Flat Bones
 Flat, thin, curved
 Spongy bone sandwiched by compact bone
 Examples: _________________________________
Irregular Bones
 Bones that don’t fit into any other category
 Examples: __________________________________
Anatomy/Parts of a Long Bone(ex. Humerus, femur, tibia)
 _________________--shaft; made of _____________
bone; support
 _________________--membrane that covers the
 _________________--ends of the bone; made of
____________ bone
Skeletal System
 ______________ _______________--covers the
epiphyses; made of hyaline cartilage; function as
“____________ _____________” (reduce friction at
 Marrow cavity—also called the ______________ cavity
a. Red marrow found in ________________________
b. Yellow marrow develops in __________________;
red becomes inactive and yellow becomes _________.
c. Red marrow in adults is confined to certain types of
spongy bone.
 _______________--lines the marrow cavity
Skeletal System
Microscopic Anatomy
1. Matrix—bony material; hard/calcified
2. _________________ system— also called an
_____________; found in matrix
a. ________________--these are the rings of matrix
b. ________________--small spaces/cavities filled
with bone cells (____________________); found
between the lamellae
c. ________________--canals that extend out from
the lacunae; connect the lacunae to the
_________________ canal; provides
__________________; allows bones to heal quickly
d. _______________ ____________--large space that
runs lengthwise through the center of the Haversian
system; ____________ vessels and ____________
are found here
e. ______________ _____________--connect the
blood vessels in the periosteum to the blood vessels in
the Haversian canals.
3. NO HAVERSIAN SYSTEM IN _______________ BONE!!
Skeletal System
Bone Formation
 The process by which bone develops is called
 Process starts with cartilage cells forming
__________________, which eventually become hard &
form osteocytes. Bones grow thicker when more & more
osteocytes are formed.
 When there is not enough calcium in the blood, cells called
________________ break down the bony matrix to
release calcium into the blood. When too much calcium is in
the blood, it is deposited into the bone matrix and hardens.
 2 types:
o ___________________--within membranes
 seen in bones of the ____________
 Membranes are in different locations in skull of
 __________________--soft spots between
skull bones; Why are they important?
**___________ & ____________
**___________ & ____________
**___________ & ____________
o ___________________--within _____________
 Starts in diaphysis & progresses to epiphyses
 ________________ _______________-growth plate between diaphysis & epiphysis;
spaces in between cells of this plate harden &
bone becomes longer
 Bone growth ends when epiphyseal cartilage cells
stop multiplying and all of the plate is hardened.