MINUTES OF THE SHERINGHAM TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HALL, SHERINGHAM, ON TUESDAY 6 OCTOBER 2009 AT 7.45PM PRESENT: Cllr N Gant (Town Mayor) – Chairman Cllr D Smith (Dep Town Mayor) – Vice Chairman (late arrival) Cllrs McGinn, Booth, Parks, Hedges, Mrs Ashcroft, Mrs Fields, Cox, Stevens, Hill, Bennett and Gooch John Morgan, Julie Chance and Hilary Thompson – Cromer & Sheringham Crab and Lobster Festival Sgt Money Cty Cllr B Hannah One Member of the Press The Clerk and Dep Clerk 7399 TO RECEIVE AND CONSIDER APOLOGIES: Dis Cllrs Nelson, Bevan-Jones and Moss. Cllrs Hewitt, Prior and Burns. 7400 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST RELATING TO ITEMS ON THE AGENDA: Cllr Hedges declared an interest under Agenda Item 17 – Rental of Front Office – he is a Partner in Keys but has had no personal input. Cllr Gooch declared an interest under Agenda Item 22 – Sheringham in Bloom Arboretum – he is a life member of Sheringham in Bloom and STC’s representative Cllr Hill declared an interest under Agenda Item 22 – Sheringham in Bloom Arboretum – he is a Member of the SIB Cttee. Cllr Gant declared an interest under Agenda Item 11 – Accounts for Payment – he is claiming Mayors expenses. Cllr Mrs Ashcroft declared an interest she is STC’s representative on North Walsham CAB. Cllr McGinn declared an interest in Agenda Item 11 – Accounts for Payment – he is claiming travel expenses. Cllr Cox stated regarding the land swap he does not feel he needs to declare an interest. 7401 TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 1, 15 AND 22 SEPTEMBER 2009: The Minutes having been previously circulated Cllr McGinn PROPOSED Cllr Cox seconded acceptance of the Minutes of the meetings held on 1, 15 and 22 September 2009. IT WAS AGREED. 7402 PRESENTATION BY JOHN MORGAN RE CROMER & SHERINGHAM CRAB & LOBSTER FESTIVAL AND JOINT PUBLICITY LEAFLET: John Morgan and Cromer Town Council Mayor Hilary Thompson gave details of the joint venture which is to promote this area and extend the holiday season. After a public meeting two groups were formed for a Crabs & Lobster Festival and an Arts & Literary Festival. The Dep Mayor joined the meeting. A film is being produced called ‘Two Minutes, Two Towns, Two Festivals’. The Launch of the Crab & Lobster Festival will take place on 13 October, he referred to the draft programme for the weekend of 21 to 23 May 2010. Sponsorship is already being received. There will be a Sculpture Trail and it is hoped there will be 30 crabs or lobsters in each town which will be in place for seven weeks. The 3ft models are £200 and the 6ft models are £400 to rent. The task now is to find sponsors for the models and to obtain the funding in advance. The blank models arrive in January and Sheringham Town Council 6 October 2009 can be decorated by anyone. They will be auctioned with the funds going towards next years Festival and to local charities. The Mayor thanked Mr Morgan and Mayor Hilary Thompson for their presentation – they then left the meeting. 7403 TOWN MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Mayor reported attending a meeting of the Patients Participation Group; opening with Norman Lamb MP the Sculpture & Art Trail; a meeting of the Joint Publicity Group; Norfolk in Bloom; Sheringham Medical Practice AGM; the Norfolk Scouts AGM; the Sheringham in Bloom Awards Evening; Cromer Civic Service; a meeting concerning the future of Cromer Hospital; Hunstanton Civic Service and the Inaugural meeting of the Art Venture at the Little Theatre. 7404 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE ABOVE MINUTES: 7405 POLICE REPORT: Sgt Money stated there had been 19 reported offences in Sheringham consisting of minor assaults, breaching a restraining order, thefts, burglary of a shed/garage and criminal damage. Crime figures are 19% down on last year. The Police recently had a drug raid, in Sheringham, in connection with a large quantity of heroin. Cllr Hedges enquired how someone could contact and speak to a Police Officer. Sgt Money stated the best way is email or by post or use the yellow telephone outside the Police Station. He added there will be a public enquiry officer but the hours worked will be quite short. Cllr Hedges praised the quick response of the Police for talking to youths on the Cromer Road Play Area which had recently incurred vandalism. Sgt Money left the meeting. 7406 ANY COUNTY/DISTRICT COUNCILLORS WISHING TO MAKE A REPORT: Cty Cllr Hannah apologised for not attending the Tesco Planning Application meeting – he had not attended the Eco Supermarket Planning Application and felt he should therefore not attend the Tesco meeting. Cty Cllr Hannah reported – Attending a meeting of KIN where three priorities were chosen for the next eight weeks for the SNT team – Boy Racers on Station Road Car Park and The Esplanade; Nelson Road Anti-Social Behaviour; and the Cromer Road Play Area and grounds of the Ladybird Nursery. He chaired the AGM of the Patients Participation Group, this was attended by over 20 people. A new committee was formed on what has been a successful first year. Neighbourhood Nuisance – Cty Cllr Hannah has been involved in three separate issues, one of which is culminating in an open meeting in the area concerned. Licensing – he chaired the Licensing Cttee at NNC – the meeting considered adoption of a new gambling policy. Roundabout Improvements – Cty Cllr Hannah asked NCC to look at reviewing this to allow some form of planting in the middle of the new roundabout – this would require STC to take on the planting etc which could later be taken over by Sheringham in Bloom. He handed out the revised plan of the roundabout. County Councillors Surgery – he holds a Surgery on the first Saturday of the month at 10.00am to 12 noon in The Hub, Little Theatre. Alexander Road Trees – Cty Cllr Hannah has been informed no work will be carried out to the pavements until 2012 – Residents are prepared to pay for some trees. If they want it done sooner they will have to pay for the tree pits. There were none. 2 Sheringham Town Council 6 October 2009 Decriminalised Parking – NNDC have placed a sum in the pot with other District Councils to bring forward this subject. The Clerk read a short report from Dis Cllr Mrs Nelson – The credit crunch and the need to pare down services to the bone has led to a series of difficult meetings to consider how and where the cuts can be made. They are working closely with their partners, in particular the Upcher Community Partnership and are looking to prolong the season and provide a service within the Partnership office. The RNLI Lifeguards have reported a rise in incidents. The consultation on the LDF has been very time consuming and at times contentious. Sheringham has been put on hold until the supermarket question is resolved. She attended a seminar ‘Managing Change in Urban and Rural Landscapes’ very relevant in view of the climate change and our eroding coastline. As Biodiversity Portfolio holder she attended the Annual Biodiversity Forum. On Tuesday she is attending the launch in Norwich of the website Norfolk Celebrating Talent which is showcasing the excellent work of young people in the County. 7407 TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETINGS HELD ON 1 SEPTEMBER 2009 AND 15 SEPTEMBER 2009: The Minutes having been previously circulated Cllr McGinn PROPOSED Cllr Cox seconded acceptance of the Minutes of the Planning Cttee meetings held on 1 and 15 September 2009. IT WAS AGREED. 7408 TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE ALLOTMENTS CEMETERY & COMMONS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 22 SEPTEMBER 2009: The Minutes having been previously circulated Cllr Gooch PROPOSED Cllr Cox seconded acceptance of the Minutes of the Allotments Cemetery & Commons Cttee meeting held on 22 September 2009. IT WAS AGREED. 7409 FINANCE: (a) To Approve Accounts for Payment: The Schedule of Accounts having been circulated Cllr McGinn PROPOSED acceptance of the Accounts in the total sum of £24,174.44 including VAT; Cllr Cox seconded. IT WAS AGREED. (b) Grant Application from: (i) N Walsham & District CAB: The Clerk read the letter of request after which Cllr McGinn PROPOSED awarding a grant of £500.00 under the 1989 LG & Housing Act; Cllr Cox seconded. IT WAS AGREED. (ii) Sheringham Little Theatre: The Clerk read the letter of request after which the Dep Mayor PROPOSED awarding a grant of £2,000; Cllr Mrs Ashcroft seconded. IT WAS AGREED. (iii) Cromer & Sheringham Brass:The Clerk read from the application from after which Cllr Cox PROPOSED awarding a grant of £250 under s144/145 of the 1972 LGA; Cllr Hedges seconded. IT WAS AGREED. (c) Ricoh 2030 Colour Copier Costs: The Clerk reported the new copier has arrived, adding the four drawer version had been ordered in preference to the two drawer version which means there is a £14 increase in the lease figure. (d) To Ratify setting up Joint Bank Account re Crab & Lobster Festival funding: The Mayor reported the account has been set up to receive incoming funding, he is a signatory of the account. (e) Second Quarter’s Comparison Income to Expenditure: Members had received a copy previously to which the Clerk made an amendment. 3 Sheringham Town Council 6 October 2009 There were no Members of the Public wishing to speak IT WAS AGREED to pass to the next Agenda Item. 7410 (A) (B) 7411 RETIREMENT OF CLERK: The Mayor read the Clerk’s letter giving three months notice ending on 31 December 2009. TO FACILITATE APPOINTMENT OF A NEW CLERK: Cllr Cox PROPOSED setting up an Employment Cttee which begins work as soon as possible; Cllr McGinn seconded. IT WAS AGREED. Volunteers for the Cttee – Cllrs Cox, McGinn, Smith, Mrs Fields, Booth and Parks. TO CONSIDER SENDING A LETTER TO DISTRICT COUNCILLORS RE STC’S COMMENT UPON THE TESCO PLANNING APPLICATION: Members had previously received a copy of the draft letter. Cllr Hedges stated Cllr Hewitt cannot be present this evening and has asked him to stand in for him. Cllr Hedges stated the draft letter came about as a result of the 22 September meeting, Cllr Hewitt is well versed in writing letters of this type and has set out and compiled the letter. Cllr Hedges PROPOSED the letter is sent out to all District Councillors. A full and in-depth discussion took place after which the Dep Mayor PROPOSED accepting the drafted letter and it goes out signed by the Clerk. There was no seconder. Cllr Booth PROPOSED taking Agenda Items 15 and 16 under Standing Order 68 due to the personalities involved; Cllr Stevens seconded. IT WAS AGREED. The Mayor will take the items after Item 24. 7412 OUTCOME OF VALUATION OF FRONT OFFICE, FIRST FLOOR, TOWN HALL: Members had previously received a copy of the valuation. After a brief discussion Cllr Cox PROPOSED instructing the Clerk to inform the interested party the rent for the office will be £1,400.00 per annum on an annual rolling contract, with the Tenant paying STC’s legal fees; Cllr McGinn seconded. IT WAS AGREED. 7413 A149/A1082 SHERINGHAM ROUNDABOUT IMPROVEMENTS – TO COMMENT UPON NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL’S PROPOSED SCHEME: Members had previously received details. Cllr McGinn stated the plan is to take away the castle, the roundabout will be more central, 14m wide with the pedestrian islands being set back to the periphery of the roundabout. Cty Cllr Hannah had informed Members of a alternative scheme to place flower containers at the centre of the roundabout. Cllr McGinn PROPOSED approval of the proposed roundabout scheme which it is hoped will be of sufficient height to deter HGV’s driving straight over it; Cllr Gooch seconded. IT WAS AGREED. 7414 LAND SWAP PROPOSAL – UPDATE TO INCLUDE APPROVAL OF DRAFT CARNIVAL ASSOCIATION LICENCE, AGREEMENT TO SURRENDER AND REGRANT, AND A DEED OF SURRENDER: Members had previously received details. The Dep Mayor PROPOSED accepting the documents; Cllr Parks seconded. IT WAS AGREED. 7415 ANNUAL PARISH & TOWN COUNCIL CONFERENCE 2009, 11 NOVEMBER 2009 FROM 6.30PM – 9.00PM IN CROMER PARISH HALL: NNDC INVITES MEMBERS TO THIS MEETING AND ASKS FOR SUGGESTIONS FOR TOPICS CONCERNING THE WHOLE OF NORTH NORFOLK: The Mayor stated he will be attending. No suggestions for topics came forward. 4 Sheringham Town Council 6 October 2009 7416 SHERINGHAM WOOD - TO APPROVE AND SIGN THE COUNTERPART LEASE – SHERINGHAM TOWN COUNCIL TO THE WOODLAND TRUST: Members had previously received a copy of the Lease. Cllr Cox PROPOSED the Dep Mayor seconded agreement to the Lease. IT WAS AGREED. The Mayor and Dep Mayor signed the document. 7417 TO CONSIDER PURCHASING A SHERINGHAM IN BLOOM TREE FOR THE ARBORETUM – COST £50.00: Members had received a list of the trees. The Clerk reminded Members last year STC received a cheque from NCC for £85 towards tree planting, this was not used and placed in the General Reserve. After discussion Cllr Parks PROPOSED leaving the choice of tree to the Maint Tech; Cllr Hill seconded. IT WAS AGREED. Cllr Cox PROPOSED the cost comes from the General Reserve; Cllr Parks seconded. IT WAS AGREED. 7418 TO CONSIDER SUPPORTING RESIDENT’S IDENTIFICATION OF A HIGHWAY PROBLEM AT CROMER ROAD/BROOK ROAD: Members had received a copy of the letter. Members felt the resident had a valid point and IT WAS AGREED to support the concerns raised. 7419 TO CONSIDER APPOINTING A MAYOR’S CHAPLAIN: The Mayor reported this suggestion had been brought to him by Cty Cllr Hannah and he had then spoken to the Revd Heycocks who carried out this role in his previous Parish. After discussion Cllr Hedges PROPOSED adopting Revd Heycocks as the Mayors Chaplain; Cllr Parks seconded. IT WAS AGREED. Cllr Booth PROPOSED Cllr Hill seconded invoking Standing Order 68 to exclude the Press and Public. IT WAS AGREED. The Press and Public left the meeting. 7420 SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO RESCIND DECISION REGARDING STC REPRESENTATION AT NNDC (see Min 7368) REGARDING THE GREENHOUSE PLANNING APPLICATION: and: TO CONSIDER STC REPRESENTATION AT NNDC RE TESCO PLANNING APPLICATION: The Mayor read the Special Resolution signed by Cllrs Hedges, Cox and the Dep Mayor. It stated they feel it would be difficult for the Planning Cttee Chairman to speak at the Greenhouse Store Planning Application and furthermore the Site Meeting and Planning Application for the Tesco Store. In both cases he has proposed an opposite view of the majority vote and consequently we feel he may lack the desire to express the formal view of Sheringham Town Council. For that reason they propose that the Planning Cttee Dep Chairman represents the Council at the Site Meeting and Planning Application for Tesco Stores. Secondly, they propose that Cllr Burns represents the Council at the Greenhouse Store Planning Application. Cllr Hedges spoke to the Resolution adding he has the utmost respect for Cllr McGinn. An in-depth and lengthy discussion ensued after which Cllr Hedges PROPOSED rescinding STC’s previous decision on this matter; Cllr McGinn asked for a recorded vote. The Dep Mayor seconded the proposition. Votes in favour Against Abstentions Cllr Smith Cllr Mrs Fields Cllr McGinn Cllr Hill Cllr Mrs Ashcroft 5 Sheringham Town Council 6 October 2009 Cllr Bennett Cllr Gooch Cllr Stevens Cllr Cox Cllr Parks Cllr Booth Cllr Hedges IT WAS AGREED. Cllr Booth showed his willingness to represent STC for both Planning Applications. The Dep Mayor PROPOSED the Dep Chairman of the Planning Cttee represents STC at both Planning Applications; Cllr Parks seconded. IT WAS AGREED. Cllr Cox PROPOSED coming out of Standing Order 68; Cllr Parks seconded. IT WAS AGREED. 7421 CLERKS REPORT: The Clerk reported ◊ Invitation to the Norfolk Rural Forum and Norfolk RCC, 13 October at 4.00pm at the NRCC offices in Dereham ◊ STC Macmillan Coffee Morning raised £294.50 ◊ Public Meeting re The Future of Cromer & District Hospital, 15 October, 7.pm, at the Cromer Community Centre ◊ Invitation to the General Meeting of the Norfolk RCC on 3 November ◊ Invitation from the Norfolk ALC to a Larger Councils Meeting on 29 October ◊ A letter from N Walsham & District CAB and Fakenham & Wells CAB stating the Trustee Boards of both CAB’s have agreed in principle to merge the bureaux to become one legal entity early in 2010 ◊ Letter from NNDC giving details regarding Civil Parking Enforcement ◊ Enquiring how many Members will be attending the Crab & Lobster Launch on 13 October – the Dep Mayor confirmed attendance ◊ Enquiring how many Members will be attending the SSSI Walk on Thursday – Cllrs Gooch and Hill will be attending ◊ Details from NNDC of the LDF Core Strategy Single Policy Review: Conversion & Re-use of Rural Buildings ◊ This evening receiving a request from the Sports Association to install either a grill or metal doors at the Pavilion to make it secure from continued vandalism – Members had no objection. 7422 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 3 November 2009. The meeting closed at 9.57pm. 6