Lisa Purvis, MPH, MBA, EdD (c) Dartmouth Medical School Hood Center for Children and Families One Medical Center Drive, HB 7465 Lebanon NH 03756 603-653-3151 (work telephone) 802-291-0065 (cell telephone) Education: University of Vermont Doctorate in Education, Candidate (GPA 3.87) Focus: Higher Education, Cognition and College Teaching Interests Include: Educational Consulting, Instructional Design, Use of Technology, and International Student Support Burlington, VT Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Master of Public Health (GPA 3.55) Concentrations in Health Policy and Management/HIV Baltimore, MD Wake Forest University Babcock School of Management Master of Business Administration (Honors) Concentrations in Finance, Health Care, and Marketing Winston-Salem, NC Boston College Post-baccalaureate Courses in Business and Mathematics Newton, MA Regis College Bachelor of Art (Honors) Concentrations in Art and Art Therapy Weston, MA Professional Training: Harvard Business School Case-based Learning, Intensive Trainings Session I & II, June and November 2011 Cambridge, MA Professional Experience: Educational Specialist/Research Coordinator. Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, New Hampshire, 2011 – present. As an educational specialist, provide technical assistance for student-centered learning to Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania regarding the curriculum development for their eight new public health-related master degree programs. Serve as a faculty mentor to MUHAS and work closely with three programs to provide consulting on developing curricula, course materials, and active learning activities. Completed seven faculty exchanges with Muhimbili University, whereby two MUHAS faculty participated in a course I teach at Dartmouth, I taught two workshops, and I guest lectured in three course at MUHAS. 1|Lisa Purvis, July 2014 At Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, provided technical assistance to an AIDS Education and Training program. Developed grand round programs, educational trainings, and prepare evaluation reports. Co-investigator on Native American educational outreach program. (2011 – 12/2012). Program Coordinator. Master of Public Health Program. University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, 2009 – 2011. Coordinated program activities including: academic advising, career counseling, orientation and interactions with faculty members regarding teaching responsibilities. Developed and coordinated 6 public health grand rounds and 2 all-day workshops per year with guest lecturers. Interacted with UNH Graduate Office and UNH Center for Graduate and Professional Studies regarding student issues and Program activities. Served on a number of internal advisory committees. Coordinated advisory board meetings. Served as lead author of the Program’s 150page accreditation report to the Council on Education for Public Health. Senior Research Program Manager and Program Manager. Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, New Hampshire, 2003 – 2009. Senior Research Program Manager for National Cancer Institute (NCI) grants. Responsible for the planning and implementing of single site and multi-site projects. Assisted in the development of data collection forms; recruited 1600 research subjects enrolled in 12 schools in NH and VT; conducted focus groups; oversaw data collection; quality assurance; monitored of research sites; grant preparation; assisted in manuscript writing and review; and budget monitoring. Program Manager for Health Resource and Services Administration (HRSA) grant for New Hampshire and Vermont. Responsible for the administrative development, management, and evaluative components. Developed and implemented mechanisms for data collection, program evaluation, quality assurance, and reporting on HIV Program activities. Identified and wrote special project grants. Provided technical expertise to the DHMC-based New England AIDS Education and Training Center including: educational program development, quality control, and survey design. Research Associate/Faculty. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, 2001 – 2003. Provided overall administrative and scientific direction to ALIVE, a long-term (15+ years) longitudinal study of HIV infection among 3000 injection drug users (IDUs). Developed, managed, and coordinated IRB protocols and survey forms. Worked closely with the Institutional Review Board (IRB) regarding participants. Member of grant writing team. Wrote progress reports and status reports. Developed and integrated work flow systems, data tracking and the coordination of data among clinic, data house, and laboratory. Worked closely with the inner-city clients. Served as preceptor for visiting Fogarty Scholars from China and India. Managed staff of 15. Project Leader. Battelle Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation, Baltimore, Maryland, 2000 – 2001. Managed survey research and data collection projects for government clients (NIH and CDC) and major research organizations (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, University of Illinois at Chicago, and University of Michigan School of Public Health). Managed and contributed to all aspects of projects from conceptualization and design of study protocols to final results. Managed and wrote proposals, prepared Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and IRB materials, wrote project reports. Developed and conducted training sessions for interviewers and other project staff. Substantive expertise in tobacco control, infectious diseases, and community health. 2|Lisa Purvis, July 2014 Senior Associate. Prospect Associates, Silver Spring, Maryland, 1997 – 2000. Provided consultation to and coordinated projects with government clients (NIH and the CDC), private clients, and subcontractors in evaluation methodology, analysis, and reporting requirements. Managed the planning and implementation of research evaluation for a national tobacco control program, ASSIST, for NCI. Managed the development of a Request for Proposal and the submission of proposals on behalf of National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute (NHBLI) of the NIH. Served as a reviewer of submitted proposals for NHLBI. Prepared OMB materials for NCI. Program Manager. Anne Arundel Department of Health, Annapolis, Maryland, 1995 – 1997. Managed $1.6 million program for communicable diseases and epidemiology. Oversaw communicable diseases surveillance, HIV/AIDS, immunization, infection control, migrant health, OSHA/employee health, outbreak investigation, perinatal hepatitis B, rabies control, refugee screening, sexually transmitted diseases, travel advisory, and tuberculosis subprograms. Ensured all legislative and government protocols were followed. Developed grants and new program activities. Provided information to local and national media. Developed speakers’ bureau with 12 programs with guest lecturers. Managed staff of 26. Project Director and Research Coordinator. Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, 1992 – 1995. Project Director for multi-centered oncology clinical trials consortium funded by the NCI. Managed the oversight of research data and clinical trials for brain tumor therapies. Developed complex data forms for trials and all protocols. Conducted audits of research centers and completed audit reports. Edited protocols for submission to NCI. Research Coordinator for multi-centered epidemiological research project (National Inner-City Asthma Study) for a minority health study funded by NIAID. Developed and implemented study planning and design. Trained research assistants. Planned and executed field study. Managed, edited, and tracked research data. Developed and implemented study protocols. Oversaw clinical trial for drug study and implemented operating procedures for research lab. Managed staff of 13. Research Assistant. Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, 1991 – 1992. Researched information on HIV/AIDS for publication in book entitled, “AIDS in the World, 1992.” Completed extensive research on the level of funding for AIDS research domestically and internationally within the major first world countries and completed extensive pharmacological search of drugs currently being used and developed nationally and internationally for AIDS. Analyzed MEDLINE database of all AIDS epidemiological studies. Research results presented at the VIII International AIDS Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Research Executive. BJM Research and Consulting, London, England, 1988 – 1990. Designed, conducted, and managed domestic (UK) and international research projects specializing in health care. Projects utilized qualitative, quantitative, and strategic planning methods. Developed interview protocols and conducted interviews. Conducted focus groups, group discussions, and workshops. Developed and administered surveys and analyzed results. Wrote and edited reports and presented findings to a variety of audiences. Worked closely with national and international clients. Management Consultant. Ireland and USA, 1985 – 1988. Arranged nine contracts in Dublin Ireland, Pomfret, VT and Boston, MA. Projects consisted of industry analysis, market research, marketing, and strategic planning for consumer and industrial clients. Wrote in-depth reports for clients and presented progress reports and results to clients. Advised on marketing of consumer products to the US markets. 3|Lisa Purvis, July 2014 Faculty Positions: Course Director/Instructor/Faculty Advisor. Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Department of Infectious Disease and International Health, Master of Public Health Program, Hanover, New Hampshire, 2004 – present. Course Director for “MPH Internship,” a required foundation course for MPH enrolling 50 students, on average. Recruit suitable field placement sites. Develop student-centered, active learning curriculum, prepare and present lectures. Arrange guest speakers and provide talking points. Evaluate students’ work. Provide feedback to MPH office on students’ progress. Oversee team of three instructors. (2012 – present). Course Director for “The Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health,” a required foundation course for MPH enrolling 50 students, on average. Develop student-centered, active learning curriculum, prepare and present lectures. Arrange national and international guest speakers and provide talking points. Evaluate students’ work. Provide feedback to MPH office on students’ progress. (2009 – present). Instructor for “MPH Capstone.” Lead public health program evaluation track. Serve as a reviewer for the program implementation track. Work closely with small co-hort of students on their final thesis. (2012 – present). Instructor for “Public Health Seminar Series.” Developed community assessment and problem solving curricula. Prepared and presented lectures on: global health, HIV/AIDS, introduction to public health, program management, and public health problem solving. Arranged speakers on a variety of subjects and developed talking points. Advised a co-hort of 12 students. (2007 – 2008). Capstone Reviewer/Advisor for 5 – 10 students completing final thesis. Review and evaluate written thesis and final oral presentation. (2005 – 2011). Faculty Advisor to visiting Fogarty scholars from Tanzania. Serve as thesis advisor for physicians enrolled in MPH program. Provide feedback to MPH office on students’ progress. Typically, work with 5-10 students (US-based students) per year to advise on academic issues, research interests, and career interests. (2004 – present). Adjunct Faculty. Colby-Sawyer College, Public Health Program, New London, New Hampshire, 2013 – 2014. Instructor for “Global Health Issues.” Developed curriculum, course materials, lab exercises, and assignments for course. Prepared and presented lectures. Arranged and coordinated Poster Session; invited poster judges. Evaluated students’ work. Course was delivered face-to-face and online. Course was merged with another in July 2014. Adjunct Faculty. University of New Hampshire, School of Health and Human Service, Master of Public Health Program, Durham, New Hampshire, 2005 – 2011. Course Director for “Applied Topics in the Essentials of Public Health.” Oversaw public health certificate students’ final integrating project. Worked one-on-one with students. Evaluated students’ work. (2010 – 2011). Course Director for “Policy and Practice of Community Health Assessment.” Developed curriculum, course materials, lab exercises, and assignments for course. Arranged guest lecturers and develop talking points. Prepared and presented lectures. Evaluated students’ work. Course was delivered face-to-face and online. (2008 – 2011). 4|Lisa Purvis, July 2014 Course Director for “Field Study” seminar and experience for 10 – 20 MPH candidates. Oversaw students’ placement experiences and final products. Developed curriculum, prepared and presented lectures. Interacted with public health mentors at placement sites. Arranged and coordinated Poster Session in conjunction with NH Public Health Association’s annual meeting; invited poster judges. (2005 – 2011). Associate Faculty. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Healthy Policy and Management, Master of Public Health Program. Baltimore, Maryland, 2004 – 2008. Part of Hopkins team sent to Institute Carlos III National School of Public Health (Ministry of Health), Madrid, Spain. Co-instructor for “Introduction to Public Health Problem Solving.” Developed curriculum, course materials, and assignments for course. Prepared and presented lectures. March 2007 and March 2008. Invited reviewer of final MPH theses for American University of Armenia (affiliated with Johns Hopkins.) December 2007. Course Director for “Managing Community-based Public Health Research Projects.” Developed curriculum, course materials, and assignments for course. Prepared and presented lectures. Arranged for guest speakers from NIH and Johns Hopkins. Evaluated students’ work. January 2005 and 2006. Teaching Associate assigned to Program Implementation Capstone track to oversee 20 students final projects for MPH degrees. (1999 – 2001). Presentations and Publications: Visiting Lecturer. “Community Health and Learning Theories,” “Qualitative Research,” and “Theories and Models of Health Behavior Change.” Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences. November 2013 and May 2014. Co-presenter. “Promoting Student Centered Learning in Tanzania.” Association for Prevention Teaching and Research Conference: Teaching Prevention, Washington, DC, March 2012. Visiting Lecturer. “Public Health Research Ethics – US Case Studies.” Dartmouth College/University of Pennsylvania The IRB: Essentials for Research and Education Course. August 2012. Visiting Lecturer. “Responsible Conduct in Research.” Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences. March 2012. Visiting Lecturer. “Social and Behavioral Determinants.” Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences. November 2011. Visiting Lecturer. “HIV and Tanzania.” Yale University, July 2011. McCall DL, Purvis LA. Public health and the faith community: Addressing unmet needs and future directions. AIDS, Roundtable Discussion, American Public Health Association Meeting, Washington, DC, November 1998. 5|Lisa Purvis, July 2014 James SA, Purvis LA. HIV care: Science, practice, art in the corrections community: A problem-solving participatory workshop, 10th Annual Maryland Conference, AIDS: A Challenge to Primary Care, Baltimore, MD, September 1998. Purvis LA. AIDS vaccine clinical trials. Presentation at World AIDS Day, Baltimore, MD, December 1997 and 2000. Multiple presentations for private clients in Ireland and England, 1985 - 1990. Adachi-Mejia AM, Longacre MR, Skatrud-Mickelson M, Li Z, Purvis LA, Titus LJ, Beach ML, Dalton MA. Variation in access to sugar-sweetened beverages in vending machines across rural, town and urban high schools. Public Health.2013. 127:485-491. Sutherland LA, Mackenzie T, Purvis LA, Dalton M. Prevalence of food and beverage brands in movies: 1996-2005. Pediatrics. 2010 Mar;125(3):465-474. Golub ET, Purvis LA, Sapun M, Safaeian M, Beyrer C, Vlahov D, Strathdee SA. Changes in willingness to participate in HIV vaccine trials among HIV-negative injection drug users. AIDS Behavior. 2005 Sep;9(3):301-9. Smit E, Semba RD, Pilibosian E, Vlahov D, Tun W, Purvis L, Tang AM. Body Habitus in a Cohort of HIV Seropositive and HIV Seronegative Injection Drug Users. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2005 Jan;19(1):19-30. Purvis L. Incorporating an HIV+ Consumer into a HIV/AIDS Title IV Program. Poster exhibit. Health Resources and Services Administration/HIV/AIDS Bureau – VOICES Conference, Washington, DC, May 2004. Purvis L, Golub ET, Sapun M, Safaeian M, Beyrer C, Tun W, Vlahov D, Strathdee SA. Changes in willingness to participate in HIV vaccine trials among injection drug users. Poster exhibit. XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 2002. Evans WD, Purvis LA, Ulasevich A. Synthesis of research on persons with disabilities. AARP, Washington, DC, May 1999. Tarantola D, Finlay J, Cameron C, Netter T, Moore (Purvis) L, Mann J. How much money is spent on AIDS in the world and where does the money go? Presented at the VIII International AIDS Conference/III STD World Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1992. Committee Assignments/Community Service: 2014 2013 – present 2012 – present 2011 – present 2009 – 2011 2008 Member, The Dartmouth Institute Admissions Committee Member, Ottauquechee (Woodstock, VT) Health Foundation Committee Member, The Dartmouth Institute MPH Capstone Advisory Committee Member, Dartmouth Fogarty International Scholars Committee Board Member, University of New Hampshire MPH Program Advisory Board Board Member, Global Health Council’s Community Network Advisory Board 6|Lisa Purvis, July 2014 2003 – 2007 2003 – 2007 2002 – 2007 2001 – 2004 2001 – 2003 2001 – 2003 Board Member, Vermont Department of Health (VDH), HIV Community Planning Group – provided recommendations to The Centers for Disease Control Co-Chair (2005/2006) and Board Member, VDH, HIV/AIDS Services Advisory Council – provided recommendations to Health Services and Resources Administration (HRSA) and VDH Committee Member, HIV Quality Assurance Committee, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Co-chair and Board Member, Johns Hopkins ALIVE Community Advisory Board Board Member, Johns Hopkins HIV Vaccine Trials Scientific Advisory Board Board Member, Beginning Effective Recovery Together, Inc. – a community-based transitional housing program for substance abusing women leaving correctional facilities (Baltimore, MD) 7|Lisa Purvis, July 2014