PPrreeppaarreedd bbyy D Daavviidd K Kiinngg & &C Coo,, A Attttoorrnneeyyss aatt LLaaw w,, B Beelllleevviillllee B Baarrbbaaddooss 22001100 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the difference between a notarized document and an apostilled document? A notarized document is a copy of the document which is certified to be a true copy of the original and signed (notarized) by the one who is a registered Notary Public. This notary public is usually an attorney a lawyer or a justice of the peace. An apostille to a document is the authentication, by a specially appointed government official, of a copy of a public document which has been notarized as a true copy by a notary public. The apostille is accepted under Hague convention of 1961 to all the countries which are signatories to it. Not all countries of the world are members of The Hague convention, but the majority of English speaking and European countries are members