Statement of Understanding of International Adoption Risks WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT You need to expect the unexpected! Internation adoption is unpredictable. You will be required to reset your expectations at least once during the process and likely several times. Your expectations may have to change in regards to one or more of the following: 1. Time frames for the completion of the adoption. 2. Adopting a particular child. 3. Travel arrangements. 4. Adoption fees and or expenses associated with the adoption process 5. Other undetermined factors. International adoptions are very complex. You will be required to work with several different people, overcome cultural and language barriers and politics. Although Africa Adoption Services cannot predict what complexities that may occur during your case, we will work tireless to ensure your case moves as smoothly as possible, but you need to be open minded and prepared that delays WILL happen. There are many factors that will be outside of our control. We cannot predict what USCIS, foreign adoption officials, foreign attorneys or facilitators or orphanages or social services directors will do. To complete an adoption, clearance must be given by Africa Adoption Services, your home study agency, foreign adoptions officials and USCIS. While Africa Adoption Services will advocate and work hard for you, we cannot guarantee the referral or placement of a child with your family. Even after you have committed to a particular country, adoption opportunities in that country may change. Adoption in the country may dramatically slow down or the country may close adoptions for a particular period of time or all together. We will do our best to anticipate and inform you of alternatives available to you in the event that this happens in the program you have chosen. International adoption is closely tied to national and international politics. When these politics change, adoption opportunities may change. This could impact your adoption at any point in the process. 1 __________ Initials __________ Initials Revised 02/14/2014 LOSS OF A REFERRAL You may be assigned a child and subsequently lose the child referral for one of several reasons: 1. The child could become too ill for placement. 2. The child could not be made legally free within an adoptive family’s timeframe or within the country’s availability. 3. The foreign authority or referral source who assigns the child may withdraw the referral of the child with or without explanation. This may be due to local or national politics, a change in officials, increased sensitivities regarding international adoptions, the birth family coming forward for the child within the allotted time allowed by their country while the child is still in their country. 4. A national family could come forward to adopt the child within the timeframe allowed. If you lose a child referral, an acceptable second child may or may not be available immediately. Even if one is available, it may take a while to finish the adoption process. Africa Adoption Services will work continuously to make another acceptable child referral as soon as possible, but cannot guarantee the length of time it will take to refer such a child. In the event of a lost referral, monies paid out to third parties are nonrefundable. All other monies will be credited towards subsequent adoption. TIMEFRAME Your adoption process could take longer than you originally expected due to changes in: 1. The political environment in the foreign country 2. The sensitivity of the foreign public regarding international adoptions. 3. Adoption bureaucracy leadership. 4. Other unknown factors. The child you adopt internationally could develop some sort of medical problem while waiting for you to bring him/her home. This may necessitate you paying for extraordinary medical expenses and emotionally coping with the situation long distance. Africa Adoption Services cannot guarantee a specific timeframe in which any particular case will be completed. Estimated time frames will be given, but each case is unique and can take longer or shorter than another case. The average time frame from referral to travel is 9 to 12 months. Families should not expect to travel before 9 months post referral and Africa Adoption Services will not consider your case delayed unless it has been greater than 12 months from referral. MEDICAL INFORMATION The medical information presented to you at the time of referral for the child you adopt internationally may be incomplete or inaccurate. Medical situations may be over or under diagnosed. The differences in medical terminology used by foreign medical 2 __________ Initials __________ Initials Revised 02/14/2014 personnel and US physicians may cause you to be over or under anxious when accepting a referral. A child may test negative for a particular lab test and positive at home in the US. A child may also test positive for a particular lab test and negative at home in the US. It is extremely important for you to choose a medical professional with expertise in evaluating children available for adoption to assist you during the referral process in order to minimize these risks. LEGAL ISSUES Africa Adoption Services only refers children for adoption whom its foreign sources believe can be successfully adopted, it is possible that unresolved legal situations may arise during the adoption process which may make the child no longer available for adoption. Legal availability cannot be clarified in some cases because of the lack of resources. Officials have limited time and money and typically will not clarify a child’s legal situation until an adoptive family has accepted the child’s referral. In other cases, it is a birth relative or national family’s rights at issue. ETHICS ISSUES If at any time Africa Adoption Services becomes concerned about ethics in your case, the agency may choose to withdraw from the case. BIRTH FAMILY FRAUD A birth family may fraudulently misrepresent herself as the legitimate birth mother of a child that she places for adoption. Such a case may or may not be successfully completed in court. If the US Embassy suspects birth mother fraud, they may withhold issuance of the child’s visa. Africa Adoption Services seeks to work with only reputable referral sources who can personally attest to a birth parent / child relationship; however Africa Adoption Services cannot guarantee the legitimacy of the relationship between family and the child. Some countries have procedures in place to protect against birth family fraud. It is the policy of Africa Adoption Services to only place children who have been abandoned or from deceased parents. Africa Adoption Services makes it a practice not to work with relinquishment cases. Africa Adoption Services will only work with relinquishment cases in very rare circumstances. IMMIGRANT VISA The US Embassy processing your adopted child’s US immigration visa may find that your child does not meet the USCIS “orphan” definition, or that your family does not meet necessary requirements (i.e. income requirements). We cannot guarantee that the US government will issue any particular child an immigrant visa. It is the strong recommendation of Africa Adoption Services that I-600 filing is done stateside and families do not travel prior to Visa issuance. 3 __________ Initials __________ Initials Revised 02/14/2014 FEE CHANGES Africa Adoption Services fees will not change. However, foreign adoption fees may change at any time without any prior notice. Events causing fee changes or the costs of overall expense of your adoption trip to rise may occur at any time. The economics of supply and demand, inflation, or the need for additional adoption services required by new US or foreign regulations may cause prices or fees for services to rise. Africa Adoption Services will try to keep you informed of those situations of which it has knowledge. TRAVEL & ACCOMMODATIONS Costs for travel and accommodations are separate from usual adoption fees. Estimated travel costs are $5,000.00 per person. We, the adoptive parents, understand that Africa Adoption Services’ goal is to help us adopt a child and that the Africa Adoption Services staff are personally committed to our case. We understand that although Africa Adoption Services does not have complete control over many aspects of the adoption process, but Africa Adoption Services will stand by us to facilitate, advise, counsel, and support us throughout the entire adoption process. We understand that Africa Adoption Services staff and representatives will work many faithful hours to help our family grow. They will help us through the good and the difficult times. We understand that this adoption is a partnership and that we must do our part to maintain perspective and commitment during the entire adoption process. We understand that our attitude makes a difference both at home and abroad. We agree to cooperate with Africa Adoption Services at each step of the process to help us bring home a child. We understand that Africa Adoption Services has elaborated many of the risks of the international adoption process but that it is impossible for Africa Adoption Services to relate every possible difficulty or concern we may have along the way. As such, we understand that it is our responsibility to educate ourselves. We have read and understand these risks. We are willing to pursue an international adoption in light of these risks. ____________________________ ____________________________ __________ Signature of Adoptive Mother Printed Name Date ____________________________ ____________________________ __________ Signature of Adoptive Father Printed Name Date 4 __________ Initials __________ Initials Revised 02/14/2014