CONSTITUTION This constitution, for the Games Creation Club at the Ohio State University shall be amended as seen fit to better reflect the current needs and ideals of the organization. Article I –Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Game Creation Club. Section 1: Name: Game Creation Club at the Ohio State University Section 2: Purpose: A student organization dedicated to giving those interested in the process of creating a videogame the experience they need to enter and/or succeed in the industry through hands on experience, with the goal of developing a videogame within a time frame of one year. Section 3: Non-Discrimination Policy: The Game Creation Club at the Ohio State University and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Article II –Membership Voting membership within the Game Creation Club at the Ohio State University shall be limited to currently enrolled Ohio State students. Article III – Organization Leadership, The following is a list of the officers that will be expected to perform management capabilities within the Game Creation Club They will be responsible for heading up a team of individuals within their respective departments. These officer positions will be elected individuals within the organization by the outgoing executive board members. The new candidates will be asked to submit a presentation to the executive board showcasing their work. A current executive board or any officer member may still run for the same position if he or she so desires. However, they are still required to submit a presentation to the organization as a whole, and may retain their same position as long as they win a 2/3 vote by all voting members in the organization. Terms of office shall last for the length of the project at hand to be completed. The goal of the organization is to complete the game within a time frame of one calendar year, however if the current project should run over this allotted time frame, they will have another six months (grace period) to finish the project before new officers will officially be inducted. The following officers are: Executive Producer(s) Responsibilities: Organizing meetings times, overseeing the acquiring of finances for the organization, monitoring progress of the current project, developing and continuing relations between the Ohio State University and the organization, having final say in any conflicts that should arise within the organization. Project Lead Responsibilities: Facilitating discussions within organization meetings, having weekly meetings with executive board outside of regularly established organizational meeting times, making creative decisions for the project and enforcing these decisions to see that they are put into effect, working with the producer(s) to make sure goals are completed within a reasonable timeframe, creating a timeline that is to be approved by the executive board, restructuring members and officers (excluding producer(s) and finance chair) in the best interest of the project Programming Lead Responsibilities: Establishing meetings with programmers and Project Lead outside of regularly scheduled organization meeting times, restructuring programming responsibilities within the programming department of the project, attending weekly executive board meetings and discussing any progress made, submitting a weekly (brief) report at organization meetings Story Lead(s) Responsibilities: Establishing meetings with writers and storyboard artists outside of regularly scheduled organization meeting times, attending weekly executive board meetings and discussing any progress or changes to the story as long as it doesn’t conflict with the current developments of the project (must also be approved by Producer(s) and Project Lead), submitting a completed script before work on the project can officially begin Art & Design Lead Responsibilities: Establishing meetings with artists and designers (3D and 2D) outside of regularly scheduled organization meeting times, delegating responsibilities to art & design team in order to best meet deadlines (storyboards, character models, etc.), attending weekly executive board meetings and discussing any progress made, submitting a weekly (brief) report at organization meetings Music & Sound Lead Responsibilities: Establishing meetings with musicians and sound effects creators outside of regularly scheduled organization meeting times, delegating responsibilities to music & sound team in order to best meet deadlines (storyboards, character models, etc.), attending weekly executive board meetings and discussing any progress made, submitting a weekly (brief) report at organization meetings Finance Lead Responsibilities: Establishing meetings with finance team (if finance team exists) outside of regularly scheduled organization meeting times, delegating responsibilities to finance team in order to best meet deadlines, track spending and allocate funds in the best interest of the organization (must confirm all spending with Producer(s) and Project Lead), attending weekly executive board meetings and discussing any progress made, establish meetings with producer(s) outside of regularly scheduled meeting times, submitting a weekly (brief) report at organization meetings Marketing Lead Responsibilities: Establishing marketing meetings with marketing team outside of regularly scheduled organization meeting times, establishing a unique marketing strategy to be approved by the producers, project lead, and finance lead, creating and submitting a budget and timeline to the finance lead, required to attend all public relations meetings Animation Lead Responsibilities: Establishing meeting times with animation team outside of regularly scheduled organization meeting times, creating animations for the project, attending all art & design meetings, working with project lead to make sure animations are up to project’s standards Public Relations Lead Responsibilities: Establishing meeting times with public relations team outside of regularly scheduled organization meeting times, composing a list of potential press contacts and creating relations with them, develop unique public relations strategy in conjunction with the marketing team, required to attend all marketing meetings Credits and Logo Design Lead Responsibilities: Conceptualizing and developing a creative logo animation and credits for the game to be approved by the producer(s) and project lead Packaging Design Lead Responsibilities: Design packaging for the project that is to be approved by the producer(s) and project lead Website Lead Responsibilities: Creating a website for the organization that is to be updated at the request of any officers that have any updates to offer, the website lead can also recruit members to help him or her develop a mini-website game to reflect the current project in development (as a side project to promote the game) Article IV – Executive Committee The executive committee shall consist of the producer(s), project lead, programming lead, story lead(s), art & design lead, music & sound lead, and finance lead. If any issue should arise in which a vote needs to be held, it will be up to the executive committee with the producer(s) having ultimate say in the outcome of the issue at hand. Article V – Adviser The adviser of the Game Creation Club is required to be a full-time member of the University faculty or Administrative & Professional staff. They will be responsible for providing any insight they might have to offer to the organization. They will also be responsible for resolving any issue the executive board cannot come to an ultimate agreement on. Article VI – Meetings of the Organization A general meeting for all members of the Game Creation Club will be held weekly every Sunday during the academic year to discuss the current progress of the project. Meeting times are subject to change in order to best meet the majority of the group member’s schedules. Executive Board meetings are to be held bi-weekly right after general group meetings. Article VII – Method of Amending Constitution Proposed amendments should be in writing and proposed and voted at a general meeting. To pass the amendment their must be two-thirds vote in favor of the amendment. Article IX – Method of Dissolution of Organization Should any organization assets or debt exist during the dissolution of the organization, any assets belonging to any organization members shall be returned and everything else auctioned to raise money for a scholarship foundation dedicated to any majors relevant to the production of video games. If any debt should exist, it should be the responsibility of the outgoing executive board members to resolve the matter. Constitution Rev. 10/8/2006 By: Bryan D. Webb