Health Related Fitness Plan Students will achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness based upon continual self-assessment. Know and apply the principles and components of health related fitness. Components are: flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and body composition. Assess individual fitness levels Set goals based upon fitness data and develop, implement and monitor an individual improvement plan 1. Write both short term (within 2-3 weeks) and long term goals (within 12-16 weeks) for all fitness components based on your interpretation of your personal data collected from the Fitnessgram testing, maximum lift scores on core lifts and target heart rate during agility drills. 2. Write a fitness plan specifying a detailed time line: a. Daily activities placed in sequential order b. Activities are relevant to your goals and plan c. Meet the requirements of FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Type of exercise, Time 3. Complete a daily data log sheet, tracking progress and including comments on daily activities… 4. Provide interpretation of this data in a written, graphic and chart form. 5. In a written format: a. Identify the strengths and weaknesses in your plan and make adjustments b. Describe the immediate and long term effects of your plan on specific body systems c. Set new goals and submit a revised plan This plan will begin on ______________ and continue through _______________ Health Related Fitness Plan Outline Complete the following steps to succeed in writing your plan 1. 2. Set your goals specific to all fitness components based on personal data Write a detailed plan: A. Specifically define how you intend to meet the goals you have written. B. Define the time line that on how/when you intend to meet your goals C. Include a time line that is detailed and lists the activities and places them in a sequential order (THIS IS YOUR DATA SHEET) D. State why the goals are appropriate for you and obtainable by you. 3. 4. 5. 6. Perform all of your planned activities Complete the data record sheets Interpret your data in a chart or graph At the end of the 10 week period, write an evaluation of your plan A. Identify strengths and weaknesses of your plan B. Identify strengths and weaknesses of the implementation (performance) of your activities C. Determine the long-term effects of your plan on SPECIFIC body systems (muscular system, skeletal system, cardiovascular…) D. Make suggestions to improve/modify/revise your plan E. Set new goals IMPORTANT DEADLINES _____________: Turn in Fitness Plan (#2) _____________: Submit final Fitness Plan. THIS INCLUDES: Data sheet Revised goals Graphs of data from beginning to end (Pick one in each fitness component area to graph) Evaluation of plan (see #6 above) Personal Health Related Fitness Plan Fitness Goals Fitness Components CE MS ME F BC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. CE: Cardiovascular Endurance MS: Muscular Strength ME: Muscular Endurance F: Flexibility Personal Health Related Fitness Plan BC: Body Composition Frequency* Activity/Test M T W Th F Fitness Component S Su CE MS ME F BC ** Intensity Time Score Comments *Record the date in the corresponding day column **Intensity: Light (L), Moderate (M), Vigorous (V) Fitness Components: CE: Cardiovascular Endurance MS: Muscular Strength ME: Muscular Endurance F: Flexibility BC: Body Composition