Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print Organization Management Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Taran, Z. (presenter), Vicari, V. & Betts, S.C.(2002). ‘C2C marketplace and fraudulent activities: An example of vigilante justice,’ Paper presented at the Allied Acad. Int’l Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Academy of Strategic e-Commerce, Octo. 2002. Betts, S.C. (2003) ‘Contingency theory: Science or technology?’, Journal of Business and Economic Research, 1(8), pp.123-129 Betts, S.C. (2003) Review of ‘Battling Big Business’, edited by Eveline Lubbers (2002), Common Courage Press, Monroe, ME, Shy Librarian Magazine, p. 35 Betts, S.C. & Stouder, M.D. (forthcoming) ‘The network perspective in organization studies: Network organizations or network analysis?’ Academy of Strategic Management Journal Betts, S.C. & Taran, Z ‘Getting Their Fair ‘Share’: The Impact of Disk Copying on the Music Industry’ Paper presented at the Allied Acad. Int’l Meeting, New Orleans, Acad. of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, April 2004. Taylor, V. & Betts, S.C. (presenter) (2002). ‘Pushing the ethics bar higher: Busi. goals of mgmt. t students,’ Paper Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Referred journal articles Other articles in print presented at the Allied Acad. Int’l Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Academy of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, October 2002. Betts, S.C. (presenter), & Taran, Z. (2002) ‘The 'brand halo' effect: Brand reliability influence on used car prices’ Paper presented at the 2002 Allied Academies International Meeting, Nashville, TN, Academy of Marketing Studies, April 2002 Bailey, J.R., Betts, S.C,Grevesen, C., Santoro, M.D. & Martin, B. (1997). ‘Dispositional explanations for performance review discrepancies,’ Paper presented at the 1997 Asso. of Management/ Int’l Asso. of Mmgt Conf., Montreal , August 1997. Betts, S.C. (2002). ‘"To be or not to be?": Hamlet and motivation theory,’ Paper presented at the Allied Academies International Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Academy of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, October 2002. Betts, S.C. (presenter) & Taran, Z. (2002). ‘Quality perceptions and prospect theory: Non-linear effects of quality on price in the used car market,’ Paper presented at the Allied Acad. Int’l Meeting, Las Vegas, Acad. of Marketing Studies, October 2002 Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Referred journal articles Other articles in print Li, F. (presenter) & Betts. S.C. (2003) ‘Trust: What it is and what it is not’, Paper presented at the International Applied Business Research Conference, Acapulco, Mexico, March 2003. Betts, S.C. (presenter), & Taran, Z. (2003) ‘Leveraging brand equity: A life cycle approach to sharing economic rents’, Paper presented at the International Applied Business Research Conference, Acapulco, Mexico, March 2003 Betts, S.C. (2003) ‘The missing link of decision making: Generation of alternatives’, Paper presented at the International Applied Business Research Conference, Acapulco, Mexico, March 2003. Paper published in meeting proceedings, pp. 1-5 Li, F. & Betts, S.C (presenter). (2003) ‘Between expectation and behavioral intent: A model of trust’ Paper presented at the Allied Academies International Meeting, Tunica, MS,, Academy of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, April, 2003. Betts, S.C. & Taran, Z., (2003) ‘Social responsibility and ecommerce: An examination of C2C/P2P systems’, Review of Business Research, 1(1), pp. 2123 Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Referred journal articles Li, F. & Betts, S.C. (2003) ‘Trust: What it is and what it is not’, International Business & Economics Research Journal, 2(7), pp. 67-75 Betts, S.C. (2002) ‘Using literature and film in organizational behavior’, Special Issue ‘The Teaching of Literature and Culture’, Academic Exchange Quarterly, 6(4), pp. 9497 Betts, S.C. (2002) ‘An exploration of multiple jobholding (moonlighting): A multi-level perspective,’ Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 7(3), pp. 72-90 Taran, Z., Vicari, V. & Betts S.C. (2004) ‘C2C business and high tech product: the case Iridium satellite phones’, E-Business Review, 4, pp. 149-152 Betts, S.C. & Taran, Z. (2003) ‘Prospect theory and perceptions of quality: Non-linear effects of quality comparisons on price in the used car market’, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 7(1), pp. 1-10 Li, F. & Betts, S.C (forthcoming) ‘Between expectation and behavioral intent: A model of trust’, Academy of Organizational Communications Journal Betts, S.C., (2003) ‘Strategy literature vs strategy coursework: Other articles in print Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print A framework for bringing strategy research into the classroom’, Review of Business Research, 1(2), pp. 49-53 Alumni Alumni Betts Betts Stephen Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Betts, S.C. (presenter) & Santoro, M.D. (1997). ‘Building bridges for the future: Spanning the gap between leadership and team research,’ Paper presented at the 34th Annual Eastern Academy of Management Conference, New Brunswick, New Jersey, May 1997 Betts& Santoro, M.D. (2003) ‘Ind. and academe working together: Factors that give life to initial and continuing success’ in Kocaoglu, D.F. & Anderson, T.R. (eds.) ‘Tech. Mgm.t for Reshaping the World’, IEEE Publications, Piscattaway, NJ, pp. 165-171 Betts, S.C., Taran, Z., & Nayak, P. (2004) ‘Brand equity and competitive advantage: A ‘resource-based view’ explanation of the sharing of economic rents’, in Boronico, J. (ed.) Competitive Advantage, Contemporary Perspectives', pp. 24-39 Betts, S.C. (2003) ‘Charismatic leadership development process: Resolving a paradox between charisma and mentoring’ Paper presented at the Allied Academies Int’l Meeting, Tunica, MS, Acad. of Organizational Culture, Comms. Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print and Conflict, April, 2003 Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Santoro, M.D. & Betts, S.C. (2002) ‘Making industryuniversity partnerships work,’ Research-Technology Management, 45(3), pp. 42-46 Betts, S.C. (2003) ‘”Romeo and Juliet”, “The Wizard of Oz” and organizational behavior: Looking to literature and film for metaphors of contemporary reality’, Session presented at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conf., Springfield, MA, June 2003 Betts, S.C. (2002). ‘Contingency theory: Science or technology?,’ Paper presented at the International Business & Economics Research Conference 2002, Las Vegas, NV, October 2002. Taran, Z. (presenter) & Betts, S.C. (2003) ‘Global social responsibility and C2C/P2P systems’ Paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference. Global Awareness Society, Washington, DC, May 2003 Paper published in meeting proceedings, pp. 25-33 Betts, S.C. (presenter) & Taylor, V. ‘Raising the Bar in Troubled Times: Business Goals of Our Future Leaders’, Paper presented at the International Applied Business Research Conference 2004,San Juan, Puerto Rico, Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Referred journal articles Other articles in print March 2004 Scarpati, L. & Betts, S.C. (presenter) ‘Thinking on your feet during a crisis: The failure of the last Anglo-Saxon King’, Paper presented at the Allied Academies International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, International Academy for Case Studies, April 2004. Betts, S.C. ‘Gender Differences in Multiple Jobholding: Moonlighting Among Teachers’, Paper presented at the International Applied Business Research Conference 2004,San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 2004 Betts, S.C. (presenter) & Taran, Z. (2003) ‘Brands, rents, and the BCG matrix: A portfolio approach to brand maintenance’ Paper presented at the Allied Academies International Meeting, Tunica, MS, Academy of Marketing Studies, April, 2003 Betts, S.C. & Taran, Z. (forthcoming) ‘The ‘Brand Halo’ effect on durable goods prices: Brand reliability and the used car market,’ Academy of Marketing Studies Journal Betts, S.C. & Taran, Z. (2003) ‘Leveraging brand equity: A life cycle approach to sharing economic rents’, International Business & Economics Research Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print Journal, 2(7), pp. 103-108 Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Betts, S.C. (2003) ‘The relationship between neuroticism and performance in team situations: The moderating effect of goal ambiguity’ Paper presented at the Eastern Academy of Management 2003 Meeting, Work In Process Track, Baltimore MD, May 2003 Betts, S.C. & Santoro, M.D. (2003) ‘Industry and academe working together: Factors that give life to initial and continuing success’ Paper presented at PICMET ’03 (Portland Int’l Conf. on Mmgt of Engineering and Technology), Portland OR, July 2003 Betts, S.C. (2002) ‘If 'strategy' is the answer, what's the question?’ Paper presented at the 2002 Allied Academies International Meeting, Nashville, TN, Academy of Strategic and Organizational Leadership, April 2002 Betts,(forthcoming)‘Organ. Behavior in Lit.:Using"Romeo & Juliet","Moby Dick",and"Hamlet"As Metaphors of Contemporary Reality', in Torres-Coronas, J., Hernández, M.G., & Coelho, A (eds.) ‘Changing the Way You Teach: Creativity Tools for Mgmt Educators’ Betts, S.C. (presenter) & Stouder, M.D. (2003) ‘The network Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print perspective in organization studies: Network organizations or network analysis?’, Paper presented at the Allied Academies Int’l Meeting, Las Vegas, Acad. of Strategic Mgmt, October 2003 Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Betts Stephen Alumni Alumni Chen Choi Dong Jaepil Betts, S.C. & Taylor, V. (forthcoming) ‘Raising the Bar in Troubled Times: Business Goals of Our Future Leaders’, Journal of Business & Economics Research Betts, S.C. (forthcoming) ‘Resolving a Paradox between Mentoring, LMX and Charisma: A Process Approach to Leadership Development,’ Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict Betts, S.C. (forthcoming) ‘Gender Differences in Multiple Jobholding: Moonlighting Among Teachers’, Journal of Business and Economics Research Betts, S.C & Roberts, T. (forthcoming) ‘Going Beyond the ADA: Moving From ‘Reasonable Accommodations’ to ‘Inclusive Accommodations’, Review of Business Research Yang, N., Chen, C.C., Choi, J., & Zou, Y. 2000. Sources of workfamily conflict: A Sino-U.S. comparison of the effects of work and family demands. Academy of Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Choi Jaepil Alumni Choi Jaepil Alumni Choi Jaepil Alumni Choi Jaepil Alumni Choi Jaepil Referred journal articles Other articles in print Management Journal, 43: 113123. Hooijberg, R., & Choi, J. 1999. From Austria to the United States and from evaluating therapists to developing cognitive resources theory: An interview with Fred Fiedler. Leadership Quarterly, 10: 653-665. Hooijberg, R., & Choi, J. 2000. From selling peanuts and beer in Yankee Stadium to creating a theory of transformational leadership: An interview with Bernie Bass. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 291-306. Hooijberg, R., & Choi, J. The impact of organizational characteristics on leadership effectiveness models: An examination of leadership in a private and a public sector organization. Administration & Society, 33: 403-431. Choi, J. 1997. The four leadership functions of the competing values framework and perceptions of charismatic leadership. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, New Brunswick, NJ. Pothukuchi, V., Damanpour, F., Choi, J., Chen, C.C., & Park, S.H. 2002. National and organizational culture differences and international joint venture Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Choi Jaepil Alumni Choi Jaepil Alumni Choi Jaepil Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Crick Anne Referred journal articles Other articles in print performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 33: 243-265. Chen, C.C.,Choi&Chi,SC.(2002).Making justice sense of local expatriate compen. disparity:Mitigating factors of local referents,ideological explanations,and interpersonal sensitivity in China-foreign joint ventures.Acad. of Man’t Jour.44:807-817 Hooijberg, R., & Choi, J. 1998. The impact of macro-org’l variables on leadership effectiveness models: An examination of leadership in private and public organ. Best Paper Proc.s of the 1998 Ann. Meeting of the Acad. of Man’t, San Diego, CA Hooijberg, R., & Choi, J. 2000. Which leadership roles matter to whom?: An examination of rater effects on perceptions of effectiveness. Leadership Quarterly, 11: 341-364. Personalized service in the small hotel sector: the challenges and the opportunities. In J. Maerk & I. Boxill (Eds.) Tourism in the Caribbean. Plaza Valdez. Mexico City: 129-148 Human Resource Mgmt in Jamaica: Responding to challenging times (with C. Jayawardena). In S.M. Hofmann, Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print C. Johnson & M.M. Lefever (Eds.) Int'l Human Resource Mmgt in the Hospitality Industry. Educational Institute. AHMA. Michigan, 113128. Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Crick Anne A methodology for improved synergy between the classroom and management practices (with M.A. Haughton, S.E. Moore & L.A. Nicholson) . Education & Training, 45, 1, 30-44 Personalized service in the new economy: implications for small island tourism. Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies, 26, 1:1-20 Bringing the person back into personalized service: The role of HRD practicioners. International Journal of Human Resource Development & Management. 6: 26-36. Work and family life: the impact on productivity. Caribbean Labour Journal, 2, 2, 25-29 Managing in a kinder, gentler world of work: Emotional labour and workplace governance. In N. Cowell & C. Branche (Eds.) Human Resource Development and Workplace Governance in the Caribbean. IRP, Kingston: 23552. The Employee attitude survey: A case of very good communication. In N.M. Cowell & I. Boxill (Eds.) Human Resource Management: A Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print Caribbean perspective. Canoe Press. U.W.I, 246-57 Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Crick Anne A competitive analytical approach to Health Tourism in Jamaica. SES Special Edition on Managing Health Care in Jamaica. 51, 3, 27-39 Glad to meet you - my best friend: relationships in the hospitality industry. SES 51, 1, 99-125 Service and Servility in contemporary Caribbean hospitality. In A. Pereira, I Boxill, J. Maerk (Eds.) Tourism, development and natural resources in the Caribbean, Plaza Valdez. Mexico City: 239-56. From MacDonaldization to customization: Training the service worker in the new era. In C. Jayawardena (Ed.), Tourism & Hospitality Education and Training in the Caribbean, University of the West Indies Press, Mona: 265-76. Managing Emotional Displays in Tourism. In I. Boxill, O. Taylor & J. Maerk (Eds.) Tourism and Change in the Caribbean and Latin America. Kingston: Arawak Publications, pp. 162-78. Alumni Crick Anne Internal marketing of attitudes in Caribbean tourism. International Journal of Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Crick Anne Alumni Gallagher Scott Alumni Gallagher Scott Alumni Gallagher Scott Referred journal articles Other articles in print Contemporary Hospitality Management, 15, 3. 161-6 Does entrepreneurial self-efficacy distinguish entrepreneurs from managers? (with C.C. Chen & P.G. Greene). Journal of Business Venturing, 13, 4, 295316. Supervision. In Institutional Food Service: A guide for Supervisors. Caribbean Food and Nutritional Institute. CFNI Press: 81-101. Decentralization in the health sector: a performance perspective – SES Special Edition on Managing Health Care in Jamaica. 51, 3, 131-49 The influence of the tip system in the hospitality industry. Caribbean Finance and Management, 7, 1&2, 19-30. Gallagher, Scott and Seung-Ho Park. 2003. "Scoring Video Games' Standard Contributions." IEEE Potentials (supplement), April/May 2003. Contributor to: "9/11 Montage: Professors Remember." Academy of Management Learning and Education, 1(1): 14-37. Park, Seung-Ho, Rodger Chen, and Scott Gallagher. 2002. "Firm Resources as Moderators of the Relationship Between Market Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print Growth and Strategic Alliances in Semiconductor Start-Ups." Academy of Management Journal, 45(3): 527-545. Alumni Gallagher Scott Alumni Gallagher Scott Alumni Gallagher Scott Alumni Alumni Alumni Grevesen Hwang Kobeissi Chris Yong-Sik Nada Wells, John Calhoun and Scott Gallagher. 1992. “The South Texas Project: A Case Study”, U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Management Relations, Washington D.C., Grant E-9-P-8-0101. Gallagher, Scott and Seung-Ho Park. 2002. “Innovation and Competition in Standard-Based Industries: A Historical Analysis of the U.S. Home Video Game Market.” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 49(1): 67-82. Clemens, Bruce and Gallagher.2003."Stakeholders for Envir. Strategies The Case of the Emerging Ind. in Radioactive Scrap Metal" in Unfolding Stakeholder Thinking 2, edited by J.Andriof, S.Waddock, B.Husted, and S.Sutherland Rahman, pp. 128-144. The diffusion of a socially responsible innovation: Grameen Bank's credit delivery system, Nada Kobeissi, Fariborz Damanpour, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Kobeissi Nada Alumni Lechner Anat Alumni Alumni Alumni Lucas McGill Newbert Leyland Joseph Scott Alumni Newbert Scott Referred journal articles Other articles in print Innovation Management 2003 Vol. 3, No.5/6 pp. 563 - 584 From Poor to Entrepreneur: An Innovative Strategy to Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development, Nada Kobeissi and Fariborz Damanpour, Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol. 11, No. 4 (December 2003) Lechner, A. The Team Revolution:Multidisciplinary Teams @ Work. Textbook on Multidisciplinary Teamwork, to be published sy South-Western College Pub, Thompson Learning. Walsh, Steve T.; Kirchhoff, Bruce A.; Newbert, Scott L. 2002. Matching Technologies with Appropriate Entrepreneurial Market Strategy. 47th International Council for Small Business World Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, June 16-19. The Influence of R&D Expenditures on New Firm Formation & Econ. Growth.Prepared for the Off. of Econ. Research,Office of Advocacy,U.S. Small Bus. Admin.; the Nat'l Comm. on Entrepre.;& the Nat'l Center for Entrepre.Research, Ewing Marion Kauffman Fo Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Newbert Scott Alumni Newbert Scott Alumni Newbert Scott Alumni Newbert Scott Alumni Newbert Scott Alumni Newbert Scott Referred journal articles Other articles in print Capabilities, Competencies, Strategies, and Performance in Technology Intensive New Ventures. 18th Annual United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas, January 15-18 Newbert, Scott L. 2003. The Impact of Social Networks on Success Rates of Nascent Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Investigation. 40th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management, Baltimore, Maryland, April 30-May 3. Newbert, Scott L. 2003. Realizing the Spirit and Impact of Adam Smith’s Capitalism through Entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Ethics, 46(3): 251-258. Differentiating Market Strategies for Commercialization of Disruptive Technologies: Results from Corporate Attendees. 6th International Commercialization of Microsystems Conference, Oxford, England, September 2-6 Walsh, Steven T.; Kirchhoff, Bruce A.; Newbert, Scott. 2002. Differentiating Market Strategies for Disruptive Technologies. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 49(4): 341-351. The Influence of R&D Expenditures on New Firm Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Parks-Yancy Rochelle Alumni Parks-Yancy Rochelle Alumni Parks-Yancy Rochelle Alumni Post Corinne Alumni Post Corinne Referred journal articles Other articles in print Formation and Economic Growth. 22nd Annual Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conf., Boulder, CO, June 6-8. Wellesley, MA: Babson College, 350-361. Parks-Yancy, R. 2002. Antecedents of managerial and prof. career trajectories and their differential effects on blacks and whites:Gaining parity through human and social capital. Best Paper Proceedings; annual meeting of the Acad. of Mgmt, Denver. Parks-Yancy, R. Forthcoming. The impact of social capital on AfricanAmerican and women survivors of organizational downsizing. In N. DiTomaso (Ed.), Research in the sociology of work, 14. DiTomaso, N., Parks-Yancy, R., & Post, C. 2003. Structure, relationships, and community responsibility. Management Communication Quarterly Reducing the tendency to selfhandicap: The effect of selfaffirmation, with Joanne Scillitoe and Phyllis Siegel, JESP, 2004 DiTomaso, Parks-Yancy, Post. 2003. “White Views of Civil Rights: Colorblindness and Equal Opportunity” in Woody Doane & Eduardo Bonilla-Silva (Eds.) White Out. New York: Routledge. DiTomaso, Parks-Yancy, & Post. 2003. “Structure, Relationships, Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print and Community Responsibility”. Management Communication Quarterly 17(1): 143-150. Alumni Post Corinne Alumni Post Corinne Alumni Post Corinne Alumni Post Corinne Alumni Pothukuchi Vijay Alumni Saparito Patrick Post, C. August 2003. Institute for Research on Women - Working paper: “Gender, Family Structure and Favorable Work Contexts: How They Help Explain Differences in Scientists and Engineers’ Performance” Siegel, Post, Brockner, Fishman, and Garden. Forthcoming 2005 “The moderating influence of procedural fairness on the relationship between work-life conflict and organizational commitment” Forthcoming, Journal of Applied Psychology Post, Farris, and Cordero. 2004. “The marriage advantage for men in science and engineering organizations” in Nancy DiTomaso & Corinne Post (Eds.) Workforce Diversity. Oxford: Elsevier. DiTomaso, N. & Post, C. (Eds.). Forthcoming 2004. Workforce Diversity. (Vol. 14): Elsevier. National and Organizational Culture Differences and International Joint Venture Performance Vijay Pothukuchi, Fariborz Damanpour, Jaepil Choi, Chao C Chen & Seung Ho Park Greene, P., Brush, C., Hart, M. & Saparito, P. 2001. Patterns of Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Saparito Patrick Alumni Saparito Patrick Alumni Saparito Patrick Alumni Saparito Patrick Alumni Alumni Schons Stouder Edward Michael Referred journal articles Other articles in print venture capital funding: Is gender an issue? Venture Capital, 3(1): 63-83. Saparito, P. Chen, C. & Sapienza, H. Forthcoming. The role of relational trust in banksmall firm relationships. Academy of Management Journal. Chen, C., Peng, M. & Saparito, P. 2002. Individualism, collectivism, and opportunism: A cultural perspective on transaction cost economics. Journal of Management, 28(4): 567-583. Cardon, M., Zietsma, C., Saparito, P., Davis, C., Kock, C. & Matherne, B. Forthcoming. A tale of passion: New insights into entrepreneurship from a motherhood analogy. Journal of Business Venturing. Santoro, M. & Saparito, P. Forthcoming The firm's trust of its university partner as a key mediator in advancing knowledge and new technologies. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Michael Stouder and Bruce Kirchhoff, Funding the First Year of Business, PART THREE: THE START-UP PROCESS, The Handbook of Entrepreneurial Dynamics The Process of Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Alumni Alumni Alumni Stryker James Studdard Nareatha Wischnevsky J.Daniel Alumni Wischnevsky J.Daniel Alumni Wischnevsky J.Daniel Alumni Wischnevsky J.Daniel Alumni Wischnevsky J.Daniel Alumni Wischnevsky J.Daniel Referred journal articles No Publications No Publications Gopalakrishnan, S.; Wischnevsky, J.D., & Damanpour, F. A Multilevel Analysis of Factors Influencing Other articles in print Papers posted publicly on web Organization Creation No Publications No Publications No Publications No Publications Wischnevsky, J.D., & Damanpour, F. Organizational Transformation and Firm Performance: A Conceptual and Empirical Examination of Three Perspectives. 2001 Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings. Wischnevsky, J.D. (in press). Organizational Transformation and Survival in the Context of Industry Deregulation. 2004 Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings. Wischnevsky, J.D. Rethinking Organizational Environments: The Implications of Interconnectedness. Eastern Academy of Management 1996 Proceedings: New Connections in the Information Age: 260-263. Wischnevsky, J.D. Understanding Industry Convergence: Processes and Strategic Issues. 2001 International Business and Economics Research Proceedings Wischnevsky, J.D., & Damanpour, F. (in press). Punctuated Equilibrium Model Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print the Adoption of Internet Banking. IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management, 50(4): 413-426 (Nov 2003) Current Student Aravind Deepa Current Student Belkin Liouba Current Student Belkin Liouba Current Student Belkin Liouba Current Student Belkin Liouba Damanpour, F. & Aravind, D. 2005. Product and process innovations: A review of organizational and environmental determinants. In Hage, J. & Meeus, M.T.H. Innovation, Science, and Institutional Change. Acad. of Int'l Bus., July, 2003"Organ. attractiveness in the eye of the beholder:Movement capital's moderating effects on the relationships of cultural distance and int'lization with organizational attractiveness",Authors:Gardberg, Newburry, Belkin Academy of Management conference European Division, May 2003 - "The moderating effect of movement capital on the relationship of cultural distance and internationalization with organizational attractiveness", Authors: Gardberg, Newburry, Belkin North East AIB conference, September, 2002 - "The impact of women on perceptions of individual career opportunities from globalization: The case of Iran" - Authors: Newburry, Belkin, Ansari Academy of Management conference, August, 2004 - "It's Papers posted publicly on web Status Last name First name Referred journal articles Other articles in print not what you say, but how you say it: The effects of e-mail on feedback delivery and receipt", Authors: Kurtzberg, Belkin, Naquin. Current Student Current Student Chen Yi-Yu Dunne Danielle Current Student Dunne Danielle Current Student Dunne Danielle Current Student Dunne Danielle Current Student Dunne Danielle Current Kirkman Dorothy Dunne, Danielle. 2004. Networks, Alliances, and Performance in the Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals Industry. Dunne, Danielle & Shanthi Gopalakrishnan. 2004. What Determines the Governance Structure of a Strategic Alliance? Investigating how technical, commercial, and social capital relate to alliance governance structure Dunne, Danielle. 2003. Why Do Acquisitions Fail? The Relationship between Acquisition Failure and Knowledge Transfer. Dougherty, Deborah, Barnard, Helena, & Dunne, Danielle. 2004. Exploring the Everyday Dynamics of Dynamic Capabilities, conditional acceptance at Qualitative Organizational Research. Dougherty, Deborah, Barnard, Helena, & Dunne, Danielle. 2004. Exploring the Everyday Dynamics of Dynamic Capabilities, Academy of Management Proceedings. Papers posted publicly on web Status Student Current Student Current Student Last name First name Lee Chelin Santos Jose Current Student Scillitoe Joanne Current Student Current Student Current Student Sendrow Current Student Referred journal articles Other articles in print Papers posted publicly on web GLOBAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS: CONNECTING ORGANIZATIONS IN THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT, Americas Conference of Information Systems 2002, and Jerry Fjermestad, Subject_ID=25&Publication_ID=3 0 Silvia Reducing the tendency to selfhandicap: The effect of selfaffirmation, with Rochelle ParksYancy and Phyllis Siegel, JESP, 2004 No Publications No Publications No Publications Smith Tashonna No Publications No Publications No Publications Takacs Helen Zhang Yanli No Publications Dougherty, Deborah & Takacs, C. Helen. (Forthcoming) Team play: The boundary of heedful interrelating for innovation. (Accepted for publication in "Long Range Planning.") No Publications No Publications