CLOSE UP CANADA: QUEBEC/NEW FOUNDLAND -Write the French words for the ‘cardinal’ directions (hint: look at the road signs) -What ratio of population in this area claim French heridtage -What is happening in Val-d’Or during October? -What is the northern most bay in Nouveay Quebec -Name four reservoirs in Quebec. Why so many? CLOSE UP CANADA: ONTARIO -Niagara Falls is located between what two lakes? -What is the name of the canal that by-passes Niagara Falls -What US island caused the border between to Canada to not divide Lake Superior in half? -Most rivers in Ontario drain what way and into where? -Describe the physical difference between the SW compared to the NE of Ontario -Who controls the islands within Hudson Bay? CLOSE UP CANADA: SASKATCHEWAN, MANITOBA AND NORTHWEST TERRITORIES -What is the Capital city of each of these provinces? -What is the latitude line that separates the NW Territories from the southern provinces? -What is the largest lake visible on the map? -When and why was Uranium City established? -Describe the road density in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. CLOSE UP CANADA: BRITSIH COLUMBIA, ALBERTA AND YUKON TERRITORY -What latitude separates the US from Canada? -What extends further south than this line? -What is the most western island of Canada? -What major river drains into Alaska? -The Continental Divide is generally where? THE MAKING OF CANADA: PRAIRIE PROVENCES -List the years and briefly describe what happened during the numbered time eras. -Up to WWI how many settlers could claim foreign birth? -What three provinces make up the Prairie Provinces? -How did Manitoba get its name? -Who are the Metis? THE MAKING OF CANADA: THE NORTH -What two aboriginal groups dominate northern Canada? -The Biome that dominates these provinces is what? -According to you text, what is the newest Canadian province? -Little Cornwallis boast what? -Does the northern limit of wooded country reach the Arctic Ocean? -What is the most northerly settlement on earth? THE MAKING OF CANADA: ATLANTIC CANADA -List the years and briefly describe what happened during the numbered time eras. -What is Brawn Drain? -The trans Labrador Highway starts where? -Why was the boundary between Newfoundland and Quebec established where it is today? -What island is found in the mouth of the St Lawrence Seaway? -How far north does the ferry operation extend? THE MAKING OF CANADA: QUEBEC -What naturally created the Manicouagan Reservoir? -When was the first hydroelectric power development at James Bay? -Describe the ‘Canadian Shield’ THE MAKING OF CANADA: ONTARIO -List the years and briefly describe what happened during the numbered time eras. -The trans-Canadian highway goes between what cities? -What provincial park is next to Hudson Bay? THE MAKING OF CANADA: BRITISH COLUMBIA -List the years and briefly describe what happened during the numbered time eras. -Name 5 mountain ranges found on the map. -What pass did the Gold Rush use near Skagway? -What is the highway number for the Alaska Highway? -What is the highway number for the Trans-Canada highway?