MCB 2010L – Microbiology Water Disinfection, UV Light, and Evaluation of Antiseptics Disinfection of Drinking Water – Lab 23 Work with entire bench (6 students) o There will be 6 petri dishes, one for each student Perform step 1 Plate 1 – label “control – bleach” Plate 2 – label “control iodine” Perform step 2 Plate 3 – label “pretreatment – bleach” Plate 4 – label “pretreatment – iodine” ADD AGAR TO PLATES 1-4 Perform step 3 – allow to stand for 30 minutes Perform step 4 Plate 5 – label “post-treatment bleach” Plate 6 – label “post-treatment iodine” Follow handout, BE SURE TO ADD AGAR IMMEDIATELY TO PLATES 1-4 AFTER YOU TAKE PRETREATMENT SAMPLE - - Pre- treat bleach (E.coli added to tap water, “contamination”) Post treat bleach (Bleach added, sat for 30 minutes, successfully disinfection) Ultraviolet light: Lethal effects – Lab 19 - Table in lab 19 o Change B. megaterium to B. subtilus Bacillus megaterium is an endospore former while Staphylococcus aureus isn’t – how does this make a difference? o Each student will be assigned with species and time o Obtain TSA plate Take sterile swab and dip in sample (use aseptic technique) Wipe entire plate with swab (want to cover the plate with bacteria) Label plate with initials, species, and exposure time (write small) - refer to table Take lid off (except if are #8 or 16), place note card over half of plate, then place in UV chamber for assigned time #15 or 16 – place with lid on plate in chamber for 30 minutes instead of 60 - S. aureus, 10 seconds B. subtilus, 10 minutes Evaluation of Antiseptics – Lab 24 - - Antiseptics o Sporocides – destroy all microbial life, including endospores o Sanitizers – kill most but not all o Bacteriostatic – inhibits growth but does not kill o Bacteriocidal – kill bacterial cells Each bench will be split into groups of 2 (2 TSA plates per group) Antiseptics are on bench for each groups, so are paper disks On bottom of petri dish, use marker to divide plate into 3 sections Label plate with initials, species, and mark each section as to what antiseptic is used (write small) Using a swab, gain a sample of S. aureus and cover TSA agar (want “blanket” of bacteria) ; then put disks soaked in antiseptic on plate; do same on other plate for P. aeruginosa - - S. aureus P. aeruginosa Remember to take PDA plate home with you!!!!! Set it out to capture some Fungi