BUS 14-21 FM 322 Community Nutrition Health Promotion

Curriculum Proposal
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Department: FN-WLSHTM
School Document Number: BUS 14-21
Author (Contact): J. Hack/R. Fields
School Approval Date: 3/25/2014
Date: 3/3/2014
CEP Review Date:
Effective Term: Fall 2014
Senate Approval Date:
Type of Proposal
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Course: FN 322
Proposal Subject: Revise course FN 322, Community Nutrition and Health Promotion by increasing credit hours, changing one
prerequisite, and adjusting the description and course level.
Justification: This course includes Community based projects that have increased in time and numbers that simply can’t be fit into the
current course structure without increasing the credit. In addition, the level the class is taught at is higher than the current number
reflects, as it is now the capstone course in Foods and Nutrition.
Current: FN 32200, Community Nutrition & Health Promotion
Entrepreneurship. Credit/pattern: 02-00-02.
Proposed: FN 42200, Community Nutrition & Health Promotion
Entrepreneurship. Credit/pattern: 03-00-03.
Prerequisite: FN 30300 or FN 26000
Study of strategies for improving nutritional status and community
health. Examination of principles of entrepreneurship and
application to the practice of community nutrition. Includes reviews
of existing federal and non-governmental programs designed to meet
food and nutrition needs of various population groups.
Prerequisite: FN 30300.
Study of strategies for improving nutritional status and community
health. Examination of principles of entrepreneurship and
application to the practice of community nutrition. Includes reviews
of existing federal and non-governmental programs designed to meet
food and nutrition needs of various population groups. Requires
participation in community-based projects.
Learning Objectives for this course are:
1. Students will recognize opportunities for providing health
promotion in community settings.
2. Students will understand the process of program planning,
marketing, implementation and evaluation of nutrition programs.
3. Students will identify existing resources and potential
partnerships in public and private sectors.
Course Outcomes for this course are:
1. Review demographic and health data for communities.
2. Gain a basic understanding of the role of nutrition in various
community settings.
3. Understand principles of achieving behavior change, cultural
competence and nutrition education for diverse populations.
4. Choose a subject for a health or nutrition program and develop
a complete portfolio from needs assessment to evaluation.
Course Achievements for this course are:
1. Successful completion of assigned activities and
2. Presentation of a program and a completed portfolio of work.
3. Participation in community activities as available and
Curriculum Proposal 1
Impact on Students:
Students will now find the increased credit hour and the higher level of coursework more accurately reflects the community projects
Impact On Other Departments:
This course is only required in the Bachelor of Science degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management -Fitness Management Option.
So, there is no impact on the BS in HTM. A few non-majors seeking free electives will probably find the increased credit hour and
class level causes them no problems on their major plan of study either.
Impact on University Resources: Instructional hours will increase slightly but be easier to schedule and current university resources
(including library) will remain the same. Current Faculty and Limited Term Lecturers are available to staff the course.
Impact on General Education Requirements: This is not a general education course.
Curriculum Proposal 2