Sulinet Digitális Nyelvi Tananyagbank ( 1 KEY to ‘Moon and Mars’ 3 the sun and all the planets that move around it 4 1 Mercury – Merkúr 2 Venus – Vénusz 3 Earth – Föld 4 Mars – Mars 7 Uranus - Uránusz 5 Jupiter – Jupiter 8 Neptune - Neptunusz 6 Saturn – Szaturnusz 9 Pluto – Plútó 5 Ancient Roman gods have the same names. 6 Mercury: god of thieving, Venus: goddess of love, Mars: god of war, Jupiter: god of thunder and lightning, Saturn: god of agriculture, Uranus: god of heaven and sky, Neptune: god of sea, Pluto: god of the underworld 7 a. Jupiter, b. Mars, c. Earth, d. Mercury, e. Saturn, f. Pluto 8 hours; brighter; identify; catches; orbit; month; planet; crescent moon 9 1g 2e 3a 4b 5d 6c 7f 10 A 1., 2. and 6 are TRUE. 10 B 3. F Mars was brighter in 2003 than now. 4. F Mars appears now as an ordinary star. 5. F Mars is not up all night, so it can be perfectly seen only before dawn. 7. F It can be best seen in the beginning of April. 8. F Mars is reddish in colour. Transcript: JB: This is Earth and Sky for Saturday, April 2. I'm Joel Block. DB: And I'm Deborah Byrd. People have been asking when you'll be able to see the planet Mars. This next-door neighbor to Earth was very bright and fiery red in our sky in August and September of 2003. JB: But don't expect Mars to be that bright now. In 2003, Mars was at its closest to Earth. Right now, it's much farther away - far across the solar system from us. So, right now, the planet Mars appears as an ordinary "star" -- only as bright as many true stars -- in the night sky. Also, Mars isn't up all night now . . . DB: It's visible only in the hours before dawn. But Mars will be getting brighter as this year passes. And you can identify Mars now -- and watch its brightness increase as Earth catches up to Mars in our smaller, faster orbit around the sun. Mars will be brightest this year in November. By then it'll be up all night. JB: This month, Sunday or Monday mornings -- April 3 and 4 -- are good times to look for Mars. That's because then the planet will be near the waning crescent moon in the predawn sky. Just go outside before sunup and look for the moon. Mars is a planet, but it looks like a star. If you look carefully, you might see that Mars is reddish in color. It'll be right next to the moon on Sunday and Monday mornings. DB: For a chart showing Mars near the moon, come to We're Block and Byrd for Earth and Sky.* 11 It very much seems to be an eye. Such a big eye could only belong to someone who is supernatural. 12 1g 13 small fast bright close good bad far 2f 3a smaller faster brighter closer better worse farther further 4e 5b 6c 7d the smallest the fastest the brightest the closest the best the worst the farthest the furthest 14 1 astronomer psychologist: a scientist who studies the mind and how it influences behaviour astrologer: a person who studies the planets in order to tell people’s future and their character 2 to orbit around something to run away: to leave a place suddenly; to escape to follow somebody: to come or go after or behind somebody 3 dawn sunset: the time when sun goes down noon: 12 o’ clock in the middle of the day; midday 4 sunset morning: the early part of the day sunrise: the time when the sun first appears in the sky in the morning Moon and Mars – Sághy * © 2003 Byrd & Block Communications Inc.