Latin 3 Syllabus

The class will begin with an intensive review of noun and verb forms met in previous
Students meet the Roman Governor of Britain, Agricola, in this stage. The readings
introduce purpose clauses, another use of the subjunctive. Students meet more
impersonal verbs [oportet] as well as num to introduce indirect questions. Students will
continue to study and master the Vocabulary Checklist and word study.
The castra, or legionary fortress, is the scene of these humorous stories as well as the
subject of the culture lesson. Grammar focuses on indirect commands and result clauses.
Students will continue to study and master the Vocabulary Checklist and word study.
The plot thickens with more serious stories centering on Belimicus and Salvius. The
culture essay centers on archaeology and how we learn and know about the past. The
grammar centers on the ablative case and one of its many uses. Students will continue to
study and master the Vocabulary Checklist and word study.
Rome at Last! The stories flash back several years to the time of the dedication of the
triumphal Arch of Titus by Domitian. The campaign in Judea is discussed in the readings
and culture essay. The passive voice in the present and imperfect tenses is introduced.
Students will continue to study and master the Vocabulary Checklist and word study.
Haterius the contractor met in the previous stage sets the scene for this stage¹s culture
essay. In grammar the perfect and pluperfect tenses, passive voice, are presented.
Students will continue to study and master the Vocabulary Checklist and word study.
Culture focuses on the city of Rome as well as the Patronage System. The grammatical
construction known as the ablative absolute, is introduced. Students will continue to
study and master the Vocabulary Checklist and word study.
The Greek lady philosopher Euphrosyne and Haterius¹ birthday party are the main focus
of this stage¹s stories. Philosophy as well as astrology and other believes of the first
century A.D. are discussed. Deponent verbs and the gerundive of obligation with
transitive verbs (passive periphrastic) are the main grammar points. Students will
continue to study and master the Vocabulary Checklist and word study.
Culture - Christianity is introduced with the appearance of Tychicus at a private mime
performance. We meet the historical actor Paris and learn of his romantic involvement
with Domitia. The future tense, and future perfect tenses are introduced, as are future
conditions. Students will continue to study and master the Vocabulary Checklist and
word study.
Culture - role of freedmen in Roman society, Grammar deponent verbs are dealt with in
the present system. Students will continue to study and master the Vocabulary Checklist
and word study.
STAGES 35-40
These stages will be covered less intensely than previous stages. Culture topics as
marriage and the role of women in Roman society, introduction to classical Latin authors
- Martial, Ovid, Catullus, metrics and prosody, appreciation of the genre of the individual
authors, appreciation of the works as pieces of literature. Vocabulary and word study
will continue.
Other topics, e.g. the Roman Calendar, elections, celebration of Roman holidays will be