Midterm Study Guide - BrentMBlackwell.com

Midterm Study Guide
Spring 2010
Dr. Blackwell
Dhimmi/Jizya in Ottoman Culture
Creation and the Role of the Suez Canal
European Land Grab in Africa in 1880s
Ibrahim ibn Muhammad Ali of Egypt
Law Regularizing Land Ownership
The Aliyahs
Religious Zionism/Labor Zionism/Revisionist Zionism
Assimilated/Acculturated Jews
Demographics of Palestine Pre-WWI
WWI Alliances/Collusions
Constantinople Agreement
Husayn-McMahon Correspondence
Sykes-Picot Agreement
Balfour Declaration
Wilson’s Fourteen Points
League of Nations/Mandate System
1919 Peace Conference
King-Crane Commission (1919)
Western Wall Riots 1928-1929 and the Shaw Report
Arab Revolt 1936-1939
Paramilitary/Terrorist Zionist Organizations in Palestine
Royal Peel Commission
White Paper (May 17, 1939)
The Role of the British in Palestine 1914-1948
Alexandrian Protocol/League of Arab States
Cold War Policies in the Middle East
Truman Doctrine/Marshal Plan
The Jewish Issue in American Politics (Truman, Johnson, Ford)
UN Vote on Partition
Plan Dalet
Deir Yassin Massacre
Refugee Issues
1948 War of Independence
Armistice Lines
West Bank/Gaza Strip
Israeli Government/Constitution
Law of Return
“Absentee” Land
Punitive Retribution
Arab revolutions post 1948
Nasser’s US/USSR vacillations
Golan Heights
East Jerusalem (Old City
Role of the Straits of Tiran in I-P conflict/causis belli
Nationalization of the Suez Canal
Israeli Invasion of the Sinai/Suez Conflict
Cairo Summit/PLO (Jan 1964)
US Presidents v. State Department
Six Day War
USS Liberty Incident
“Facts on the Ground”/Ex Post Facto
Rogers Plan/Nixon-Kissinger Collusion
Yom Kippur War (1973)/Oil Embargo
The rise of Likud
Arab Summit (1974)
Sadat’s Visit to Jerusalem
Camp David Accords/Compromises
Israeli Invasion of Lebanon/Lebanon War
Cycle of Violence (Arabs  Israelis  Palestinians Israelis  Arabs)
Palestinian Israelis v. Palestinian Refugees
Israeli/Jordanian political policy in WB
Sabra and Shatilla Massacres
Kahan Commission
Land for Peace
Saddam Hussein + Arafat PLO Alliance
First Intifada (Causes, characteristics, demographics, etc.)
Illegal Settlements/Occupied territories (Demographics, violence, etc.)
Administrative Detention
Hamas/Islamic Jihad/Muslim Brotherhood
First Gulf War (causes, effects, role of Israel, etc.)
Bush’s New World Order/1991 USSR Collapse
US Hypocrisy w/r/t occupation
Bush v. Shamir
Madrid Talks
Oslo I and II (definitions, principles, effects, maps, etc.)
Palestinian Elections (1996)
UN votes/Decisions and US Vetos
Husayn/Abdullah II in Jordan (1999)
Features and significance of Camp David II, Sharm al-Shayk Truce, Taba Discussions
Sharon’s Visit to the Temple Mount (2000)/Al-Aqsa Intifada
IDF: Targeted Assassinations, House Demolitions
Role of 9/11 in I-P Conflict
Operation Defensive Shield/ Security Fence/ Bantustan
Rose Garden Speech/Quartet/Road Map
Ayalon-Nusbseibeh Plan/Geneva Accord
Disengagement with Gaza (2004)/The Gaza Conflict
Hezbollah War (2007)
The Return of Carter
Gaza War (2008-2009)
Media Issues and Bias in the Israel-Palestinian Conflict
Pro-Israel Lobby/Watchdog/Think Tank Groups
Pro-Arab Lobby
Theodore Hertzl
Chaim Weizmann
Sharif Husayn ibn Ali of Mecca
Abdullah of Mecca
Faysal of Mecca
David Ben Gurion
Moshe Dyan
Menachem Begin
Yitzhak Shamir
Moshe Sharett
Moshe Dyan
Gamal Abd al-Nasser
Levi Eshkol
Yitzhak Rabin
Shimon Peres
Golda Meir
Yassir Arafat
Johnson/Abba Eban
Anwar al-Sadat
Hafiz al-Assad
The Shah/Ayatollah Khomeini
Bashir Gemayel/Ariel Sharon
Saddam Hussein
Ehud Barak
Benyamin Netanyahu
Ehud Olmert
Avigdor Liebermann
Gilad Shalit
Tuvia Grossman
Be able to expound on the connections and differences between Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam. Know their histories, religious principles, etc.
Be able to describe and differentiate between the 5 different kinds of Jews in Plaestine
prior to Independence (1948). Understand the different varieties of American Judasism
and their relationships to Israeli Judaism.
Be able to discuss the ideological and religious differences between Sunni, Shi’a, and
Salafism (Wahibbi) Islam, their relationships to the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Jihad,
and Hamas, and where they are primarily centered.
And make sure you can identify every country in the Middle East from Morocco (West)
to Afghanistan (East) and Turkey (North) to Yemen (South).