PELOPONNESIAN WAR BACKGROUND ARTICLES Read the questions below before you read the following articles. Preview the articles before you read them more carefully. Take notes to establish the general course of the war in your mind, but don’t get bogged down with taking more notes than you need. Remember that you will have the articles available to you as you work on your generalizations. “The Peloponnesian War” Summary Article from The Ancient World by Thomas Africa “The Peloponnesian War” from Warfare in the Classical World by John G. Warry **************History on File Packet******Reader: Timelines and Maps************ 1. Compare the claims of Athens and Sparta about their war aims with what you consider their actual motivation to have been. 2. How was each society changed by the prolonged warfare? 3. What forces encouraged the "war machine" in Athens and Sparta? 4. What forces tended to favor peace? 5. What Athenian values were compromised by the war? 6. How did the war tend to promote class hostility in Greece? 7. Analyze the figure of Alcibiades. What was his appeal? His effect on the war? What aspects of Athenian culture did he represent? 8. What role did Persia play in the war? 9. What role did the Athenian Empire play in the war? 10. Analyze the importance of each of the following. Consider: When it happened and what stage of the war that was. What information Thucydides presents and what his analysis is. How each event shows the effects and progress of the war. The Revolt at Mitylene The Corcyrean Revolution The Melian Dialogue The Sicilian Expedition Can you make a timeline of the Peloponnesian War? VOCABULARY LIST PELOPONNESIAN WAR SUMMARY ARTICLE By Thomas Africa PAGE 150 151 152 hearsay dubious semblance rationalistic moral order incurred retribution culminated propaganda pious subordination sphere of influence infiltration exploit oligarchs immunity validity oblique (attack) domestic position 153 commercial rivalry embargo autonomy ultimatum envoys congested pestilence demagogic volatile 154 bellicosity faction 156 party hack ward hegemony ostracism moral vertigo reprieve 157 sacrilege 158 diviners debacle 159 trierarchs hoplites abortive opportunistic 160 zeugitai satrapies triremes 162 ascendency power vacuum hubris