Women In Poetry Daily Lessons Days 1 and 2: Respond to the

Women In Poetry Daily Lessons
Days 1 and 2:
 Respond to the “Guiding Question” on the opening slides. Hint: Be sure to
elaborate for full points. While your responses may not necessarily reflect
your own personal opinion, they should reflect how you think others would
respond. Again, give your personal opinion as well. Be specific.
 Follow the directions and prompts for the following poems:
-“Like the Very Gods”
- “To the Pay Toilet”
- “Resume”
- “Homage to My Hips”
***Be as specific as possible when responding to the prompts. Incorporate
specific lines whenever possible. Dig deep. I’m looking for evidence of original
Day 3:
 “I Go Back To May” poem: Respond to the questions on the slide immediately
after the poem and submit it for points.
 “Hanging Fire” poem: Respond to the questions on the slide…
Day 4,5,6:
 Imitative Poetry Study/Write: Choose a poem from the ‘contemporary
poetry’ link on haiku and follow the directions on the document on my haiku
page. You need to submit both evidence of studying your chosen poem using
the steps outlined as well as your original poem imitating the STYLE (not the
message) of the poem studied.
Days 7,8,9:
 You have three options to choose from to write an original poem.
 Option 1: Write a poem similar to “I Go Back to May” from the prezi based off
of a photograph that you bring in.
 Write a poem similar to “Possibilities” (link under resources on haiku).
 Write a poem similar to “You Move Me” (link under resources on haiku).
Days 10,11,12:
 “In the Waiting Room” poem study and responses (on my prezi). These could
have been done in small groups.
Gwendolyn Brooks and Emily Dickinson Assignments:
Process: (Start with Dickinson)
1. Read biography and summarize in your own words and type your response
into a new document.
2. Find a photo of her and paste it into the same document.
3. Read “I’m Nobody….” poem and respond to the questions on the prezi
(smaller frame) and post your responses into the same document.
4. Listen to the reading of the poem from the link.
5. Go to the ‘Academy’ website provided and choose at least one other poem
written by Dickinson from the list. Respond to the prompts on the prezi
relating to this.
6. Read the critical review titled “Reckless Genius”. Copy and paste the segment
dealing with Dickinson’s use of rhyme and paste it into the document you
already started.