AP Psychology

AP Psychology
Extra Credit Assignment: Perception
You may do EITHER but NOT BOTH of the following options.
Should you choose to participate, the assignment is due on or before Friday, October 23.
(That is the last day of the quarter so NO LATE PROJECTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.)
You are to create your own optical illusion on 11” x 14” poster board. (A ¼ of a sheet of standard poster board)
The illusion should not contain 3D elements or extend off the board (One exception: Moiré designs)
In addition to the illusion, you will be required to write a paragraph or two to accompany your drawing to explain
the illusion you tried to create and why it “works” psychologically and/or physiologically.
The extra credit is worth up to 12 points, divided as follows:
Effectiveness, aesthetics of the illusion
maximum of 5 points
Does the illusion work?
Did you follow the specifications as requested (On poster board? The proper size?)
Originality of the design
maximum of 3 points
If you reproduce one already created, you will not get any points in this category.
You are certainly allowed to incorporate already known illusions into your original
Written portion (psychological explanation)
maximum of 4 points
Did you accurately explain, using appropriate vocabulary, the way the illusion works?
What type of illusion is/are included (e.g., ambigram, figure-ground, etc.)?
II. You are to draw a picture on 11” x 14” poster board (a ¼ of a sheet of standard poster board) that
incorporates ALL of the Gestalt principles AND depth perception cues listed below:
Gestalt Principles
Depth perception cues
Relative size
Relative clarity OR texture gradient
Relative height
Linear perspective
In addition to the picture, you will be required to submit a description detailing how each principle or cue is used in
your picture.
The extra credit is worth up to 12 points, divided as follows:
Effectiveness, aesthetics of the picture
maximum of 5 points
Does the picture incorporate all of the required elements?
Did you follow the specifications as requested (On poster board? The proper size?)
Originality of the design
maximum of 3 points
Were the various elements included in a unique yet unified way?
Written portion (psychological explanation)
maximum of 4 points
Did you accurately explain, using appropriate vocabulary, the elements you included?