TOTTENVILLE HIGH SCHOOL John P. Tuminaro, Principal JUNE 2013 REGENTS/RCT EXAMINATION SCHEDULE The New York State Education Department has designated Tuesday, June 11, through Thursday, June 20, 2013, as the testing period for all students to take the Regents and/or RCT Examinations necessary to fulfill their graduation requirements. Guidance Counselors have distributed notification letters to students who need to take exams. Only students who are scheduled for Regents/RCT examinations are required to report to school during the testing period. Students registered for Science Regents Examinations must also be lab eligible to sit for an exam. Please check the schedule below for the dates and times of those exams. Room assignments will be posted in the D wing lobby on the day of each test. Students must arrive to school promptly on the day of the exam. All morning exams begin at 9:00 a.m. All afternoon examinations begin at 1:00 p.m. Students must enter through the D wing entry (auditorium lobby) and swipe their official THS ID card. Temporary ID slips will be issued to students without ID cards; however, students should anticipate a “wait-time” while their enrollment is verified. Proctors are required to check the ID of every student taking an examination; therefore, students must present their ID card or temporary ID slip before receiving an examination. Students may report to the bookstore to purchase a replacement ID card or return textbooks from 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Students should make their own arrangements for transportation to and from school during the testing week. There will be limited bus service in the morning; however, the buses will be operating by the regular school schedule and will be transporting students to school before 8:00 a.m. There will be no special bus service in the afternoon. The Students’ Cafeteria in B015 will be open for study hall in the morning from 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Students who arrive early may wait in the cafeteria until 9:00 a.m. Breakfast and lunch will not be served during testing week. Students are reminded to report to school prepared with a PEN, PENCIL, CALCULATOR (for Science and Math Regents examinations) and PHOTO I.D. card. Please check with your science and math teachers for the appropriate types of calculators required for their specific Regents examination. School will resume on Monday, June 24th. Please refer to the schedule below for planned activities and time schedules. End of Term Schedule Thursday, June 6 Monday, June 10 June 11 – 20 Thursday, June 20 Friday, June 21 Monday, June 24 Tuesday, June 25 Wednesday, June 26 Chancellor’s Conference Day: school closed for students Last day of Final Examinations/Special Monday Schedule Regents /RCT Examinations (see Regents Schedule) Graduation Rehearsal (see Senior memo) Regents Rating Day: school closed for students Periods 1 - 9 Special Monday schedule Periods 1 - 9 Regular bell schedule Perfect Attendance Breakfast Graduation (see Senior memo) Last day of school: 9th, 10th, and 11th graders Diploma Distribution: Seniors ONLY Dismissal at 1:52 PM Dismissal at 1:52 PM Dismissal at 2:40 PM 7:30 – 8:46 AM 8:00 – 8:30 AM 10:00 – 10:30 AM On Wednesday, June 26th , all 9th, 10th & 11th grade students must report for school at 8:00 a.m. directly to their 3rd period classrooms for report card distribution, summer school program cards (if applicable) and to record attendance. A guidance advisory session will follow report card distribution session only for those students who wish to speak with their Counselors about their report card, summer school, retaking a Regents examination in August or their Fall 2013 program selections. These students should report to their counselors for further information. Students should note that there will be limited public bus service in the morning. If you have any questions regarding the examination schedule or which examination you are to take, please speak with your guidance counselor prior to Monday, June 10th. June 11 Tuesday 9:00 AM English Regents 1:00 PM Living Environment Regents Music Regents Art Regents June 12 Wed. 9:00 AM US History & Government Regents 1:00 PM Integrated Algebra Regents June 13 Thursday 9:00 AM Global History & Geography Regents 1:00 PM Physics Regents June 14 Friday 9:00 AM Earth Science Regents 1:00 PM Algebra 2/ Trigonometry Regents Mathematics RCT June 17 Monday 9:00 AM Spanish / Italian Regents June 18 Tuesday 9:00 AM Chemistry Regents June 19 Wed. 9:00 AM Geometry Regents Global Studies RCT 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM Reading RCT U.S. History RCT Science RCT June 20 Thurs. 9:00 AM Writing RCT