2014 - 2015 LSU Black Student Union Executive Board Application Application Process: Any student who meets the eligibility requirements may submit an application. It is not necessary to be nominated in order to apply. Applicants are encouraged to meet with current BSU executive board members in order to learn more about specific roles and responsibilities. Applicants may apply for more than one BSU e-board position. However, students may not hold more than one e-board position during each term. Each candidate should submit the following application materials in order to be considered: The Black Student Union Executive Board Application (Pages 2 and 3 of this packet) A 1-2 page résumé listing any current or previous university and high school involvement, leadership or service. Students needing assistance creating or editing a résumé should connect with LSU Career Services in B-4 Coates Hall or at http://careercenter.lsu.edu/resumes Selection Process: Once your application has been reviewed, a current BSU e-board member will contact you to schedule an interview. After your interview, you will be contacted with our decision. Eligibility: To apply and remain eligible for a BSU e-board position, students must meet the following criteria: Must be enrolled as a full time student during any Fall or Spring semester in which they apply and for the duration of the leadership term Must have earned a cumulative 2.5 GPA (does not apply to first-year, first-semester students) Must have earned a 2.5 GPA for the Fall or Spring semester preceding the current term During their leadership term, student leaders must continue to maintain a cumulative minimum 2.5 GPA and a 2.5 GPA for each semester, and be in good academic and conduct standing with the University Must be a paid member of Black Student Union Like any other student organization, the success of Black Student Union relies on the dedication of its executive board and members. In addition to general meetings, e-board members are expected to attend all e-board meetings, and/or specific committee meetings and devote time to planning and organizing when and where necessary. If you’re interested in a position, please be prepared for the time commitment that it entails. 2013-2014 LSU Black Student Union Executive Board Application Applications are due by 4:30 pm on Friday, August 8, 2014, in the BSU mailbox in the African American Cultural Center or to lsublackstudentunion@gmail.com. Late applications will not be accepted. Please type or print legibly. Name: LSU Email: Telephone Number: Classification: GPA: Major(s) / Minor(s): Expected Graduation Date: Position(s) applying for: ________________________ __ Remember to attach your 1-2 page resume to this application. Signature: _________________________________ Date: _____________________ Open Executive Board Positions and Duties Vice President 2nd in the chain of command. Acts in place of president if he/she cannot be present. Acts as a liaison between other members of e-board and president. Works closely with president to ensure all goals are met and tasks are completed. Performs duties as delegated. The Vice President fills in as president in the absence of the President. Secretary Takes minutes at both general body and e-board meetings, and sends them out within 24 hours of the meeting. Handles and files all paperwork for the organization. Sends out email updates and reminders to members and e-board members. Treasurer Keeps track of the finances and balances the books. Collects dues and all other monies accumulated during the semester. Completes monthly financial reports to be submitted to president and secretary. Creates and manages the budget for the organization. Fundraising Chairperson Think of and carry out creative fundraisers in order to raise money for the organization and its initiatives. Seek out sponsorships and donations. Social Events and Programming Co-Chairs There are two positions open. Plan and structure social events and programs including, but not limited to, Back to School BBQ, Fall Gala, general body meetings and Real Talk discussions. Think of creative and innovative social events and programs that can potentially be put on. Fills out PSIF paperwork for events if needed. In charge of forming planning committees as needed and delegating tasks accordingly. Must communicate and work with other members of the E-Board to successfully carryout planning. 2013-2014 LSU Black Student Union Executive Board Application Applications are due by 4:30 pm on Friday, August 8, 2014, in the BSU mailbox in the African American Cultural Center or to lsublackstudentunion@gmail.com. Late applications will not be accepted. Please type or print legibly. Name: Please answer all of the following questions; you may use additional paper as needed. 1. If chosen for a BSU e-board position, what would you hope to contribute to the leadership team of the organization? (Be specific if you are applying for more than one position) 2. How has your past leadership experiences prepared you for this position(s)? (Be specific if you are applying for more than one position) 3. How do you plan to uphold the overall purpose of BSU? (The purpose of the Black Student Union is to represent the interest of the Black student populace at all times emphasizing political, community, social, and educational concerns while promoting the general welfare of the Black student populace; by fostering communications between the Black Student Union and the university, and to provide a central agency through which Black students may voice their opinion and gain support on any and all matters.)