
William Jagust, MD
Professor of Public Health and Neuroscience, University of California, Berkeley
Faculty Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Dr. Jagust received training as a clinical neurologist, after which he served on the
faculty at the UC Davis School of Medicine and was department chair from 1998-2003.
He moved to UC Berkeley in 2004, where he is currently a Professor in the Helen Wills
Neuroscience Institute and the School of Public Health and a Faculty Senior Scientist at
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. His research is focused on understanding brain
aging and dementia using multimodal imaging techniques that include structural MRI,
functional MRI, and PET scanning. Dr. Jagust has served on many NIH review
committees including chairing the National Institute on Aging’s Neuroscience of Aging
Review Committee. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Annals of Neurology,
Brain Imaging and Behavior, and Alzheimer’s Disease and Associated Disorders and is
an Associate Editor of the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. He is a recipient
of the 2013 Potamkin Prize for Research in Pick’s, Alzheimer’s and Related Diseases.