38 bach flowers - Bowen Therapy New Zealand

The recommended dose is 3 drops - 3 times a day.
Rock Rose - for extreme terror, panic, hysteria, fright and nightmares
Mimulus - for known fears, eg: fear of heights, pain, darkness, poverty, death, being alone, of other people. Also
fantastic for timidity and shyness.
Cherry Plum - for fear of losing mental and physical control: inclination to uncontrollable rages and impulses, with
fear of causing harm to oneself or others, for example suicidal tendencies, or losing ones temper.
Aspen - for vague fears and anxieties of unknown origin, a sense of foreboding, apprehension, or impending
Red Chestnut - for excessive fear or over concern for others - especially loved ones, for example, over concern
during their illness, automobile trips, etc.. always anticipating that something unfortunate may happen to them.
Cerato - for those who doubt their own ability to judge and make decisions. They are constantly seeking others
advice and are often misguided.
Scleranthus - for those who are indecisive, being unable to decide between two choices, first one seeming right then
the other. They may also be subject to energy or mood swings.
Gentian -for those easily discouraged, in whom even small delays may cause hesitation, despondency and selfdoubt.
Gorse - for feelings of despair, hopelessness and futility.
Hornbeam - for that Monday-morning feeling of not being able to face the day; for tiredness and a tendency towards
procrastination, for those who feel that some part of their bodies or minds need strengthening.
Wild Oat - for those dissatisfied in their current career or life style, their difficulty however, is in determining exactly
what career to follow.
Clematis - for those who tend toward escapism living more in the future than in the present, for lack of concentration,
daydreaming, lack of interest in present circumstances, and spaciness.
Honeysuckle - for those dwelling too much in the past, reminiscing about the good old days, nostalgia and
Wild Rose - for those who are apathetic and have resigned themselves to their circumstances, making little effort to
improve things or to find joy.
Olive - for total mental and physical exhaustion and weariness, for sapped vitality from a long illness or personal
White Chestnut - for persistent, unwanted thoughts, mental arguments, or preoccupation with some worry or
Mustard - for deep gloom that comes on for no apparent reason, bringing sudden melancholy and heavy sadness.
Chestnut bud - for those who fail to learn from experience, continually repeating the same patterns and mistakes.
Water Violet - for those whose preference is to be alone, seeming aloof, proud, reserved, self-reliant, sometimes
superior in attitude. Capable and reliable they will advise, but not get personally involved in others affairs.
Impatiens - for those quick in thought and action but often impatient, especially with those who are slower than they,
for those who show irritability through lack of patience.
Heather - for those talkative persons who constantly seek the companionship of anyone who will listen to their
troubles. They are self - absorbed, generally poor listeners, and have difficulty being alone for any length of time.
Agrimony - for those not wishing to burden others with their troubles, covering up their suffering with a cheerful
facade, they often seek escape from pain and worry through the use of drugs or alcohol.
Centaury - for those who have difficulty in saying no, often becoming subservient in their desire to serve others,
anxious to please they can be easily exploited, neglecting their own interests.
Walnut - for stabilizing emotions during periods of transition, such as teething, puberty, adolescence, and
menopause, for breaking past links and adjusting to new beginnings, such as new jobs, adjusting to new residence,
cultures or even relationships.
Holly - for negative feelings such as envy, jealousy, suspicion, revenge and hatred, showing a need for more love.
Larch - for those who, despite being capable, lack self-confidence. Anticipating failure, they often do not make a real
effort to succeed.
Pine - for those not satisfied with their own efforts, who are self-reproachful and suffer much from guilt and the faults
they attach to themselves, feeling they should or could have done better. They are often quick to blame themselves
for the mistakes of others.
Elm - for those who over extend themselves and become overwhelmed and burdened by their responsibilities.
Sweet Chestnut - for those who feel they have reached the limits of their endurance, for dark despair, when the
anguish seems to be unbearable.
Star of Bethlehem - for mental and emotional stress during and following such traumatic experiences as grief, loss
and accidents.
Willow - for those who have suffered from some misfortune or circumstance they feel was unjust or unfair. As a
result, they become resentful and bitter toward others.
Oak - for those who despite illness and adversity never give up. They are brave and determined to overcome all
obstacles in order to reach their intended goal.
Crab Apple - for feelings of shame, uncleanliness, or fear of contamination, for poor self-image, particularly as it
relates to parts of or growths on the body. Will assist in detoxification and the cleansing of wounds, both internal and
Chicory - for those who are overfull of care and possessive of those close to them, they can be demanding and selfpitying, with a need for others to conform to their ideals.
Vervain - for those who have strong opinions, always teaching and philosophizing. They are easily incensed by
injustices, and when taken to the extreme can be over enthusiatic, argumentative and over-bearing.
Vine - for those who are strong-willed leaders in their own right. However, when carried to extremes, they can
become autocratic, dictatorial, ruthless, and dominating.
Beech - for those who, while desiring perfection, easily find fault with people and things. Critical and intolerant at
times, they may fail to see the good within others, overreacting to small annoyances or others peoples idiosyncrasies.
Rock Water - for those who are strict and rigid with themselves, struggling toward some ideal or to set an example
for others. This would include strict adherence to a life style or to religious, personal or social disciplines.
Rescue Remedy - A combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, Star of Betlehem. All purpose
emergency composite for effects of anguish, examinations, going to the dentist etc.. Comforting, calming and
reassuring to those distressed by startling experiences .