⑫酷。M。。ia American Chestnut Tree l EIectronic FieId T「ip to the Forest Discussion Questions Discussion Questions ・ P「opose possibIe expianations why the tree in this slideshow survived the chestnut b‑ight when b帥ons of other American chestnut trees did not. ・ Why is maintaining species diversity important to ecosystems? . Describe the process used to manuaIly poIIinate this chestnut tree. Why are the researche「s po冊nating this Chestnut tree manua=y? . Ljst specific consequences that are IikeIy to happen in this chestnut tree,s immediate ecosystem after the tree dies. . lmagine a vast fo「est of trees, al川ke the American chestnut tree in this s‑jdeshow. Desc「ibe specifie consequences that would probably happen in the forest s ecosystem if the majority of the trees in that forest died ove「 a short span Oftime. Rep「inted from PBS LeamingMedia: American Chestnut Tree l Electronic Field Trip to the Forest https://www.pbsiea 「n ingmedia.o「gI「esou 「ce/ketO8.sci.1 ife.gen. kettreelamerican輸ChestnuトtreeI ◎ 2013 KET. AII Rights Reserved" For persona‑ o「 class「oom use onIy. Not fo「 redistribution,