dogwlk - Mind of Dog, LLC

Dog Walking Contract
This Dog Walking Contract (this "Agreement") is made effective as of __________________,
by and between _________________, and Mind of Dog, LLC of New Jersey. In this
Agreement, the party who is contracting to receive the services shall be referred to as "Client",
and the party who will be providing the services shall be referred to as "MOD".
Whereas the Owner wishes to engage the Walker and the Walker agrees to undertake the
services under the terms and provisions defined in this Dog Walking Contract as well as the
Owner's Information sheet (Exhibit A), Pet Information sheet (Exhibit B) and the Veterinary
Release Form (Exhibit C) which shall all become part of this Contract. Any reference to pets in
this contract shall refer to those specified on the Pet Information sheet.
DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES. Beginning on ____________________, MOD will provide
Dog Walking services (collectively, the "Services") in the manner specified here:
MOD will provide a 15 minute visit or 30 minute visit at the requested time frame.
MOD will teach boundary education to dog during the walk.
The Walker shall notify the Owner of any occurrence pertaining to the dog which may be
relevant to the care and well-being of the dog(s).
The Walker shall perform the agreed-on services in an attentive, reliable and caring manner and
the Owner undertakes to provide all necessary information to assist in this performance.
The Walker shall supply and be equipped with a scooper and waste bags and will duly remove
the dog's feces from all public places.
The Walker reserves the right to walk other compatible dogs at the same time but undertakes to
limit the number of dogs walked with one person to three.
The Owner will provide suitable harnesses, collars and leads as approved by the Walker as well
as coats or muzzles if required.
The Walker shall not be obliged to perform any other duties except those specified on the
Owner's Information sheet and Pet Information sheet.
The Walker may take pictures of your animal and add them to a social media site for the sole
purpose of sharing the experience with potential clients.
PAYMENT FOR SERVICES. a. The Walker shall be pre-paid the amount of $20.00 per
walk/$16 per 15 minute visit. Full payment is required prior to service. Full payment is required
for same day cancellations of walks.
TERM/TERMINATION. This Contract shall terminate automatically when agreed upon by
both parties.
RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES. It is understood by the parties that MOD is an independent
contractor with respect to Client, and not an employee of Client. Client will not provide fringe
benefits, including health insurance benefits, paid vacation, or any other employee benefit, for
the benefit of MOD.
SECURITY. The Walker warrants to keep safe and confidential all keys, remote control entry
devices, access codes and personal information of the Owner and to return same to the Owner at
the end of the contract period or immediately upon demand.
LIABILITY. a. The Walker accepts no liability for any breach of security or loss of or damage
to the Owner's property if any other person has access to the property during the term of this
b. The Walker shall not be liable for any mishap of whatsoever nature which may befall a dog or
caused by a dog who has unsupervised access to the outdoors.
d. The Walker is released from all liability related to transporting dog(s) to and from any
veterinary clinic or kennel, the medical treatment of the dog(s) and the expense thereof.
e. The Walker is released from all liability of injury to dog(s) caused by other dog(s) or animal(s)
not under the control of the Walker.
INJURIES. The Owner shall be liable for all medical expenses and damages resulting from an
injury to the Walker caused by the dog as well as damage to the Owner's property. However,
MOD acknowledges MOD's obligation to obtain appropriate insurance coverage for the benefit
of MOD (and MOD's employees). MOD waives any rights to recovery from Client for any
injuries that MOD (and/or MOD's employees) may sustain while performing services under this
Agreement that are a result of the negligence of MOD or MOD's employees.
INDEMNIFICATION. The parties agree to indemnify and hold harmless each other as well as
respective employees, successors and assigns from any and all claims arising from either party's
willful or negligent conduct. MOD agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Client from all claims,
losses, expenses, fees including attorney fees, costs, and judgments that may be asserted against
Client that result from the acts or omissions of MOD, MOD's employees, if any, and MOD's
RELAXATION OF TERMS. No relaxation, indulgence, waiver or release by any party of any
of the rights in the terms of this Contract on one occasion shall prevent the subsequent
enforcement of such rights and shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of
any of the terms.
ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties, and there
are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement whether oral or written.
SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Contract shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable
for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court
finds that any provision of this Contract is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such
provision it would become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be
written, construed, and enforced as so limited.
APPLICABLE LAW. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey.
Owner: __________________________________________________
Walker: ____________________________________________________
Owners Information Sheet
Name: ____________________
Address: __________________
City: _____________________
Zip Code: _________________
Home Phone: ______________
Work Phone: _______________
Cell Phone: ________________
E-Mail Address: _________________
Emergency Contact
Name: ___________________
Number: _________________
Pet Information Sheet
Pet Name
Any history of biting?
Feeding Instructions:
Medication Instructions:
Veterinary Release Form
I hereby authorize the attending veterinarian to treat any of my pets as listed on the Pet
Information sheet and I accept full responsibility for all fees and charges incurred in the
treatment of any of my pets.
The Dog Walker is authorized to transport my pet to and from the veterinary clinic for treatment
or to request "on-site" treatment if deemed necessary. If I cannot be reached in case of an
emergency, the Walker shall act on my behalf to authorize any treatment excluding euthanasia.
Dog Walker's Full Name: Kyle Turner or Danielle Felts
Client Signature: _________________________
Date: _________________________