2008 DOE Legislative Implementation Overview Chart Bill # Title Sponsor Last Action Timelines/Implementation Highlights Additional Information Bill # is a link to the final version of the bill text Title of the bill Name of the bill sponsor The last action that was taken on the bill General actions that are required by the legislation Contact information for DOE staff; links to memos and Technical Assistance Papers (TAPs) are forthcoming Representative Bean 6/17/08Approved by the Governor HB 165 Agency Inspectors General Co-Sponsor Senator Bennett Effective date: July 1, 2008. DOE Bill Summary Ed W. Jordan, Acting Inspector General Office of the Inspector General (850) 245-9418 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org SB 242 Schools/Single Gender Classrooms Senator Wise Co-Sponsor Representative Legg 4/24/08Approved without Governor's Signature Effective date: July 1, 2008. DOE Bill Summary Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org HB 251 Reserve Officers' Training Corps Programs (ROTC) Representative Jordan Co-Sponsor Senator Baker 5/28/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. DOE Bill Summary 8/4/08 Memo on SB 242 Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 7/10/08 Memo on HB 251 7/28/08 Memo to Community Colleges on HB 251 SB 370 Personal Care Attendant Program Senator Wise Co-Sponsor Representative Gardiner 6/10/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. October 1, 2008 Agreement between the Florida Endowment Foundation for Vocational Rehabilitation with the Florida Association of Centers for Independent Living. Bill Palmer, Director Vocational Rehabilitation (850) 245-3311 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org DOE Bill Summary 7/21/08 Article on SB 370 as posted in Vocational Rehabilitation Newsletter HB 503 SB 526 Preservation & Protection of the Right to Keep & Bear Arms in Motor Vehicles Act Interscholastic and Intrascholastic Activities Environment & Natural Resources Council and Representative Evers Co-Sponsor Senator Peaden Senator Wise Co-Sponsor Representative Bean 4/15/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 DOE Bill Summary To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 6/30/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: Upon becoming law August 1, 2008 FHSAA and participating district school boards must submit guidelines for the pilot program to the Governor and Legislature. January 1, 2010 FHSAA and participating district school boards must submit a report on the progress of the pilot program to the Governor and Legislature. June 30, 2010 Pilot program will be repealed unless reviewed and reenacted. Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 Jean Miller, Executive Director Independent Education and Parental Choice (850) 245-0502 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 7/1/08 Memo on SB 526 DOE Bill Summary HB 537 Offense of Voyeurism Representative Dorthworth Co-Sponsor Senator Aronberg HB 603 Textbook Affordability Representative Flores Co-Sponsor Senator Atwater 6/17/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. DOE Bill Summary Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 5/28/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. March 1, 2009 The State Board of Education and the Board of Governors will be required to adopt policies, procedures, and guidelines aimed at minimizing the cost of textbooks. Dr. Will Holcombe, Chancellor Community Colleges (850) 245-0407 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org DOE Bill Summary SB 610 Physical Education/ Grades 6-8 Senator Constantine Co-Sponsor Representative Dorworth 6/02/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008 The act becomes effective July 1, 2008; however, the requirements for students in grades 6 through 8 begin with the 2009-2010 school year. Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 DOE Bill Summary To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 7/31/08 Technical Assistance Paper on SB 610 HB 623 School Food Service Programs Representative Kendrick Co-Sponsor Senator Wise 6/17/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. By the beginning of school year 2008-2009, each district school board must: Consider a policy for providing universal-free school breakfast for all students in schools in which 80 percent or more of the students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Consider the extent to which breakfast meals may be served at alternative sites. Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 10/6/08 Memo on HB 623 Provide all students in each elementary, middle, and high school with information prepared by the district's food service administration regarding its school breakfast programs. The information shall be communicated through school announcements and written notice sent to all parents. By the beginning of school year 2010-2011, each district school board must: Make breakfast meals available to all students in each elementary, middle and high school. Set prices for breakfast that cover the costs of breakfast when combined with federal reimbursements, unless the district school board approves lower prices. Consider a policy for providing universal-free school breakfast for all students in schools in which 80 percent or more of the students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals, after receiving public testimony at two or more regular meetings. January 15, 2009: OPPAGA report due that may recommend changes in reporting and administration of school food service programs. The report will include: o Estimated district-by-district cost to implement a universal-free breakfast o Participation rates and the effect on costs o Best practices of implementation of universal-free breakfast programs o Fiscal self-sufficiency of district food service programs o Examination of meal prices and the relationship to costs over the previous five years o Best practices of district programs to reduce costs without sacrificing nutritional quality o Information submitted by districts to the o o department to allow equitable comparison of cost per meal Methodology for allocation of funds provided in General Appropriation Organizational structure for programmatic management of federal food and nutrition programs in Florida DOE Bill Summary SB 642 School/Multiple Births Siblings/Classroom Placement Senator Siplin Co-Sponsor Representative Heller 6/23/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 DOE Bill Summary To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 8/4/08 Memo on SB 642 HB 653 Corporate Income Tax Credit Scholarship Program Representative Traviesa Co-Sponsor Senator Gaetz 6/30/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: June 30, 2008 . July 1, 2008 The amount of tax credits which may be granted each state fiscal year is increased to $118 million. Jean Miller, Executive Director Independent Education and Parental Choice (850) 245-0502 2008-2009 school year The annual scholarship limit for a student is increased to $3,950. To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.orgMem December 1, 2008 OPPAGA must submit a report on funding for the scholarship program to the Governor and the Legislature. 6/30/08 Memo on HB 653 DOE Bill Summary 10/7/08 Memo on FTE reporting instructions to include virtual instruction. HB 669 School Safety Representative Thompson Co-Sponsor Senator Baker 6/10/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: Upon becoming law. October 1, 2008 The Department shall provide a model policy to school districts. December 1, 2008 Each district must adopt a policy prohibiting bullying and harassment or any student or employee of a public K-12 educational institution. January 1 each year The Commissioner shall report to the Governor, President of the Senate, and Speaker of the House of Representatives on the implementation of the provisions of this statute. DOE Bill Summary HB 687 Service Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises Representative Proctor Co-Sponsor Senator Fasano 6/12/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: November 11, 2008 DOE Bill Summary Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 7/31/08 Memo on Model Policy Attachment A Model Policy Attachment B Criteria for district policies 10/10/08 Technical assistance paper on Guidance Related to the Development of a District Policy Against Bullying and Harassment Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org SB 696 Community Colleges Senator Oelrich Co-Sponsor Representative Heller 6/17/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. DOE Bill Summary Dr. Will Holcombe, Chancellor Community Colleges (850) 245-0407 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org HB 697 Building Code Standards Economic Expansion & Infrastructure Council 6/17/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008 By 2010 Thermal energy efficiency standards must be increased Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 for new buildings by 20 percent. Co-Sponsor Senator Constantine By 2013 Thermal energy efficiency standards must be increased for new buildings by 30 percent. To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org By 2016 Thermal energy efficiency standards must be increased for new buildings by 40 percent. By 2019 Thermal energy efficiency standards must be increased for new buildings by 50 percent. DOE Bill Summary SB 704 Open Government Act/Administrative Procedures Senator Bennett Co-Sponsor Government Efficiency & Accountability Council 6/10/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. January 1, 2009 The provisions of sections 11 and 12 of the bill regarding section 120.56 rule challenges and section 120.57 hearings involving disputed issues of fact become effective. Deborah Kearney, General Counsel Office of General Counsel (850) 245-0442 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org The provisions of section 13 with regard to attorney fees become effective. January 1, 2011 Beginning on this date, the Department must adhere to the new provisions regarding incorporation by reference and publication of incorporated material on the Florida Administrative Code website. DOE Bill Summary SB 756 Wrongful Incarceration Compensation Senator Joyner Co-Sponsor Representative 5/28/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. DOE Bill Summary Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 Bogdanoff To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 10/3 Memo on SB 756 SB 856 Disability History and Awareness Senator Fasano Co-Sponsor Representative Richardson 6/13/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. DOE Bill Summary Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 Dr. Will Holcombe, Chancellor Community Colleges (850) 245-0407 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 7/10/08 Memo on SB 856 HB 879 Early Learning Representative Kelly Co-Sponsor Senator Gaetz 6/17/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: January 1, 2009. DOE Bill Summary Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org HB 887 Career Service System Representative Coley Co-Sponsor Senator Dean 6/10/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: January 1, 2009 DOE Bill Summary Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org SB 988 Transitional Services/Young Adults/Disabilities Senator Wise Co-Sponsor 6/23/08Approved by the Effective date: July 1, 2008. August 31, 2008 Bill Palmer, Director Vocational Rehabilitation Representative Davis Governor Task Force to be Convened by the Department of Health (850) 245-3311 January 1, 2009 Report due to Governor, President of the Senate and Speaker of the House. Task Force dissolved once report is completed. To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org DOE Bill Summary SB 996 Cosmetology Senator Wise Co-Sponsor Representative Carroll 6/11/08Vetoed by the Governor Veto Letter Effective date: July 1, 2008, except as otherwise provided. January 1, 2009 Indicate DPBR in conjunction with the Board of Cosmetology shall evaluate all aspects of the professions of cosmetology, hair stylist, esthetician and nail technician services to improve reciprocity with other states and report the findings to the legislature and the public July 1, 2009 The bill authorizes the board to adopt rules for renewal of registrations existing before including the nail, facial, and full cosmetology specialties listed in s. 477.013(5), F. S July 1, 2009 The bill delays the repeal of the right of students of licensed cosmetology schools or programs to apply for the examination after completing a minimum of 1,000 educational hours. July 1, 2009 A cosmetologist licensed before this date, can continue to practice his or her profession. July 1, 2008 Facial specialists and manicure, pedicure, and nail extension specialists, who are registered or enrolled in school before this date, could take the examination for licensure. Lucy Hadi, Chancellor Workforce Education (850) 245-9029 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org SB 1070 Intergovernmental Cooperation Senator King Co-Sponsor Representative Proctor 5/28/08Approved by the Governor DOE Bill Summary Effective date: Upon becoming law. DOE Bill Summary Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 7/18/08 Memo on SB 1070 HB 1203 Educational Opportunities for Military Children Representative Proctor Co-Sponsor Senator Storms SB 1276 Educational Facilities Senator Bennett Co-Sponsor Representative Kreegel 6/23/08Approved by the Governor 6/23/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008 or upon enactment of the compact into law by nine other states, whichever date occurs later. Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 July 1, 2010 Repeal of sections 1110.36, 100.37, 1000.38 and 100.39 unless saved by the legislature. To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org DOE Bill Summary 7/18/08 Memo on HB 1203 Effective date: July 1, 2008 . July 1, 2009 The provisions for flexibility in the use of capital outlay funds expire and revert to those in existence on October 5, 2007, the day before the effective date of chapter 2007-328, Laws of Florida. Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org DOE Bill Summary HB 1313 Students with Disabilities Representative Precourt Co-Sponsor Senator Wise 6/17/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. DOE Bill Summary Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 7/18/08 Memo on HB 1313 SB 1360 Pharmacy Technicians Senator Peaden Co-Sponsor Representative Garcia 6/23/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: Upon becoming law. January 1, 2010 A pharmacy technician in Florida must register with the Board of Pharmacy. January 1, 2011 An applicant wanting to become a registered pharmacy technician must also have completed an approved pharmacy technician training program. Lucy Hadi, Chancellor Workforce Education (850) 245-9029 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org DOE Bill Summary HB 1395 Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys Representative Llorente Co-Sponsor Senator Wilson 6/10/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. July 1, 2009 Beginning of the fiscal year and each year thereafter. End of fiscal year shall be June 30 the following year. February 15, 2009 Report to the legislature on the strategic program and funding initiative, Reading 4 Success Program. February 15, 2009 Report to the legislature on the strategic program and funding initiative, One Church, One Child program. SB 1414 Supplemental Educational Service Senator Diaz de la Portilla Co-Sponsor Representative Gonzalez 6/17/08Approved by the Governor DOE Bill Summary Effective date: July 1, 2008. July – October, 2009 The DOE will amend State Board of Education Rule to add responsibilities of the Department and school district. March 1, 2009 The DOE is required to report the grade it assigns to the SES provider, the school districts, and the public Dr. Adeola Fayemi, Director, Office of Equity and Access, (850) 245-0511 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org Website for the Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys: http://www.cssbmb.com/ Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 7/18/08 Memo on SB 1414 beginning March 1, 2009 and March 1 of each subsequent year. SB 1712 Ethics in Education Act Education Pre K-12 6/10/08Approved by the Governor DOE Bill Summary Effective date: July 1, 2008. DOE Bill Summary Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 7/14/08 Memo on SB 1712 Educator Misconduct Reporting Form Sample notices for reporting abuse and misconduct 7/31/08 Technical Assistance paper on SB 1712 SB 1716 Postsecondary Education Senator Oelrich Co-Sponsor Schools & Learning Council 5/28/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. August 31, 2008 The Florida College System Task Force members are to be appointed. September 15, 2008 The Florida College System Task Force shall begin meeting. January 1, 2009 Final report on the Florida State College Pilot Project due. March 2, 2009 Final Florida College System Task Force Report due. Dr. Will Holcombe, Chancellor Community Colleges (850) 245-0407 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 8/20/08 Second meeting scheduled for the pilot program at St. Pete College. 9/4/08 First meeting scheduled for the Florida College System Task Force in Tampa at the Tampa Bay Grand Hyatt. June 30, 2010 The Task Force dissolves. DOE Bill Summary Meeting materials for the Florida College System Task Force http://www.fldoe.org/cc/collegetask-force/9-24_materials.asp Meetings: 10/16 SCPP mtg 2:00 p.m 1-800-704-9804 Participant No: 72957167# 10/21 FCSTF Transition wrkgrp: 10:00 a.m. – noon 1-888-808-6959, Code: 2459452 10/21 FCSTF Funding wrkgrp 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. 1-888-808-6959, Code: 2459452 10/27 FCSTF Baccalaureate wrkgrp 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. 1-888-808-6959, Code: 2459452 Mission wrkgrp: 10/29 FCSTF Mission wrkgrp: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. Number: 1-888-808-6959, Code: 2459452 11/3 FCSTF Funding wrkgrp 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. 1-888-808-6959, Code: 2459452 11/13 , FCSTF Next meeting in Tallahassee SB 1742 Educator Ethics (Senate Memorial) Senator Carlton 6/20/08Approved without Governor's Signature The Senate will dispatch copies of this memorial to the President of the United States, the President of the United States Senate, the President of the United States House of Representatives, and to each member of the Florida delegation to the United States Congress. DOE Bill Summary SB 1774 Postsecondary Education Senator Lynn Co-Sponsor Representative SB 1892 State Data Center System Senator Carlton 6/10/08Approved by the Governor 6/10/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. Fall term 2009-2010 The effective date for this new fee. Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 DOE Bill Summary To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org Effective date: Upon becoming law. Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 See bill summary for extensive timeline. DOE Bill Summary To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org SB 1906 Alternative High School Courses & Programs Senator Gaetz 6/17/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. Alternative Credit Pilot Program July 15, 2008 Districts wishing to participate in the Alternative Credit pilot must submit a letter of interest to the Commissioner 8/18/08 Board of Trustees to meet. Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org July 30, 2008 Commissioner selects up to three districts for the Alternative Credit pilot 2008-09 school year Pilot project begins 5/16/08 Memo on SB 1906 6/24/08 Memo on SB 1906 Pilot Project Application Pilot Project Application A request from a participating pilot district for a course must be approved or denied within 30 days of receipt, with a written response to the district explaining the reasons for the denial within 10 days after the denial. January 1, 2010 Commissioner reports to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House on the participation of and credits earned by students as well as recommendations for expanding the use of alternative credit for core academic courses. Rule Development Workshop notice for SB 1906 Web site set up on remediation courses for high school: http://www.fldoe.org/schools/Co mmonplacementTesting.asp School-Business Partnerships June 30, 2011 The Palm Beach pilot project ends. SB 1908 Designation of High School Grades Senator Gaetz 6/30/08Approved by the Governor DOE Bill Summary Effective date: July 1, 2008, except as otherwise provided. Upon becoming law The Florida Teachers Lead Program goes into effect. December 31, 2008 State Board of Education shall establish an expedited schedule for adoption of Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and, by rule, establish a schedule for their periodic review and revision. December 31, 2011 The Next Generation Sunshine State Standards must be adopted for each subject by the State Board of Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 6/12/08 Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Update Memo Attachment 1 Next Generation Sunshine State Standards amended adoption Education. 2008-09 school year Specified designations must be included on standards high school diplomas schedule Attachment 2 Document on activities related to those standards previously adopted or in process. 2008-09 school year The writing assessment will no longer include selectedresponse test items. 7/17/08 Memo summarizing SB 1908 Attachment 2012-13 school year A revised comprehensive assessment of writing will be administered. 7/17/08 Memo on Foreign Language Certification Requirement Changes from SB 1908 August 1 of each year Commissioner shall notify each district in writing and publish on the DOE Web site the testing and reporting schedules for all statewide assessments for the school year following the upcoming school year. 2010-2011 school year A comprehensive assessment of writing may not be administered earlier than the week of March 1 and other comprehensive statewide assessments may not be administered earlier than the week of April 15. Student test results must be reported by the final day of the regular school year for students. 2008-09 school year Districts shall prohibit schools from suspending a regular program of curricula for FCAT preparation. 2008-09 school year High schools must evaluate the college readiness of selected students prior to grade 12. 2009-10 school year The high school grading formula will be based on the new criteria, and the new threshold for high schools to earn an “A” grade goes into effect. 7/24/08 Memo on 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 Testing and Reporting Schedules 2008-2009 Schedule 2009-2010 Schedule 7/28/08 Memo on Expanding postsecondary Readiness for High School Students and Opportunities for Remediation Prior to Graduation 7/29/08 Memo on Common Placement Testing and Remediation Attachment 8/5/08 Memo on Nominees for Language Arts Next Generation Standards Development Committee 8/8/08 Technical Assistance Paper on the Guide to Calculating Alternative School Improvement Ratings DOE Bill Summary Rule development workshop notice for diploma designations. Frequently Asked Questions on Expanded Postsecondary Readiness Assessment 9/4/08 Memo on the Proposed list of Practical Arts Courses for SBE approval List of proposed practical arts courses 9/25/08 Memo on High School Diploma Designations Attachment A 10/21 Memo on additional courses added to proposed practical art courses 10/21 List of proposed practical arts courses SB 1992 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Senator Baker Co-Sponsor Representative Garcia 6/17/08Approved by the Governor July 1, 2008 The provision relating to school zone speed limit signs (section 3 of the act) takes effect. October 1, 2008 Other provisions of the act take effect, except as otherwise provided. Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org DOE Bill Summary SB 2422 Local Government Finance Senator Alexander Co-Sponsor 5/28/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: Upon becoming a law. Monthly The board or a professional money management firm will Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 Government Efficiency & Accountability Council HB 5001 Appropriations Policy & Budget Council provide a report at least monthly or upon the occurrence of a material event to include any material impacts on the trust fund, a management summary of the status of the current investment portfolio and the individual transactions over the last month, and a detailed report of the market value of the portfolio. 6/11/08Approved by the Governor DOE Bill Summary Effective date: July 1, 2008 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 DOE Bill Summary Approval letter To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org FIRN 2008 Proviso Report HB 5003 HB 5063 Implementing the 2008-2009 Appropriations Act Retirement Policy & Budget Council Government Efficiency & Accountability Council 6/11/08Approved by the Governor 6/10/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008, unless otherwise stipulated in specific sections of the bill. On or before November 15, 2008, each fiscally constrained county shall apply to the Department of Revenue to participate in the distribution of the appropriation and provide documentation supporting the county's estimated reduction in ad valorem tax revenue as prescribed by the Department of Revenue. DOE Bill Summary Effective date: July 1, 2008. DOE Bill Summary Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org HB 5083 Education (Implementing Bill) Policy & Budget Council 6/10/08Approved by the Effective date: July 1, 2008 (Many of its provisions will be effective only until July 1, 2009, unless reenacted by the Legislature) Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations Governor HB 7033 Public Records/Complaint of Discrimination Government Efficiency & Accountability Council 6/10/08Approved by the Governor (850) 245-0406 October 1, 2008 The deadline for districts to submit a Merit Award Program plan. To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org DOE Bill Summary 7/21/08 Memo on HB 5083 Effective date: Upon becoming law. Deborah Kearney, General Counsel Office of General Counsel (850) 245-0442 DOE Bill Summary Co-Sponsor Senator Posey HB 7067 Virtual Instruction Programs Schools & Learning Council Co-Sponsor Senator Wise To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 6/10/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008. June – November, 2008 State Board Rulemaking Process Jean Miller, Executive Director Independent Education and Parental Choice (850) 245-0502 June – September, 2008 DOE to develop FEFP reporting requirements for school districts To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org June – December, 2008 DOE to develop approval process for potential providers HB 7067 Questions & Answers March 1, 2009 Department shall provide school districts with a list of providers approved to offer virtual instruction; and annually thereafter. School Year 2008-09 School districts may offer virtual instruction program School Year 2009-10 School districts are required to offer virtual instruction program School Year 2010-11 and after HB 7067 Questions & Answers #2 10/27 Provider application School districts may not increase enrollment for virtual programs making less than a C. DOE Bill Summary HB 7073 Child Support Enforcement Healthcare Council Co-Sponsor Senator Storms 5/28/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: upon becoming a law. DOE Bill Summary Dr. Frances Haithcock, Chancellor Division of Public Schools (850) 245-0509 Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org HB 7105 Postsecondary Distance Learning Schools & Learning Council 6/10/08Approved by the Governor Co-Sponsor Senator Lynn Effective date: July 1, 2008. March 1, 2009 The Task Force must submit its recommendations to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the State Board of Education, the Board of Governors, and the university and community college boards of trustees. July 1, 2009 The Task Force expires. DOE Bill Summary Dr. Will Holcombe, Chancellor Community Colleges (850) 245-0407 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 8/18/08 First meeting scheduled for the Florida Distance Learning Task Force at 1721 Turlington Building, Tallahassee. Meetings: 10/28/08 3rd full mtg @FCCJ 11/18/08 4th full mtg @ UCF HB 7109 Small Business Government 6/10/08- Effective date: July 1, 2008. Deborah Kearney, Regulatory Relief HB 7135 Energy Efficiency & Accountability Council Co-Sponsor Senator Diaz de la Portilla Environmental & Natural Resources Council Co-Sponsor Representative Saunders Approved by the Governor DOE Bill Summary General Counsel Office of General Counsel (850) 245-0442 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 6/25/08Approved by the Governor Effective date: July 1, 2008, except as otherwise provided. July 1, 2008 State agencies shall contract for meeting and conference space only with hotels or conference facilities that have received the "Green Lodging" designation from the Department of Environmental Protection for best practices in water, energy, and waste efficiency standards. June 30 State agencies will provide to the Department of Management Services all information regarding agency programs affecting the need for a telecommuting program, and each year thereafter. December 31, 2008 State agencies must identify and compile a list of projects determined to be suitable for a guaranteed energy, water, and wastewater performance savings contract pursuant to s. 489.145, F.S., and submit the list to the Department of Management Services. September 30, 2009 The department must identify and maintain a current listing of the job classifications and positions that the agency considers appropriate for telecommuting. December 31, 200 The Agency for Enterprise Information Technology shall make recommendations on consolidating state data centers and computing facilities, pursuant to s. Linda Champion, Deputy Commissioner Finance and Operations (850) 245-0406 To send an email about this bill: Legislation@fldoe.org 282.0056, F.S. July 1, 2009 The Agency for Enterprise Information Technology (AEIT) shall define objective standards for measuring data center energy consumption and efficiency in a data center facility, and calculating total cost of ownership of energy efficient information technology products. State shared resource data centers and other data centers shall evaluate their data center facilities for energy efficiency using the standards established by AEIT. December 31, 2010 The AEIT shall submit to the Legislature recommendations for reducing energy consumption and improving the energy efficiency of state data centers. Biannually thereafter. By 2020 The long-term goal for the recycling efforts of state and local governmental entities, private companies and organizations, and the general public is to reduce the amount of recyclable solid waste disposed of in waste management facilities, landfills, or incineration facilities by a statewide average of at least 75 percent. State agencies shall collect data on energy consumption and cost, shall be reported annually to the DMS in a format prescribed by DMS. All county, municipal, school district, water management district, state university, community college, and Florida state court buildings shall be constructed to meet the USGBC LEED rating system, the Green Building Initiative's Green Globes rating system, the Florida Green Building Coalition standards, or a nationally recognized, high-performance green building rating system as approved by the DMS. DOE Bill Summary