Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?

City of Westfield
Fire Department
Ambulance Bid Requirement
Bid #2216
Bids Due:
Thursday May 27, 2010 @ 2:00 pm
Return to:
Purchasing Department
City Hall
59 Court Street
Westfield, MA 01085
Purchasing Department
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General Information and Bid Submission Requirements
This invitation to bid is issued in accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 30B
Bid Submission
a. All bids must be received in the City of Westfield Purchasing Department, 59 Court Street, Westfield,
MA 01085 on or before 2:00 P.M. May 27, 2010. The clock in the Purchasing Office shall be the sole
determining factor of time.
b. If, at the time of the scheduled bid opening, City Hall is closed due to uncontrolled events such as fire,
snow, ice, or building evacuation, the bid opening will be postponed until 2:00 p.m. on the next normal
business day. Bids will be accepted until that date and time.
Each bidder must submit Two (2) copies of their bid.
d. Each bid MUST be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope “Sealed bid enclosed, IFB #2216
Purchase of Two Ambulances”.
e. The submission of a bid will be construed to mean that the bidder is fully informed as to the extent and
character of the supplies, materials, or equipment required and a representation that the bidder can
furnish the supplies, materials, or equipment satisfactorily in complete compliance with the
2. Questions Concerning Invitation for Bids
Questions concerning this IFB should be directed, in writing, to the City of Westfield Purchasing
Department no later than three business days prior to the due date. Questions should be forwarded
to or to 413-572-1708 (fax).
3. Addenda
If any changes are made to this IFB, an addendum will be sent via certified mail to all bidders on
record as having picked up the IFB. All addenda must be acknowledged on the bid forms. Failure to
do so will result in automatic rejection of bid
4. Modifications by Bidder
a. A bidder may correct, modify, or withdraw a bid by written notice received by the City prior to the time
and date set for the bid opening. Bid modifications must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly
labeled “Modification No. ___.” Each modification must be numbered in sequence, and must
reference the original IFB.
b. After the bid opening, a bidder may not change any provision of the bid in a manner prejudicial to the
interests of the City or fair competition. Minor informalities will be waived or the bidder will be allowed
to correct them. If a mistake and the intended bid are clearly evident on the face of the bid document,
the mistake will be corrected to reflect the intended correct bid, and the bidder will be notified in
writing; the bidder may not withdraw the bid. A bidder may withdraw a bid if a mistake is clearly evident
on the face of the bid document, but the intended correct bid is not similarly evident.
7. Cancellation of Invitation for Bids
The City of Westfield may cancel this IFB, or reject in whole or in parts any and all bids, if the City of
Westfield determines that cancellation or rejection serves the best interests of the City.
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8. Bid Pricing
All bid prices submitted in response to the IFB must remain firm for sixty (60) days following the bid
9. Signatures for Bid
Bids must be signed as follows:
If the bidder is an individual, by her/him personally;
If the bidder is a partnership, by the name of the partnership, followed by the signature of each
general partner;
If the bidder is a corporation, by the authorized officer, whose signature must be attested to by the
Clerk/Secretary of the corporation and the corporate seal affixed.
10. Rule for Award
The contract will be awarded to the responsive and responsible bidder(s) offering the lowest price for
the required services.
The contract will be awarded within sixty (60) days after the bid opening. The time for award may be
extended for up to 30 additional days by mutual agreement between the City and the apparent lowest
responsive and responsible bidder (or, for a contract requiring payment to the City, the apparent
highest responsive and responsible bidder).
The purpose/intent of these specifications is to cover the furnishing and delivery to the City of Westfield Fire
Department (hereinafter called “Purchaser”) for two (2) new complete Type III, Class I Emergency Medical
Vehicles equipped as hereinafter specified. To obtain the best results and the most acceptable emergency
medical vehicle, these specifications cover minimum requirements as to the type of construction, finish, and tests
to which the ambulance must conform, together with certain details as to equipment and appliances to be
furnished. Where the specifications require brand names, they have been chosen and specified because of their
reliability, availability, and availability of replacement parts on a local basis. Since components specified by brand
name, model number, dimension size or capacity are readily available to all Manufacturers and/or bidders,
substitutes or alternates claimed to be equal may not be accepted by the Purchaser. Minor details of construction
and materials, where not otherwise specified, are left to the discretion of the contractor, who shall be solely
responsible for the design and construction of the ambulance. The ambulance shall conform to the most current
requirements (at the time of bid) of the:
Ambulance Design Criteria of the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration
U. S. Department of Transportation
Washington, D. C.
The specification is based upon compliance to minimum standards as outlined in the Federal Ambulance
Specifications, KKK-A-1822E and dated as of June 1, 2002 as well as all regulations of the State of
Massachusetts Department of Public Health, as well as all rules and regulations in effect at the time of
construction and delivery.
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It is expected that the bid will be awarded within 60 days after opening, pricing to remain firm. The selected party
shall execute the documents required to complete the transaction within seven (7) days of notification of selection.
Any reference to one manufacturer is meant as being descriptive as to the level of quality and type of equipment
desired, but not restrictive as to manufacturer.
The bidder shall point out any discrepancies in the document that violate any Federal or State government bidding
requirements prior to three days before the bid opening so that the City of Westfield has adequate time to send out
1. The City of Westfield reserves the right to accept or reject any, and/or all bids, wholly or in part, and/or to
waive formalities if it is in the best interest of the City to do so.
2. No bid may be withdrawn, modified, or otherwise changed once the bids have been opened.
3. Certifications of Testing Requirements KKK-A-1822E shall be presented. A registered professional engineer
or a recognized independent testing facility shall certify tests, and said document shall be presented at the
time of the bid opening. Any substitutions will not be accepted. Testing documents shall include General
Information, Weight Distribution, Electrical Systems, Environmental Systems, Air Conditioning Test, Heating
Test, Power Units and Components, Miscellaneous Vehicle Equipment, Oxygen and Suction Systems, Vehicle
Physical Dimensions, Storage Compartments, Patient Area, Interior Dimensions, Road Performance Tests,
Steps and Bumpers, Doors and Hardware, Set Belt Tests, Litter Retention, Grab Rail Test, Interior Sound
Level Test, Water Spray Test, Flammability Test, Salt Spray Test, Carbon Monoxide Test, Interior Lighting
Test and Static Load Test. All referenced documents and photographs shall include and authorized signature
and date for the testing required.
4. Full certification data work sheets outlining compliance to all test requirements for the specified chassis and
ambulance type MAY be required for evaluation prior to final contract award, at the discretion of the Chief of
the Fire Service or his designee. Failure to submit complete documents within ten days of notification will
render the bid non-responsive due to the inability to complete evaluations. Submission of falsified or altered
documentation of any description will immediately disqualify the bidder from further evaluations and
5. To insure the purchaser that the selected bidder conducts a continued program of safety compliance with all
applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) in existence at the time of manufacture, all
bidders must hold and submit a copy at the time of the bid opening, a current certificate from the Ford Motor
Company recognizing them as a “Qualified Vehicle Modifier” or “QVM” member.
6. This bid is for complete emergency medical vehicles. No omissions shall be permitted, and the vehicle shall
be completed, serviced, and ready to use upon delivery. Failure of the completed vehicle to meet
Massachusetts Department of Public Health emergency medical vehicle rules and regulations, licensing
requirements as to the vehicle and installed equipment for a Type III, Class I Ambulance, will cause the
contract to be Null and Void and release the City of Westfield from payment.
7. The ambulances shall be inspected by the Massachusetts OEMS at the manufacturer’s delivery site prior to
delivery to the City of Westfield. All items listed during the State inspection shall be corrected prior to delivery.
The successful bidder shall provide copies of all State inspections/corrections/re-inspections to the Chief of
the Fire Service prior to delivery. The City of Westfield requires that representation from the Westfield Fire
Department be present at all State inspections. A minimum 24-hour verbal notice shall be supplied to the
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Westfield Fire Department of said inspections. If the bidder fails to inform the City of State inspections per all
terms/conditions within this paragraph, the City will void the contract and shall be released from payment.
8. Descriptive Material: Descriptive material such as plans, drawings, photographs, diagrams, illustrations,
written descriptions, and manufacturer’s literature that will enable the purchaser to determine the exact quality,
design, and appearance of the equipment proposed, shall accompany the bid. All equipment listed, or shown,
in the manufacturer’s literature, drawings, or photographs, and approved by the purchaser, shall be furnished.
9. Vendors Liabilities: The successful bidder assumes all liability for patent infringements, trademarks, etc., if
any, in the construction of the equipment outlined herein.
10. The successful bidder will be bound by all applicable statutory provisions of the law of the Federal
Government, the State of Massachusetts, and the City of Westfield.
11. Purchases made by the City of Westfield are exempt from the payment of Federal Excise Taxes and
Massachusetts State Sales Tax and such taxes must not be included in the quoted price. The City of
Westfield will submit a Tax Exempt Form upon request.
12. All prices and delivery times quoted must be firm F.O.B. delivered. Since prompt delivery time is needed,
delivery time will be considered a factor in determining the award of this bid. All bids must state delivery time
in calendar days.
13. Before submitting a sealed bid, each bidder must make a careful study of these specifications and bid, and
fully assure themselves of the quality of the materials and the character of the workmanship required. The
quality of the materials and workmanship is of profound importance to the public safety of the residents of the
City of Westfield.
NOTE: Bidders are reminded that these specifications call for a vehicle and equipment that meet the specific
needs of the City of Westfield. The award will be to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder per MGL
c30b and the bid specifications. With that in mind, bidders are encouraged not to take exceptions to the
specifications but to engineer their product to meet the requirements of these specifications.
14. The bid specifications must be returned with the bidder’s proposal. The City of Westfield bid specifications will
form a contract between the contractor and the purchaser. Prior to acceptance, these specifications will be
examined by the City of Westfield Fire Department for compliance. If the vehicle after inspection is not found
to meet the specifications it may cause for rejection and the City of Westfield will not provide payment of the
attempted delivery nor incur any costs for manufacturing the undeliverable vehicle.
15. No contract will be awarded except to responsible bidders capable of servicing the equipment supplied.
Before the award of the contract, any bidder may be required to show that he has the necessary facilities,
experience, and ability to perform on site warranty work and service work in a satisfactory manner.
16. No alterations shall be made in the equipment described by the specifications except upon written order of the
Contracting Officer, and when so made, the value of work added or deducted from the contract price by
mutual agreement of the purchaser and vendor.
17. All materials used shall be of the best quality of their respective kinds. All work performed shall be executed
in the most skillful and workmanlike manner. Both materials used and work performed shall, in every respect,
meet the complete satisfaction of the Chief of the Fire Service or his designee. The City of Westfield Fire
Department will be solely responsible for determining “Quality of Workmanship” or relating suitability of
components listed or remedy all defective work.
18. It shall be noted that this department is seeking a vehicle that closely matches the attached specifications. In
the past years this department has tried to make their emergency vehicles “uniform” as to the exterior layout,
interior cabinet layout, exterior lighting, etc. Not only does this application make it easier for restocking the
vehicle, it makes it extremely important to perform emergency medical care to the many citizens that this type
of service is needed.
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19. Where measurements and dimensions of compartments and cabinets are given in these specifications, these
dimensions shall be approximate. The work “approximate” is defined as being within one inch of the given
20. At minimum, the same company must build the modular body, interior cabinets, and all painting, thus avoiding
divided responsibilities when dealing with warranty adjustments. Any company that sub-contracts or allows
another company to do any of these minimum requirements will be automatically rejected. No exceptions to
this requirement
21. In order to avoid divided responsibility, only bids from manufacturers who build their own bodies will be
considered. Manufacturer’s who buy bodies from another manufacturer, whether in a finished or unfinished
state will not be accepted. Said body shall be built entirely in assembly fixtures. Bids based on stock units or
demonstrator units will not be accepted. The body must be built in exact accordance with the attached
specifications. The body described herein has been designed by the purchasing committee and represents
the required compartment layout and placement of equipment to best suit their needs. No exceptions to
layout will be considered.
22. The contractor shall promptly replace or remedy all defective work.
23. The contractor shall keep his/her entire portion of the work in repair without expense to the City of Westfield,
as far as concerns, defects or workmanship, materials, or installation thereof, by submitting a copy of his/her
proposed warranty. It shall be in compliance with State and Federal regulations.
24. The bidder should visit the City of Westfield Fire Department where the 2002 Ford E450 Road Rescue and
2005 Ford E450 Life Line Type III, Class I Ambulances are housed, and take into consideration the existing
conditions of the trade-in, and should the bid be accepted, the bidder will be held responsible for any omission,
misunderstanding or error related to the trade-in. It is the intent of the City of Westfield to utilize the “trade-in”
vehicle as in past practice to provide emergency care service to the residents of the City of Westfield until the
new vehicle is delivered to the City. The trade-in vehicle is available through appointment only. Available
Monday-Friday, 9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.
Note: The trade-in vehicles will not include two-way radios or any medical equipment, including
ambulance stretcher.
25. The successful bidder shall supply the City with any restrictions, if deemed appropriate, on the City’s use of
the trade-in at the time of the bid opening.
26. The specifications as detailed under the section SPECIFICATIONS, as well as these GENERAL
CONDITIONS, shall constitute a valid part of the signed contract.
27. The bidder must have a full service facility within one hundred (100) geographical miles of the City of
Westfield Fire Department and be staffed by full-time technicians. Technicians MUST be factory trained in the
operation and repair of all the equipment supplied with full authorization from the manufacturer. The facility
shall maintain an inventory of major system parts including major parts, electrical items, miscellaneous
hardware, etc., and shall offer emergency on-site or mobile service, if needed. Also, the facility shall offer
services including collision repairs, paint shop, as well as training. SERVICE IS CRITICAL. The ability of the
bidder to provide prompt and capable future service for the equipment supplied will be considered a major
factor in determining the award of this bid.
28. The following specifications describe an Emergency Medical Vehicle suitable for use by the Westfield Fire
Department. These specifications are intended to provide a common standard to which all parties may bid.
29. If any exceptions or clarifications are taken, they must be stated on a separate sheet of paper clearly marked
“Exceptions to the Specifications”. They should include page number and description as they are referred to
in the bid specifications. Any bidder that includes the word “exceed” will not be acceptable and will
automatically be rejected, as that clearly is a personal opinion and not a professional fact. The City of
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Westfield will evaluate each exception/clarification taken. The City of Westfield reserves the right to accept or
reject each exception taken as it applies to the specified item(s). Any exceptions, variations, deviations and
clarifications to these specifications must be set forth on an attached sheet entitled “EXCEPTIONS TO THE
SPECIFICATIONS” and made part of the bid. If exceptions are indicated and accepted by the department, the
ambulance must be delivered exactly as specified.
30. If no exception is taken, it is understood that the bidder will be supplying the exact requirements as specified.
31. The vehicle shall be delivered under its own power to assure adequate break-in while under warranty. It shall
first be transported to the local service facility, where final inspection and preparation will be performed. The
vehicle will then be delivered to the Purchaser’s location. Prior to delivery of vehicle to Purchaser’s location,
service, prep work, and professional clean/detail shall be performed.
32. On a mutually agreeable date, a certified delivery engineer shall familiarize those persons designated by the
Fire Chief with the basic operation of the apparatus and its components. This shall be a full instructional
program. Limited programs or “drop off” type deliveries are unacceptable.
33. A manufacturer’s certificate of product liability and facility insurance equal to or exceeding $7,000,000.00
must be provided with the bid.
34. Upon a mutually agreed time from both the bidder and the City of Westfield Fire Department, there shall be
one (1) factory inspection trip for two (2) designated City of Westfield Fire Department personnel for a
minimum of two (2) days to inspect the vehicle at the manufacturer’s facility. The inspection trip shall include
round trip air fare, three (3) meals per day, automobile transportation and hotel accommodations. The City of
Westfield Fire Department will not be responsible for any out of pocket expenses associated with this
inspection trip. Any personal issues involving the trip shall be at the expense of the individual and are not
associated with the department.
35. BID BOND: Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of five (5) percent of the bid price.
Bids submitted without a bond will not be read. The bid bond must be issued by an insurance company
registered with the insurance Commissioner of this State. Bonds must be signed by an Officer of the Bidder’s
company. Bonds issued by non-registered or foreign insurance companies will be immediately rejected.
36. PERFORMANCE BOND: If the Purchaser requires, a Performance Bond in the amount of 100% of the
contract price shall be furnished within fifteen (15) days of signing the contract. The Performance Bond must
be issued by an Insurance company registered with the Insurance Commissioner of the State of the Purchaser
and must be signed by an Officer of the bidder’s company. Bonds issued by non-registered or foreign
insurance companies will be immediately rejected. This bond shall be listed as an “option” that the Purchaser
may desire to purchase. This price shall not be included in the actual bid price. The cost of the Performance
Bond must be stated within the bidder’s proposal document to give the purchaser an idea of the financial
stability of the bidder.
37. These specifications, together with any documents required herein, shall be included in the final contract.
38. The Manufacturer shall submit at the time of delivery, a complete Owner’s Manual with which shall include,
but not limited to, detailed wiring schematics, literature pertaining to any item that is installed on the vehicle,
such as a copy of the weight slip, and copy of all stickers (Star of Life, KKK certification, etc.).
39. DRAWINGS: A general reference arrangement drawings of the vehicle shall be provided within the bid. The
drawings shall consist of left, right, front, and rear exterior views, streetside, curbside, front, rear, overhead
ceiling, and overhead floor interior views. The drawings shall indicate all proposed exterior compartments,
layout and dimensions, interior cabinet layout and dimensions, and any additional items that may be specified
by the purchaser. Where measurements and dimensions of compartments and cabinets are given in these
drawings or specifications, these dimensions shall be approximate. The word “approximate” is defined as
being within one inch of the given measurement. Locations of all specified warning lights and other
accessories shall be depicted. Before the actual vehicle begins production the bidder must submit a complete
package of drawings for approval.
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40. Bidders must submit a copy of a current “Certificate of Good Standing” from the Secretary of the state in
41. By submitting the bid, the Bidder certifies that he fully understands all the requirements included in the bid
terms and specifications, and he is fully informed as to the nature, scope, and time frame of the type of
equipment to be supplied.
42. AWARD CRITERIA: The City of Westfield Fire Department will be guided by, but not limited to the following
Warranty Terms and Service
Bid Bond
Manufacturer’s Certificate of Product Liability and Facility Insurance
Certificate of Good Standing
Certificate of Non-Collusion
Delivery Time
Venders Attestation Clause
Letter of Compliance (Test Laboratory)
Qualified Vehicle Modifier Certificate (Ford Motor Company)
Certificate of Authority
Meets all specified requirements
Meets all desirable capabilities
Meets all maintenance requirements
Meets all construction standards
Meets all DOT requirements
43. LEASE: The City of Westfield wishes to lease this vehicle for a period of three (3) years with annual
payments. All lease information shall be incorporated into the bidder’s proposal package. The City however,
reserves the right to award the lease to a company of our choosing if it is our best interest to do so.
44. SUMMARY: The specifications contained in this bid invitation constitute minimum requirements. The
requirements as stated in this invitation are non-technical in nature and are not intended to indicate, imply, or
specify any safety limitations. We do however, expect all components shall be approved, installed, and tested
in accordance with the appropriate standards, as regards to the minimum requirements of safety operations
and maintenance that would be expected of any reasonable man repairing stated equipment.
45. The general construction of the vehicle shall give due consideration to distribution of the load to be sustained,
and to the general character of the service to which the vehicle will be subjected when placed in service.
Ample safety factors MUST be provided.
46. Special consideration will be given to the following points:
Accessibility of various components requiring periodic maintenance
Ease of operation
Symmetrical proportions.
47. Each bidder shall supply a detailed description of the vehicle and equipment, which they propose to furnish,
and to which the ambulance furnished under the contract must conform. Each bid shall include all
construction details of the vehicle they proposed to furnish.
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48. Certification of Non-Collusion: The bidder receiving the award, shall defend any and all suits and assume all
liability for any and all claims made against purchaser or any of its officials for the use of any presented
process, device or article forming a part of the emergency vehicle.
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For ease of reviewing prices, the following two (2) pages must be filled out in their entirety. If these
pages are not completed, bid will automatically be rejected.
Total Delivered Price Per Vehicle Per City of Westfield Fire
Department Ambulance Specifications:
$ ___________________________
In Written Words_____________________________________________________________________________
Total Delivered Price of Two (2) Vehicles Per City of Westfield Fire
Department Ambulance Specifications:
$ ___________________________
In Written Words_____________________________________________________________________________
Trade-In Allowance of one (1) 2002 Ford E450 Road Rescue
Type III Class I Emergency Medical Vehicle:
$ ___________________________
In Written Words_____________________________________________________________________________
Trade-In Allowance of one (1) 2005 Ford E450 Life Line
Type III Class I Emergency Medical Vehicle:
$ ___________________________
In Written Words_____________________________________________________________________________
Note: Trade-in vehicles do not include radios or medical supplies.
Total delivered price of two (2) new ambulances per City of Westfield Fire Department bid specifications
less trade-in allowance of two (2) above listed vehicles:
$ ___________________________
In Written Words_______________________________________________________________________
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Provide the following optional bid prices for the items listed below. The below listed items shall
not be included within the bidders proposed price. The City of Westfield Fire Department
reserves the right to select any / all of the below listed options.
Includes base unit with back plate, carrying bag, two (2) patient straps, stabilization strap, 3 suction cups, 1
rechargeable battery, and instructions for use with each device. A “silver 2-year extended service plan shall be
Rechargeable lithium polymer (lipo) battery, 25.9v and 3.3 amp hour capacity.
Total price per unit.
$ ___________________________
In Written Words__________________________________________________________________________
100% Performance Bond:
Supply a 100% Performance Bond for the entire contract amount. Bidder shall provide bond rate.
Total price.
$ ___________________________
In Written Words________________________________________________________________________
Yes ( )
No ( )
If “Yes”, you must submit a detailed description of all deviations.
Delivery time shall be stated in calendar days.
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Phone Number
Any inquiries regarding this bid must be made in writing to:
Tammy Tefft, Director of Purchasing
59 Court Street
Westfield, MA 01085
413-572-1708 fax
Signature for Individual
Name of Company
Telephone Number
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Name and Title of Individual Authorized to Sign
Fax Number
Signature for Partnerships (must be signed by ALL general partners)
Name of Partnership
Name and Title of Partner
Name and Title of Partner
Name and Title of Partner
Telephone Number of Company Offices
Fax Number of Company
Use additional sheet it necessary
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Signatures for Corporation
Name of Corporation
Printed Name and Title of Duly
Authorized Company Officer
Corporate Seal (affix below)
Telephone Number
Fax Number
E-Mail Address
FID Number
Signature of Clerk
Please furnish the following additional information:
Incorporated in what state? ____________________
President: __________________________________
Secretary: _________________________________
If you are a foreign (out of state) corporation, are you registered with the
Secretary of the Commonwealth in accordance with the provisions of M.G.L.
Chapter 156D § 15.03? ____________
If you are selected for this work, you are required, under M.G.L. Chapter 30 §391, to obtain
from the Secretary of State, Foreign Corporation Section, a certificate stating that your
corporation is registered, and to furnish said certificate to the City of Westfield before
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The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this bid or
proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without
collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification,
the word “person” shall mean any natural person, business, partnership,
corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity, or
group of individuals.
Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal
Name of Company
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Massachusetts Corporation
Foreign Corporation
Non-Profit Corporation
Sole Proprietorship *
Name of Corporation _________________________________________
As President, or authorized company officer, of the above named
corporation, I do hereby certify that the above named corporation has
filed with the State Secretary all certificates and annual reports required
by M.G.L. Chapter156B §109 and by Chapter 181 §4
Signed under the penalties
__________________, ________
Signature and Title of Authorized Company Officer
Corporate Seal (affix below):
*If a sole proprietorship, you must indicate your status as a sole proprietorship;
the person signing this bid shall be deemed to be the sole proprietor and legal
entity for the purposed of this bid and contract.
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Any person failing to sign the Attestation of Taxes shall not be allowed to
obtain, renew, or extend a license, permit, or public contract.
Pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 62C, §49A, I hereby certify, under the
penalties of perjury, that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, I
am in compliance with all the laws of the Commonwealth relating to
taxes, reporting of employees and contractors, and withholding and
remitting child support.
Signature and Title of Authorized Company Officer
Corporate Seal (affix below):
Ambulance Bid Requirements
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Technical Specifications
The City of Westfield Fire Department seeks to purchase two (2) new / unused “custom built” Type III,
Class I Ambulance for use as a primary emergency response vehicle as specified within these
technical specifications. Ample time has been put into the needs / design of this vehicle, therefore only
manufacturers that closely meet these technical specifications will be accepted responsive.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
The required chassis manufacturer shall be a 2010 Ford E-450 Superduty.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Ford E-450 Superduty furnished with “XL” trim level. Shall be equipped with Ford ambulance prep
package (47A).
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Wheelbase And Cab To Axle:
It shall be equipped with 158” wheelbase and 100” (CA) cab to axle.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Gross Vehicle Weight:
14,500 Lb. G.V.W.R.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
6.0L direct injection turbocharged diesel, V-8 with Ford OEM engine block heater and catalytic
converter shall be provided.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Electronic 5-speed automatic “TorqueShift” transmission.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Front Axle: 5,000 LB capacity.
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Rear axle: 9,500 LB capacity. 4:10 to 1 ratio to include limited slip.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
OEM heavy-duty gas pressurized shock absorbers front and rear shall be provided.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Front Suspension:
Front suspension shall be coil springs.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Suspension:
Rear suspension shall be Ford OEM leaf springs.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Anti-Sway Bar, Front:
Ford OEM front anti-sway bar shall be provided and installed.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Anti Sway Bar, Rear:
The standard OEM rear axle sway bar shall be removed and replaced with an IPD / RoadMaster antisway bar constructed of 4140 “chromoly” steel with bushings made of polyurethane. Part # 139-1147.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Power steering with tilt wheel and five-inch stroke collapsible steering column.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Two (2) Ford OEM high backed captain's chairs with gray cloth upholstery and armrests. Seats shall
include reclining backrests. Cab seat front to rear travel shall not be restricted by the bulkhead wall or
equipment mounted behind the seats.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Seat Restriction:
The OEM cab seats front to rear travel shall not be restricted by the bulkhead wall or equipment
mounted behind the seats.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab Flooring:
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Ford OEM heavy duty rubber floor covering shall be provided. Carpet shall not be acceptable.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab Floor Mats:
The cab shall be equipped with WeatherTech® all-weather heavy-duty molder / contoured Black
rubber floor mats installed for the driver and passenger foot area of the cab.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Interior Package:
Shall include Ford OEM cloth headliner with sun visors, and padded dash.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Convenience Group:
Shall include intermittent windshield wipers, day/night windshield mounted mirror, headlight warning
chime, interior light door switches, inside hood release, and cigarette lighter.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Power assisted, anti-lock disc with foot actuated parking brake shall be provided.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Michelin LT 225/75R X 16E tubeless black sidewall radial tires, E-load range. Seven (7) wheels and
tires to include spare tire and rim.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Spare Tire:
The OEM spare tire shall be shall be of identical size and meet the exact specifications to the original
tires / wheels mounted on the vehicle. The spare tire and wheel shall be mounted and balance and
ready for use if required. The tire shall be shipped loose with the vehicle.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cruise Control:
Ford OEM installed controls located on steering wheel.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Door Locks:
Electric door locks on chassis doors shall be provided. Additionally, the manufacturer shall wire all
compartment and module entry doors to the OEM door locks as later described in these technical
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Power Windows:
Power windows shall be provided in chassis doors and windows shall be tinted.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Headlights shall be aerodynamic halogen headlamps.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Daytime Running Lights:
The O.E.M. chassis shall have daytime running lights.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab Interior Dome Light:
An interior dome light shall illuminate the cab whenever the cab driver or passenger doors are opened.
Additionally, the OEM dome light shall contain a dual map light with a switch located on each side of
the dome light. The dome light / map light shall be recessed into cab headliner as provided by Ford
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Highest capacity radiator with coolant recovery system, fresh air heater and high capacity air
conditioning shall be supplied.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Electric Throttle:
Ford OEM Auxiliary Power train Control (APC) module shall be provided and shall operate according to
Ford guidelines.
The Ford OEM APC shall be mounted under the driver’s seat. The throttle shall be preset to “Charge
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Ford OEM, dual 110- Amp internally regulated and rectified alternators shall be supplied:
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
A complete set of engine operation gauges, to include oil pressure, engine temperature and
fuel level.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Volt / Amp Meter Gauges:
In addition to Ford OEM gauges, the ambulance conversion manufacturer shall install a combination
ammeter and voltmeter. The volt and amp meters shall have digital read-out located on the front
ambulance manufacturers console visible from the cab driver seat. The system, when installed shall
automatically change to show amperage and voltage every three to five seconds. Additional measures
to allow the driver to maintain a constant readout of either voltage or amperage thru the front console
shall be provided. All systems shall resume standard processes thru the same process or after the
vehicles power is terminated and reenergized.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Fuel System:
Ford single 55-gallon fuel tank shall be mounted between frame rails.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Fuel Fill Housing:
A Cast Products, Inc. round style aluminum filler housing shall be installed on the street side of the
vehicle for ease of fueling. Cast Products, Inc. part #FG5703. Eck brand spray shall be used prior to
installation at all fastening points.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Ford high capacity air conditioning with Ford auxiliary connections for the addition of a module air
conditioning shall be provided. High output heater and defrosters shall be provided and shall include
Ford auxiliary connections for the addition of a module heater:
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Heater Hoses:
Heater hoses are to be Nomex, with highest quality, and highest temperature rating avail-able. All
hoses must be of equal or greater quality than required by the chassis manufacturer to comply with
Ford QVM.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
All cab window glass shall be tinted.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Heat Shields:
Steel heat shields shall be installed between the chassis muffler and the modular body. Steel shields
shall also be installed at any location where the exhaust system is less than three inches from the
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modular body.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Chassis and module shall be undercoated per Ford QVM guidelines.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Wheel Simulators:
All four (4) outside wheels shall be covered with Real Wheels Corporation high-quality; non-magnetic
304L stainless steel wheel simulators; part #RW-1600-2AK. These simulators shall be engineered in
such a way that they are removable without removing any of the OEM lug nuts. In addition, the rear
wheel simulators shall incorporate valve extenders for filling of the inside dual tires in a convenient
location at the wheel hub covers.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab Exterior Mirrors:
The OEM driver and passenger exterior mirrors shall be removed. The vehicle shall be equipped with
Black VelVac model #2020 “Deluxe” heated and motorized driver and passenger cab mirrors. Each
mirror shall contain an amber light on the mirror arm and shall be wired to flash with the OEM turn
signal. Controls for heaters and mirror adjustment shall be mounted on the interior black forward
section of the driver side window.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
AM/FM/CD/GPS System With Back-Up Camera:
The OEM AM/FM/radio shall be removed from the vehicle. The vehicle shall be equipped with a
Pioneer Model AVIC-Z110BT combination AM/FM/CD/MP3 Navigation system. The system shall
include a 7” WVGA touchscreen display.
In addition, integral of the system shall be a back-up camera that will automatically convert to display
the rear view camera when the vehicle is placed into the reverse mode. The camera shall be located
on the rear of the module centered directly above the rear entry doors.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab Spot Light:
There shall be a 3,000,000-watt candlepower cordless / rechargeable waterproof hand held spotlight
located in the vehicle cab, West Marine part #WR315M. A "Vortex" covered open top box large
enough to accommodate the spotlight shall be supplied. The spotlight shall be wired direct to the
vehicles 12-volt battery system.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab Switch Panel / Console:
An ergonomic driver's control panel console shall be installed on the chassis engine cover. This
console shall be designed to allow easy access from either cab seat. This console shall be
manufactured from a color coordinated Polymer and then vinyl wrapped for a softer appearance. The
console shall provide space for, at minimum, front control panel, siren head and dual cup holders. The
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console shall allow a remote style two way radio head to be installed on the top of the console directly
below the OEM vent / radio. The console shall also allow a remote or non remote two-way radio to be
recessed under the front manufacturers switch panel without interference with the dual drink holders.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Engine Hourmeter:
An engine hourmeter shall be provided and mounted on the driver’s side of the cab switch panel /
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
The vehicle shall be equipped with a total of three (3) Ford OEM batteries. All batteries shall be
located in an exterior separate bottom hinged compartment located on the curbside of the module.
Manufacturers that install batteries in a separate area within the exterior single hinged compartment
door for the ALS storage area is not acceptable. No exceptions.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Slide-Out Batteries:
The vehicles 12-volt batteries shall be mounted on a slide-out tray. The tray shall be bolted to two (2)
18” long heavy-duty ball bearing slides. The entire tray and slide assembly shall be bolted to .250 inch
thick 4-inch high by 3-inch wide aluminum angle. The tray shall be made of .125” aluminum with four
flanged two-inch high lips. The tray shall measure 20.50 inch wide x 16.50 inches deep. The batteries
shall be installed on removable rubber matting. A positive slide-bolt shall retain the batteries in the
compartment and to prevent rattling.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Owners Manual:
A complete ambulance manufacturer’s owner’s manual shall be included with vehicle. The manual will
include wiring diagrams as well as a wiring narrative about the vehicle. Also included will be all
additional manufacturer instructions from options installed.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Chassis Manuals:
There shall be one (1) complete set of Ford OEM chassis manuals supplied on CD-ROM. The CDROM shall include powertrain / emissions, workshop manual and wiring diagram manual.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab Warning Indicators:
A visual alarm shall be mounted in the cab switch console area to indicate any open compartment door
or module entry door is “open”.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab Warning Light for Open Door(s):
Located in the center of the cab ceiling, between the cab sun visors, shall be one (1) Whelen PAR 16,
2” diameter, Red LED flashing light indicate when any module entrance door or exterior compartment
door is open. The light shall contain a chrome trim ring kit. A plastic engrave nomenclature shall be
installed near the light labeled “Open Door”. The nomenclature shall be screwed to the headliner.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab Warning Light for Emergency Brake:
Located in the center of the cab ceiling, between the cab sun visors, shall be one (1) Whelen PAR 16,
2” diameter Amber LED flashing light to indicate that the vehicles emergency brake is applied. The
light shall contain a chrome trim ring kit. A plastic engrave nomenclature shall be installed near the
light labeled “Emergency Brake Applied”. The nomenclature shall be screwed to the headliner.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Map Book Tower:
Built into the lower pass thru shall be a custom map console. The map tower shall include up to three
angled removable Plexiglas dividers. The angled dividers shall be half depth of the lower pass thru
cabinet to allow for a storage cabinet to be installed on the patient compartment area as described
later in these specifications.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab Glove Cabinet and Drink Holders:
A “custom” designed combination glove box holder and drink holder cabinet shall be included. This
cabinet shall be located on the floor of the cab just forward of the map book tower accommodations.
This console shall be designed to allow easy access from either cab seat. This console shall be
manufactured out of wood and a color coordinated laminate. The radius corners shall be aluminum.
The console shall include space for three (3) boxes of gloves and include a flip up style Plexiglas lid.
There shall be smooth oval holes installed at the location of the opening of the individual box of gloves.
Forward of the glove accommodations shall be three (3) large drink holders.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Plyomvent Accommodations:
Exhaust tailpipe shall accommodate a Plymovent in station exhaust system. The tailpipe shall be
equipped with a round stainless steel ring fastened to the exhaust system.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Back-Up Sensor:
A TST Eagle Eye, model #EES-2100 rear sonar back up system shall be installed. There will be (2)
sensors mounted on the rear of the module; (1) sensor module on each side mounted at the same
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level. The main objective of this unit shall be to prevent the vehicle from backing into low overhangs at
the hospital.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab Ceiling Map Lights:
There shall be two (2) Whelen PAR 32, 4” round Red LED lights installed in the ceiling of the cab.
Each light shall contain Whelen chrome flange kit. There shall be one (1) light mounted above the
driver cab seat and one (1) light above the passenger cab seat. Each light shall be switched
independently from the front switch panel and labeled “Map Light”.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Fire Extinguishers:
Two (2) five-pound ABC fire extinguishers shall be supplied. Both extinguishers shall be shipped loose
or mounted in the location determined by this department, prior to delivery.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
167" x 96" Type III Aluminum Module Body:
Body exterior shall be a minimum of 167.75" long x 96" wide x 86" high. The patient compartment aisle
shall be a minimum of 48 inches wide. The exterior body compartments shall be a minimum of 19
inches deep, unless otherwise specified. All body panels, structures, and extrusions shall be fabricated
of ALL aluminum construction using alloys consistent with the load requirements of the vehicle. Overall
vehicle length, including bumpers, shall be 22.5'. Overall vehicle height, ground to top of module, shall
be approximately 110". All ambulance bodies shall be manufactured on site.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Modular Body:
All body panels, structures, and extrusions shall be fabricated of ALL ALUMINUM construction using
alloys consistent with the load requirements of the vehicle. Exterior body sides and ends shall be
fabricated from .125" thickness 5052-H32 single flat sheet aluminum, a highly corrosive resistant
marine grade alloy with 2.5% magnesium and having a tensile strength range of 31,000 to 35,000 PSI.
All exterior aluminum body panels shall be attached using a perimeter weld and high performance
polyurethane two-sided tape on all interior supports.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Module Mounting:
The cutaway module shall be mounted using ladder frame cross members and Ford OEM rubber
spacers with steel sleeves. A minimum #5 grade bolt and locking nut provided with chassis shall be
used. There shall be a minimum of 12 mounting points. These mounting points shall utilize existing
OEM frame rail holes whenever possible. An extruded EPDM closed cell cab sponge seal shall then
be attached to the rear of the cab opening to seal the opening between the module and cab. This
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seal shall be installed as one continuous piece. The chassis cutaway shall be securely bolted to
module by a minimum of 39, 1/4" diameter bolts with KEPS nuts.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Body wall vertical framing shall consist of 2" x 2" x .125" and 2” x 3” x .125” aluminum extruded tubing
of 6063-T6 alloy (6063-T6 is a highly corrosive resistant alloy with 1% magnesium and .6% silicone
with a tensile strength range of 31,000 to 35,000 PSI.).
A minimum 2” x 3” x .125” aluminum tubing shall be installed fore and aft of the rear wheel well
housings and at the rear of the module.
A horizontal 2" x 3" x .125" extruded tube shall be utilized at the lower edge and 2”x 2” x .125 shall be
utilized as a minimum at the top and midline of all walls to provide superior impact protection.
Vertical aluminum radius-type corner extrusions, of a hollow core design, utilizing 6063-T5 alloy, which
interlock with the body side sheets and vertical framing shall be utilized. These corner post extrusions
must include an integral X-frame running full length of the extrusion for added impact resistance. 2” x
2” x .125” and 2” x 3” x .125” (where applicable) extruded tubes shall be welded to the outside of the Xframe on either side of the corner post extrusion to complete a 7.5” radiused corner post design.
Compartment and patient door jam framing shall be made from 6063-T5 extrusions. The exterior lip
will be flush with the exterior wall skin when installed. The doorframe extrusion will be continuously
welded to the wall skin and the minimum two-inch square framing extrusion around the exterior
perimeter. The door jam trim shall also be welded on the interior where each door pin is located.
All seams shall be sealed and caulked.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
The roof shall be one piece .090 sheet, 5052-H32 alloy, which is supported by a grid consisting of a 4"
x 2" x .150" channel with .230" flanges running longitudinally and 4" x 2" x .125 "hat channels extending
transversely from the longitudinal channel to the roof frame extrusions. These hat channels shall be
spaced no more than 18" apart. The 4" x 2" x .150" channel shall also function as a wiring raceway.
The roof frame extrusions and corner extrusions shall be the reinforced type, hollow core design. All
roof rail extrusions shall be 6061-T6 alloy. No radius corners consisting of a rolled sheet will be
The roof extrusions shall incorporate a drip rail on all four sides of the body. The roof shall be crowned
1/2" to facilitate water run off. The roof sheet shall interlock with the roof frame extrusions.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Modular Floor:
The floor shall be interlocking .125" 6063-T6 alloy aluminum extrusions set at a 90-degree angle from
the frame rails. These extrusions shall form a .125" thick aluminum sub floor with 2" x 2" x .125"
aluminum square tube frame on 10" centers.
The floor extrusion shall consist of a "C" channel with hollow "V" joint receptacle on one end and an
extruded solid "V" edge which mates with the hollow "V" receptacle on the adjoining extrusion. The
floor extrusion shall be welded both on top and on the bottom.
When the solid "V" edge of one piece is inserted into the hollow "V" receptacle of another, the toothed
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leg shall lock to form one side of the 2" tubular frame. Aluminum angle shall run lengthwise and be
welded to each interlocking extrusion.
The voids between the 2" x 2" frame members shall be filled with 2" high density “Blue Board” plank
The underside shall be covered by a sheet of .050" aluminum with sealed seams and then
undercoated, thus providing a smooth 2" thick integrally insulated double aluminum floor. Insulation
sprayed directly onto the underside of the floor shall not be acceptable.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Modular Body Warranty:
A lifetime, modular body structural, warranty shall be provided. Lifetime is defined as no maximum
mileage or time limit. Modular body construction methods and materials must be certified in
compliance with AMD Standard 001, "Static load test for ambulance body structure".
NOTE: To avoid divided responsibilities on warranty to the module body, the module body shall be
constructed “in house”. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
After the body is assembled, all under surfaces are to be heavily coated with automotive grade
petroleum based undercoating to protect against road salts and to provide additional sound deadening.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Interior Headroom:
The interior of the patient compartment will provide no less than 72 inches of finished headroom from
floor to ceiling.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Bulkhead Wall:
The cab to module bulkhead wall shall be recessed a minimum of six inches for both the driver side
and passenger side. The recess shall be made of five-ply marine-grade plywood. It shall then be
covered with a .050” aluminum panel wrapped in heavy-duty vinyl.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab To Module Access:
A chassis cab to modular body pass thru configuration to the patient compartment shall be provided. It
shall have a sliding Plexiglas door that latches open and closed only from the cab side. A track for the
door shall provide rattle free operation.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Module Vents:
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There shall be a minimum of three intake and exhaust vents mounted high on the ambulance body.
One vent shall be mounted on the oxygen compartment door, one vent shall be mounted on left rear
streetside wall for the exhaust fan and one shall be mounted on the right front curbside wall for a fresh
air intake to the module heater / air conditioning system.
Vents shall be manufactured by Cast Products, Inc. #C10340. A filter screen shall be permanently
installed against the module body.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Fender Rings:
There shall be one-piece stainless steel fender rings installed around the rear body cutout above the
rear wheels. The fender rings, when installed shall not contain any exposed fasteners. These fender
rings shall provide an aesthetically pleasing rounded opening.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Fuel Fill Housing:
Chassis OEM fuel-fill assemblies shall be utilized. A Cast Products, Inc. round style aluminum filler
housing shall be installed on the street side of the vehicle for ease of fueling. Cast Products, Inc. part
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Entry Door Reflectors:
There shall be two (2) red reflectors or highly reflective, DOT approved, Scotchlite tape mounted on
each module entry door, visible from oncoming traffic.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Module Entry Doors:
There shall be entry doors on the curbside and the rear of the patient compartment. The entry doors
shall be recessed into the extruded frame. The entry doors shall be of an extruded pan formed
labyrinth style. They shall be a minimum of three inches thick. In addition to the extrusions reinforcing
each outer door pan, the extrusions themselves shall be reinforced through a dual joining method.
Each mitered corner, where the framed corners join, shall be fitted with a one-insertable key that
prevents the corner from pulling apart. The key shall insert into a hollow slot that has been extruded
into the tubular part of the door extrusion. The entire corner shall then be welded and finished smooth.
All doors shall include 2” high density “Blue Board” plank insulation and a four mil, vapor barrier.
Doors that employ square tube and box pan sheet construction are not acceptable.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Protective Padding:
There shall be protective pads directly above the side and rear doors. These pads shall be a minimum
of 2” thick and shall be constructed of high-density foam and heavy-duty vinyl. No piping shall be used
and all seams shall be sealed to repel contaminates. The cushions shall be installed with industrial
grade plastic hook and loop Velcro allowing easy removal for cleaning. The Velcro when attached to
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the separate surfaces shall ensure that it will not come apart from the individual areas. Pads over
entry doors shall extend below Nader pins to prevent serious head injury. These pads shall be
trimmed on the exterior side with stainless steel.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
All entrance doors shall be fully insulated with 2" high density “Blue Board” plank insulation. Insulation,
when installed, shall include up to 95% of the door cavity, due to the required latching hardware routing
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Vapor Barrier:
All entrance doors shall be finished with a 4-mil clear polyethylene vapor barrier. The vapor barrier will
be installed directly over the insulation and prior to the finished door panel being installed. The vapor
barrier shall be installed as one-piece to allow the necessary effectiveness. The vapor barrier shall be
taped in place to prevent settlement.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Door Seals:
The door seals must be EPDM hollow core and provide a 360-degree uninterrupted seal with a full 1/2"
of compression. Door latches shall be inboard of the seal, therefore protecting latches from dirt,
moisture, and weather deterioration. Seals shall be mounted in a way to protect them from abuse.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Door Hardware:
Each modular body entrance door shall be equipped with two heavy-duty rotary latches to meet
FMVSS 206 standards.
Each rotary latch shall close on a post (Nader pin) mounted to the doorframe extrusion. A minimum 2"
x 2" x .125" frame member shall be placed behind the extrusion for positive two point latching. All
door latch nader pins shall be adjustable.
Both rear doors must latch onto the doorframe.
All door latch posts shall be adjustable.
A continuous clean seal door gasket shall be installed 360 degrees around the entire door.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Entry Door Sill Plates:
Inner and outer sills of the module entry doors shall be trimmed with formed brushed stainless steel
plates to protect painted surfaces. All plates shall be installed with industrial grade adhesive. No
mechanical fasteners may be used.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Entry Door Hinges:
Each module entry door shall be mounted with a continuous polished stainless steel piano style hinge
with a minimum pin diameter of 250". Hinge pin diameter of less than .250” is unacceptable to ensure
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the long-term performance of the hinge in this extreme use application and also to ensure the hinge will
not hang causing door closing problems. The hinge shall be slotted for adjustment and attached to the
door with stainless steel bolts for easy removal. The hinge shall not be riveted to the module. All door
hinges shall be installed prior to painting and then removed and reinstalled after the module body has
been properly painted. Two methods of preventing paint corrosion shall be installed. Step one shall
includes an adhesive backed clear tape between the painted surface and the stainless steel hinge.
Step two shall include a dielectric barrier, “ECK”, of which shall be shall be generously installed
between the module body and the door hinge. Both methods shall be applied along the entire length of
the hinge prior to installation.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Side Entry Door:
The side entrance door shall be equipped with a heavy-duty gas dampening hold open device that shall
hold the door open at 90 degrees.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Side Entry Door Threshold:
The side patient entry door shall have a threshold with non-slip tape installed.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Side Entry Door Window:
Side entry door shall be equipped with a manufactured sized 16" x 20" sliding, tinted safety plate
window in an aluminum frame. The window shall contain a removable screen. The window shall
include a “Bronze” tint within the glass.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Entry Doors:
The ambulance module shall have double hinged rear entry doors on the rear of the module. The
doors shall provide a minimum of 56 inches of pass thru height at rear doors and shall be full width of
the rear floor space.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Entry Door Hold Opens:
The rear entry doors shall have Cast Products, Inc. “Grabber” hold-open devises with high-density
rubber replaceable inserts mounted on each door. These devises shall hold the doors in a fully opened
160-degree position.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Entry Door Windows:
Rear entry doors shall be equipped with a manufacturer sized 16" x 20" non-opening, tinted safety
plate window in an aluminum frame. Windows shall include a “Bronze” tint within the glass.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Door Paddle Latches:
Doors shall be equipped with Tri-Mark 30-8, large, full size paddle latches. A nonskid easy-grip
surface shall be applied to the backside of the handle to permit a gloved or wet hand from easily
gripping the handle. The right rear and side entrance doors shall be lockable from inside or outside.
There shall be a rubber gasket installed between the paddle latch and the door.
All entrance doors and exterior compartment doors shall be keyed alike.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Door Exterior Door Latch:
Both rear doors shall be equipped with both interior and exterior paddle latch for ease of operation, four
(4) latches total. Manufacturers that utilize an interior pull latch on the left hand door to allow the door
to open will not be considered an alternate as this impedes into the entrance / exiting of the passage
way into the module. No exceptions to this requirement.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Door Latches:
All exterior module doors shall have a pre-stressed stainless steel shielded cable as the means to
activate door latches and door rotary gear latches. The stainless steel shielded cable shall have
machine crimped ends. The ends shall be crimped at a 100 psi setting and be subject to a minimum
175 peak load, lb. "Locktite" shall be applied on both ends.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Door Panels:
All module door interior panels shall be installed using stainless steel, fine thread, flathead machine
screws and cage nuts. All areas that will not accommodate a cage nut shall be a minimum quarter inch
thick and be tapped. The use of self tapping screws will not be allowed.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Entry Door Trim Panels:
Each modular body entrance door shall have a removable .100" aluminum inside access panel to
facilitate latch adjustment or repair. The lower interior panel shall be .100" brushed stainless steel.
Upper access interior door panels shall be .100" aluminum covered with laminate.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Door Trim:
There shall be stainless steel formed angle trim installed on the inside of the doors, hinge side of all
exterior vertically hinged compartment doors and both rear entry doors to prevent paint from chipping
when unloading / loading equipment.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Side Entry Door Stepwell:
A formed aluminum side entrance doorstep shall be recessed into the body. The exposed surface
shall be lined with NFPA approved anti slip bright aluminum diamond tread plate on all sides and
The stepwell shall include a recessed section on the left side in order to accommodate two (2) portable
oxygen bottle brackets (Ferno Washington Model #521). The bottle brackets shall accommodate “D”
size cylinders.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Stepwell Illumination:
The side entry step well shall be illuminated with a Whelen White LED light with chrome base, Whelen
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Side Entry Door Step:
There shall be a “Kwikee” electric side door step installed underbody. The step shall be wired thru the
side entry door and automatically extend from under the module body when the door is “opened”. The
step shall retract when the side entry door is “closed”. A plastic shroud shall be installed around the
step to aid in dirt from coming in contact with the step. A second means of protection from road debris
shall include a rubber mud flap installed forward and aft of the step.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Curbside Body Window:
There shall be a non-opening window in an aluminum frame installed in the curbside of the module
body above the squad bench. The window shall be a minimum of 30" x 16". Window shall include a
“Bronze” tint within the glass.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Privacy Panel:
The side body module window shall have a two-section sliding privacy panel with a White marker board
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Privacy Tint Windows:
All module windows shall contain additional “limo tint” privacy tint film applied to the interior of each
module window.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Exterior Compartments:
The exterior compartments shall be formed from a minimum .090" aluminum sheet. The
compartments shall be welded to the body floor and sidewall structure for strength and rigidity. All
corner seams shall be welded and caulked.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Exterior Compartment Door Reflectors:
There shall be two (2) red reflectors or highly reflective, DOT approved, Scotchlite tape mounted on
each compartment door, visible from oncoming traffic.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Compartment Doors:
All doors shall be a minimum of 3" thick, framed by aluminum extrusions of labyrinth design. The door
jamb extrusions shall be made from 6063-T5 aluminum. The doorframe extrusion will be continuously
welded to the wall skin and a minimum, two-inch square framing extrusion. In addition to the extrusions
reinforcing each outer door pan, the extrusions themselves shall be reinforced through a dual joining
method. The corners shall be welded and finished smooth.
The compartment door jamb shall be welded to a minimum 2 x 2 inch tube. The door jamb trim shall
also be welded on the interior where each door pin is located. All doors shall mate with the doorframe
extrusion, forming a gasket area for the pneumatic door seal. The exterior door panels shall be formed
to surround the extruded perimeter framing and be welded in place. Door corners shall be welded and
ground smooth. The maximum space between each three quarter welds shall be fifteen inches.
Gussets shall be welded in for additional strength at all corners. Interior panels shall be recessed into
the extruded frame and screwed into place using stainless steel flat head machine screws and cage
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Door Hardware:
All compartment doors over 36” high shall contain dual point rotary latches with stainless steel, slam
style paddle handles. Single point latching is not acceptable due to the potential of allowing fluids and
dust to enter the compartments from the exterior. No exceptions.
A nonskid easy-grip surface shall be applied to the backside of the handle to permit a gloved or wet
hand from easily gripping the handle.
There shall be a rubber gasket between the paddle handle and the door.
All door latch posts shall be adjustable.
All compartment doors shall be lockable and keyed alike.
A continuous clean seal door gasket shall be installed 360 degrees around the entire door.
All doors, except the battery compartment shall have a heavy-duty gas style hold open device.
The battery compartment shall include a bottom hinged door to allow access to the three batteries on
the specified slide-out tray. Included shall be rubber bumpers to protect the door from over swing and
causing damage to the hinge.
Each door shall have a continuous stainless steel hinge with a .250" pin.
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Hinges shall be slotted for adjustment and attach to the door with .250" stainless steel bolts for easy
removal. Hinges shall not be riveted to body or doors. A dielectric barrier to include both "Eck" and an
anti-corrosive tape shall be provided between the hinge and the doorframe. All single compartment
doors on sides shall be front hinged for safety and convenience.
All doors taller than 36” high shall have two (2) latches and nader pins. No exceptions. This agency
requires dual point latching top prevent road dirt and water to enter into the compartment.
Compartments requiring double doors shall provide frame latching for the second door. Both exterior
compartment doors, including the “trailing door” shall have an exterior heavy-duty stainless steel
paddle handle. Door to door latching will not be acceptable.
Manufacturers that utilize an interior pull latch on the trailing door to allow the door to open will not be
considered an alternate. No exceptions to this requirement.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Door Seals:
The door seals must be EPDM hollow core and provide a 360 degree uninterrupted seal with a full 1/2"
of compression. Door latches shall be inboard of the seal, therefore protecting latches from dirt,
moisture, and weather deterioration.
Seals shall be mounted in a way to protect them from abuse. All door latch nader pins shall be
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Double Door Compartment Latches:
There shall be paddle latches mounted on the exterior of all double door compartments.
Manufacturers that utilize an interior pull latch on the trailing door to allow the door to open will not be
considered an alternate. No exceptions to this requirement.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Compartment Sill Plates:
Inner and outer sills of al exterior compartment doorframes shall be trimmed with formed brushed
stainless steel plates to protect painted surfaces. All plates shall be installed with industrial grade
adhesive. No mechanical fasteners may be used.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Compartment Vents:
In order to prevent airlock inside compartments, all exterior equipment storage compartments shall be
vented. There shall be two vents in each compartment, one left side, and one right side. All vents shall
be above the floor line to prevent dust from entering the compartment. The only exception shall be the
oxygen compartment, which may have a vent in the door and/or below the floor line. Other vents in
compartment doors will not be acceptable.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Compartment Door Panels:
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All exterior compartment inner door panels shall be polished diamond plate aluminum. They shall be
recessed into the door extrusion and attached with stainless flathead screws and cage nuts.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Door Switches:
Door jam switches for interior lights, exterior compartment lights, door ajar lights and rear load lights
shall be magnetic style with ground wire activated relays to eliminate hot wires running in door jams.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Compartment Interior Lining:
All exterior compartments shall be lined with a 100% solid elastomeric polyurethane coating. This
coating shall have a minimum thickness of .0625" in low wear areas and .125" to .188" in all other
areas. The material shall be nonporous and allow for easy cleaning. It must be highly resistant to
scratching and scuffing.
The minimum performance specifications for this coating material are:
1. Shore "A" Hardness
85 - 90
2. Specific Gravity
3. Tensile Strength
2,200 PSI
4. Elongation at Break
5. Tear Strength
430 pounds
6. Melting Point
300 degrees
This material shall be sprayed on all compartment surfaces and finished in a mottled texture to
minimize slippage,
provide a water/air tight seal and to provide superior noise suppression. Elastomeric Polyurethane
(Vortex) Lining will not crack, peel or warp and will resist scratches. The color of this material shall be
medium gray.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Compartment Lights:
All exterior module compartments (except the battery compartment and any area where it will interfere
with structure) shall have recessed compartment lights with grill guards. All compartments shall
include adequate lighting to illuminate the interior of the compartment. Lights shall be installed above
and below each specified adjustable compartment horizontal shelf / shelves. All full height
compartments shall include a light installed in the ceiling and where specified, when a compartment
requires a full height divider, a light shall be installed on each side of the divider.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Vent Covers:
All exterior compartments shall be vented using a 5.5 x 12.25 inch vent cover. All vents shall be
installed above floor line. The only exception shall be the oxygen compartment, of which shall contain
a compartment door ventilation system.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
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Over the years, this agency has developed a “custom” exterior compartment and interior cabinet layout
that is determined to provide a friendly and safe design to both the patient and personnel. It is the
intention to design this vehicle the exact same as the present fleet of vehicles in service. All bidders
are encouraged to visit the agency to familiarize themselves with the fleet. No exceptions.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Storage Compartments:
This agency seeks a closely match vehicle with the following exterior compartment layout and
designed as stated. There shall be a total of four (4) compartments installed on the streetside for
storage accommodations. There shall be two (2) storage compartments on the curbside of the vehicle,
excluding a dedicated battery compartment.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Curbside Front Compartment (P-1):
There shall be a curbside front inside / outside compartment installed. Compartment clear opening
measurements shall be approximately 36” high x 19” wide x 26” depth.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Adjustable Inside / Outside Compartment Shelves (P-1):
The inside / outside right front cabinet shall have a total of two (2) adjustable aluminum shelves. Each
shelf shall contain a 1” return lip on all four sides. Each shelf shall contain Dri-Dek Black raised rubber
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Compartment Wall Finish (P-1):
The inside / outside right front cabinet shall have a sprayed on "Vortex" interior lining. The color shall
match existing color of the exterior compartments (medium gray).
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Curbside Front Battery Compartment (P-2):
There shall be a curbside front exterior battery compartment. The compartment shall contain a slide
out tray to hold the specified batteries. It shall be capable of holding all three (3) required batteries.
The compartment door shall be hinged on the bottom to allow the slide out tray to slide out to the
compartment to service the batteries.
This compartment shall include a self sealing door that is an integral part of the battery storage tray
located inside and is separate and distinct from the exterior access door. Manufacturers that install
batteries in a separate area within the exterior single hinged compartment door for the ALS storage
area is not acceptable. No exceptions.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
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Slide-Out Batteries (P-2):
The batteries shall be installed in heavy-duty slide-out .125” smooth aluminum tray with locking
mechanism to retain the batteries in a secured closed position and reduce rattling. The tray shall
accommodate three (3) batteries with individual battery sizes measuring 13” long x 6.5” wide x 9.5”
high. The tray shall be mounted on heavy-duty 18” slides, Austin Hardware #501 slides. All batteries
shall be mounted on rubber black matting.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Curbside Entry Door (P-3):
There shall be a curbside entry door installed. The door clear pass thru measurements shall be
approximately 72” high x 30” wide.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Curbside Rear Compartment (P-4):
There shall be a curbside rear compartment. The compartment, at minimum, shall accommodate three
backboards, one scoop stretcher, one Ferno Washington “EZ-Glide” stairchair and other miscellaneous
equipment. Compartment clear opening measurements shall be approximately 79” high x 18” wide x
21” depth. The compartment shall not include a “pocketed style” door panel as an alteration; this
agency requires the actual compartment depth to be modified to accept the stairchair. No exceptions.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Streetside Front Compartment (D-1):
There shall be a full height streetside front storage compartment. The compartment shall
accommodate an on-board main oxygen bottle cylinder and other miscellaneous. Compartment clear
opening measurements shall be approximately 79” high x 17” wide x 21” depth.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Streetside Intermediate Compartment (D-2):
There shall be a double door streetside front intermediate storage compartment. Compartment clear
opening measurements shall be approximately 29” high x 41” wide x 19” depth.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Streetside Wheel Well D-3 Compartment:
There shall be a streetside wheel well storage compartment. The compartment door shall be attached
to a slide-out drawer. Compartment clear opening measurements shall be approximately 4” high x 28”
wide x 17” depth.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Streetside Rear Compartment (D-4):
There shall be a streetside double door rear compartment. Compartment clear opening measurements
shall be approximately 61” high x 26” wide x 19” depth.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Compartment Adjustable Shelves:
There shall be a total of twelve (12) smooth aluminum adjustable shelves installed. The shelf shall
have a 2” return flange on all four sides for superior strength, creating a “pan” style shelf, unless
otherwise specified. All shelves shall be lined with raised black rubber matting (Dri-Dek).
Installed as follows:
(1) D-1 Compartment above the main oxygen bottle bracket.
(3) D-2 Compartment.
(4) D-4 Compartment.
(4) P-4 Compartment on the right side of the fixed divider, just above the stairchair area.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Aluminum Vertical Divider:
There shall be one (1) fixed .188 inch "Rhino" covered aluminum vertical divider installed in the exterior
P-4 Compartment. The divider shall be installed to allow a department supplied stairchair to be stored
and removed easily forward of the divider.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Backboard Restraint System:
There shall be four (4) adjustable .125 inch "Vortex" covered aluminum vertical dividers installed in the
exterior P-4 compartment located in the backboard storage area. These dividers shall be 18 inches
high and shall be centered in the storage area.
There shall be one (1) removable pad installed above and one (1) removable pad installed below the
adjustable dividers. The pads shall be sprayed with Rhino lining to prevent the backboard noise from
entering the module.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Backboard Restraint Ceiling Divider:
There shall be .188 inch aluminum vertical divider installed as described. The divider shall be covered
with “Vortex” lining material, to match the exterior compartment lining. The divider shall be securely
attached to the ceiling of the compartment.
(1) Curbside Rear P-4 Compartment. The divider shall be installed full width of the backboard opening
and contain a 30 degree angled lip on the forward edge to allow the backboards to lead into the
compartment without damage to the backboard or divider. The divider shall hang down from the
ceiling approximately 16”.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Inside / Outside Access To Exterior Compartments:
The streetside rear compartment (D-4) shall contain inside / outside access to the top one-third portion
of the compartment. This area shall contain sliding Plexiglas doors.
The curbside rear compartment (P-4) shall have inside / outside access. Located to the right of the
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fixed divider (forward side of the divider). The inside / outside access shall be installed just above the
stairchair area and extend to the top of the ceiling.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Compartment Matting:
There shall be Black Dri-Deck on all exterior compartment floors and shelves. All matting shall be cut
to fit each location.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Bumper:
There shall be a heavy-duty bumper extending to each side of the step. The under carriage shall be
constructed of 4 inch aluminum channel and tubing, bolted to the body and the chassis frame rails with
a minimum of eight bolts. The bumper framing shall be reinforced with an additional 4-inch aluminum
support coming out from the chassis frame rails at a 45-degree angle to the outside corners of the
There shall be a 45" wide by 10" deep passenger step at the rear of the body. It shall be constructed
of open face “Grip-Strut” safety grating, rigidly framed and supported. The rear step shall be hinged to
allow it to be recessed folded against the rear of the body.
End sections outboard of the step shall be covered with aluminum diamond tread with all corners TIG
welded. The outside corners of the covers shall be tapered 15 degrees to minimize bumper dragging.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Dock Bumpers:
There shall be rubber dock bumpers bolted to the outboard ends of the rear bumper.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Diamond Tread Plate Panel:
The vertical surface at the rear of the modular body between the rear step and the floor of the patient
compartment shall be faced with full width 3003 diamond tread plate aluminum. The entire diamond
plate panel shall be installed with stainless steel fasteners. The top edge shall be sealed prior to paint.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Recessed Rear Kick Plate:
The center section shall be recessed to allow the bumper center flip step to recess into the kick plate.
When folded in the “up” position the step shall completely recess into the rear aluminum diamond tread
plate to allow easier loading and unloading of the ambulance stretcher.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Lower Impact Rails:
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There shall be rigid, two piece 6063-T5 extruded, tubular, anodized aluminum 3" by 1.5" impact rails
with cast aluminum end caps installed at the lower edge of each side of the body.
The impact rails are to be mounted to and reinforced by 3" x 2" x .125" rectangular aluminum tubes
which shall be the lower structural members of the body framing. Rails shall be designed to absorb
impact, minimize body damage, and to be easily replaceable.
For this reason, the lower body tube described above must continuously back all impact rails.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab Running Boards:
Bright finished aluminum diamond tread plate running boards of .125 shall be installed on both the curb
and street side of the cab doors. Running boards shall incorporate a center grip strut surface. The
running boards shall include front splash shields and shall taper back to the full width of the module
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Running Board Lights:
Running boards shall be illuminated by Whelen 4" LED lights #20COCDCR with rubber grommet
mounts. These lights shall be installed on the front of the module body and activated when the cab
door is “open”.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Mud Flaps:
The chassis shall have heavy-duty rear rubber mud flaps with metal stabilizers installed.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Front Mud Flaps:
Heavy-duty rubber mud flaps shall be added to the front running boards. All hardware for installation
shall be stainless steel.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Compartment Sill Plates:
Inner and outer sills of al exterior compartment doorframes shall be trimmed with formed brushed
stainless steel plates to protect painted surfaces. All plates shall be installed with industrial grade
adhesive. No mechanical fasteners may be used.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Drip Rails:
Polished aluminum drip rails shall be installed over all exterior compartment and modular entry doors.
Drip rails shall be installed with double stick tape to prevent corrosion. Drip rails installed with screws
shall not be acceptable due to the likelihood of corrosion from dissimilar metals.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Front Stone Guards:
There shall be diamond tread plate aluminum stone shields 24" high wrapped around each front corner
of the body and extending into cab depth. The top edge shall be sealed.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Stone Guards:
There shall be diamond tread plate aluminum stone shields wrapped around each rear corner of the
body. The stone guards shall be the same height of the rear diamond tread plate wrapper.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
T.S.T. Electrical System:
The electrical system shall be a Transportation Safety Technologies (TST), PDC System 750. A
Microprocessor based electrical system with driver's and attendant's control centers. Only systems
manufactured independently will be considered. This requirement assures two sources for repair and
The vehicle electrical system supplied shall have been in active field service for a minimum of four
years. The proposed system shall also have a minimum of five-hundred active systems currently in
The electrical system modules shall be designed for simple, quick replacement. The system shall
incorporate a fully programmable design allowing the user to select and define how the system will
operate now and into the future.
All electrical and electronic components shall be selected to minimize electrical loads thereby allowing
the vehicle's generating system to not only meet the vehicle's electrical load requirements but to
maintain an adequate reserve generating capacity. The system shall include automatic load
management and automatic high idle control.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
System Design:
The Electrical System shall be designed to continuously monitor all electrical conditions and interlocks,
therefore preventing inadvertent operations, or accidental activation of its features. The entire system
shall be program configurable to provide lock out security for only authorized access.
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The Electrical System shall be designed to continuously monitor all electrical conditions and interlocks,
therefore preventing inadvertent operations, or accidental activation of its features. The entire system
shall be program configurable to provide lock out security for only authorized access.
The system shall be designed to conduct real-time diagnostics, comparing the configuration memory
against that which actually makes up the system. This diagnostic shall test each element of the system
and report, or alert any discrepancies. The reports shall include as a minimum, 1) open circuits, 2)
manual bypass, and 3) load shed. The alerts shall be incorporated into each switch through an LED
indicator. All configuration data shall be stored in a nonvolatile electrically erasable memory. This
storage will insure, that any programmed memory not be lost if there is a complete system power
failure. The system shall incorporate four RISC (reduced instruction sets commands) and provide for a
simple, flexible operation.
The system interface board shall provide for the diagnostic troubleshoot of all input and output
functions. Thereby helping to eliminate the need for auxiliary volt/amp meter testing equipment.
The Electrical System shall have on board protections, which shall be utilized to provide immunity from
transients, over-current and voltage, RFI/EMI interference, and spurious signals that might negatively
influence the systems performance.
All inputs and outputs shall be scanned and updated (8) eight times per second to provide an
immediate response and insure that all activations were intentional.
The Electrical System shall further provide for user programmable audio responses for all critical
functions, warnings and alerts. The tone volume of each audio response shall be fully programmable.
The electrical system shall incorporate status indicators that provide an operational status of all relays.
Operational status shall include:
1) active relay
2) manual bypass 3) fault condition
4) off
5) load shed
The Electrical System shall be designed to handle up to three different meter shunts. This design shall
allow each alternator to be checked individually or in combination with the batteries.
The Voltmeter shall have alarm capability and provide both visual high/low and discharge alerts for
voltage. The Voltmeter can use the same display as the Ammeter and be set up to display any of the
three-meter applications (shunt 1, shunt 2, or, combination) or toggle between all readouts.
The voltmeter input shall be battery direct providing for an accurate state of the battery voltage level
and be compatible with the TST, HECS (hall effect current sensor) 200 and 300 devices for inductive
pick up of meter inputs
The Electrical System shall be equipped to receive inputs for various controls. All chassis inputs,
except battery power, connected to the Relay Control Board will be done through a dedicated
connector for these circuits. LED status indicators will be provided to show whether these signals are
present at the connector.
The module portion of the ambulance will have a battery disconnect on its circuitry, which will be
controlled by the ignition switch "ignition" and "accessory" modes. The device that controls battery
power to the module shall be a Commander 350 with "Extended Life Technology " or equivalent
module with a five-minute delay timer built into it. The disconnect shall incorporate extended life
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Functions Supported By The System:
To be included:
"Touch Tek" control panel switching
Switch Backlighting Intensity (Programmable)
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Load Management with Alarm
Intelligent digital High/Low Voltage Monitoring, to include monitoring with time delay
Current Metering 200/300 Amp (also available for dual alternators)
Flexible Metering of Various Signal Types
Hall Effects Current Sensor Compatible
LED Diagnostics On The Power Distribution Board
Patient Door Open Warning (Both audible and visual)
Open Compartment Door Warning System (Both audible and visual)
Emergency Warning Lights (Individual or in Sequence Programmable)
Primary / Secondary Flasher Control
Light bar Control
Left, Right and Rear Flood Light Control w/override
Patient Compartment Lighting Control
Oxygen Control
N/Safety Interlock and Override (Programmable)
Load Sequencing Up and Down (Programmable)
Auto Throttle Control
Master Power Control
Back Up Alarm, Interlock and Override Control
Left and Right Dome Light Control (LO, HI, OFF)
Single Speed Power Exhaust
Patient Status Indicators and Alarms (both front and rear)
Vacuum Pump Control
Inverter Control
Five-Minute Check Out Light Control with Patient Door Open
Rear Climate Control Switching to include fan speed and temperature Control
Digital Thermostat (Climate Control)
Other (Spare's)
All wiring and cable assemblies shall be totally encased in protective, convoluted, high temperature,
300-degree flame resistant, automotive type, polyethylene loom. Wiring which is routed near
potentially sharp edges shall be protected by grommets. Wiring harness shall not run underneath
All wiring shall be permanently color-coded and permanently embossed with number and function
codes, spaced every 4 inches on each wire.
Wiring labels that are glued or otherwise attached to the wire shall not be considered permanent and
will not be acceptable.
Circuits shall serve the ambulance body and accessory electrical equipment separate and distinct from
the vehicle chassis circuits.
All wiring used shall be copper with SXL thermoplastic insulation rated to 150 degrees Centigrade. All
splices and terminals provided shall comply with SAE J163, J561, or J928 as applicable.
All wiring between the cab and module shall be connected to a terminal block located in a special wire
terminal compartment with a hinged door for easy access.
This compartment shall be located on the interior of the module.
The completed ambulance must meet or exceed AMD Standard 005, Ambulance 12-Volt DC Electrical
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
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Relay Control Board:
The Relay Control Board shall consist of a minimum of (22) twenty-two socket mounted, replaceable
"plug in style" automotive relays with status LED's provided to show proper operation of all relay
outputs. An additional status LED shall be provided for each relay position to indicate that the relay coil
is properly operating. Each relay contained on the Relay Control Board shall be circuit breaker
protected using a field replaceable manual reset thermal circuit breaker. Each relay shall be equipped
with an output feedback diagnostic used to provide dynamic status indicators on the front and rear
panels for all relay activations.
All relays on the Relay Control Board shall be 30 amp. And shall be diode protected to prevent reverse
polarity. Zener diodes shall be used to protect the system from excessive current and high voltage
The electrical system shall be able to allow for a second Relay Control Board to be added, therefore
doubling the features of the standard electrical system.
All relays contained on the Relay Control Board shall have a bypass switches that will permit its output
to be manually activated. Manual control of a relay shall be allowed to take place at any time during the
systems operation and unlikely indicated on the front / rear control panels
A copper 600 amp buss shall provide +12 volt DC input to a common input, for a mini-mum of (20)
relay positions. Two relays on the Relay Control Board shall have all five terminals available for
connection. These relays shall provide for total control of the relay coil and the type of input being
transferred through the relay contacts. The normally open (N/O) outputs for these relays shall be
available through dual screw terminals located on the board. There shall also be a minimum of two
spare relays. These spare relays shall have the ability to be either positive or negative in polarity and
still provide the function the same status LED indicator as the standard relays.
The Relay Control Board shall feature a disconnect enable output that prevents loads from being
"dumped" during shut down operation. Loads "on" during the shut down process shall be sequenced
down automatically.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Main Power Distribution Center (MPC):
The main electrical power distribution center shall be installed in an interior cabinet, in the front of the
patient compartment, positioned to allow easy access for inspection or service. The cabinet shall be
accessible only from the interior of the patient compartment to preclude exposure to moisture, dirt, and
other debris.
Electrical Systems located in an exterior compartment shall be unacceptable due to weather damage.
A complete Owner's/Operating/Service Manual shall be provided and mounted in the electrical cabinet
for easy reference. It shall contain a complete set of wiring schematics, as well as a complete narrative
description of each circuit in the ambulance manufacturer's electrical system. It shall also contain the
owner's manuals for all add-on and after-market components supplied by the ambulance manufacturer.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Owner’s Manual:
A complete Owners/Operating/Service Manual shall be provided and mounted in the electrical cabinet
for easy reference. It shall contain a complete set of wiring schematics, as well as a complete narrative
description of each circuit in the ambulance manufacturer’s electrical system. It shall also contain the
owner’s manuals for all add-on and after-market components supplied by the ambulance manufacturer.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
See chassis specifications for description of alternators. Any alternator offered as part of an
ambulance prep package by chassis manufacturer must be supplied. These alternators must be
installed and covered under warranty by the chassis manufacturer.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Battery System:
The battery compartment shall be sealed off from the patient compartment and exterior storage
compartments. The batteries shall not be integral of any storage compartment. No exceptions.
Battery cables shall be a minimum of 1/0 gauge. All battery cables shall be run in flexible conduit. See
chassis specification for description of size, number, and location of batteries.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
High Idle Control:
Ford OEM Auxiliary Power train Control (APC) module shall be provided and shall operate according to
Ford guidelines.
The Ford OEM APC shall be mounted in the location as set forth by Ford Motor Company. The throttle
shall be preset to “Charge Protect” and when activated it will operate the engine at a speed necessary
to maintain proper system voltage. The device shall operate only when the vehicle is in "park" and the
parking brake is engaged. The device shall disengage when the service brake pedal is depressed or
the transmission is placed in gear. The device shall automatically reengage when the service brake is
released or the vehicle is again placed in "park" and the parking brake engaged.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Ground Straps:
A single ground connection shall exist between the system and the vehicle chassis.
Two, copper-strand, plated, woven type ground straps with crimped and soldered lugs shall be installed
between modular body and chassis frame.
Two, copper-strand, plated, woven type ground straps with crimped and soldered lugs shall be installed
between cab and chassis frame.
One, copper-strand, plated, woven ground strap with crimped and soldered lugs shall be installed
between the engine and the chassis frame.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Front Control Panel:
The Front Control Panel shall incorporate LED backlighting with a cycle life of at least 1 million cycles
for all switches and at least 100,000 hours for all high output LED's. The front control panel shall
incorporate different color LED's for "on" indication of all switch functions. The high output different
color LED's shall provide for clear "on" indication in various lighting conditions by actually changing
colors when switch is turned on. A separate DIM switch shall permit a lower level of intensity for "on"
indication during nighttime applications. All switch legend inserts shall be reverse embossed and field
replaceable. All switches shall incorporate conductive rubber technology. This technology shall allow
for a tactile, visual, and audible response. The switch shall also allow touch contact at all areas and
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have the ability to be cleaned and disinfected when necessary.
The Front Control Panel (FCP) shall have a Mylar color graphic to identify various functional groups on
the panel such as warning switches, master control and accessories. The front panel shall offer fully
programmable control for all Emergency Master functions. Any non-dedicated switch on the FCP can
be programmed into the emergency master switch. At start up, the system switch indicators shall
illuminate to provide confirmation that voltage is reaching the switch. The Module Power switch shall be
the only switch to come on when the switch is activated. In addition to the visual "on" indication, a
single audio response shall be generated to conform that a switch has been depressed. In the event
that a fault should exist, an audio alert and an indicator shall flash. This fault indication shall denote
and provide this alert should any connection or component within that circuitry fail, or the relay it
contacts fails to close.
The Primary and Secondary switches shall be mutually exclusive. Likewise, the Strobe Dim function
shall be dependent upon the strobe lights being "on".
The backup lamp switch shall be a cut off for the back up alarm and shall automatically reset when the
vehicle is taken out of the reverse gear. This switch shall be capable of being set prior to going in
reverse, allowing the backup alarm to not activate.
Both banks of dome lights shall capable of being turned "off' from either the front or rear switch panels.
The AC/Heat control shall have switches on both front and rear panels that control these system
operations and include the fan function. The system shall allow the AC/Heat to be sequenced on when
the Emergency Master is activated and stay on even when the Emergency Master is turned off. The
AC/Heat shall be turned off by either the ignition off or the AC/Heat switch itself.
The door ajar and compartment open indicators on the front panel shall flash anytime a door, or
compartment is open. If an ignition signal is present, or when the transmission is removed from the
"Park" position the flashing shall be further complimented with an audible alert.
The patient status indicators (red, amber, green LEDs) shall also have different audible alerts that
provide for attention to changes in the patient status state.
The Mode switch shall allow the operator to select the type of display desired on the digital meter. This
switch shall allow for the operator to select voltmeter, ammeter or a feature to toggle between these
two-meter displays.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Control Panel:
The Rear Control Panel, like the front, shall incorporate LED backlighting for all switches and high
output different color LED's for “on” indication of all switch functions. The high output different color
LED's shall provide for clear "on" indication by changing colors when the switch is turned on. All
switches shall incorporate conductive rubber technology. This technology shall allow for a tactile,
visual, and audible response. The switch shall also allow for over one million cycles and have the ability
to be cleaned and disinfected when necessary.
The rear panel shall have three sets of indicators for the climate control system, one each for heat and
A/C to indicate which mode is "on,' and one each for fan speed indication.
The rear control panel shall incorporate a climate control digital display that can be factory set to read
in either Centigrade, or Fahrenheit.
A 16' temperature sensor cable shall be provided to accurately measure temperature within the patient
compartment. The thermostat shall be user settable, and by selecting the up arrow or the down arrow it
shall switch controls and maintain the set point with or without the need for supply voltage. Once set,
the climate control system shall switch from A/C to Heat operation automatically. The fan shall always
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be on when the A/C Heat Switch is "on", when the A/C Heat Switch is "off' the fan motor shall be "off'.
The fan speed shall automatically change from lo-med-hi based upon the differential in temperature
from the preset point. For example, from 0-2 degrees either side of set point the fan speed shall be on
low. From 3-5 degrees either side of set point the fan speed shall be on medium. Six (6) degrees either
side of set point and the fan speed shall be in high mode. Three LED status indicators shall show
which mode the fan is in at all times. A fan speed override switch shall be provided to manually adjust
the fan speed to any level desired. The fan shall still be allowed activate without the A/C-Heat function
being on. This shall allow the air to circulate within the patient compartment.
The Climate Control relay module shall incorporate five automotive style "plug in" relays. LED's shall
provide the status of all relays.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Check Out Light System:
A Check out light relay shall be located on the Relay Module and be protected by a 15 Amp mini fuse.
This relay is separate from the dome relays but can be connected in parallel to a dome relay allowing
check out lighting to be turned on from either the check out relay, or dome light relay. The check out
light relay shall receive power from the memory power input to the system.
The check out light feature shall operate when the Module power and ignition power are "off” and/or
any entry door is open. The check out light relay will come "on" when it receives a signal from any
patient door and remain on for 5-minutes regardless of whether the door(s) is left open or closed. The
check out lights used shall be the right bank on high function.
Once the 5-minute check out timer cycle has begun the check out lights will immediately go "off “if the
module power is turned "on". If a patient door is open when the module power is turned "on", the
regular dome light relay will come "on”. If the ignition is "on" and the module power is "off', the check
out light relay turns "On" and "Off “when door(s) open and close. The interior dome light switch shall
be able to override the doorpost switch.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Electrical Warranty:
The Electrical warranty shall be for a period of six years or 60,000 miles. Actual warranty
documentation shall be submitted within the bidder’s proposal package.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Second Rear Switch Panel:
The vehicle shall be equipped with dual rear control panels, like the front control panel, shall
incorporate LED backlighting for all switches and high output different color LED's for “on” indication of
all switch functions. The high output different color LED's shall provide for clear "on" indication by
changing colors when the switch is turned on. All switches shall incorporate conductive rubber
technology. This technology shall allow for a tactile, visual, and audible response. The switch shall also
allow for over one million cycles and have the ability to be cleaned and disinfected when necessary.
The dual panels shall function independently or individually.
The rear panels shall have three sets of indicators for the climate control system, one each for heat
and A/C to indicate which mode is "on,' and one each for fan speed indication.
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The rear control panels shall incorporate a climate control digital display that can be factory set to read
in either Centigrade, or Fahrenheit.
A 16' temperature sensor cable shall be provided to accurately measure temperature within the patient
compartment. The thermostat shall be user settable, and by selecting the up arrow or the down arrow it
shall switch controls and maintain the set point with or without the need for supply voltage. Once set,
the climate control system shall switch from A/C to Heat operation automatically. The fan shall always
be on when the A/C Heat Switch is "on", when the A/C Heat Switch is "off' the fan motor shall be "off'.
The fan speed shall automatically change from lo-med-hi based upon the differential in temperature
from the pre-set point. For example, from 0-2 degrees either side of set point the fan speed shall be on
low. From 3-5 degrees either side of set point the fan speed shall be on medium. Six (6) degrees either
side of set point and the fan speed shall be in high mode. Three LED status indicators shall show
which mode the fan is in at all times. A fan speed override switch shall be provided to manually adjust
the fan speed to any level desired. The fan shall still be allowed activate without the A/C-Heat function
being on. This shall allow the air to circulate within the patient compartment. The Climate Control relay
module shall incorporate five automotive style "plug in" relays. LED's shall provide the status of all
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Second Switch Panel Location:
The second switch panel shall be located on the curbside of the module above the squad bench
recessed into the exterior P-4 compartment. The switch panel, when installed, shall allow a two-way
radio to be located to the right of the switch panel. The exterior compartment shall be modified /
notched to accommodate these electrical components.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Reverse Activated Alarm:
The vehicle shall be equipped with an Ecco #575 backup alarm located under the rear of the module.
The backup alarm switch shall be a cut off for the back up alarm and shall automatically reset when the
vehicle is taken out of the reverse gear. This switch shall be capable of being set prior to going in
reverse, allowing the backup alarm to not activate.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Shoreline Inlet, Auto Eject:
The ambulance shall be equipped with a 2-wire plus ground 115-volt AC wiring system that is separate
and distinct from the vehicle's 12-volt DC system. There shall be a 20-amp Kussmaul shoreline inlet.
The 115-volt system shall incorporate a ground fault interrupter (GFI) device and shall have a 20-amp
circuit breaker that can be used as a master disconnect switch. The exterior inlet shall have a White
top hinged, heavy duty spring loaded inlet cover to prevent moisture. The inlet shall be properly
marked 115-volt AC and shall be provided with a mating plug. The inlet shall be located on the
streetside rear wall of the module above the lower diamond plate kick panel. Around the auto eject
shall be diamond aluminum tread plate panel to protect the painted surface of the module. There shall
be a removable access panel on the back side of the auto eject in the exterior D-4 compartment.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
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Shoreline “On” Indicator Light:
An indicator "on" light shall be supplied and shall illuminate when the shore power is connected to the
vehicle. A Whelen Amber #OSAOOMCR LED light shall be mounted directly above the shoreline inlet.
The light shall contain a chrome flange housing.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Inverter / Battery Charger:
A Vanner model number 20-1050 CUL, 1050 watt inverter with 55 amp battery charger and display
shall be supplied and installed. The inverter shall be equipped with an automatic transfer relay that
disconnects the inverter when the shore power is applied. A remote on/off switch shall be provided in
the attendants control panels (streetside and curbside panels). The unit shall be installed in the base
of the electrical closet behind the rear attendant seat. The battery charger display shall be located
behind the driver's seat (Bulkhead wall above the seat/visible from the exterior).
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Inverter Switching, Front:
In addition to the inverter switching from each rear switch panel, there shall be capabilities of switching
the inverter off or on from the cab front switch panel.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Inverter / Battery Charger, Additional:
A Vanner model number 20-1050 CUL, 1050 watt inverter with 55 amp battery charger and display
shall be shipped loose. There shall only be one (1) Vanner unit shipped loose for every two vehicles
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Action Area 12-Volt Outlet:
The patient action area shall be furnished with two (2) 12-volt, Cigarette style outlets. These outlets
shall be installed 16” from the forward exterior D-1 compartment wall to allow medical equipment to be
installed in this area.
This separately protected circuit shall have a receptacle located in the streetside main action area. A
Cigarette style connector with mating plug and polarity requirements shall be supplied.
This circuit shall also include a "SCHOTTKY" diode isolator with heat sink to isolate medical equipment
and medical equipment batteries from any electrical loads that the remainder of the ambulance
electrical system may impose.
The 12-volt outlets shall contain a rubber cap attached to the outlet to prevent fluids or any other items
from coming in contact with the plug.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Right Front Stack Cabinet 12-Volt Outlet:
The right front stack (RFS) interior cabinet shall be furnished with a 12-volt, Cigarette style outlet. This
outlet shall be wired direct to the vehicles 12-volt battery system.
This circuit shall also include a "SCHOTTKY" diode isolator with heat sink to isolate medical equipment
and medical equipment batteries from any electrical loads that the remainder of the ambulance
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electrical system may impose.
The 12-volt outlet shall contain a rubber cap attached to the outlet to prevent fluids or any other items
from coming in contact with the plug.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Additional 12-Volt Outlet(s):
The vehicle shall be equipped with four (4) additional 12-volt cigarette style outlets. These outlets shall
be wired direct to the vehicles 12-volt battery system.
There shall also include a "SCHOTTKY" diode isolator with heat sink to isolate medical equipment and
medical equipment batteries from any electrical loads that the remainder of the ambulance electrical
system may impose.
Each 12-volt outlet shall contain a rubber cap attached to the outlet to prevent fluids or any other items
from coming in contact with the plug.
The outlets shall be installed as follows:
*One (1) main action area near the side CPR seat.
*One (1) telemetry area.
*One (1) upper cabinet above the lower pass thru (ceiling height cabinet).
*One (1) above the lower pass thru cabinet countertop on the Right Front Stack cabinet wall.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Action Area 115-Volt Outlet:
An interior duplex outlet shall be installed in the main action area. An Indicator light shall be included
at the outlet to indicate when 115V AC power has been applied. The outlet shall be labeled "115V AC".
This 115V AC system, including wiring and associated equipment, shall comply with AMD Standard
This outlet shall be installed 16” from the forward exterior D-1 compartment wall to allow medical
equipment to be installed in this area; next to the required 12-volt outlets.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Right Front Stack Cabinet 115-Volt Outlet:
An Interior duplex outlet shall be installed in the R.F.S. Cabinet. An Indicator light shall be included at
the outlet to indicate when 115v AC power has been applied. The outlet shall be labeled "115V AC".
This 115v AC system, including wiring and associated equipment, shall comply with AMD Standard
009. Mounted in the inside / outside portion of the right front stack area.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Additional 115 Volt Outlet(s):
The vehicle shall be equipped with four (4) additional interior duplex outlets. An indicator light shall be
included at the outlets to indicate when 115v AC power has been applied. The outlets shall be labeled
"115v AC". The 115v AC system, including wiring and associated equipment, shall comply with AMD
Standard 009. The outlets shall be installed as follows:
*One (1) in the main action area near the streetside CPR seat.
*One (1) at the foot end of the squad bench.
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*One (1) in the cab area. When mounted it shall allow for large converter style packs to plug into the
outlet. .
*One (1) above the lower pass thru cabinet countertop on the Right Front Stack cabinet wall.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
On-Board Computer And Printer:
The vehicle shall be pre-wired for an on-board computer and printer to be installed in the vehicle. Pre-wiring
shall include appropriate 12-volt wiring. All bidders are urged to contact AmbuPro directly to obtain specific
wiring requirements.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Engine Block Heater:
There shall be an OEM engine block heater installed. Terminate as provided by Ford. No alterations
are required.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Power Door Locks:
All module entry doors and exterior compartment doors (excluding the battery compartment) shall have
power locks installed, eight (8) total. These power locks shall be activated from the OEM cab area and
be thermally protected with a pulsed signal.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Exterior Remote Unlock Switch, Rear:
A weatherproof hidden, power door unlock switch shall be installed in the rear license plate area.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Exterior Remote Unlock Switch, Front:
A weatherproof hidden, power door unlock switch shall be installed in the OEM grille area.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Interior Power Door Lock Switches:
Two (2) interior module body power door lock switches shall be installed. It shall use a pulsed signal
and provide both lock and unlock for all module entry doors and exterior compartment doors. In
addition, the power door locks shall be wired thru the OEM system.
There shall be one (1) module interior door lock switch installed on the rear module entry door (primary
/ right door) and one (1) on the curbside module entry door.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Module Speakers:
There shall be two Kenwood or equivalent speakers recessed into the ceiling of the patient
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compartment. Volume control mounted in the streetside action area. The speakers shall be wired to
the OEM AM/FM cab stereo system.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Patient Compartment Camera:
The vehicle shall include an Audiovox patient compartment camera with a single monitor. A 5” LCD
monitor with swivel bracket shall be mounted in the cab area between the sun visors, secured to
the overhead cab ceiling. The camera shall be secured to the ceiling of the patient compartment
mounted at the rear of the module facing forward. The camera shall be wired thru the module
power circuit.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Handlight Wiring:
The vehicle shall be pre-wired for two (2) handlights / flashlights. Pre wiring shall include two (2) 12volt relay controlled power and ground circuits for each hand lights, wired direct to the vehicles 12-volt
battery system.
Wiring shall terminate:
One (1) Behind the driver cab seat.
One (1) Main action area under the oxygen view window.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Handlights / Flashlights:
The vehicle shall be equipped with two (2) Pelican “Big Ed” lights, Pelican product #3750, with fast
charger bases. The lights shall be installed as instructed by the department prior to delivery.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Wiring Diagrams:
The Ambulance manufacturer shall supply a complete set of “as-built” / “custom” wiring schematics for
ease of troubleshooting and repairing any issue(s) that may occur during the service life of the vehicle.
The schematics shall be generated thru a CAD drawing program. Generic, standard, or manually
modified drawings shall not be acceptable. Said wiring schematics shall be included within the owner’s
manual. Additionally, there shall be one (1) set generated for the local distributor / dealer that provided
the vehicle.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Oxygen Compartment Light:
An oxygen compartment light shall be installed and controlled from the action area control panel or
second control panel over the curbside squad bench.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Stepwell Illumination:
The side entry step well shall be illuminated with a Whelen White LED light with chrome base, Whelen
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Patient Compartment Ceiling Lights:
The patient compartment shall be illuminated, by, at minimum, eight (8) Whelen # 86CE1 12-diode
LED ceiling lights. No other lights shall be installed. NO EXCEPTIONS. These lights shall be
mounted to .125 ceiling plates.
The left and right banks of lights shall each have their own "high" and "low" switch positions. The right
bank "high" setting shall also be activated by doorjamb switches at the side and rear doors. A 5minute timer shall activate one bank of lights on “high” when the battery switch is off.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Action Area Light:
The main action area shall include a 12” Grote #60591 Clear LED light.
controlled from a switch integral of the light fixture.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
The light shall be
Center Strip Lights:
Four (4) Whelen #86CE1 12-diode LED lights shall be installed in the ceiling of the patient
compartment. They shall be evenly spaced down the center of the vehicle.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Center Strip Light Activation:
The center strip lights will be capable of operating thru a 15-minute spring wound time located on the
curbside wall above the squad bench near the curbside switch panel. Additionally, these lights shall be
operational thru a switch in both rear control panels and also thru the front control panels labeled
“Center Lights”. These four (4) lights shall operate on “high” intensity only.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Stop/Tail Lights:
There shall be two (2) Whelen M6 Series "LED" stop / tail lights with chrome trim bezels installed.
These lights shall be mounted above the rear kick panel.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
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Rear Turn Lights:
There shall be two (2) Whelen M6 Series "LED" populated amber turn signals with chrome trim
bezels installed. They shall be wired to flash sequentially in the direction of the arrow. These lights
shall be located on the rear of the module directly above the Whelen M6 series LED back-up load
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Back-Up / Load Lights:
There shall be two (2) Whelen M6 Series “LED” backup lights with chrome trim bezels installed.
The lights shall be located on the rear of the module between the Whelen LED turn arrows and the
Whelen LED stop / tail lights.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Front Turn Lights:
There shall be two (2) Whelen M6 Series “LED” populated amber turn lights with chrome trim bezels
installed. They shall be wired to flash sequentially in the direction of the arrow. These lights shall be
mounted below the M9 series front LED warning lights.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Whelen Rear Load Lights:
There shall be two (2) reverse activated, Whelen M9 series LED rear scene / load lights installed
directly above the rear entry doors, Whelen part #M9ZC. Each light shall contain built in optics
providing 8-32 degree light spread. The scene lights shall meet or exceed federal specification
KKK-A-1822E. The scene lights shall meet or exceed federal specification KKK-A-1822E. All
scene lights shall have ABS bright chrome flanges. These lights shall be automatically activated
when the vehicle is placed into reverse mode.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Streetside Scene Lights:
There shall be three (3) Whelen M9ZC series LED scene lights installed on the streetside of the
vehicle. They shall be located at the top of the module next to the warning lights. The light head
refraction design shall create a flood of light and shall be optically projected at a downward angle
approximately thirteen degrees from the horizontal plane. The scene lights shall meet or exceed
federal specification KKK-A-1822E. All scene lights shall have ABS bright chrome flanges.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Curbside Scene Lights:
There shall be three (3) Whelen M9ZC series LED scene lights installed on the curbside of the
vehicle. They shall be located at the top of the module next to the warning lights. The light head
refraction design shall create a flood of light and shall be optically projected at a downward angle
approximately thirteen degrees from the horizontal plane. The scene lights shall meet or exceed
federal specification KKK-A-1822E. All scene lights shall have ABS bright chrome flanges.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Reverse Activated Side Scene Lights:
The rear scene lights on each side of the module shall be automatically activated when the vehicle is
placed into reverse.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Right Side Scene Lights “On” With Open Side Entry Door:
The right side scene lights shall come on when the side entry door is opened.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Entry Door "LED" Lights:
There shall be one (1) recessed Whelen Model M7 LED flashing door light installed on the lower
interior door panel of each module entrance door panel, three (3) total. Lights shall flash when the any
module entry door is open.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Marker Lights:
The exterior ambulance body ICC lights shall be Whelen “OS” Series LED marker/clearance lights with
chrome trim ring, part #OSROOMCR (red). They shall be installed as high on the body as possible.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear DOT/ Third Bake Light:
There shall be a Slimline brake light mounted above the rear doors. The mid sections shall be wired
thru the brake light circuit. Said light shall be LED style.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
License Plate Bracket:
The vehicle shall be equipped with a Cast Products, Inc. surface mount cast aluminum license plate
bracket located on the curbside of the rear diamond plate kick panel. Cast Products part #LP0004.
The bracket shall contain LED lighting.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Air Horn Compressor:
Air horns shall be provided powered by a Buell #16122 heavy-duty air compressor with dual air tanks.
The air tanks shall be located under the module and shall contain manual drain valves. The air
compressor shall be mounted in the exterior D-2 compartment. There shall be a protective cover
placed around the air compressor to prevent damage to the unit.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Air Horns:
The vehicle shall be equipped with two (2) 12” Buell Strombos airhorns mounted below the front OEM
chrome bumper.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Air Horn Activation:
There shall be a plunger style switches installed on the driver’s front console for activation of the air
horns. The switch shall be accessible for the driver and / or passenger.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Antenna Coax:
Four (4) KE-794 antenna base with coaxial cable and PL- 259 connector shall be installed as
described. All cables shall be spaced apart by a minimum of 18”. All cables shall have a 36” service
loop. It shall be the bidders responsibly to communicate with the radio installer to provide proper
cables to be installed to allow a clean and professional installation of the radio system.
Locations as follows:
(1) Front curbside dome light to the driver’s seat base.
(1) Mid curbside dome light to the driver's seat base.
(1) Front streetside dome light to the driver's seat base.
(1) Mid streetside dome light to the driver’s seat base.
Note: It shall be the bidder’s responsibility to communicate directly with the two way radio installer to
insure all coax cables, location, type, mounts, etc. are installed to allow easy installation of the radio
system. No exceptions.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Radio Pre-Wire Power and Ground Circuit:
There shall be one (1) covered buss bar located behind the driver seat base. Included shall be hook
up for direct to battery / ignition “on” circuits / ground.
The actual radio installer shall be responsible for supplying / installing a high grade radio filter. This will
be done in order to ensure that power supply will be shielded from interference from outside sources
such as alternators and other Electrical Mechanical Interference (EMI) Sources.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Two-Way Radio System:
The vehicle shall be equipped with the following two-way radio system, including portables radios, VHF
radio and UHF radio. The City of Westfield Fire Department has worked with Tower Communications
of Chicopee for the mobile radios and WPCS International Inc. (Manny Litos) for the portable radios.
Bid price shall include programming and installation. Also, the radio supplier may include any required
specific cables to be installed during construction. All radios shall be installed as directed by the
Westfield Fire Department. Where applicable the ambulance manufacturer shall supply and install
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Havis Shields radio brackets to allow for the radio heads to be near flush mounted when installed. All
radio head shall be installed as directed by Westfield Fire Department.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
VHF (Very High Frequency) Portable Radios:
Each vehicle shall be equipped with the following:
Two (2) 150-174 Mhz, 128 channel transceiver with DTMF pad, two (2) high capacity batteries and
antenna. Portable radios shall be Motorola HT1250 Model # AAH25KDH9AA6AN.
Two (2) additional spare high capacity batteries Motorola model # HNN9008.
Two (2) Motorola Lapel Speaker Microphones model # AAHMN9052.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
UHF (Ultra High Frequency) Portable Radio:
Each vehicle shall be equipped with the following:
One (1) 150-174 Mhz, 128 channel transceiver with DTMF pad, one (1) high capacity batteries and
antenna. Portable radios shall be Motorola HT1250 Model # AAH25RDH9AA6AN.
One (1) additional spare high capacity batteries Motorola model # HNN9008.
One (1) Motorola Lapel Speaker Microphones model # AAHMN9052.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
VHF (Very High Frequency) Mobile Radio:
Each vehicle shall be equipped with the following:
One (1) 45 watt, 148-174 Mhz, mount Kenwood TK-790HBK, Deck only
One (1) Laird unity gain VHF antenna model QW152 shall be installed.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
UHF (Ultra High Frequency) Mobile Radio:
Each vehicle shall be equipped with the following:
One (1) 40 watt, 450-470 Mhz, mount Kenwood TK-890HBK, Deck only.
One (1) Laird UHF antenna model TRA4503 shall be installed.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Dual Band / Dual Head Set Up:
Each vehicle shall be equipped with the following:
One (1) Kenwood 9FFMM, Dual Head ~ Dual Band Remote Mount Kit. Remote kit shall include one
25ft Control Cable.
Two (2) Muted DTMF Keypad Microphones Kenwood KMC-28 shall be supplied.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Mobile Radio Repeater:
Each vehicle shall be equipped with the following:
A Pyramid Vehicle Repeater Model SVR-200U or comparable shall be installed.
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One (1) Laird UHF antenna model TRA4503 or equal shall be installed.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Portable Radio Vehicle Charger:
Each vehicle shall be equipped with the following:
A Vehicle Portable Radio charger compatible with Motorola HT1250 portables shall be installed within
reach of the front passenger compartment. The operation of the charger shall be of a quick charge that
stops charging upon full charge of the battery. Power to the charger shall be constant regardless of the
key position in the vehicle.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
There shall be a Whelen Model number 295HFSA7 with dual amplifier siren system installed. Included
shall be a removable microphone. The remote amplifier shall be installed in the main power
distribution center with access to all dip-switches to change the siren tones.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Siren Speaker Assembly:
The vehicle shall be equipped with Cast Products, Inc. siren speakers located in the front bumper.
Part #SAD4319 and #SAP4319.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Whelen M9 "LED" Side Module Warning Lights:
There shall be four (4) Whelen model M9 RED LED side module warning lights installed. There
shall be two lights mounted on each side of the body on the top upper outside corners, but below
the drip rail. The lenses shall be Red. These lights shall be wired in accordance with the KKK
required “Primary / Secondary” circuit.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Whelen M9 "LED" Front Module Warning Lights:
There shall be two (2) Whelen model M9 RED LED front module warning lights installed on the
outer most corners of the module body. The lenses shall be Red. These lights shall be wired in
accordance with the KKK required “Primary / Secondary” circuit.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Whelen M9 "LED" Clear Center Module Warning Light:
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There shall be one (1) Whelen model M9 CLEAR LED center front module warning light installed.
The lenses shall be clear. This light shall be wired in accordance with the KKK required “Primary /
Secondary” circuit.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Whelen M9 "LED" Rear Module Warning Lights:
There shall be two (2) Whelen model M9 RED LED rear module warning lights installed on the
outer most corners of the module body. The lenses shall be Red. These lights shall be wired in
accordance with the KKK required “Primary / Secondary” circuit.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Whelen M9 "LED" Amber Center Rear Module Warning Light:
There shall be one (1) Whelen model M9 AMBER LED center rear module warning light installed.
The lens shall be Amber. This light shall be wired in accordance with the KKK required “Primary /
Secondary” circuit.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Whelen Super "LED" Grille Lights:
There shall be two (2) Whelen model number 500 “Super” RED LED lights installed in the grille area of
the cab. The lights shall Cast Products, Inc. #LH525605 and #LH52606 chrome housings. The lens
shall be Red.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Whelen M7 "LED" Cab Intersection Lights:
There shall be two (2) Whelen model M7 RED LED intersection lights installed in the cab front
fenders. The lenses shall be Red. These lights shall be wired in accordance with the KKK required
“Primary / Secondary” circuit.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Whelen M7 "LED" Rear Wheel Well Lights:
There shall be two (2) Whelen model M7 RED LED rear wheel well lights installed, one (1) each
side. The lenses shall be Red. These lights shall be wired to the “Rear Flasher” circuit.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Whelen LED Front Light Bar:
A Whelen 4500 series full width (88”) surface mount front light bar shall be installed. It shall include
ten (10) 400 series LED flashers; (5) Red / (5) Clear. The RED and CLEAR LED flashers shall fire
alternately and shall be wired to a switch in the front console labeled “Front Lightbar”. The lens pattern
shall be from left to right facing the lightbar: Red LED/Clear LED/ Red LED/Clear LED/Red LED/Clear
LED/Red LED/Clear LED/Red Clear LED/Clear LED. The light bar shall include three (3) amber LED
ICC lights.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
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Whelen M9 “LED” Upper Rear Window Level Lighting:
There shall be two (2) Whelen M9 LED lights installed on the rear of the module that shall be visible
from the upper portion of the rear door windows when the rear entry doors are open. The streetside
light shall be BLUE and the curbside light shall be AMBER. These lights shall be wired to the switch in
the front console labeled “Rear Flashers”. The upper and lower rear window level lights shall flash in an
“X” pattern.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Whelen M9 “LED” Lower Rear Window Level Lighting:
There shall be two (2) Whelen M9 LED lights installed on the rear of the module that shall be visible
from the lower portion of the rear door windows when the rear entry doors are open. The streetside
light shall be RED and the curbside light shall be RED. These lights shall be wired to the switch in the
front console labeled “Rear Flashers”. The upper and lower rear window level lights shall flash in an
“X” pattern.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Whelen Super "LED" Lower Grille Lights:
There shall be two (2) Whelen model number 500 “Super” CLEAR LED lights installed in the lower
portion of the grille area of the cab. Whelen part #50CO3ZCR. The lights shall Cast Products, Inc.
#LH525605 and #LH52606 chrome housings. These lights shall be programmed to flash in a on / off
flash pattern to simulate “wig wag” headlights. The lenses shall be Clear. The lights shall be wired to
a switch in the front console labeled “Wig Wag”.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Exterior Light Housings
All Whelen exterior lights shall contain chrome flange kit.
Engineering series light heads.
This shall include all Whelen
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
LED Flasher #1:
There shall be one (1) Whelen AFM560 flasher installed in the rear electrical closet. This flasher
shall be wired to the Federal KKK-E primary / secondary lighting system. Located near the
flasher shall be a momentary push button to allow changing of the flash patterns remotely.
This agency does not recognize any manufacturer that incorporates the flashers as part of the
electrical system. This agency desires external Whelen flashers in conjunction to the specified
Whelen lights as part of a complete and tested package.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
LED Flasher #2:
There shall be one (1) Whelen AFM560 flasher installed in the rear electrical closet. This flasher
shall be wired to the “Rear Flasher” switch. The “Rear Flasher” lights shall include the lights
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above each rear wheel well intersection lights and the lights at upper and lower window level
and the additional upper warning lights above the rear entry doors. Located near the flasher
shall be a momentary push button to allow changing of the flash patterns remotely. This
agency does not recognize any manufacturer that incorporates the flashers as part of the
electrical system. This agency desires external Whelen flashers in conjunction to the specified
Whelen lights as part of a complete and tested package.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
LED Flasher #3:
There shall be one (1) Whelen AFM560 flasher installed in the rear electrical closet. This flasher
shall be wired to the “Front Lightbar” switch. The “Front Lightbar” lights shall include the ten
(10) 400 series RED and CLEAR LED flashers in the lightbar. Located near the flasher shall be a
momentary push button to allow changing of the flash patterns remotely. This agency does not
recognize any manufacturer that incorporates the flashers as part of the electrical system. This
agency desires external Whelen flashers in conjunction to the specified Whelen lights as part of
a complete and tested package.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Over the years, this agency has developed a “custom” exterior compartment and interior cabinet layout
that is determined to provide a friendly and safe design to both the patient and personnel. It is the
intention to design this vehicle the exact same as the present fleet of vehicles in service. All bidders
are encouraged to visit the agency to familiarize themselves with the fleet. No exceptions.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cabinet Construction:
Cabinets shall be constructed of 5-ply, furniture grade, solid core, exterior-rated plywood. Cabinet
interiors and exteriors shall be covered with plastic laminate. All cabinets shall be constructed using
both glue and screws for maximum strength. Screws shall be a maximum of 10" from each other. All
exterior radius corners shall have a 6063-T5 aluminum extrusion installed. This extrusion shall be
screwed in place from inside the cabinet.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cabinet Doors:
The cabinet openings shall have sliding acrylic doors, hinged doors, or a combination of both. The
sliding doors shall slide in felt / nylon lined 4-sided aluminum extrusions that completely surround each
opening. Each sliding door shall have a full height, beveled corner extruded aluminum handle on the
outer edge. This shall provide additional strength and rigidity. All hinged doors shall have a polished
stainless steel hinge with .125" pin diameter.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
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Impact Protection:
All corners subject to abuse shall be protected for durability and for occupant safety. A 6063-T5
aluminum X-frame with a radius shaped corner piece shall be used on any corner not protected by a
padded vinyl covered cushion.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cabinet Shelves:
All cabinets over 14" high shall have rattle free, fully adjustable shelves laminated with plastic laminate
(Formica). All shelves shall include unistrut tracking to allow the shelves to be infinitely adjustable and
bolt into position to prevent rattling. A polished stainless steel lip shall be provided on all shelf outer
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cabinet Attachment:
All interior cabinets including the squad bench shall be bolted securely to modular body frame
members and floor. The attachment bolts shall be a minimum 1/4" machine grade bolts. All fasteners
and washers shall be stainless steel, or coated to protect from corrosion or another non-corrosive
material. All cabinets must be removable for ease of future interior modification.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Patient Compartment Testing:
The vehicle shall meet or exceed AMD Standard 006, "Sound Level Test Code for Ambulance
Compartment Interiors" and AMD Standard 007, "Carbon Monoxide Levels for Ambulance
Compartment Interiors".
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
The interior cabinet warranty shall be for a period of fifteen years. Actual warranty documentation shall
be submitted within the bidder’s proposal package.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Interior Formica:
The interior wall paneling shall be laminated with a Glossie finish plastic laminate. The edges shall be
finished smooth and all joints fitted. Color shall be Formica Folkstone Grafix #507.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Plexiglas Sliding Doors:
There shall be quarter inch “light gray” Plexiglas sliding cabinet doors on all interior cabinets.
The sliding door handle shall be made from an aluminum extrusion and shall run the full length of the
Plexiglas door. The full-length door handle corners shall be cut at forty-five degrees.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Seat Cushions And Head/Back Cushion Areas:
All cushions shall be made of 2-inch high-density foam. They will be covered by not less than 32oz.
Enduratex vinyl. There shall be no piping or seams on the inboard edge of the cushions. To enhance
cleaning and disinfecting, the upholstery shall not include any stitched pattern on the outer surface of
the material. The cushions shall be installed using heavy-duty Velcro to allow for easy cleaning and
removal. Color: shall be Lapis Blue.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
On top of the .125" extruded aluminum floor surface, shall be 9 mm underlayment sheeting. This
sheeting shall be both glued and screwed in place. Indentations from screw heads shall be filled with
wood putty to provide a smooth solid surface. The patient compartment floor shall be covered with a
heavy duty, commercial grade, and vinyl. The flooring shall meet ASTM F1303-95 and NFPA 253.
The flooring shall also have an antimicrobial formulation to inhibit growth of Staphylococcus aureus,
Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Psuedomonas aeruginosa.
All edges shall be formed into a curved radius extending upward a minimum of 4" on each side of the
patient compartment to facilitate cleaning.
A plastic cove molding shall be utilized on the reverse side of the flooring to provide support under the
radiused portion of the flooring. Flooring shall fit flush with the side interior cabinetry laminate without
the use of added trim moldings.
Flooring that requires the use of additional molding to trim all floor edges is unacceptable due
to the difficulty in preventing dirt, bacteria, mold, mildew, and blood borne pathogens from
collecting around and behind the trim pieces.
All joints shall be sealed with a silicone sealer.
Color shall be Lonseal, Inc. “Lonplate” #165 Sapphire.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Roll-Up Flooring:
The one piece flooring shall extend up the streetside wall by 4 inches and full height of the squad
bench wall.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cabinet Welting:
There shall be color matched automotive grade welting placed between the cabinet sections. Color
shall be Montana Oxford Gray (Light Gray).
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Solid Surface Counter Tops:
The counter top shall be one piece, seamless, nonporous, solid surface and nonmetallic with a formed
recessed center area to contain equipment, supplies, and fluids when vehicle is in motion. The counter
top lip shall be a minimum of one inch. Main Countertop Color and Top Lip Color: Dove Gray, Middle
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Accent Stripe Color: Cobalt Blue.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cot Mount:
A Stryker complete removable cot fastening kit shall be installed. The cot mount shall be for a side and
center position cot. The kit shall contain a front antler bracket to secure the front wheels of the
ambulance cot, a rear fastener rail to secure the cot frame and all necessary bolts and brackets to
secure to the cot mounting in the patient compartment floor.
The cot fastener installation must meet or exceed AMD Standard 004, Litter Retention System.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cot Safety Hook:
A Stryker yellow safety hook shall be securely fastened to the patient compartment floor. Included
shall be all required Massachusetts OEMS safety markings.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Left Rear Overhead Cabinet:
There shall be a left rear overhead cabinet with combination sliding / speed load Plexiglas doors
installed. The bottom of the cabinet is to be sweep-out style. The cabinet doorframe shall be secured at
the top by a full-length piano hinge. The entire frame shall hinge upward and be held in place by gas
piston hold-open devices. The cabinet frame shall be held in the down position by two spring-loaded
dead bolt style slide catches. The vertical ends of the speed load framed cabinet will have EPDM
rubber foam to protect the handles from damage. All speed load cabinets that are taller than 23" and
wider than 32" shall have an 1/8" x 1-1/2" anodized aluminum support. The interior cabinet dimensions
shall be 33” wide x 18.75” high x 19.75” deep. This cabinet shall contain one (1) adjustable shelf each
side of the center support / vertical divider.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Side CPR Seat Cabinet:
There shall be a cabinet above the side CPR seat with a top-hinged solid wood door. The bottom of
the cabinet is to be sweep-out style. The cabinet doorframe shall be secured at the top by a full-length
piano hinge. The entire frame shall hinge upward and be held in place by gas piston hold-open
devices. The interior cabinet dimensions shall be 30” wide x 8.5” high x 8.5” deep.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Left Front Overhead Cabinet:
There shall be a left front overhead cabinet with combination sliding / speed load Plexiglas doors
installed. The bottom of the cabinet is to be sweep-out style. The cabinet doorframe shall be secured at
the top by a full-length piano hinge. The entire frame shall hinge upward and be held in place by gas
piston hold-open devices. The cabinet frame shall be held in the down position by two spring-loaded
dead bolt style slide catches. The vertical ends of the speed load framed cabinet will have EPDM
rubber foam to protect the handles from damage. All speed load cabinets that are taller than 23" and
wider than 32" shall have an 1/8" x 1-1/2" anodized aluminum support. The interior cabinet dimensions
shall be 54” wide x 18.75” high x 19.75” deep. This cabinet shall contain one (1) adjustable shelf each
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side of the center support / vertical divider.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Left Rear Base Cabinet:
There shall be inside / outside access into the exterior “Streetside Rear D-4 Compartment” with sliding
Plexiglas doors installed. The sliding door handle shall be made from an aluminum extrusion and shall
run the full length of the Plexiglas door. The full-length door handle corners shall be cut at forty-five
degrees. The vertical ends of the framed cabinet will have EPDM rubber foam to protect the handles
from damage.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Telemetry Area Glove Storage:
The telemetry area cabinet shall contain three (3) oval cut-outs for storage of glove boxes. A bottom
hinged heavy-duty Plexiglas door shall be installed to install and remove glove boxes. The cabinet,
when installed shall face the side CPR seat.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Telemetry Area Countertop:
The telemetry area shall contain a solid surface countertop and located aft of the side CPR seat. This
area shall be approximately 10” wide.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Lower Telemetry Area Cabinet:
There shall be a lower telemetry area cabinet with a single hinged solid wood door installed. Cabinet
measurements shall be approximately 12” high x 9” wide x 19.75” depth.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Action Area Cabinet:
There shall be an action area cabinet with combination sliding / speed load Plexiglas doors
installed. The bottom of the cabinet is to be sweep-out style. The sliding door handle shall be
made from an aluminum extrusion and shall run full length of the Plexigals door. The fulllength handle corner shall be cut at forty-five degrees. The vertical ends of the framed cabinet
will have EPDM rubber foam to protect the handles from damage. The interior cabinet
dimensions shall be 25” wide x 11” high x 8.5” deep. Located to the right [forward] of the
action area cabinet shall be the main switch panel.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Action Area Waste / Sharps Storage:
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Located under the main action area shall be a side-by-side waste and sharps container. A swing down
three-quarter height bottom hinged access door shall be supplied. Shall be supplied with one (1) ¾
cubic foot Rubbermaid waste container and one (1) 5 quart sharps container with mailbox style flip lid
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Side Facing CPR Seat:
A seat approximately 26" wide (excluding hip pads) with rear hinged lid allowing for cabinet storage
shall be recessed into the street side cabinet wall directly rearward of the main action area. A 2" thick
foam seat cushion, a backrest, a left, and a right thigh protection cushion all covered with heavy-duty
vinyl shall also be provided. There shall be no piping on the cushions to accumulate contaminated
material. All seams shall be sealed to repel contaminants. A seat belt with outside wall-mounted
retractors shall be provided. Upper cabinets shall have left and right head protector cushions to match
the seat cushion.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Folding Backrest On The Side CPR Seat:
The backrest of the side CPR seat shall be a folding backrest to allow for additional counter top space
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Child Seat / Attendant Seat:
There shall be a high back, vacuum formed EVS brand combination attendant seat /child seat. The
EVS seat shall be a captain's chair-type attendant seat located at the front of the patient compartment.
This seat shall be covered with color coordinated heavy-duty vinyl with heat sealed seams for ease of
cleaning. The seat shall include a 3-point lap and shoulder safety harness with push button release
and a 5 point chilled restraint harness with push button release. The seat shall have a fore and aft
adjustment of six inches on heavy duty sliding tracks. The seat shall be mounted on an EVS swivel
pedestal base. This and all seats in the patient compartment shall meet all FMVSS requirements.
(EVS states that this is "not an infant seat", it is not to be used by children less than one year old.
Recommended for children who weigh between 20 and 50 pounds, and are 28 to 47 inches tall and
capable of sitting upright alone.).
Color shall be Cobalt Blue #MV104.
NOTE: The location of the attendant seat shall allow the technicians feet and legs to fit comfortably
between the Stryker head end oxygen bottle bracket and the seat.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Electrical Cabinet
A storage cabinet shall be installed on the left front wall behind the rear facing attendant seat. Access
shall be gained from behind the attendant seat. This cabinet shall be for storage of the power
distribution center.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
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Fire Extinguisher Cabinet:
There shall be a cabinet mounted in the driver’s side of the cab to module pass thru with a side hinged
clear Plexiglas door that shall be designed to accommodate a 5# fire extinguisher. The cabinet shall
not interfere with the electrical closet.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cabinet Above The Pass-Thru:
There shall be a cabinet mounted above the cab to module pass thru with a top-hinged solid locking
door and a separate locking cylinder. This cabinet shall contain one (1) adjustable shelf. Cabinet
interior measurements shall be approximately 22” high x 19” wide x 15” depth.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cabinet Below The Pass-Thru, Cabinet “M”:
There shall be a cabinet mounted below the cab to module pass thru. The cabinet shall contain a solid
surface countertop to match the existing action area countertop design and color. The lower portion of
the cabinet shall be for miscellaneous storage and contain double solid wood doors. This cabinet shall
contain one (1) adjustable shelf. The lower interior cabinet dimensions shall be 18” wide x 19.25” high
x 8.5” deep. This cabinet is reduced in depth due to the required “map tower” in the cab as previously
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Right Front Upper Cabinet:
A storage cabinet shall be installed on the right front wall, upper section that permits equipment to be
accessed from the patient compartment through solid hinged wood doors. The interior cabinet
dimensions shall be 19” high x 26” wide x 22” deep.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Right Front Lower Inside / Outside Access Cabinet:
A storage cabinet shall be installed on the right front wall, lower section that permits equipment to be
accessed from either the patient compartment through heavy-duty Plexiglas framed doors or through
the exterior compartment door (P-1). The cabinet dimensions shall be 35” high (34” pass thru height is
required) x 26” wide x 22” deep.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Curbside Squad Bench:
The ambulance shall be equipped with a squad bench approximately 72" long by 22" wide. The squad
bench lid shall have a 2" foam pad covered with color coordinated heavy-duty vinyl. The squad bench
lid shall be a two-piece flip lid, and have two heavy-duty, gas piston hold-open devices. The lids shall
be attached to the bench with a continuous hinge. Each lid shall have a self-latching, stainless steel,
paddle style-latching device.
The lids shall be finished with minimum 2" thick cushions. There shall be no piping and all seams shall
be sealed to preclude absorption of contaminants. These cushions shall be installed with industrial
grade, plastic hook and loop Velcro for easy removal and cleaning.
Three sets of encased restraints and seat belts shall be installed on the squad bench. Retractors shall
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be installed against the outer wall.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Squad Bench Cot Accommodations:
The squad bench shall have both post and wheel cups to accommodate a Ferno Washington Model
#11 folding stretcher.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Squad Bench Backrest Cushion:
There shall be a backrest covering the wall directly behind the squad bench. This backrest shall be a
minimum of 2" thick and shall be constructed of high-density foam and heavy-duty automotive grade
vinyl. There shall be no piping and all seams shall be sealed to repel contaminated material.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Squad Bench Retention System:
There shall be a heavy-duty brushed stainless steel “A” bar armrest personnel restraint mounted at the
head of the squad bench. This bar shall have the capacity to be pivoted or completely removed to
allow for placing a long board patient on the squad bench. Mounted integral to the “A” bar shall be a
waste container. The waste container shall not interfere with the use of the portable oxygen equipment
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Mansaver Bar:
The squad bench shall have a color matched "Mansaver" bar rigidly mounted at the head end to
protect bench occupants in case of unexpected vehicle deceleration.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Squad Bench Cabinet:
There shall be a two-section bandage cabinet with speed load doors mounted above the squad bench.
The bottoms of the cabinets shall be sweep-out style. The cabinet doorframes shall be secured at the
top by a full length piano hinge. The entire frame shall hinge upward and be held in place by gas piston
hold-open devices. The cabinet frame shall be held in the down position by two spring-loaded dead bolt
style slide catches. The vertical ends of the speed load framed cabinet will have EPDM rubber foam to
protect the handles from damage. The interior cabinet dimensions shall be 60” wide x 8.25” high x 8.5”
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Squad Bench Storage Area:
There shall be full storage under the curbside squad bench two piece split lid. The interior storage
area shall be 58” wide x 5.75” high x 20.75” deep.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Recessed Glove Box Storage In Side Door Cushion Area:
The side door head pad shall include storage for three (3) recessed glove boxes. There shall be a
heavy duty top hinged Plexiglas door installed to gain access to the gloves. The face of the Plexiglas
shall include oval holes installed.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Glove Box Storage In Cabinet Door:
The telemetry area cabinet shall contain three (3) oval cut-outs for storage of glove boxes. A bottom
hinged heavy-duty Plexiglas door shall be installed to install and remove glove boxes.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Streetside Ceiling Overhead Grab Rail:
There shall be a formed 2" diameter brushed aluminum overhead assist rail. It shall be located on the
ceiling over the patient area. This rail shall be a minimum of 100" long.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Curbside Ceiling Grab Rail:
There shall be a formed 2" diameter brushed aluminum overhead assist rail. It shall be located over
the squad bench. This rail shall be a minimum of 60" long.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Entry Door Assist Rails:
There shall be “L” shaped formed 2" diameter brushed aluminum entrance door grab handles installed
on the both rear entry doors only. The “L” shall start horizontally under the door window and turn at a
90-degree angle up alongside the hinge side of the window to provide safe entry from the street level
and safe exit from the patient floor.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Curbside Entry Door Assist Rail:
There shall be a “V” shaped formed 2" diameter brushed aluminum entrance door grab handles
installed on the curbside entry doors. The “V” shall start horizontally under the door window and turn at
a 45-degree angle down to provide safe entry from the street level and safe exit from the patient floor.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Interior Wall Assist Rail:
There shall be 2-inch diameter brushed stainless steel grab assist handrail installed on the right rear
wall, just inside the rear entry doors. The rail shall be 36” in length and angle toward the front of the
vehicle at the top. The assist rail shall be mounted to withstand the weight of a person to aid in
entering and exiting the vehicle without becoming dislodged from the wall.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
IV Brackets:
There shall be four (4) Cast Products. Inc. model #IV 2008 recessed rubber, non-swinging type IV
hangers that fold flat when not in use mounted in the ceiling over the lower portion of the patient area.
They shall be bolted to the roof framing structure.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Wall Mount IV Brackets:
There shall be three (3) Cast Products, Inc., part #IV2001, button style non-swinging wall mounted IV
brackets mounted in the patient compartment. Included shall be heavy-duty Velcro attached to the
cabinet to retain the IV bag from swinging. There shall be one (1) mounted on the “Left Rear
Overhead Cabinet”, one (1) mounted on the “Left Front Overhead Cabinet” and one (1) mounted on
the “Squad Bench Bandage Cabinet”. Exact locations shall match present fleet.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
IV Pump Pole:
There shall an IV pump pole with rubber inserts installed in the telemetry area.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cabinet Latches:
There shall be chrome SouthCo C2 cabinet latches installed on all required hinged doors. All Plexiglas
doors shall contain SouthCo M1 chrome latches. Plastic latches are not acceptable.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Locking Cabinet Door(s):
The following cabinets shall contain locking SouthCo C2 latches with key lock cylinders. Included shall
be the “Side CPR Seat Cabinet”, “Cabinet Above The Pass Thru”, and “Right Front Upper Cabinet”.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Separate Lock Cylinder:
The following cabinets shall contain separate lock key cylinders to aid in additional securing measures
of the contents in the cabinets. Included shall be the “Side CPR Seat Cabinet” and “Cabinet Above
The Pass Thru”.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
There shall be a Trintec/Quartz clock mounted on the electrical closet door, up high and visible from
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any side seated position. The clock shall include back lighting.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Wall Mounted Sharps Container:
There shall be a wall mounted locking sharps container installed at the foot end of the squad
bench. It shall include a locking wall mount sharps container, Bound Tree part # 298516.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cabinet Dividers:
There shall be a total of thirty-one (31) vertical fully adjustable clear Plexiglas divider installed. All
dividers shall be manufactured to allow the divider to be relocated to any interior cabinet. The dividers
shall be installed on fully adjustable uni-strut tracking. Cabinet dividers shall be located per present
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Streetside Wall Scuff Protector:
There shall be a full height, brushed stainless steel scuff protector mounted on the streetside
wall. The
protector shall run full length of the wall and extend from the bottom of the action area to the
top of the roll up flooring.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Module Fresh Air Intake Vent:
A filtered fresh air intake shall be mounted on the upper right front (passenger side) corner of the
modular body. The heater / air conditioner fans shall control the intake of fresh air. A 12 volt powered
fresh air intake fan shall be provided. The system shall be wired thru the exhaust vent circuit and
switch of which shall draw fresh ari in from the exterior. The system shall be a constant flow style with
a thermostat to control heating and cooling, therefore providing a fresh environment throughout the
patient compartment. The air return system shall be located within the right front cabinetry. This
cabinetry shall include an integral plenum wall and duct system. This system shall allow the blower
fans to pull air from the floor, thereby speeding the process of heating/cooling and therefore provide a
consistent temperature at all levels of the patient compartment.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Exhaust Fan:
A power exhaust vent fan shall be installed in the rear upper wall below the roofline. The fan shall be
controlled from the rear control switch panel. The vent shall be filtered and located on the rear outside
body sidewall.
The front fresh air intake vent and the rear (power) exhaust vent shall provide efficient cross through
patient compartment ventilation. The exhaust fan shall have a minimum of 100 CFM.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Rear Heat/AC Unit:
A Pro Air brand HVAC system shall be used. The unit shall have as a minimum 32,000 BTU cooling,
and 35,000 BTU heating with a 650 CFM fan.
The control switch for the patient compartment heater / air conditioner shall be installed in the main
patient area. There shall be a digital thermostat mounted in the patient area to select interior
temperature. The heat or air conditioner mode shall be selected automatically by the temperature
setting of the thermostat.
An electrically operated vacuum valve shall automatically turn on the flow of hot water to the rear
heater whenever the thermostat is adjusted to call for heat, and off whenever the thermostat is
adjusted to call for air conditioning. A manual heater shutoff control shall be located in an easily
accessible area to provide servicing of the rear heater without draining the entire system. All heater
hose and clamps shall be of a type approved by the chassis manufacturer.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Heat/AC Unit Location:
A Pro Air brand combination heater / air conditioner unit shall be located in the upper most section of
the right front cabinet. Adjustable louvers shall be provided for directional control of airflow.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Auxiliary A/C Condenser:
The vehicle shall have an auxiliary AC condenser installed under the streetside intermediate D-2
compartment. A heavy-duty mud flap shall be installed directly in front of the condenser to prevent
debris from coming in contact with the unit.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
There shall be two-inch thick plank non-deteriorating high density "Blue Board" foam insulation placed
between all framing. This shall include the module body walls, floor, ceiling, and patient doors. There
shall also be a four-millimeter vapor barrier placed in the module walls, ceiling and patient doors. This
vapor barrier shall serve as an additional moisture barrier for the changing outside environment.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
The chassis and ambulance module shall be undercoated with automotive grade under-coating. All
chassis manufacturer recommendations shall be followed.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
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Flexible oxygen hose from the oxygen compartment to the oxygen outlets shall be certified hose with
brass fittings. The entire system shall be subjected to a four hour, 150 PSI leak test and then certified.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Oxygen Minder:
An Amico model number 11525 oxygen minder shall be installed in the main action area on the back
wall. The oxygen monitor shall meet KKK-E specifications and include an adjustable silence alarm, an
audible alarm with quick touch silence response. It shall also include an adjustable four position alarm
setting and a push to test button.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Electric Solenoid Oxygen Valve:
One (1) electric oxygen solenoid valve shall be installed in the oxygen compartment. A manual override
valve shall also be included.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Action Area Oxygen Outlets:
There shall be two (2) Ohio style oxygen outlets located on the back wall of the main action area. The
location of the oxygen outlets shall match present fleet.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Additional Action Area Oxygen Outlet:
There shall be one (1) Ohio style oxygen outlet located on the back wall of the action area near the
side CPR seat.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Ceiling Mounted Oxygen Outlet:
There shall be one (1) Ohio style oxygen outlet located in the Ceiling of the module in the area above
the patients' head.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Right Wall Mounted Oxygen Outlet:
There shall be one (1) Ohio style oxygen outlet located on the right interior wall at head of squad bench
between the squad bench and the ceiling.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Oxygen Access/Viewing Door:
Access to the oxygen cylinder gauge shall be provided through a hinged 8” x 8” Plexiglas door with a
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passive latch mechanism. The door shall be located on the inside of the patient compartment opposite
the exterior oxygen compartment.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Oxygen Tank Bracket:
Located in the streetside forward compartment (exterior D-1 compartment) shall be a Zico “OTS”
(Oxygen Tank System) with electric lift and oxygen cylinder holder. The “OTS” system will
accommodate a “H” size steel cylinder (9” diameter x 49.75” tall). The system shall include a remote
switch for lowering the cylinder to ground level to facilitate replacement or raise the tank to the stored
position. The switch shall be located in an area which allows for maximum operator safety.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Oxygen Equipment:
The ambulance shall be equipped with one (1) 50 PSI oxygen regulator and one (1) oxygen wrench.
The oxygen wrench shall be installed in the oxygen compartment.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Portable Oxygen Storage:
Located in the stepwell shall be storage of two (2) Ferno Washington #521 portable oxygen brackets.
The storage location shall accommodate “D” size bottles with regulators attached. Included shall be
the two (2) Ferno Washington Model #521 brackets.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Suction Pump:
A permanent on board suction system shall be installed. The system shall include a quick disconnect
outlet mounted on the back wall of the action area and a 12 volt GAST suction pump to be mounted in
the power distribution cabinet. The system shall be controlled from the action area switch panel.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Action Area Suction Outlet:
An Ohio style suction quick disconnect outlet shall be mounted on the back wall of the front action
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
SSCOR Suction:
A permanent on board suction system shall be installed. The system shall be controlled from the
action area switch panel. The suction regulator and adjustment valve shall be a wall mounted SSCOR
22000 brand. The collection bottle shall be a wall mounted disposable Bemis (or equivalent) collection
bottle. Both units shall be mounted on the back wall of the main action area near the side CPR seat.
Location of the unit shall match present fleet.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Each vehicle shall be equipped with the following equipment. All equipment shall be included within
each vehicle upon delivery. Note: the below list is per vehicle.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Stryker Stair Chair:
A Stryker #6252 stairchair shall be provided with each delivered Ambulance. Each stairchair shall be
equipped with the standard and optional equipment as described; 2-piece ABS panel seat, locking rear
lift handles, polypropelene restraint set (plastic buckles) and optional stair-pro oxygen holder.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Stryker Ambulance Cot:
A Stryker model #6500 Power-Pro™ powered ambulance cot shall be provided with each delivered
Ambulance. Each cot shall be complete with all standard features including; SMRT™ power battery
system complete with charger and mount, single adjustable wheel lock, bolster mattress, patient
restraint package and 2-year complete (1-year soft goods) warranty. Other options shall include 3stage
IV pole for patients right arm, pocket back rest pouch, equipment bracket, fowler oxygen bottle holder,
and knee gatch / trendeleburg.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Portable Suction:
Each vehicle shall be equipped with a S-Scort® VX-2 portable suction unit, Bound Tree #592310BV.
The unit shall be mounted prior to delivery. The unit shall be wired to a 12-volt outlet located near the
location of the suction unit. The 12-volt wiring shall be direct to battery. Exact location of the suction
unit shall be determined at time of bid award.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Defibrillator Bracket:
Each vehicle shall be equipped with a TMS Technologies LifePak 15 monitor bracket. The bracket
shall be installed prior to delivery in a location as per Westfield Fire Department.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Medi Fridge:
Each vehicle shall be equipped with a Medi Fridge Safe Temp #4L thermo electric mini-fridge installed.
The fridge shall be equipped with a digital thermostat and controller with LED temperature display.
The fridge shall contain a lock. The Medi-Fridge shall be located in the main action area, in the corner
as far forward (toward the cab) as possible near the 115V and 12V outlets.
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Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Paint Process and Warranty:
The ambulance manufacturer shall use Polyurethane Dupont Imron paint. Please note, that because
of the importance of proper paint preparation and application, any differences in materials,
preparations or procedures must be noted and explained in detail. Non-compliance with this
requirement will result in immediate rejection of entire bid response.
Prior to assembly, all joints and seams shall be back primed with a self-etching epoxy type primer. All
welds shall be ground smooth prior to priming. The entire body shall be sanded and then washed with
a silicone remover and degreaser prior to application of the primer. This process significantly aids in
proper adhesion of the primer.
The following steps must be followed in sequence to properly apply paint to the ambulance.
Clean entire modular body with 3919S Prepsol using the two-cloth method
Wipe with a clean cloth wet with 3919S
While still wet, wipe the body clean with a second dry and clean cloth
D.A. Sand with 180-grit paper
Sand the body thoroughly until bright
Hand sand edges thoroughly until bright with 180-grit sandpaper
Final sand body with 120 or finer grit paper
Blow off dust from body using air gun
Clean body with 3939S using the two-cloth method to remove dust and contaminants
Step 1 is essential in achieving proper adhesion and corrosion protection
Tack off the unit
Spray one double coat or two medium wet coats of 615S self-etching primer.
1.2 mils DFT is required
Allow 30 minutes dry time
Apply three wet coats of 1140S URO Primer
Wet film thickness shall be 6 mils
Allow a minimum of 5 minutes between coats
Drying time before sanding: overnight air dry or bake for 45 minutes
@ 140 degrees and allow 45 minute cool down
Block sand with 280-grit sandpaper
Blow off body with air gun
Clean any sand through areas with 3939S using the two-cloth method
Reprime sand-through areas with three coats of 615S self-etching primer
Block sand with 400-grit sandpaper followed by 500-grit sandpaper
Dry film thickness after sanding shall be a minimum 2.0 mils.
Blow off body with air gun to remove dust
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Wipe with 3939S using two-cloth method
Seam seal with non-shrinking silicone free seal
Clean body with 3939S using the two-cloth method
Final wipe with a third clean clothe to remove any further residue
(All wipe down shall be done in a downdraft paint booth)
Tack rag unit
Mix IMRON polyurethane paint with 193S activator
Apply two medium wet cross coats to the entire body
Bake body for 90 minutes at 165 degrees
Topcoat shall have 2.5 mils DFT
Total topcoat and primer shall be 5.7 mils DFT
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Base Paint:
There shall be a minimum of two separate coats of Dupont IMRON 5000/6000 paint. The body shall
be painted to match the chassis color. All Dupont, manufacturer recommended procedures shall be
followed, and documentation shall be available to certify compliance.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Paint Warranty:
A paint warranty between DuPont, the ambulance manufacturer, and the end user shall be
provided. The
warranty shall be for a period of three years at 100% and three year additional years prorated at
50% fourth year, 25% fifth year and 10% at sixth year. The warranty shall be honored at any
Dupont authorized paint facility with experience with working on aluminum materials. This process
will eliminate the vehicle to be returned to the manufacturing facility for any required warranty paint
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Cab Re-Paint:
The entire Ford OEM cab shall be repainted Red. Color #L0934HL.
Includes removing cab fenders, cab doors, cab hood, etc. The engine compartment as much as
possible shall be painted Red.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Module Paint:
The Ambulance module body shall be painted Red. Color #L0934HL.
NOTE: The manufacturer shall paint the cab and module at the same time to prevent any color
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Module Roof Paint:
The module roof shall be painted White for heat dissipation. The White portion of the vehicle shall not
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be visible from the ground.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
8" Scotchlite Striping:
There shall be a “custom” “Z” designed 8” wide 3M Scotchlite Reflective, adhesive backed striping tape
applied to the vehicle. Color to be White.
The stripe design shall be identical to present vehicles purchased in both 2005 and 2008. No
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Decal Package:
Ambulance shall be supplied with the Federal Star of Life Decal Package. The package shall include:
two (2) 4" Stars of Life, two (2) 12 inch Stars of Life, two (2) 18" Stars of Life, three (3) 6" Ambulance
decals, and one (1) 4" reverse Ambulance decal. All decals shall be installed in conjunction with all
lettering / graphics to create a uniform appearance.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Prior to delivery, the vehicle shall be lettered with Colburn vinyl simulated gold leaf lettering. The
lettering shall contain a cream one-quarter inch contrasting outline and black vinyl shadow. Exact
style, layout and design shall match present fleet.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
No smoking and Fasten seat belt decals shall be installed in both the cab and the module.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
Front End Alignment:
After final completion of the ambulance conversion, the vehicle shall include a front end alignment.
Documentation of the front end alignment shall be included within the owner’s manual.
Bidder Understands And Will Supply Exactly As Written?
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