Two Person Positioning Using MIP UltraSlides

[Insert Facility Name & Logo] Client Handling Program
Task: Two Person Positioning using MIP Breeze UltraSlides
Edited by:
Approved by:
Hazards Present:
*Potential for musculoskeletal
Date Created:
Personal Protective Equipment
or Devices may be Required:
Assist rail & trapeze bar.
Breeze Slider & UltraSlide sheet
Last revision date:
Additional Training Requirements:
Initial Orientation
At a minimum, every 3 years
As reqiuired
Follow manufacturer’s instructions for any
equipment which is used.
Violence, Harassment Prevention
Signs & Symptoms include:
Pain, tingling, numbness,
tightness, swelling, and
Supportive Information:
UltraSlides are recommended for dependent Clients. However, for stiff or heavier Clients the safest option is to reposition using a floor or
ceiling lift.
Bed slider information: Bed sliders are not designed to lift Clients. Do not use them for lifting
UltraSlide Systems do not need to be removed after each use. Once repositioning is complete the Breeze can be tucked under mattress to
keep it from sliding. However, if the care plan states slider is to be removed, do so by rolling Client side to side.
If the head of bed needs to be elevated, raise knee gatch to prevent Client from sliding down mattress.
Position Client’s hips in bend of bed. If hips go above that zone, Client will slide down by the force of gravity.
The “power position”: Caregivers stand with feet wide apart, upright spine, hips/knees slightly bent, elbows tucked in to body, shoulders
locked back & abdominal muscles slightly contracted.
Safe Client Handling Positioning Procedure
The Caregivers prepare for the positioning task.
Position Yourselves:
Caregivers stand in power position on opposite sides of bed, facing each other at upper midline of Clients trunk.
Ask Client to tuck in chin & lift head, if able.
Client is Repositioned: Using count, “Ready, Set, Slide”, the Leader indicates when the move will begin.
Caregivers simultaneously slide Client in desired direction by shifting weight between legs in the desired direction of the
move. Encourage Client to assist. If not in end position repeat. Refrain from over exerting to complete a slide in one
One Caregiver pushes forward by weight shifting. Hands are place on the Client’s shoulder & hip regions.
Other Caregiver who is grasping the slider simultaneously weight shifts upward & over to assist in the turn.
This is also the turning method used with full length sliders such as MaxiSlides
Comfort and Positioning:
Caregiver ensures Client is comfortable & properly positioned. Thank the Client for her efforts.
Guidance Documents/Standards/Applicable Legislation:
Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations, Parts 2, 8, 10, 11, 39.
“Patient Positioning made Simple-Breeze by MIP”, MIP, 2008.
NOTE: This task will be monitored periodically to
ensure compliance and safety
I have been retrained and successfully demonstrated this procedure. I understand that these techniques
are to be used to comply with [Insert Facility Name] Client Handling Policy.
*Failure to follow this safe work procedure will increase use of manual lifting, awkward postures & forceful exertions.
This increases the risk of pain, stiffness & injury to the back, neck & arms of Caregivers.
EMPLOYEE NAME: _________________________
EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: _________________________
REVIEWED BY: ____________________________
DATE: _________________________