Reading Workshop Week of Sept. 9-13 Ms. Pride-Boatman Room 120 F O C U S WORD WORK: Short Vowels VCCV pattern Phonics: I can identify short vowels o,u,e; VCCV pattern. Vocabulary: I can learn what various words mean and use the words when I write and speak correctly. I can identify synonyms. CCSSTD. RF 3-A, B, AND C A S S E S S End of week spelling/vocabulary test Daily reading and writing of high frequency words via skills practices Highlighting short vowel words in text or print(reading passages) Create a word web to describe a vocabulary word List as many synonyms as you can (use the synonym word web as a guide ) WORD WORK M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y READING: -Phonics monitor and clarify. I can tell the home reading difference between realism and fantasy Big Hog’s House Hunt and Robin’s Farm 9(reviewing Nonfiction VS Fiction and other in the stories that I read. Calendar: I can write the date correctly. Study Skill: I can use a diagram to Genres) STD. 1A get information to answer questions. Fluency: I can read quickly and accurately with attention to comprehension and proper expression grade level text. Take-home-reading return the next day(just right book bags) CCSSTD. RF 3-A, B, AND C Grammar: I can write and say sentences naming myself last. Students will get to decide/choose whether a book is non-fiction or fiction by it’s characteristics /features(as discussed in class Materials: Various books/genres Apply phonics decoding strategy How many words can you read a minute? Fantasy/Realism T Chart, Venn diagram, story maps, end of the week reading test( ISAT) How many words can you read a minute of the summary (Julius) Teacher Goal for you is 60wcpm What is your goal? Homework: Leveled reader and skils packet to check for understanding of voc. Spelling, grammar, decoding strategy and reading strategy. MINI/WORK/WRAP Vocab: : Good, better, best model the use Key Vocabulary Words: Slurped Crumbs Spread Noise imitation No School Spelling/SA: Fox, wet,nut,job,leg,fun,went,mop,hug,from,any,of, block,every Reason, a lot, funny,brought,best Mini: What are synonyms? Pg. 54 Skills practice pg. 45 Mind your manners Vocab: Good, better, best model the use Key Vocabulary Words: Slurped Spread Crumbs Buzz about your manners Noise imitation with a partner Mini: Generate a word web describe good manners/bad manners How to participate in a group discussion T.E pg.159 Teacher demonstrates red from my head and blue from the book. Work: Responding: How is Julius like a real pig? How is he not? Wrap: Group discussion Responding Spelling/SA: Fox, wet,nut,job,leg,fun,went,mop,hug,from,any,of, block,every Reason, a lot, funny,brought,best READING: Comprehension: I can Decodable text: required at Work: skills practice with teacher Teacher Reads Aloud daily to model fluency and comprehension strategies RL CCSSTD. RL 1-9 SMALL GROUP Any student needing add/supp ort Wrap: sharing results Any student needing add/supp ort Confer W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y Vocab: Vocab: Good, better, best model the use Key Vocabulary Words: Slurped Spread Fantasy/Realism Crumbs Skills practice pg. 46 Venn diagram Noise imitation Mini: Teacher will pose severl questions about what is real and what is not(using textbooks, T.V., comuter tech connect, etc. Students will: understand the concept of real and fantasy Spelling/SA: Reason, a lot, funny,brought,best Fox, wet,nut,job,leg,fun,went,mop,hug,from,any,of, block,every Work: Fantasy/Realism practice Make a list of synonyms Wrap: Venn Diagram/T Chart Vocab: Vocab: Good, better, best model the use Key Vocabulary Words: Slurped Spread Crumbs Noise imitation Spelling/SA: Fox, wet,nut,job,leg,fun,went,mop,hug,from,any,of, block,every Reason, a lot, funny,brought,best Mini: Whiteboard Teacher will list several words, students will identify short vowels they hear Teacher will chart the vowel pattern Vocab: Vocab: Good, better, best model the use Key Vocabulary Words: Slurped Spread Crumbs Test today Noise imitation Spelling/SA: Fox, wet,nut,job,leg,fun,went,mop,hug,from,any,of, block,every Reason, a lot, funny,brought,best Mini: Comprehension check Questions 1 and 2 on reading test Guided Responding to a two part question Any student needing add/supp ort Facts and Opinions about the story Any student needing add/supp ort Work: Pg. 47 what’s the sound? Wrap: Hidden message pg. 50 Work: Testing Wrap: Reading Stations 1 minute reading of story summary Julius and re-reading Dragon Fluently Any student needing add/supp ort