September 8, 2015
Dear Parents and Students,
Today we introduced the Unit 1 Spelling and Vocabulary words. We will spend two weeks on each Unit. Please take time to log on to
and set up the student account. You will need an email account, the student access code that was highlighted today in class, and the password (vocab). We are using the ©2011 Orange Edition of the series. Record your information below:
Username: ____________________________________________________________
Password: vocab
Due to the holidays, the assignments may not correspond to the schedule that has been planned for a typical two-week period. Generally, the first week we will be introducing the words and we will focus on spelling the words correctly and learning the meaning of the words. There will be in-class assignments to help students become familiar with the words in the unit. We will also be working on language skills and figurative language. The first Friday with the words the students will be tested on just the spelling of the words. The second Friday there will be a vocabulary test. Students should be working to learn the meaning of the words throughout the two-week period. For Unit 1, the students will have the spelling test on Friday September 18 th and the vocabulary test on Friday September
25 th .
If you have any questions, please feel free to email your student’s teacher.
We will be able to explain the program further on Back to School Night.
The 4 th Grade Team
Spelling and Vocabulary HW Routines
Spelling Homework
Monday Night – Create a Word Search – due the next day
Go to
Click on Word Search
Complete Step 1 - The title of your word search should be __________________’s Unit _____ Word
You can leave Steps 2, 3, and 4 as is.
Complete Step 5 – enter your words….make sure that you spell each word correctly!
Click on “Create My Puzzle”
Click on “Print this Page”
Click on “Solution”
Put both papers in your HW folder and bring back to school the next day.
Tuesday Night – Complete a Word Search – due the next day
You will receive one of your classmate’s word searches to complete.
Find all twelve words and bring the word search back to school.
Wednesday Night – Choice Night – Complete One of the Following Activities – due the next day
Write or Type your words 3x each
Write or Type your words in ABC order
Write or Type your words in rainbow order (one color per word)
Write or Type your words by breaking them up into syllables.
*** if you type any assignment you must trim the edges and use a glue stick to glue it into your
Spelling Notebook.
Thursday Night - Study for the Spelling Test.
Vocabulary Homework
Monday Night – Sentences – due Wednesday
Write your own sentences with the words.
Underline the vocabulary word in the sentence.
Make sure your sentence shows that you understand the meaning of the word.
Tuesday Night – Completing the Sentences – due the next day
Complete this workbook page
Wednesday Night – Choice Night – Complete one of the following assignments – due the next day
Log onto
Play Hangman – record the words as you complete them in your Sp/Vocab NB.
Complete the Word Search – print it out and complete it or complete it online and print out the results to bring to school.
Complete the Practice Worksheet – print and bring to school
Complete the Interactive Quiz – print and bring to school
Thursday Night – Study for the Vocabulary Test.