Parasols Crochet Shawlette
Designed by Ellen Gormley
Length: 35"
Depth: 14"
Debbie Macomber's Blossom Street
Collection Petals Socks (100g/462 yds; 50% fine merino, 30% nylon, 20% angora) Color
601 Cherry Blossom – 1 ball
Hook: US Size F-5 (3.75 mm) hook or size to obtain gauge
Notions: 6 lock-ring stitch markers
16 sts x 11 rows = 4" in patt st, blocked
Save time, check your gauge.
Chain 2 at the beg of row counts as 1 dc.
Markers are placed at the increases. Move markers as work progresses.
Beg – Beginning;
Ch (s) – Chain (s);
CL – Cluster
Dc – Double Crochet
Lp (s) – Loop (s)
Patt – Pattern
Pm – Place marker
RS – Right side
Rep – Repeat
Sc – Single Crochet
Sk – Skip
Sp (s) – Space (s)
St (s) – Stitch (es)
Yo – Yarnover
2012 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.
Cluster (CL) : * Yo, insert hook in first specified st and draw up a lp to height of dc; yo and draw through 2 lps; yo, insert hook in next st and draw up a lp to height of dc, yo and draw through 2 lps **; sk next st, rep from * to ** once in next 2 sts; yo and draw through all 5 lps on hook; CL made.
(After the foundation ch, all CL will be worked in ch-3 sps straddling a dc).
Ch 186.
Row 1 (RS): Sc in 2nd ch from hook; * ch 4, sk next ch, CL over next 5 chs, ch 4, sk next ch, sc in next ch; rep from * across; With RS facing, counting in from the beginning of the row, pm
(place marker) in the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th
CL, ch 4, turn – 23 CL.
Row 2: * Sc in top of next CL, ch 3, dc in next sc, ch 3; rep from * across, ending last rep with ch 1, dc in last sc; ch 3, turn – 24 dc, 23 sc.
Row 3: Sc in next sc, ** * ch 4, CL in next 2 ch-3 sps, working half of CL in each ch-3 sp, ch 4, sc in next sc; rep from * twice, to next marker: [ch 4, CL in next 2 ch-3 sps, working half of CL in each ch-3 sp, ch 4, sc in same ch-3 sp, ch 7, sk sc, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 4, CL in same ch-3 sp and next ch-3 sp, ch 4, sc in next sc]; rep from * to * twice to next marker, rep from [ to ] one time, rep from ** in pattern across, ending last rep with ch sc in last sc, leaving remaining sts unworked ; ch 1, turn. Move the markers to the ch-7 spaces – 22 CL, 5 ch-7 sps.
Row 4: Sc in first CL; [* ch 3, dc in next sc, ch 3, sc in top of next CL; rep from * to marked ch-7 sp, ch 3, dc in sc before ch-7 loop, ch 3, sc in ch-7 sp, ch 3, dc in sc after ch-7 loop, ch 3, sc in CL]; rep from [ to ] across, ending last rep with sc in last
CL, leaving remaining sts unworked; ch 4, turn.
Row 5: * CL in next 2 ch-3 sps, ch 4, sc in next sc; rep from *, ending last rep with sc in last sc, ch 4, turn – 26 CL.
Row 6: * Sc in top of next CL, ch 3, dc in next sc, ch 3; rep from * across, ending last rep with sc in last CL; ch 4, turn. Row 7: Rep row
5 – 25 CL. Row 8: Rep row 6.
Row 9: Sc in next sc, ** * ch 4, CL in next 2 ch-3 sps, ch 4, sc in next sc *; rep from * to * twice, [ch 4, CL in next 2 ch-3 sps, working half of CL in each ch-3 sp, ch 4, sc in
2012 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale. same ch-3 sp, ch 7, sk sc, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 4,
CL in same ch-3 sp and next ch-3 sp, ch 4, sc in next sc]; Rep from * to * twice, rep from [ to ] one time, rep from ** in pattern across, ending last rep with sc in last sc, leaving remaining sts unworked; ch 4, turn. Move the markers to the ch-7 spaces – 24
CL, 5 ch-7 sps.
Row 10: Rep row 4. Row 11: Rep row 5
28 CL.
Row 12: Rep row 6. Row 13: Rep row 5
27 CL.
Row 14: Rep row 6. Row 15: Sc in next sc, ch 4,
CL in next 2 ch-3 sps, ch 4, sc in next sc, ** * ch
4, CL in next 2 ch-3 sps, ch 4, sc in next sc *; rep from * to * twice, [ch 4, CL in next 2 ch-3 sps, working half of CL in each ch-3 sp, ch 4, sc in same ch-3 sp, ch 7, sk sc, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 4, CL in same ch-3 sp and next ch-3 sp, ch 4, sc in next sc];
Rep from * to * twice, rep from [ to ] one time, rep from ** in pattern across, ending last rep with ch 4,
CL in next 2 ch-3 sps, ch 4, sc in last sc, leaving remaining sts unworked; ch 4, turn. Move the markers to the ch-7 spaces – 26 CL, 5 ch-7 sps.
Row 16: Rep row 4. Row 17: Rep row 5 – 30 CL.
Row 18: Rep row 6. Row 19: Rep row 5 – 29 CL.
Row 20: Rep row 6. Row 21: Sc in next sc, * ch 4,
CL in next 2 ch-3 sps, ch 4, sc in next sc *; rep from
* to * 5 more times, ** [ch 4, CL in next 2 ch-3 sps, working half of CL in each ch-3 sp, ch 4, sc in same ch-3 sp, ch 7, sk sc, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 4, CL in same ch-3 sp and next ch-3 sp, ch 4, sc in next sc], rep from * to * 5 times; rep from ** across; leaving remaining sts unworked; ch 4, turn. Move the markers to the ch-7 spaces – 28 CL, 3 ch-7 sps.
Row 22: Rep row 4. Row 23: Rep row 5 – 30 CL.
Row 24: Rep row 6. Row 25: Rep row 5 – 29 CL.
Row 26: Rep row 6. Row 27: Rep row 21
28 CL,
3 ch-7 sps. Row 28: Rep row 4. Row 29: Rep row 5
–30 CL.
Row 30: Rep row 6. Row 31: Rep row 5 –
29 CL. Row 32: Rep row 6. Row 33: Rep row 9
(same as row 21) – 28 CL, 3 ch-7 sps. Row 34: Rep row 4. Row 35: Rep row 5 – 30 CL. Row 36: Rep row 6. Row 37: Rep row 5 – 29 CL.
Fasten off. Block to enhance lace effect.