Answer Sheet for Pseudo-Quiz 1 Station #1 Name Tissue: Space “A” Cell in “A” Location: Function: Fibrocartilage Lacunae Chondrocyte Symphysis Pubis, Menisci, Intervertebral disks Shock Absorp. (Menisci: stabilize tibio-femoral [knee] joint) Station #2 Name Tissue: Locations: Function: What is “A” Nutrition Acquisition? Fiber type “B” Cell type “C” Elastic Cartilage Pinna of Ear, Epiglottis, surrounds eustuchian tube Distention and elastic recoil Perichondrium Diffusion through perichondrium Elastic fiber Chondrocyte Station #3 Name Cavity (*) Name Tissue: Locations: Function: Lumen Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Sweat Glands, Kidney tubules Sweat Glands: secretion Kidney tubules: absorption/reabsorption Page 1 of 6 Answer Sheet for Pseudo-Quiz 1 Station #4 Name Tissue “A”: Function Tissue “A” Locations Tissue “A: Irregular Dense Connective Tissue Multidirectional Strength Encapsulates organs; Dermis of Integument Name Tissue “B”: Adipose Connective Tissue Provide four location / function relationships Location 1. 2. 3. 4. Function Energy Storage (9 kcal/gm) Insulation of Heat Protection from Trauma Take up space, protection??? Bone Cavities Subcutaneous Layer of Integument Surrounds Delicate Organs Joints Functional Cell What is in Cell Adipocyte Inclusion body of lipid Station #5 Name Tissue: Loose Areolar Connective Tissue Provide four location / function relationships Location 1. Between muscles and organs 2. Subcutaneous Layer of Integument Fiber “A” Fiber “B” 1. 2. 3. 4. Function Adhesion Immunity / adhesion Collagenous Elastic Cell Fibroblasts Mast Cells Macrophages Plasma Cells Function Makes Fibers Secrete histamine induce inflammation Phagocytosis of bact. damaged tissues etc Secrete antibodies Page 2 of 6 Answer Sheet for Pseudo-Quiz 1 Station #6 (This tissue lines the peritoneal cavity) Name Tissue pointed to: Mesothelium (Simple Squamous Epithelia) Provide Three general location / functional relationships for this tissue type Location 1. Circulatory System (Endothelium) 2. Kidneys 3. Internal Cavities (Mesothelium) Function Diffusion, pinocytosis Filtration Secretion of Serous Fluid (lubr.) Station #7 – No Station Station #8 Name Tissue: Location: Function: Vascular or Avascular Elastic Cartilage Pinna of Ear, Epiglottis, surrounds eustuchian tube Distention and elastic recoil Avascular Station #9 Name Tissue: Location: Function: Transitional Epithelia Urinary Bladder, Ureter, Proximal Urethra Distension Page 3 of 6 Answer Sheet for Pseudo-Quiz 1 Station #10 Name Tissue: Location: Function: Functional Cell Type: Fiber Type present Cells live in Vascular / Avascular Fibro-Cartilage Symphysis Pubis, Menisci, Intervertebral disks Shock Absorp. (Menisci: stabilize tibio-femoral [knee] joint) Chondrocyte Collagenous Lacunae Avascular Station #11 Name Tissue: Simple Columnar Epithelia Locations: Digestive Tract: Stomach, Small Intestines, Colon Function: Secretion and/or Absorption How does it get nutrition Diffusion through the basement membrane Station #12 Name Tissue: Hyaline Cartilage Location: End of nose, Costal Cart., Articular Cart., Tracheal Rings Function: Moderate in strength and elasticity Vascular Avascular Avascular How does it get nutrition Diffusion through the perichondrium Non-living material Matrix Station #13 Name Tissue: Locations: Functions: Non-keratinized Stratified Epithelia Buccal cavity (slightly keratinized), Esophagus Oral Cavity (slightly keratinized), rectum, vagina Protection of Abrasion, Protection of Bacterial invasion (Note, if Keratinized: Protection from UV radiation, Protection of Desiccation) Page 4 of 6 Answer Sheet for Pseudo-Quiz 1 Station #14 Name Tissue: Locations: Functions: Stratified Columnar Epithelia Glands and Ducts of Glands Secretion Station #15 Provide four location / function relationships Location 1. 2. 3. 4. Bone Cavities Subcutaneous Layer of Integument Surrounds Delicate Organs Joints Function Energy Storage Insulation Protection from Trauma Take up space, protection??? Station #16 Name Tissue: Location: Function: Cell type Fiber type Regular Dense Connective Tissue Tendons, Ligaments, and Aponeurosis bi-directional strength Fibroblast Collagen Station #17 (Note the “*” is pointing to the lumen of tissue) Name Tissue: Location: Function: Simple Columnar Epithelia Digestive Tract: Stomach, Small Intestines, Colon Secretion and/or Absorption Station #18 Name Tissue: Locations: Function: Stratified Columnar Epithelia Glands and Ducts of Glands Secretion Page 5 of 6 Answer Sheet for Pseudo-Quiz 1 Station #19 Name Tissue “A”: Location: Function: Irregular Dense Connective Tissue Encapsulates organs; Dermis of Integument Multidirectional Strength Tissue “B” around lum.: Stratified Columnar Epithelia Locations: Glands and Ducts of Glands Functions: Secretion Vascular Tissue “C”: Location: Function: Endothelia (Simple Squamous Epithelia) Cardiovascular System Simple Diffusion Station #20 Name Tissue: Location: Function: Fibers “A” What is in lumen “B” Elastic Connective Tissue Arteries, around lobes (etc) of lungs. Distension and Recoil Elastic Fibers (note; in lamina) Red Blood Cells (freebee) Station #21 Name Tissue: Locations: Function: Fiber type Reticular Connective Tissue Lymph Nodes, Spleen, Liver Holds functional cells in place Reticular Fibers Page 6 of 6