Baseball – Team A

Baseball – Team A
You have two teams of two people each. Draw a baseball diamond on the white board:
Flip a coin to see which team bats first. The batting team must decide which player will “bat” first. The team that is
in the “outfield” tosses the first pitch by reading the first question on the list. If the batter gets it correct, mark how
far they ran on the white board. Whether the question is a single, double, triple, or HR is indicated in parentheses by
the question. If they get it wrong, they have their first out. Once the team has accumulated 3 outs (or 4 runs), it is
the other team’s turn at bat. A runner on base will run the same distance as the batter. For example, if there is a
person on 2nd and the batter hits a double, the runner on 2nd scores a run.
(1) Which comes first, the embryo or the fetus? (embryo)
(1) What do we call agents that can reach and harm the fetus? (teratogens)
(2) Give two pieces of evidence indicating that newborns are born to be social. (prefer face-like images, see best 812” from face, can identify mother’s smell, turn head toward human voice)
(1) A child sees a horse and calls it a doggie. What is she doing? (assimilating)
(2) According to Harlow’s study with monkeys, what factor is more important to forming a mature attachment with
a parent than nourishment? (soft contact)
(1) What scientist studied cognitive development? (Piaget)
(1) During which cognitive stage do children development object permanence? (sensorimotor)
(3) According to Mary Ainsworth’s study, sensitive mothers were more likely to have securely attached children.
How does a securely attached child behave in a “strange situation”? (uses mother as a home base from which
to explore, not clinging to mother, upset when mother leaves, but recovers quickly and wants contact with
mother when she returns)
(1) According to your book, why does puberty begin earlier now than 100 years ago? (better nutrition)
(2) According to Erikson, formings an identity during adolescence is necessary for moving on to the next stage.
What is the next psychosocial stage? (intimacy vs. isolation; forming emotionally close relationships)
(1) At what age are people generally at their physical peak? (early to mid twenties)
(1) Older people are better at (recalling, recognizing) new information. (recognizing)
(3) The risk of Alzheimer’s disease has been shown to be decreased by the administration of what drug to postmenopausal women? (estrogen)
(1) What type of study examines the same people at different times in their lives? (longitudinal)
(2) Alzheimer’s disease is caused by degeneration of neurons in the brain that produce this neurotransmitter.
Baseball – Team B
You have two teams of two people each. Draw a baseball diamond on the white board:
Flip a coin to see which team bats first. The batting team must decide which player will “bat” first. The team that is
in the “outfield” tosses the first pitch by reading the first question on the list. If the batter gets it correct, mark how
far they ran on the white board. Whether the question is a single, double, triple, or HR is indicated in parentheses by
the question. If they get it wrong, they have their first out. Once the team has accumulated 3 outs (or 4 runs), it is
the other team’s turn at bat. A runner on base will run the same distance as the batter. For example, if there is a
person on 2nd and the batter hits a double, the runner on 2nd scores a run.
(1) True or false – For most major developmental events, the timing of motor development varies from child to
child, but the sequence does not. (true)
(1) What do we call the inborn tendency of babies to search for a nipple? (rooting reflex)
(1) What do we call the concept or framework by which we interpret our experiences? (schema)
(1) During which cognitive stage are children egocentric? (preoperational)
(2) Preoperational children and people with autism share what cognitive perspective? (both are unable to take
another’s point of view; egocentric)
(1) True or false – most people who were abused as children go on to abuse their children (false)
(2) According to Erikson, what is the major psychosocial conflict that newborns are facing in their first year (trust
vs. mistrust, or basic trust)
(1) What is the major social conflict facing adolescents (according to Erikson)? (Forming an identity, identity vs.
role confusion)
(1) What scientist came up with the stages of moral development? (Kohlberg)
(2) What is one criticism of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development? (1. implies that the female ethic of care and
nurture is inferior to male ethic, 2. implies that collectivist cultures (who value group good) are inferior to
individualist western cultures)
(1) All the senses decline with age, but most decline very slowly prior age 70. What sense begins the decline the
earliest? (hearing)
(2) In what type of study did evidence support the idea that intelligence declines with age? (cross-sectional)
(1) What do we call the natural cessation of menstruation? (menopause)
(2) What do we call factual intelligence that includes accumulated knowledge? (crystallized)
(3) According to Erikson, what is the major psychosocial struggle of people in late adulthood? (integrity vs. despair;
am I satisfied with the life I lived or was it a failure?)