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Technical issues and engineering innovations
Environment, social and ethical issues; (and)
sustainability, bibliography, ‘minutes’
moral and ethical concerns, bibliography
technological innovations, overall editing, introduction
technological innovations
Predominantly concerned with the feasibility of the increasingly societal dependant
and utilized, ‘green’ energy source – tidal power; this analysis also considers a
myriad of ‘sub – elements’, namely modern technological innovations within the field,
moral, ethical and environmental concerns and also sustainability issues. Really,
ultimately, it is these three aspects of feasibility itself which constitute feasibility,
therefore, this analysis will aspire to evaluate the three constituents separately, and
thus formulate an overall response, assessing the feasibility of tidal power.
It is logical to first report on contemporary tidal power technology, along with,
current ‘real – life’ locations which implement them. Several examples are featured
in the report (both technology and locations). The analysis primarily focuses on
three main locations – the Dalupiri Passage, San Bernardino strait, and the Derby
dam, in Darwin Australia. A general operation summary, for all forms of technology
featured in the analysis is provided (diagrams included). Statistics associated with
each form of technology are presented. These are mainly in the form of power
efficiency, average base daily power and average tide cycle power (i.e. the ratio of
power ‘harnessed’ to power that could be potentially harnessed). Such statistics
may be ratios, therefore units are not present. It should be noted, now, that several
forms of tidal power technology are featured in the analysis, though only two being
thoroughly discussed – tidal fences and tidal turbines. Reasons for this will be given
later, in the appropriate section.
The second or middle part of the analysis is namely associated with the moral,
ethical and environmental concerns associated with tidal power. With several forms
of tidal power technology being discussed, by this point, understanding and
comprehending these concerns are relatively simplistic. Throughout this section the
Derby dam will be considered.
Finally, sustainability is discussed. This is done so with an example of a ‘generic’
society or community, with significant access to a tidal barrage (fence). At the end
of the report two ethical or moral questions are raised, literally.
Technical issues and engineering innovations
Predominantly two forms of technology, apropos of ‘harnessing’ water flow, are
becoming more and more utilized in and more fundamental to contemporary society
– tidal fences and tidal turbines. Both, tidal fences and tidal turbines differ quite
drastically, in terms of their structure and operation, though, at fundamental level,
they are identical. Both innovations acquire tidal energy (a form of mechanical
energy) and convert this energy indirectly into other forms of energy, usually
electrical energy (which can then be, again, transformed into other forms of energy).
Along with tidal fences and tidal turbines there also exist other forms of technology,
notably, the aptly named ‘Salter duck’, the ‘Clam’, and the Cliff-mounted oscillating
water column (OWC). The inclusion of the ‘Salter duck’, the ‘Clam’ and the OWC in
this analysis will be limited, in that both are more forms of wave power, rather than
tidal power. Discarding these forms of technology completely from the analysis
would nonsensical, in that they ultimately acquire energy from changing tidal
Modern industry is decreasingly favoring tidal fences (relative to tidal turbines). This
trend arises when considering the environmental impacts and cost efficiency
associated with tidal fences (see later part of analysis). Tidal fences are a newer
developing tidal power technology, so it’s appearances around the world is still very
limited. The structure of a basic tidal fence or barrage is illustrated in figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1:
The structure of a basic tidal fence.
Figure 1.1 exemplifies the basic structure of a tidal fence. Tidal fences are
effectively barrages which completely block a channel. The location of this channel is
fundamental to the operation of the tidal fence (this will be more thoroughly
discussed later in the analysis).
A tidal fence can be considered or visualized most easily as an array of turbines
(different to the turbines used in the ideal ‘tidal turbine’ form of tidal power
generation). A more intricate and detail image of these tidal turbines is illustrated in
figure 1.2.
Figure 1.2:
A more intricate look at a tidal fence.
Figure 1.2 shows the turbines associated with a generic tidal fence. Though, it must
be understood that this is only a ‘generic’ tidal fence. It is possible for a tidal fence
to implement other forms of turbines, such as that associated with ‘tidal turbines’.
Ultimately any rotor based devices that converts the mechanical energy that is tidal
energy into electrical energy can be used in place of the typical tidal turbines.
Transition and storage of this tidally generated energy is one of the assenting
aspects of tidal fences. Because, generally (though not necessarily), tidal fences
span the opening of a channel or estuaries the newly acquired energy can be
transmitted by simple means of above-ground electrical cabling and stored relatively
close to the tidal fence itself.
Installation of tidal fences is simplistic (compared to tidal turbines). Generally, the
channels or estuaries where tidal turbines installed possess similar depth regions to
that of tidal turbines, 20 – 30m. The slight location difference, having access to a
significant land base, makes installation considerably easier. The ease of installation
results from the simple electrical cabling which tidal fences possess, and the land
By researchers’ reports, the first large-scale commercial fences are most likely to be
built or developed in South East Asia. This is an ideal site because the channels in
South East Asia are just the appropriate size for the fences (in terms of depth
regions and spans). The negotiation between countries of South East Asia exists on
issues of developing this new technology as it brings benefits for all. The most
advanced plan is for a scheme for a fence across the Dalupiri Passage between the
islands of Dalpiri and Samar in the Philippines, agreed between the Philippines
Government and Blue Energy Engineering Company of Vancouver, Canada in late
Another site, on the south side of the San Bernardino Strait, is approx. 41 m deep
(with a relatively flat bottom) and has a peak tidal current of about 8 knots. As a
result, the fence is expected to generate up to 2200 MW of peak power (with a base
daily average of 1100 MW).
Tidal turbines are the second form of tidal power innovation, currently still being
developed, and, at the same time, implemented. Tidal turbines are the rival
technology of tidal fences, with tidal turbines considered the ‘better’ of the two (the
only notable exception being cabling and installation). The general structure of a
‘turbine farm’, a scattered region of tidal turbines and a generic tidal turbine is
shown in figure 1.3 and 1.4, respectively.
Figure 1.3:
A tidal farm.
Figure 1.4:
A tidal turbine.
Looking like an underwater wind turbine a tidal turbine offers a number of
advantages over a tidal fence. They are less disruptive to wildlife, allow small boats
to continue to use the area, and have much lower material requirements than the
fence (all the environmental benefits and burdens will be discussed later in the
The tidal turbine also offers significant environmental advantages over wind and
solar systems; the majority of the assembly is hidden below the waterline, and all
cabling is thread along the seabed. This, the cabling is strenuous to install, relative
to the fence.
An ideal installation site for a turbine is approximately 1 km away from shore, within
a depth region of 20 – 30m. Tidal turbines function well where coastal currents flow
at 2 - 2.5 m/s. Slower currents tend to be uneconomical whilst larger ones put
excessive stress on the equipment ultimately causing irreparable damage.
Such currents provide an energy density four times greater than air, meaning that a
15m diameter turbine will generate as much energy as a 60m diameter windmill.
This property of water is the main stimuli, if you will, for current interest in tidal
power technology.
Installation of tidal turbines is more complex than fences. Aberdeen's Robert Gordon
University 'Sea Snail' device (see figure 1.5) is a 30 tone platform device which uses
hydrofoils or 'sea wings' to harness the sea’s own power to produce a downward
directional thrust to anchor the platform to the ocean floor. A turbine is then
mounted on this very stable platform. This, along with other installation technology
is being further developed, endeavoring to make tidal turbine installation more
feasible in the future.
An example of this form of tidal power technology is the Rance estuary in northern
Figure 1.5:
the ‘Sea Snail’ – a device for anchoring tidal turbines.
Although not specifically innovations in tidal energy, though, more, wave energy, the
‘Salter duck’ and the ‘Clam’ should be considered in the analysis, for reasons cited
previously. The ‘Salter duck’ and the ‘Clam’ belong to the discipline of water energy
know as ‘sea–based’ devices, also applying to tidal turbines. This contrasts to the
Cliff mounted oscillating water column (OWC), the ‘Clam’, and tidal fences which are
termed as ‘shore-based’ devices.
As mentioned, the previous innovations fall under the category of ‘wave power’,
more so than ‘tidal power’, so their function will only be explained briefly. Figure 1.6
shows the general structure of a typical ‘Salter duck’ device. The figure also
indicates how the device operates.
Figure 1.6:
General structure of the ‘Salter duck’.
The ‘Salter’ Duck was developed in the 1970s by Professor Stephen Salter at the
University of Edinburgh in Scotland. It generates electricity by bobbing up and down
with the waves (shown in Figure 1.6). The device produces energy extremely
efficiently, though, during a study of the device a miscalculation was made, resulting
in the innovation being ‘killed off’ in the mid 1980s.
The ‘Clam’ is an arrangement of six airbags mounted around a hollow circular spine.
A series of waves impact on the structure with air then being forced between six
bags via a hollow spine which is equipped with self-rectifying turbines. The air
current is then passed through a turbine, similar to that of an Aeolian turbine.
The OWC is the final ‘wave power’ innovation which will be discussed in this analysis.
The cliff - mounted OWC is mounted to a cliff (hence it’s name). The operation of
the device is exemplified in figure 4.7; this figure also shows the general structure of
the device.
Figure 4.7:
The operation of the cliff-mounted OWC.
Incoming waves causes the water level in the unit's main chamber to raise. Air is
then forced up a funnel which houses a ‘Well's’ counter-rotating turbine. The Well's
turbine has been developed to spin in the same direction, whichever way air is
flowing, in order to maximize efficiency. Air is sucked down into the main chamber
again, which produces more energy, due to the reverse operation function of the
‘Well’s’ turbine.
Environment, social and ethical issues
Renewable energy, such as, tidal power is not as environmentally ‘friendly’ as is
foreseen by the media and / or the general public. Although a more environmentally
sound than other sources of energy (nuclear power or the combustion of fossil fuels),
tidal power still fabricates somewhat recusant effects on the environment. The study
of the environmental issues associated with tidal power consists, namely, of
identifying both the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of the effects.
Obviously, the positive consequences concurrent with tidal power are linked to the
notion or ideology that ‘there is no waste or emissions from the process of
harnessing the energy’. Tidal power relies on tidal turbines (as previously discussed)
– either that associated with tidal fences or tidal turbines and also generators; which
convert kinetic energy into other form of energy (usually electrical energy). This
kinetic energy is provided by the flow of tides or the potential stored in water,
specifically the ocean, and ergo can be seen as ‘free’ energy source from nature.
Tidal power can therefore be termed as ‘renewable’ energy seeing that no form of
fuel or matter is consumed (i.e. converted to other compounds, allotropes or states
of mater) while creating an output energy. Although seen as environmentally benign
from this point of view or perspective, tidal power has vast negative effects. These
effects can damage the environment and prove costly, both in the area of operation
or development and to the industry employing the technology.
The construction of a tidal power plant involves a large amount of area and volume,
thus unquestionably this will change the surrounding environment. Intuitively, one
major change would be that the water utilized may become contaminated. Large
structures such as the turbines and walls of tidal fences can block and cause water to
be redirected through different routes. An example of this is exemplified in the study
of tidal energy for Derby in 2001; stating that these changes in tidal patterns can
cause an increase in sedimentation, due to the build up of silt in the water ergo
increasing sustainability costs to clean and remove this sediment.
A greater risk would be from relatively large debris, such as floating vegetation and
solid sediment (i.e. rocks, boulders), most notably wood, interfering with the facility
thus resulting in damaged structures and blocked turbines. Mitigation measures will
then be needed to minimize the damage to structures though this will lead to a
decrease in productivity as the facility may need to hamper or suspend operation
and be reconfigured in order to moderate the facility. The decision to maintain the
facility depends on the enormity and quantity of the debris. Considering that the
majority of debris generally has a half-life of approximately four years and hence
decays completely after two years, decisions can be made, based on the size and
quantity of debris present. These changes to the water quality and tidal patterns can
have adverse effect on the flora and fauna systems within the area.
The damage to the flora habitat due to the construction of a tidal power facility is
inevitable. The formation of mangroves is dependent on the tidal systems in the
area. Any change in tidal patterns such as the alteration of water level and the water
flow velocity will modify the mangrove habitat. Variation in the flow of water can
cause mud and / or soil to uncover, revealing roots of trees and plants thus making
the plant life vulnerable to natural phenomena such as sun and wind, ultimately
destroying them. Additionally, without a sufficient rooting system, there is no means
of the water flow from dislocating the mangroves, themselves.
If there is no tidal flow and the water is static, there will be an increase in algae in
which will slowly kill off plant life ultimately harming both the flora and fauna habitat.
Regulating the algae level with the use of chemicals is extremely harmful to the
environment. Chemical is assistance available (commonly used Terbutryn, Diquat or
Dichlobenil, dependant on the species of algae involved), though because most of
the appropriate herbicides kill other plants they tend to remove a lot of the
vegetation, leaving a bare habitat. The first plants to recolonise are usually algae
and, often, the new problems will be worse than the problem which was treated.
Some algae can become resistant to herbicides if they are used too often. The only
solution in these situations is regular mechanical removal or treatment with barley
straw. Long-term control of algae can be achieved by the use of barley straw.
Furthermore, fauna will be effected by the turbines and or / walls. The extent of
being effected is dependent on the ecosystem in which the facility is developed.
Generally a marine environment is less affected than that of a stream or river
environment. The previous conclusion is valid whilst considering the flora and fauna
occupying the specific environment. Relatively small aquatic life, such as plankton in
a river or ocean ecosystem would be undeniably unaffected. This also applies to
‘anchored’ aquatic flora, such as coral structures, sea and river grass, weed and so
forth. Here in, the risk of intrusion on relatively larger species of fish, or even
mammals (i.e. dolphins, being the most expected) becomes more probable. It must
now, be emphasized again, these problems would apply to tidal fences more so that
tidal turbine farms. This is solely due to their structural nature.
These issues can be countered against but will cause an increase in the economical
burden of the project. Of specific concern would be the possible loss of spawning and
reproduction of the fauna in the area. Tidal changes can destroy the sand bed where
eggs are laid and will effect the grounds in which the larvae develops.
Studies from the Darwin tidal project show that tidal power does impact on fish
population. This is primarily achieved through direct contact with the turbine,
obstruction of fish passage and the destruction of spawn possibilities.
Another issue congruent with water quality is the presence of acid sulphate soils.
Acid sulphate soils cause concern due to their capability of instigating corrosion. In
terms of a general tidal fence or tidal turbine this would affect structures that are
present in the ‘long run’ (i.e. fence walls, tidal turbine platforms). Reduce efficiency
of the power generation process and reparations are the most likely consequences of
this. The sulphate soils will also degrade the quality of water and therefore once
again, link to the destruction of the fauna and flora in the intermediate surroundings.
Potential acid sulphate soil disturbance from a channel
excavation, north-west Tasmania
The thought of corrosion is an important aspect in the planning of a tidal power
facility, as seawater is an efficient cause of corrosion. Many conditions such as
oxygen level, tidal velocity and weather changes will vary so an accurate prediction
of corrosion rate is difficult to target. The sulphate soils will also degrade the quality
of water and therefore once again, link to the destruction of the fauna and flora life
in the surroundings. In terms of sustaining the facility and maintaining the quality of
the structure, corrosion is one of the highest causes of damage and is also costly to
maintain. If the facility is not repaired and maintained, a great loss in efficiency will
occur particularly in the turbines thus less power will be generated and the project
will not be economically sustainable.
Lastly, the issue of property and land rights which is linked to the political side of the
project. The case of cultural landmarks and heritage can prevent the project from
operating and agreements from both parties are needed to approve the project.
Examples of this would be of the aboriginal community who hold some sites of high
significance and other reserves and in the case of the Darwin tidal project, it was
necessary to engage the aboriginal council with the assistance of the Kimberly Land
Council to sign an agreement to further advance with the project.
Unquestionably, the environment is affected greatly by construction of a tidal power
facility. The water quality will degrade through the build up for silt and the presence
of sulphate soil thus harming the fauna and flora. Tidal patterns will be modified due
to the implementation of the turbines and this will destroy plant life by revealing the
foundation or causing an increase in algae. The passage of fishes will be affected
and tidal patterns can eliminate the chances of offspring. Ethnical issues are also at
stake when property and land rights become part of the scheme. These aspects
must be looked at and inspected closely even after the point of decommissioning as
it must be certain that the environment can return to its initial condition after the
project’s life is over.
In today's rapidly growing industrial age it is obvious that society's energy
consumption is fast becoming unsustainable. A situation not helped by the majority
of society's energy needs, sourced through finite and depleting resources such as
fossil fuels. Surveys conducted from 1991 suggest that up to 90% of the world's
energy was produced by combustion of fossil fuels, and, with only 10% produced
from nuclear, hydropower and other energy sources. With the increased
environmental awareness that 2004, somewhat ‘alarmed’ world with this figure is
still ‘shocking’, as the world still greatly and utterly depends on depleting oil reserves
that are already strained.
The effect of this shortage can be felt in every home, namely through increased oil
and subsequent petrol prices. The ability to move from one location to another has
become a necessity in today's fast paced lifestyle and impelling petrol to become
even more of an inelastic consumer good within an economic market. It has been
suggested or indicated from current Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) surveys
that families have had to choose between petrol and ‘necessities’ (i.e. food, utilities)
as a response to increased oil prices. Quiet simply, the earth's depleting oil supplies
linked with society's heavy energy requirements are fast becoming an issue.
Not only does the shortage distort society directly, but peripherally through the
environment as well. Fossil fuels and its combustible properties are widely known to
release hazardous gasses into the atmosphere whilst polluting the environment in a
non - reversible process. Consequently scientists are now looking at alternative,
cleaner sources of energy to combat or counter these growing issues in an attempt
to 'fix up' the planet and rectify current environmental problems.
However such alternative resources are not as easy to obtain and require highly
advanced technology to fully harness their potential. Nuclear energy is perhaps an
option despite the unpopularity associated with the potential risks involved (i.e.
‘Chernobyl – like’ effects. A safer, yet renewable energy source is preferred which
leads to the concept or doctrines of tidal power. Tidal power extracts the potential
energy of the earth's tide cycles without releasing harmful pollutants into the air. It
harnesses the energy of a naturally occurring phenomenon and minimizes human
involvement when the process is actually being undertaken, but the greatest
strength of this method is its potential in meeting society's energy needs with a
renewable and clean source of energy.
The concept of an infinite and clean energy source fulfilling society's consumption
requirements is unrealistic without realizing other potentials tidal power generation
imposes on society. Before tidal power can be generated a dam must be built that
spans over a relatively large geographical area. This dam or barrage (refer back to
figures 1.1 and 1.2) surrounds the inlet or estuary in order to trap incoming and
outgoing tides. Water then goes through tunnels within the barrage and turns
reversible turbines or pushes air into a pipe to generate electricity.
This process in itself has a low impact on the community, but indirectly the presence
of the barrage itself is intrusive as its presence blocks free access to the ocean.
Even with locks and gateways installed traffic access to open seas are still limited,
slow and costly. Tidal barrages also affect the physical coastal region the community
has access to for leisure purposes with different tidal levels and cycles that may not
be appealing. Furthermore, barrages also affect fish migration patterns by physically
blocking access through regional areas and subsequently impede the community's
fishing industry.
Economically, the awareness of environment side affects tidal barrages cause
opposition from environmental groups which add to a tidal power project's costs of
production. Money and resources are required to overcome opposition in the
project's planning stage, or even the cancellation of the proposal. These efforts
burden the economy and directly affect the society before the plant itself is
The method of tidal power generation also raises ethical issues and concerns as well
as societal impacts. It is an accepted fact that the strength of this system is its
renewable and environmentally friendly aspects. However the latter is questionable
as the implementation of barrage systems are known to greatly disturb the natural
processes of the surrounding region. For example, barrages change the size and
location of inter - tidal zone areas that are wet or dry during specific periods of the
tide cycle. These zones are unique for every region and provide habitats for plants
and fauna that occupy the area. These life – forms will ultimately be relocated as a
result of tidal barrages or fences.
Tidal barrages also change the tidal levels and characteristics of the area.
Downstream of a barrage water levels are increased which are potentially hazardous
to estuaries. Risk of flooding and property damage increase, and, in the extreme
case carry the potential to destroy homes and assets in populated suburban areas.
Despite efforts of minimizing the effects on natural tidal regimes it has been found
that the productivity of the tidal barrages is inversely proportional to net tidal regime
changes. An efficient tidal barrage setup will simply have a huge impact on tidal
characteristics of the region in order to remain feasible.
Tidal barrages also remove the energy out of incoming and outgoing tides. Being
essentially wavelike, tides travel long distances and are involved in other marine
ecosystems (subject to ‘reach’). A change in these characteristics may disturb
surrounding systems as well. It is difficult to research the net effect on the
environment of one tidal barrage setup.
Considering these few examples it is clear that tidal power plants and barrages do in
fact have negative effects on the environment that are different from fossil fuel
emissions, but still, potentially are as dangerous. The ethical concerns of this
realization are the fact that, whilst having huge environmental implications, should
tidal power still be considered as a viable and 'friendly' renewable energy source? Is
it ethical to alter marine ecosystems that are less visible in an attempt to find
alternative and environmentally friendly energy resources?
 Tidal power is a renewable energy source
 Tidal power is becoming ever more fundamental to society
 Feasibility can be assessed
 Technical issues and engineering innovations is a means of assessing
 Environmental, social and ethical issues is a means of assessing feasibility
 Sustainability is a means of assessing feasibility
 Two technological innovations in tidal power are becoming ever more present
– tidal fences and tidal turbines (see figure 1.1 and 1.3)
Interest in tidal power spurs from many factors, most notably it’s ‘cleanliness’
As with any engineering project, there are environmental, social and ethical
issues, tidal power is no exception
Environmental issues associated with tidal power are namely that of
destruction of local flora and fauna
Ethics are involved in tidal power
The ethical issues associated with tidal power are many those concerned with
nearby societies and communities
Australian Greenhouse Office, 4th August 2000, Derby Tidal Power Energy Project
Assessment, Australian Greenhouse Office, Australia.
California Energy Commission, (07 September 2004), Ocean Energy, [Online],
Available from: <http://www.energy.ca.gov/development/oceanenergy/> [12
October 2004]
Clare, R., January 1992, Tidal Power: Trends and Developments: Proceedings of the
4th Conference on Tidal Power, Thomas Telford, London.
Institution of Civil Engineers, June 1, 1987, Tidal Power: Symposium Proceedings,
American Society of Civil Engineers, US.
Amer Society of Civil Engineers, September 1, 1989, Civil Engineering Guidelines for
Planning and Designing Hydroelectric Developments: Pumped Storage and Tidal
Power, Amer Society of Civil Engineers, US
Daborn, G.R., September 2001, The Derby Tidal Power Project, ACER Publication,
Environmental Protection Authority, October 2002, Derby Tidal Power Project,
Environmental Protection Authority, Perth.
Harvey, A.S, 1982, Socioeconomic aspects of tidal power generation, Institute of
Public Affairs, Dalhousie University, Canada.
McKnight, C., (2004), Marine Energy – Tidal Power, [Online], Argyll & The Island
Enterprise, Available from: <http://www.hie.co.uk/aie/tidal_power.html> [12
October 2004].
Sustainable Energy Development Office, December 2001, Study of Tidal Energy
Technologies for Derby, Hydro Tasmania, Hobart.
The World Book Encyclopaedia of Science, 1992, The Planet Earth,
Vol 4, World Book Inc, Chicago.
Week 5
Tidal Power
Attendance: Jack Lu
Garrick Paskos
Theo Tham
Ming Wong
Jack Lu
Garrick Paskos
Person responsible:
Jack Lu
We need to set a base of research in order to prepare ourselves to access
information easily and quickly. As much information is needed from sources such as
books, Internet websites, CD-ROMS, videos, documents and newspaper articles.
Every group member shall be involved in this process in order to achieve the best
results of research.
Action taken:
Each group member is to do some research, finding at least 1 website and 2 books
from whatever sources are available. This is to be prepared for next week’s meeting
on Thursday 26th of August in which we’ll organise a day to get together and look at
our sources of information to choose which are relevant and irrelevant. We will also
be aiming to be able to set a day to research up on journals and newspaper articles.
End of meeting
Time: 13:30
Week 6
Tidal Power
Attendance: Jack Lu
Garrick Paskos
Theo Tham
Ming Wong
Chairman: Ming Wong
Secretary: Theo Tham
Person responsible:
Ming Wong
After finding a broad range of sources: web sites, books etc we decided to specialise
and narrow down each individual’s area of research. This way we can each
concentrate on finding relevant information on the different aspects of the topic and
then put it all together.
Action taken:
Each person was assigned a search topic as follows:
Theo – societal
Jack – environmental
Ming – sustainability
Garrick – ethical aspects
Everyone is to find at least one source of every type source: internet sources, media
sources and a printed source to meet the requirements of the project. Sources are to
be at least checked and read for its relevance to the project and only the suitable
ones kept. This way it is more efficient and the group will not waste time sifting
through information later when combing data.
End of meeting
Time: 13:10
Week 7
Tidal Power
Attendance: Jack Lu
Garrick Paskos
Theo Tham
Ming Wong
Chairman: Garrick Paskos
Secretary: Jack Lu
Comparison of Data
Person responsible:
Everyone has brought in at least one article each. Unfortunately the group is having
difficulty in finding books in the libraries as we’ve all gathered mainly websites so
Action taken:
We are to assign a date and time to meet together in the MCL and research on books
in the library catalogue and then find the books together to see which are relevant or
This will be scheduled for Wednesday 15th September at 1:00pm at the mathematics
computer lab.
End of meeting
Time: 13:15
Week 8
Tidal Power
Attendance: Jack Lu
Theo Tham
Ming Wong
Chairman: Theo Tham
Secretary: Ming Wong
Person responsible:
Searching of Data in Library
Last week we decided on today to meet at MCL and find books from the MPSL library
together. Each one of us will look at a few books and highlight the key points of it,
no matter is it relevant to the topic one’s is doing. Topics are sustainability, social,
environment, ethical.
Action taken:
We highlighted some of the things relevant to our topic in the books and photocopied
it. Each one of us will have a topic to responsible with, which we have to write an
article on it and bring it up during the 2 weeks break. Each one of us has taken all
the information we need to complete our articles.
We have decided to have a final meeting on the 23rd of September (thursday) to
compare our articles.
End of meeting
Time: 13.55
Week 9
Tidal Power
Attendance: Jack Lu
Garrick Paskos
Theo Tham
Ming Wong
Chairman: Jack Lu
Secretary: Garrick Paskos
Putting together written sections
Person responsible:
This meeting was held at the Alexander Library in the city which we used to
collaborate each person’s material. At this point, the topics each member was
responsible for had been researched and each person had written up their material.
What was left to do as to pool together the resources used, and to combine and
compile all the sections into one essay.
Action taken:
It was decided that one person was enough to put the essays together, so everyone
gave their work for Garrick to compile. However the other were tasked with writing
an introduction in which would be compared later and the best used for the essay.
The sources each person used were also compiled for the bibliography.
End of meeting
Time: 13:20
Week 11
Tidal Power
Attendance: Jack Lu
Garrick Paskos
Theo Tham
Ming Wong
Chairman: Theo Tham
Secretary: Ming Wong
Finalisation of written report
Person responsible:
Today’s meeting was for the finalisation of the written report. Each person’s
contribution to the essay had already been compiled by Garrick so the essay in itself
was complete. What was left to do was to finalise the introduction, bibliography and
appendix as well as to gather the minutes for group meetings.
Action taken:
The introduction was completed and essay finalised. Jack and Theo also pooled
together the resources and finalise them in the Harvard Citation style. An appendix
was added to the written report and meeting minutes gathered and printed. Overall,
this session was to finalise the written report and sort out potential issues with the
project so far.
End of meeting
Time: 12:00