Tidbits About Me

Mrs. Schaffer 2015-2016
BL Miller Elementary School
506 Virginia Avenue
Sebring, Ohio 44672
Tidbits About Me
I am a Marlington High (1988), Walsh University (1995), and
Kent State University (2003) graduate. To relicense, I took a
technology class at Walsh and
another at Malone. This will be
my twenty first year at B. L.
Miller. I spent two years as a Title
1 Math/Computer teacher in grades
three and four. This assignment
dovetailed into two years in first
grade. Sixteen years in fourth
grade followed. Mirroring last
year, this year's assignment entails
the addition of one section of sixth
grade math to my fourth grade
duties. My husband, Ty, taught
seventeen consecutive years of history at Sebring High School.
After teaching computer classes for one year, he jumped back into
two more years in the history department. Together we have
coached many sports during our tenure at Sebring. This year, Mr.
Schaffer is coaching varsity golf. We have a thirteen year old
miniature schnauzer, Thome, who is the queen of the house. Our
daughter, Kirsten, is a Sebring High (2008), University of Mount
Union (2012) and Ohio State University (2014) graduate. She
recently moved outside Philadelphia and has a new, extremely
large, puppy named Bowie.
Schedule and Lockers
This year, your child will switch classes among many teachers.
Your child will hook his/her homeroom class schedule into the
zippered binder. To best utilize time spent out of class, your child
will have a neat and organized locker. If using a lock, students
need to be able to open them quickly. Giving the combination to
the homeroom teacher will prevent student panic and enable
teachers/parents to access materials if the student is absent. To
avoid wasting time and having excess disturbances, students will
have specific locker times.
Knowing what is expected of your child will help you understand where
your child is going in his/her education. To view curriculum
requirements by grade level and content, visit the Ohio Department of
Education website: http://www.ode.state.oh.us/ The state will test
Sebring students using the Air platform, via online computer test, based
on these standards.
Staying Informed
There are many ways parents and students can stay informed
about school happenings. General whole school information is
located at the Sebring Schools website www.sebring.k12.oh.us.
Class information would be found on Mrs. Schaffer's website.
(Let me know if there is something you need that is NOT on my
website.) Report card and day to day grades, homework, missing
assignments and upcoming tests are found on Progress Book.
When absent, students should check Progress book. Students use
assignment books to track daily homework assignments,
completed timely. If requested, teachers will sign correct,
completed assignment notebooks that students bring to her. If
330.938.2025 cschaffer@sebring.k12.oh.us
you or your child are experiencing difficulties, please do not
hesitate to schedule (by calling Mrs. Harlan 330.938.2025) a
conference to discuss solutions at your earliest convenience.
We Are Sebring!
Our school expects all Sebring students to be responsible, respectful, and safe.
Students who are caught behaving may receive coupons for their good behavior.
Mrs. Schaffer's in class coupon rewards include: stool pass, stuffed animal pass,
pen pass, slippers pass, hat pass, snack pass, seat switch pass, front of the lunch
line passes and the no shoes pass. Outstanding students may also earn student of
the month awards. It pays to behave! Students who choose to not behave will
sign behavior logs with consequences such as warnings, detentions and office
referrals with Mrs. Whipkey.
Online Math Textbook-Go Math
Aligned with our curriculum, Go Math online resources at Think
Central will be accessible for students in grades K-8 this year.
Students can access related games, manipulatives and their text
book. Things to do gives a list of online assignments and their
due dates. My Test Scores shows online assessment results-the
questions Mrs. Schaffer asked and the answers your child gave.
My Library is where you find resources you need for the class
like the textbook and glossary. To log on, go to http://wwwk6.thinkcentral.com . Select your state, district, and school.
Check remember my organization. Enter your user name and
password (taped in assignment notebook). Click Login.
Additionally, students should use Think Central, Moby Max,
Scootpad and Khan Academy to independently remediate and
enrich their experiences with Mrs. Schaffer.
Preparing for Math in the next Grade
Encourage your child to master the math vocabulary (in the
binder) and basic facts. Persuade your child to participate in
class, ask quality questions of those who know and come
prepared daily to get the most of his/her education. Critical to
success is knowing when you don't know and doing something
about it. Be an engaged learner. Write me a note. Ask for notes
on how to complete a specific task. Access the Go Math website
where the lessons are organized and hyperlinked to additional
resources. Additionally, specific questions can be searched on
Google. For example: How do I divide a fraction by a fraction
using a model? will yield many hits. Videos and written
explanations alike are plentiful on the internet. Make note of
troublesome concepts and practice them a little bit at a time.
Students should regularly access Progress
Book to monitor their progress and
missing assignments. If there is a possible
mistake, let me know immediately. If you
experience technical difficulties with any
of these sites, let me know immediately.
Accessing them is critical to successful
communication. The BL computer lab is
open for students at 7:30AM to check
these sites and complete assignments.
Should students need additional time, I
will investigate alternate times during the