Greek & Latin Roots - Paul Revere Middle School

Greek & Latin Roots – Semester B (2012-2013)
Unit One
-acious (full of) fallacious, spacious
ali (other) alias, alibi
anni, annu (year) anniversary, annual
astr, aster (star) astronaut, astronomy
aud (hear) audible, auditory
belli (war) rebellion, belligerent
bene (good) beneficial, benevolent,
bibl (book) bibliography, bible
Unit Two
bio (life) biography, biology
capit, capt (head) capital, captain
cent (center) centrifugal, concentric
chron (time) chronograph, chronology
clam (shout) clamor, reclaim
cred (believe) credo, incredible
cresc, crease (grow) crescendo, increase
cycl, cyclo (circular) cyclone, cyclic
Unit Three
deca (ten) decathlon, decade
domin (master) dominant, dominate,
dura (hard, lasting) durable, duration
fall, fals (deceive) fallacy, false
fid, fide (faith, trust) fidelity, confident
flam (burn) flammable, inflame
found (bottom/deep) profound, foundation
gen (birth, race, produce) genealogy, genetics
Unit Four
grad (progress) graduate, gradation
gust (taste) disgust, gustation
hema, hemo (blood) hemorrage, hemophilia
homo (same) homonym, homogenous
hydra, hydro (water) dehydrate, hydrant
jur, jus (to swear) jury, justice
lect (choose) elect, select
leg (law) legislature, legitimate
Unit Five
liter (letters) literal, literary
loqu, locut (talk, speak) loquacious, circumlocution
man (hand) manufacture, maneuver
mania (madness) pyromania, maniacal
medi (middle, between) mediocre, mediate
mem (to remember) commemorate, memorandum
mort (death) mortician, mortuary
nym (name) pseudonym, anonymous
Unit Six
-pel (push) compel, propel
plac (to please) placate, placable
pond (hang, heavy ) ponder, ponderous
punct (point) puncture, acupuncture
rad (spread out) radiate, radio
-scend (climb) descend, ascend
sed (settle or calm) sediment, sedative
sent (to feel) sentiment, consent
Unit Seven
sens (feel) sensory, sensation
sequ (follow) sequence, consequence
sist (stand up for) resist, assist
solu, solv (loosen) dissolve, solve
spec (look, see) spectator, inspect
stat( stand) stationary, static
tard (slow) tardy, retarded
tenu (thin ) tenuous, extenuate
Unit Eight
Uti (use) utilize, utility
vac (empty) vacate, vacancy
vag (to move around) vagrant, vagabond
val (worthy) valiant, valid
vid (see) video, evident
vig (watch) vigilant, vigilante
vita (life ) vitamin, revitalize
viv (life) vivid, vivacious
Starting Wednesday, January 9, then continuing on every
other Wednesday, there will be roots packet (RP) homework
due. Students will turn in a packet of (4) hand-written
assignments for the week’s Greek & Latin roots list. (see
attached) Please clearly separate the (4) assignments on
the paper or do each on a separate side of paper. The
packet consists of:
1. Write each root word & its definition (5) times.
2. Write a paragraph on any subject using at least (5) of
the vocabulary words from the roots list. (underline
vocabulary words)
3. Using a computer program-based or printed dictionary
write the denotation of (5) of the vocabulary words
4. Using a computer program-based or printed thesaurus
write antonyms of (5) of the vocabulary words