Sophomore Roots Assignment- Najd Spring Semester Base words and root words are the building blocks of all words. The root is the most basic element of the word. Most roots in the English language can be traced back to Latin or Greek origin. The following roots appear in our literature and previous SAT exams. Using the roots listed in the calendar below you will create a list of 4-7 words for each root, which also contain each root. You will then create a paragraph using at least 6 of the new words correctly, along with one previous word (7 words total). Be sure that you understand the meaning of the word and the part of the speech so that you can use it correctly. For full credit, please define the 7 words you are using in your paragraph & underline the word in each sentence. The words must be different; you may not use different forms/tenses of the same word. (I.e. transcend, transcended. Transcending) * Your paragraph needs to flow, you may not just write random sentences. On Monday of each week you will have 5-10 class minutes to look up the words to add to your list. The word list and paragraph will be due on Thursday of that week. There will be a test every 3 weeks. They also reappear on the final. This is cumulative, so be sure to learn the roots. (Note: The Online Compendium is on my web page) Sample: Scend- climb Seq- follow alg- pain ascend- define sequel analgesic descend-define consequence nostalgia- define transcend sequence algometer condescend subsequent-define neuralgia-define transcendent sequential-define Today was the day I had to clean ut my mothers house. As I ascended the staircase into the attic, I felt the nostalgia of my childhood with her. I missed the carefree days of my youth. I transcended into a dreamlike state when I saw all of the family portraits on the wall. They seemed to tell the sequential story of my mothers life. Her later, subsequent years had been full of happiness as well as pain from neuralgia. I misse her, but knew that she would always be a part of my life. I then descended back into the family room. 1) Anim-life, breath, soul, spirit Dur- hard, last long Test-witness 12) Nov- new Quer, ques, quir-seek, ask Sess, sed-sit, settle 2) Crin, cris, crit-separate, judge, decide Culp-fault, blame Neg- deny, refuse 13) Lic, licit-to entice, pleasing Min-reduce, small Stru-to build, pile up 3) Fend, fens-strike, push Pict- paint The(o)-god 14) Merg, mers-plunge, dip Sens, sent-feel, think, percieve Var, vari-to change, diverse 4) Dic, dict-speak, proclaim Fess-admit, utter Idio-one’s own 15) Arm-weapon, tool Carn-flesh Litter-letter 5) Reg-king, rule Luc-to shine, light Fort-brave, strong 6) Poss, pot-to have power Spir-breath, soul Terr-dry land earth 7) Gram-drawn, written Laps-slip, fall, err Mut-change 8) Mns(s)-memory, remember Pand, pass-spread, get larger Son-sound 9) Punct, pung-prick, sting Tort, torque-twist Vac-empty 10) Hosp, host-guest, host Loqu, locut-speak, say Sub-under, below, beneath, after 11) Prehend, pris-seize, grasp Sol-only, alone Tac-to be silent