Ageing well in Hampshire Older People’s Well-Being Strategy April 2011 – March 2014 Joint Partnership Action Plan Year 2 – July 2012- June 2013 Page 1 of 22 Ageing well in Hampshire - Older People’s Well-Being Strategy Action Plan April 2011 – March 2014 Introduction 1. The outcomes resulting from this action plan will support the Hampshire prevention and early intervention agenda and the county and local Health and Wellbeing Board and strategies as they develop. 2. This action plan identifies and prioritise the key initiatives agreed by the partner organisations and older people to achieve the aims and objectives of Ageing well in Hampshire – Older People’s Well-Being strategy April 2011- March 2014. 3. The resources to achieve this action plan are provided from volunteers and voluntary organisations, Hampshire County Council and other partner statutory organisations. The Hampshire County Council Older People’s Well-Being team will facilitate this to happen. 4. Partners are involved jointly in the projects and initiatives outlined in this action plan in addition to the main work of their individual organisations. 5. An Equality Impact Assessment has been carried out and will continue to influence the action plan for the next 3 years. 6. The work of this action plan will link to other relevant strategies and plans to ensure a joined up and coordinated approach. 7. This action plan builds upon and progresses the successes from the action plan April 2008 – March 2011. 8. The evaluation framework established with partners with the support of NDTi will sit alongside. 9. Each project/action will be reviewed annually, and monitoring reports will be presented to the Joint Older People’s WellBeing Steering Group on a quarterly basis. Page 2 of 22 10. To maintain the partnership approach of the strategy and this action plan, the following infra- structure meetings and forums are regularly held :10.1 – Joint Older People’s Well-Being Steering Group on a quarterly basis 10.2 - Older People’s Well-Being meeting with district/borough councils on a quarterly basis 10.3 - Hampshire Association of Older People’s Forums on a bi-monthly basis. 11. The projects/actions that are set out below link to the 16 county priorities listed in the Older People’s Well-Being Strategy and within the 7 Dimensions of Independence. The reference to the County priority number(s) that the project/action supports can be found in the end column of the Action Plan. 12. The work programme has been structured around the five objectives from the strategy . These are:1. To ensure that older people can obtain the information they need when they need it to enable them to more effectively access services. 2. To support access to, and increase the range of, social and community activities available for older people, in order to help tackle social isolation and loneliness. 3. To ensure there are the means to develop ways of providing “that bit of help “ at the right time, for example a listening ear, help with gardening and home maintenance. 4. To help people plan for a fulfilled older age by developing a positive ageing campaign for Hampshire. 5. To identify opportunities to reach out into communities. This will include engaging hard to reach and help isolated older people. Page 3 of 22 The priorities in ranked order:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Getting about on transport as easily as possible Knowing about the benefits I am entitled to Clear Information about health and wellbeing Ways to feel safe out and about Knowing more about home maintenance services More information about what activities are available nearby Ways to feel safe at home including community alarms and Telecare Finding trustworthy gardening support Knowing more about housework and cleaning services Finding out about physical activities I can do Knowing about useful websites and phone numbers Help to use computers Information about older people's forums Knowing more about energy saving and home insulation Taking part in activities with young people Opportunities to volunteer. Page 4 of 22 Abbreviations ACH – Age Concern Hampshire ACSO - Accredited Community Services Officers B&DBC- Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council GPCCC – GP-Clinical Commissioning Groups CAH – Community Action Hampshire CVS- Council for Voluntary Service DWP - Department of Works and Pensions GNSSH -Good Neighbour Support Service Hampshire HCC- Hampshire County Council HCC CIS - Hampshire County Council Corporate Information Service HCC CIT- Hampshire County Council Community Innovation Team HCC ASD - Hampshire County Council - Adult Services department HCC CCBS - Hampshire County Council - Culture Communities and Business Services HCC OPWBT Older People’s Well-Being Team HPFT - Hampshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust HIA - Home Improvement Agency HAOPF - Hampshire Association of Older People’s Forums HALC - Hampshire Association of Local Councils HNVC - Hampshire Network of Councils for Voluntary Services HIWCF - Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation F&R - Fire and Rescue Service NFDC - New Forest District Council NDTi - National Development Team for Inclusion nef – New Economic Foundation OPAL - Older People’s Area Link Project RNIB - Royal National Institute for the Blind SHIP - Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth PCT cluster TVBC - Test Valley Borough Council Page 5 of 22 Objective I To ensure that older people can obtain the information they need when they need it to enable them to more effectively access services. Project /action Key tasks year 2 Timescale Partners – lead partner 1.1 Improve range of 1. Regular reviews of Quarterly information and bettertime website with access to information partners and older people about older people’s and amend accordingly well-being activities 2. Partners to carry out review Quarterly on:of their websites for ease of accessing partners information HCC website All year Partners websites 3. Coordinate and expand information provision at local events, flu clinics etc All partners involved 1.2 To continue to 1. To produce second training develop the usage DVD and scope of Trigger 2. Joint training with F&R. Tool for those in contact with older people living in the 3. Produce revised training community. pack including e-learning package and updated trigger tool HCC OPWBT, Trading Standards, OPAL, Pension Service, F&R, Carers Together, NHS, Police + voluntary and community organisations Dec 2012 Sept 2012– June 2013 November 2012 Page 6 of 22 Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported 1-16 1-16 Project /action Key tasks year 2 4. Target training to HCC dept and NHS teams . 1.3 To promote OPAL 1. To consolidate ,promote Hampshire -wide and review the model of Telephone Advice & working with Hantsdirect, visiting support Line ( CIT ,Village Agents and to local communities. other information services across the county. 2. To increase by 15% the numbers of volunteers. 4. Review and amend current publicity based on feedback received. Timescale Partners – lead partner Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported Jan 2013 All year Age Concern Hampshire, OPWBT, HCC CIT, HCC CIS + all partners 1-16 All year Janaury 2013 1.4 To roll out the 1. To establish 20 village July 2013 Village Agent project agent areas in line with the three 2. Recruit and train new all year year action plan volunteers and support starting July 2012. existing ones 5. To provide monitoring and all year evaluation using nef tool, outcome stories, quantative data and establish the external IT monitoring system Age Concern Hampshire, OPWBT ,F&R, Hants local, Neighbourhood Watch, TVBC, B&DBC, NFDC, East Hants DC, ,Eastleigh BC, Hart DC, Winchester CC HALC + all partners 1-16 1.5 To expand the computer skills Age Concern Hampshire, HCC 12 1. Develop existing network Dec 2012 – March Page 7 of 22 Project /action network to promote and increase community based IT classes for older people 1.6 Key tasks year 2 2. Mapping of existing resources and publicity 3. Establish a pilot computer maintenance project with one school. Evaluate and extend the pilot if appropriate 4. Bid for funding to continue IT classes for visually impaired Improve the 1. Maintain the established opportunities for Hampshire Benefits accessing accurate Partnership linked to benefit advice across Hampshire Advice Network the county 2. Provide training and information to support partners on new welfare benefits 3. Training of organisations to enable them to be recognised as DWP partners on the Bettertime website Timescale Partners – lead partner 2013 Jan 2013 Adult Learning, Carers Together, HCC CCBS, Community First East Hants, Sensory Impairment Team HCC, + all partners Feb 2013 Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported ???? All year Mar 2013 Jan –June 2013 DWP, Citizens Advice Hampshire, District Councils, voluntary and community sector, HALC, HCC OPWBT, Adult Services, CCBS, Princess Royal Trust for Carers, Age Concern Hampshire, CAB, Page 8 of 22 2 Project /action 1.7 Coordinate the provision of information on alternative transport options Key tasks year 2 1. Ensure partners and community groups are kept up to date on how to access information to cascade into the community Timescale Partners – lead partner all year OPWBT HCC passenger transport , voluntary sector partners, district councils, HALC, HNCVS,HAOPF local transport forums Page 9 of 22 Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported 1 Objective 2 To support access to, and the range of, social and community activities available for older people, in order to help tackle social isolation and loneliness. Project /action 2.1 2.2 A voluntary sector partnership network established To expand the 1. coverage and uptake of the Better Balance for life falls prevention physical activity project Key tasks year 2 1. Consolidate membership of the group led by Brendoncare Club Hampshire 2. Identify and implement joint projects concentrating on “younger old” To establish a network of PSI classes called Steady and strong with trained instructors as part of the falls strategy and bone health pathway. 2. To set up falls prevention programme with at least two CCG Timescale Partners – lead partner All year Brendoncare – Age concern Hampshire, carers Together, Princess Royal Trust for Carers, Good Neighbour’s Support Service, Stannah all year October 2012 onwards Sept 2012 onwards OPWBT, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, New Forest and East Hants DC, Brendoncare, SHIP, HCC CCBS, + all partners , Supporting People , Sheltered Housing, Care homes, Page 10 of 22 Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported 1,3,4,6,10, 3,10 Project /action 2.3 Key tasks year 2 3. Continue to obtain monitoring and outcome data from all activities 4. BBFL facilitator workshops on training packs 1&2 to be developed in conjunction with specific organisations as well as continuing the community based schedule To promote Silver 1. Run a workshop on the use song box and access of silver song box with for to singing in care homes and community community settings centres. 2. Actively promote the use of the silver song box in the community and with hard to reach groups 3. Measure numbers involved & outcomes for Volunteers & Participants Timescale Partners – lead partner All year district councils, leisure centres, Public Health Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported All year September 2012 All year Sing for Your Life, OPWBT, CCBS, voluntary organisations, HALC, district councils On - going 4. To work with CCBS to December develop the use of the song 2012 – box in the community and onwards establish 2 regular community activities Page 11 of 22 3,6 Project /action Key tasks year 2 Timescale Partners – lead partner OPWBT, Hampshire police HCC Children’s Services, WACA, CAH, Adult Learning , CCBS, Housing Associations ,Youth Clubs H&IW, Hart Voluntary Action, district councils, HALC Carers Together, OPAL, Good Neighbours Support Service, Alzheimer’s Society, Princess Royal Trust for Carers + all partners HCC CCBS Library service , WRVS, Good Neighbours Support Service,, CIT, voluntary organisations, local 2.4 To extend the range and coordination of intergenerational projects across the county 1. To review the membership of existing Hampshire Intergenerational Group and consider best way to cascade good practice and establish new initiatives with partners. November 2013 onwards 2.5 Provide access to information on befriending groups across the county 1. Review current befriending services and groups and consider what support and promotion can be provided through the partnership Nov 2012March 2013 2.6 Improve access to 1. 1. Assistant Library information about Managers trained by HCC services by Information Service staff training and updating 2. 2. Training cascaded to library staff about Library Assistants what's available via Hantsweb including 3. end Dec 2012 End of March 2013 Page 12 of 22 Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported 15 6 1-16 Project /action Key tasks year 2 Timescale self service Replace the People's Network in libraries and improve free access to IT Continue the trigger Tool programme for the home library volunteers 2.7 2.8 Continue to develop the opportunities for community involvement in sheltered housing and extracare housing units Partners – lead partner Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported forums 3.Go Online project implemented with library staff trained by end of May 2013. 4. Collect numbers of volunteers and new home library users involved. And outcome stories 1 Expand the numbers involved in the sheltered housing and extracare housing group 2 Meet quarterly to share ideas and develop initiatives linked to support the OPWB action plan Promote mobility 1. Establish a working group scooter safety to review current research and through a partnership activities and agree a plan for approach the year All year Aug 2012 onwards Aug 2012 onwards Sep 2012 onwards OPWB, Supporting People, community housing , district council , voluntary organisations, 2,3,4,6,10, 14 OPWBT, village agent, HALC, voluntary organisation partners, Shop Mobility Fareham, Police, F&R, HCC Road safety 1,6 Page 13 of 22 Project /action 2.9 Key tasks year 2 Promote Older Driver 1. Village Agents to organise Assessment through a minimum of 5 local partners and talks/workshops networks 2. Promote through partners information events Timescale Partners – lead partner Sept -2012 onwards OPWBT, village agent, Good Neighbours Support Service, Brendoncare,+ all partners All year Page 14 of 22 Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported 1,6 Objective 3 To ensure there are the means to develop ways of providing “ a bit of help” at the right time, such as a listening ear, help with gardening and home maintenance. Timescale Partners – lead partner Promote the 1. Promote the fund with local “Businesses Chamber of Commerce Supporting Older and HIWCF contacts & People fund” (run by Recruit min 2 new HIWCF) to local businesses businesses – both 2. Agree priorities & run an existing and new annual grant funding round 3. Pursue ideas for sponsorship & partnership arrangements with local businesses Feb 2013 HIWCF,OPWBT ,local businesses, HCC Economic Development, CCBS Hampshire Gardening Initiative network (HGI) to provide the coordination and oversee the annual action plan All year Project /action 3.1 3.2 Key tasks year 2 1. To promote the use of the intergenerational gardening project directly with schools through children’s services and via HGI partners 2. Proactive campaign to increase numbers of local gardeners for the ACH database of local independent gardeners & monitor uptake Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported 1-16 May – July 2013 Jan 2013 All year OPWBT, Shaw Trust, Thrive, Age Concern Hampshire, Carers Together, Home Improvement Agency, Sir Harold Hillier gardens, Brendoncare, Hart Voluntary Action, HCC CCBS Page 15 of 22 8 Project /action 3.3 3.4 To promote and monitor the Shaw Trust Gardening Support Service To develop a coordinated approach to the personal safety issues identified in the consultation Key tasks year 2 1. To regularly promote the service through community groups and publicity 2. To provide on going training to the gardeners on information and support around maintaining independence incl. Trigger Tool 3. To monitor and evaluate incl outcome stories 1. To expand the membership of the current Personal Safety group to include the whole county and establish its action plan for the county 2. Produce a personal safety tool kit including an intergenerational DVD for partners to use in community and individual settings Timescale Partners – lead partner All year Shaw Trust, OPWBT, Supporting people, CIT, ACH,all partners Nov 2012 Feb 2013 September 2012 onwards Neighbourhood Watch , OPWBT Police, Older People’s Forums, Trading Standards, Robert Mays school, districts Crime Prevention Groups, ACSO Page 16 of 22 Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported 8 4,7 Project /action 3.5 To take forward the actions in the Eating well-living well community nutrition strategy Key tasks year 2 1. To include nutrition in the new trigger tool DVD 2. To tender for the new Community Meals Specification 3. To implement the new Community Meals Service specification 4. To develop a series of cookery demonstration courses, run by trained volunteers, targeting older men across the county supported by district councils A minimum of 6. 5. To develop good nutrition awareness activities linked with Better balance for life facilitator workshops and talks. Timescale Partners – lead partner Aug 2012 OPWBT, district councils, older people, WRVS, HCC HC3S November 2012 April 2013 All year all year Page 17 of 22 Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported 3 Project /action 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Key tasks year 2 To run Hitting the 1. Establish the HTCS “offer” Cold Spots fuel with partners and launch poverty project using the campaign Dept of health warm 2. Run a publicity campaign homes and healthy across the county people funding 3. Closely monitor and evaluate the outcomes of the campaign Provide clear 1. Work with Public Health to information & support ensure appropriate and on health issues for relevant information is older people in provided on key health community settings issues .Specific areas include alcohol, nutrition, exercise, mental and emotional well-being To promote the 1. To promote through Trigger county wide handy tool and Bettertime and person scheme and Care choices websites Home Improvement and Adaptations Promote community 1. To promote through Trigger access to assistive tool and Bettertime and technology (telecare Care choices websites and telehealth) Timescale Partners – lead partner October 2012 Shaw Trust, OPWBT, HIA, district councils, F&R, HNCVS,+ voluntary groups,TEC, CAB , Public health Oct 2012 April 2103 Oct 2012April 2013 Sep 2012 – July 2013 OPWBT Better Balance Coordinator, NHS Hampshire, CCG, Public Health all partners All year All year Page 18 of 22 Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported 2,5,8,14 3 Objective 4 To help people plan for a fulfilled older age by developing a positive ageing campaign for Hampshire. Project /action Key tasks year 2 Initiate a Positive 1. To identify models of Ageing campaign for Positive Ageing Campaign Hampshire ,ensuring in other areas the requirements of 2. Work with HAOPF to the “younger old” are identify ‘Aspirations for incorporated. Ageing’ - specifically the younger old 3. Develop a model and implementation plan for Hampshire Scope developing a 1. Explore Timebanking Timebanking models and assess the initiative for feasibility for Hampshire Hampshire and assess the resources required Timescale Partners – lead partner November 2012 Hants Older People Forum, OPWBT, Vol orgs, private sector orgs (SAGA), Age Concern Hampshire Janaury 2013 Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported 1-16 March 2013 Feb 2013 CCBS/ Countryside Rangers/ RSPCA/ all partners Page 19 of 22 6 Project /action Key tasks year 2 To consolidate the 1. Continue the bi- monthly role of the Hampshire meetings and further Association of Older develop the mechanism for People’s Forums two way communications (HAOPF) with the local forums they represent. 2. Establish one more local forum Timescale Partners – lead partner All year Local older people forums – two representatives from each local forums All year 3. Formally contribute to four HCC consultations All year 4. Develop a programme of training opportunities for HAOPF members and the local forums 5. Implement the annual action plan including supporting the positive ageing campaign for Hampshire January 2013 All year Page 20 of 22 Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported 1-16 Objective 5 To identify opportunities to reach out into communities. This will include engaging hard to reach and isolated older people. Project /action 5.1 5.2 5.3 Partners – lead partner Key Tasks Year 2 Review and redesign 1. To identify participating ‘volunteering in the volunteer centres and GP community’ initiative practices in one pilot area. for CCG’s 2. Modify and evaluate the pilot and recommend next steps Janaury 2013 Scope LGB &T older 1. To contribute to the population needs emerging Hampshire wide LGB&T agenda 2. Continue to promote the Romsey LGB&T reading group as an intergenerational group To enable BME 1. To identify what is already communities to available access wellbeing 2. To target specific groups projects and and needs information All year OPWBT, volunteer centres, CCC, CIT,CCG Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported 3,6 June 2013 All year Sept 2012 onwards Nov 2012 onwards CAH and WACA HCC Equality , East Hants One Community, Age Concern Hampshire, HCC CCBS HCC Community Development Officers (BME), community groups, Hampshire Independent Equality Forum Page 21 of 22 1-16 1-16 Project /action 5.4 5.6 Partners – lead partner Key Tasks Year 2 To support the 1. Promote and raise implementation of the awareness of local DFC Dementia Friendly initiatives as they are Communities pilot developed through OPWB including the partner networks Dementia Action Alliance Identify opportunities 1. To run “what shall we cook for older men to tonight?” courses for older participate in social men( see 3.7) and include activities links to local social activities within the course. 2. Promote volunteer driving opportunities for men All year all year SE Region, LG Improvement and development , DWP, HCC ASD, OPWBT, SHIP, Alzheimer’s association OPWBT,district councils, GNSS,HAOPF, all partners All year For further information please contact:Alexandra Burn Head of Older People's Well-Being Team Wellbeing and Partnerships Hampshire County Council 3rd Floor West, EII Court, The Castle, Winchester, SO23 8UQ Email: alex.burn@hant, Approved by the Joint Older People’s Well-Being Steering group , October 2012 Page 22 of 22 Achievements in year 2 County Priorities Supported 1,4,6 1-16