Patterns of Interaction

World History: Patterns of Interaction*
Chapter Outline
(CIB = Means Chapter in Brief Summary, which will be used as PRE-READING most times,
but occasionally be used instead of reading sections of the textbook.)
World History Themes, Geography Themes, Time, Place, How Do We Know?
Rand McNally Atlas
Strategies for Taking Standardized Tests
Strategies for Studying History
Test-taking Strategies and Practice
Unit 1
4 Million BC-200 BC
Beginnings of Civilization
Chapter 1 – Prehistory to 2500 BCE
The Peopling of the World
Skillbuilder Handbook:
1. Human Origins in Africa (CIB)
Sec. 1: Reading Critically
Analyzing Key Concepts: Culture
Sec. 2: Higher-Order Critical Thinking
History through Art: Cave Paintings
Sec. 3: Exploring Evidence: Print,
2. Humans Try to Control Nature
Visual, & Technology Sources
3. Civilization > Case Study Ur in Sumer
Sec. 4: Creating Performances
Chapter 2 – 3500 BCE – 450 BCE
Early River Valley Civilizations
1. City-states in Mesopotamia
2. Pyramids on the Nile
History in Depth: Pyramids and Mummies
Social History: Work and Play in Ancient History
3. Planned Cities on the Indus
Science and Technology: Plumbing in Mohenjo-Daro
4. River Dynasties in China
Chapter 3 – 2000 BCE – 250 BCE
People and Ideas on the Move
1. The Indo-Europeans
2. Hinduism and Buddhism Develop
3. Seafaring Traders
History in Depth: Phoenician Trade
4. Origins of Judaism
Analyzing Key Concepts: Judaism
Different Perspectives: The Flood Story
Chapter 4 – 1570 BCE – 200 BCE
First Age of Empires
1. The Egyptian and Nubian Empires
History in Depth: Egyptian Influence on Nubian Culture
2. The Assyrian Empire
3. The Persian Empire
Global Impact: Empire Building
4. The Unification of China
History in Depth: The Great Wall of China
Comparing and Contrasting: Ancient Civilizations
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Hummarabi’s Code of
Laws - Pg 33
Re-teach CULTURE
Compare to current events
Primary Source Handbook:
Rig Veda
I Ching (Book of
Shih Ching (Book of
Tennyson, Shelly, Byron,
Unit 2
2000 BCE – 800 CE
New Directions in Government and Society
Chapter 5 – 2000 BCE – 300 CE
Classical Greece
Primary Source Handbook:
1. Cultures of Mountains and Sea
2. Warring City-States
History in Depth: Festivals and Sports
3. Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age
History through Art: Greek Art and Architecture
4. Alexander’s Empire
5. The Spread of Hellenistic Culture
Chapter 6 – 500 BCE – 500 CE
Ancient Rome and Early Christianity
Primary Source Handbook:
1. The Roman Republic
2. The Roman Empire
Social History: Life in a Roman Villa
3. The Rise of Christianity
4. The Fall of the Roman Empire
Chicago History Fair:
Different Perspectives: The Fall of the Roman Empire
Planning Begins!
5. Rome and the Roots of Western Civilization
Analyzing Key Concepts: Western Civilization
Science and Technology: The Coliseum
Chapter 7 – 400 BCE – 550 CE
India and China Establish Empires
1. India’s First Empires
2. Trade Spreads Indian Religion and Culture
History through Art: Hindu and Buddhist Art
3. Han Emperors in China
Global Impact: Trade Networks
Chapter 8 – 1500 BCE – 700 CE
African Civilization
1. Diverse Societies in Africa
Science and Technology: African Ironworking
2. Migration
Case Study: Bantu-Speaking People
3. The Kingdom of Aksum
Chapter 9 – 40,000 BCE – 700 CE
The Americas: A Separate World (CIB)
1. The Earliest American
2. Early Meso-American Civilizations
History through Art: Olmec Sculpture
3. Early Civilizations of the Andes
History in Depth: Narzca Lines
Comparing and Contrasting: Classical Ages
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Chicago History Fair:
Chicago History Fair:
Chicago History Fair:
Unit 3
500 – 1500
An Age of Exchange and Encounter
Chapter 10 – 600-1200
The Muslim World
1. The Rise of Islam
Analyzing Architecture: The Dome of the Rock
2. Islam Expands
3. Muslim Culture
Science and Technology: Astronomy
Primary Source Handbook:
Chapter 11 – 500 – 1500
Byzantines, Russians, and Turks Interact
1. The Byzantine Empire
Analyzing Key Concepts: Roman Catholicism and Easter Orthodoxy
2. The Russian Empire
History through Art: Religious Art and Architecture
3. Turkish Empires Rise in Anatolia
Chapter 12 – 600 – 1350
Primary Source Handbook:
Empires and East Asia
Sei Shōnagon
1. Tang and Song China
Social History: Tang and Song Dynasty: People and Technology Journey to the West
2. The Mongol Conquests
History in Depth: A Mighty Fighting Force
3. The Mongol Empire
Chicago History Fair:
4. Feudal Empires in Japan
History in Depth: Japanese Samurai
5. Kingdoms of Southeast Asia and Korea
Chapter 13 – 500 – 1200
European Middle Ages
1. Charlemagne Unites Germanic Kingdoms
2. Feudalism in Europe
Analyzing Key Concepts: Feudalism
3. The Age of Chivalry (CIB)
Science and Technology: Castles and Siege Weapons
4. The Power of the Church (CIB)
* Loss of textbook results in a mandatory replacement fee.
Chicago History Fair:
Chapter 14 – 800-1500
Formation of Western Europe
1. Church Reform and the Crusades (CIB)
History in Depth: Gothic Architecture
Different Perspectives: The Crusades
2. Changes in Medieval Society
3. England and France Develop
4. The Hundred Years’ War and the Plague (CIB)
Global Impact: The Spread of Epidemic Disease
Primary Sources:
Magna Carta
Chapter 15 – 800 – 1500
Societies and Empires in Africa
1. North and Central African Societies
2. Western African Civilizations
History through Art: Benin Bronzes
3. Eastern City States and Southern Empires
Analyzing Architecture: Great Zimbabwe
Comparing and Contrasting: Trade Networks
Unit 4
500 – 800
Connecting Hemispheres
Chapter 16 – 500 – 1500
People and Empires in America
1. North American Series
2. Maya Kings and Cities
History through Art: Maya Architecture
3. The Aztecs Control Central Mexico
History in Depth: Aztec Calendar
4. The Inca Create a Mountain Empire
Social History: Incan Mummies
Primary Source Handbook:
Popul Vuh
Chapter 17 – 1300 – 1600
European Renaissance and Reformation
1. Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance
History through Art: Renaissance Ideas influence Renaissance Art
2. The Northern Renaissance
Primary Source Handbook:
Social History: City Life in Renaissance Europe
Nicholas Machiavelli
3. Luther Leads the Reformation
The Prince
Analyzing Key Concepts: Protestantism
Sir Thomas More
4. The Reformation Continues
Different Perspectives: The Reformation
Chapter 18 – 1300 – 1700
The Muslim World Expands
1. The Ottomans Build a Vast Empire
2. Cultural Blending
Case Study: The Safavid Empire
3. The Mughal Empire in India
* Loss of textbook results in a mandatory replacement fee.
History through Art: Cultural Blending in Mughal India
Chapter 19 – 1400 – 1800
An Age of Explorations and Isolation (CIB)
1. Europeans Explore the East
2. Science and Technology: The Tools of Exploration
3. China Limits European Contacts
History in Depth: The Forbidden City
4. Japan Returns to Isolation
Primary Source:
Ship Comparison
Chapter 20 – 1492 – 1800
The Atlantic World (CIB)
1. Spain Builds an American Empire (CIB)
Different Perspectives: The Legacy of Columbus
2. Europeans Nations Settle North America
3. The Atlantic Slave Trade (CIB)
4. The Columbian Exchange and Global Trade (CIB)
Global Impact: Food Exchange
Analyzing Key Concepts: Mercantilism
Comparing and Contrasting: Methods of Government
Unit 5
1500 – 1900
Absolutism to Revolution
Chapter 21 – 1500 – 1800
Absolute Monarchs in Europe
1. Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism
Analyzing Key Concepts: Absolutism
2. The Reign of Louis XIV
History in Depth: The Palace at Versailles
3. Central European Monarchs Clash
4. Absolute Rulers of Russia
Social History: Surviving the Russian Winter
5. Parliament Limits the English Monarchy
Primary Source Handbook:
Chapter 22 – 1550 – 1789 Spring Break
Enlightenment and Revolution
1. The Scientific Revolution
2. The Enlightenment of Europe
Different Perspectives: European Values during the Enlightenment
3. The Enlightenment Spreads
4. The American Revolution
Analyzing Key Concepts: Democracy
Chapter 23 – 1789 – 1815
The French Revolution and Napoleon
1. The French Revolution Begins
2. Revolution Brings Reform and Terror
Science and Technology: Guillotine
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James Madison
Federalist Papers
Mary Wollstonecraft
Rights of Women
Primary Source Handbook:
Elizabeth Vigée-Lebrun
Different Perspectives: The French Revolution
3. Napoleon Forges an Empire (CIB)
4. Napoleon’s Empire Collapses (CIB)
5. The Congress Vienna (CIB)
Chapter 24 – 1789 – 1900
Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West
1. Latin American Peoples Win Independence (CIB)
Global Impact: Struggling Towards Democracy
2. Europe Faces Revolution (CIB)
Analyzing Key Systems: Nationalism
3. Nationalism (CIB)
Case Study: Italy and Germany
4. Revolutions in the Arts
History through Art: Revolutions in Painting
Comparing and Contrasting: Political Revolutions
Primary Source Handbook:
Sadler Committee
Report on Child Labor
Unit 6
1700 – 1914
Industrialism and the Race for Empire
Chapter 25 – 1700 – 1900
The Industrial Revolution
1. The Beginnings of Revolution
Global Impact: Revolutions in Technology
2. Industrialization Case Study: Manchester
3. Industrialization Spreads
4. Reforming the Industrial World
Analyzing Key Concepts: Capitalism vs. Socialism
Different Perspectives: Industrialization
Chapter 26 – 1815 – 1914
An Age of Democracy and Progress
1. Democratic Reform and Activism (CIB)
2. Self-Rule for British Colonies
Social History: Life in Early Australia
3. War and Expansion in the United States (CIB)
4. Nineteenth-Century Progress (CIB)
Science and Technology: Edison’s Inventions
Chapter 27 – 1850 – 1914
The Age of Imperialism
1. The Scramble for Africa
2. Imperialism
Case Study: Nigeria
Analyzing Key Concepts: Imperialism
Different Perspectives: Views of Imperialism
3. Europeans Claim Muslim Lands
4. British Imperialism in India
5. Imperialism in Southeast Asia
* Loss of textbook results in a mandatory replacement fee.
Primary Source Handbook:
Abraham Lincoln
Second Inaugural
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Rights of Women
Chapter 28 – 1800 – 1914
Transformations around the Globe
1. China Resists Outside Influence (CIB)
2. Modernization in Japan (CIB)
History through Art: Japanese Woodblock Printing
3. U.S. Economic Imperialism
Science and Technology: Panama Canal
4. Turmoil and Change in Mexico
Comparing and Contrasting: Scientific and Technological Changes
Primary Source Handbook:
Woodrow Wilson
The Fourteen Points
Unit 7
1900 – 1945
The World at War
Chapter 29 – 1914 – 1918
The Great War
1. Marching Toward War
2. Europe Plunges into War
History in Depth: The New Weapons of War
Science and Technology: Military Aviation
3. A Global Conflict
Different Perspectives: Views of War
4. A Flawed Peace
Chapter 30 – 1900 – 1939
Revolution and Nationalism
1. Revolutions in Russia
Analyzing Key Concepts: Communism
2. Totalitarianism
Case Study: Stalinist Russia
Analyzing Key Concepts: Totalitarianism
History through Art: Propaganda
3. Imperial China Collapses
History in Depth: The Long March
4. Nationalism in India and Southwest Asia
Chapter 31 – 1819 – 1939
Years of Crisis
1. Postwar Uncertainty
Social History: Labor-saving Devices in the United States
2. A Worldwide Depression
3. Fascism Rises in Europe
Analyzing Key Concepts: Fascism
4. Aggressors Invade Nations
Chapter 32 – 1939 – 1845
World War II
1. Hitler’s Lightening War
2. Japan’s Pacific Campaign
3. The Holocaust
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Supplementary Sources:
Stars: Stories of
PBS: Sugihara
Primary Source Handbook:
Elie Wiesel
Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston
Farewell to Manzanar
4. The Allied Victory
Global Impact: Arming for War
5. Europe and Japan in Ruins
Comparing and Contrasting: The Changing Nature of Warfare
Unit 8
1945 – Present
Perspectives on the Present
Chapter 33 – 1945 – Present
Restructuring the Post-War World
1. Cold War – Super Powers Face Off (CIB)
Science and Technology: The Space Race
2. Communists Take Power in China (CIB)
3. Wars in Korea and Vietnam
4. The Cold War Divides the World (CIB)
History in Depth: How the Cold War was Fought
5. The Cold War Thaws (CIB)
Chapter 34 – 1945 – Present
The Colonies Become New Nations
1. The Indian Subcontinent Achieves Freedom
2. Southeast Asian Nations Gain Independence
Social History: Changing Times in Southeast Asia
3. New Nations in Africa
4. Conflicts in the Middle East
History in Depth: Signs of Hope
5. Central Asia Struggles
Supplementary Sources:
Chapter 35 – 1945 – Present
Primary Source Handbook:
Struggles fir Democracy
Nelson Mandela
1. Democracy
Inaugural Address
Case Study: Latin America Democracies
Supplementary Sources:
2. The Challenge of Democracy in Africa
Mandela and DeKlerk
3. The Collapse of the Soviet Union
4. Change in Central and Eastern Europe
History in Depth: Ethnic Groups in the Former Yugoslavia
5. China: Reform and Reaction
History through Art: Photojournalism
Chapter 36 – 1945 – Present
Global Interdependence
Primary Source Handbook:
1. The Impact of Science and Technology
Martin Luther King
2. Global Economic Development
I Have a Dream
Analyzing Key Concepts: Globalization
Cesar Chavez
Different Perspective: Economics and the Environment
An Open Letter
3. Global Security Issues
4. Terrorism > Case Study: September 11, 2001
5. Cultures Blend in a Global Age > Global Impact: Rock ‘n Roll
Comparing and Contrasting: Nation Building
* Loss of textbook results in a mandatory replacement fee.
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