
AP World History
Name: _________________________________
KEY POINTS Chapter 3
Class Period: _________
Unit 2: Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies, c. 600 B.C.E. to c. 600 C.E.
APKC: The Roman, Han, Persian, Mauryan, and Gupta empires created political, cultural, and
administrative difficulties that they could not manage, which eventually led to their decline, collapse, and
transformation into successor empires or states.
* Yellow Turban Rebellion
* Fall of the Roman Empire
* China’s Han Dynasty/Empire
* Founding of the Roman Republic
* India’s Mauryan Dynasty/Empire
* Reign of Alexander the Great
~509 bce _________________________________________________________________________
~336-323 bce ______________________________________________________________________
~321-185 bce ______________________________________________________________________
~ 206 bce–330 ce ___________________________________________________________________
~ 476 ce___________________________________________________________________________
~ 184 ce___________________________________________________________________________
People, Places, Terms…The following are important to your understanding of the chapter – Using a
separate sheet of paper, define each term – be sure to use a definition applicable to the reading
content and our history curriculum.
Philip II
Alexander the Great
Pax Romana
Qin Shihuangdi
public works
Mandate of Heaven
Son of Heaven
centralized (government or control)
civil service system
Byzantine Empire
cotton textile
* APKC: These are the key concepts that the College Board expects students to know to be successful on the AP Exam
Provide evidence from the text to support the statements below. Indicate the page number of the evidence
in parenthesis. Answers should paraphrased and be in complete sentences (not direct quotes).
APKC: The social structures of empires displayed hierarchies that included cultivators, laborers, slaves, artisans,
merchants, elites, or caste groups.
APKC: Imperial governments projected military power over larger areas using a variety of techniques.
* APKC: These are the key concepts that the College Board expects students to know to be successful on the AP Exam