Meeting Minutes

MONDAY, MAY 6, 2013
The Board of County Commissioners in and for Wakulla County, Florida met for a Regular Scheduled Board
Meeting on Monday, May 6, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. with Chairman Randy Merritt presiding. Present were
Commissioners Richard Harden, Howard Kessler, Jerry Moore, and Ralph Thomas. Also, present were County
Administrator David Edwards, County Attorney Heather Encinosa and Deputy Clerk Evelyn Evans
Invocation was provided by Commissioner Thomas, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance
(CD5:00) Commissioner Thomas moved to approve the Agenda with the following modifications/changes:
Request to move item (18) to be heard after Awards and Presentations
Under Awards and Presentations add Harry Reed with CRTPA
Commissioner Kessler requests to pull items 12, 13, 16, & 17 from the Consent Agenda for discussion
Second by Commissioner Harden and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
(CD5:01) 1. Request Board Approval to Conduct the Public Hearing and Consider an Ordinance Amending
Chapter 23 of the Wakulla County Code of Ordinances Relating to the Imposition of Fees for Parks and
Recreation and Enforcement
Commissioner Thomas moved to approve to conduct the public hearing and adopt the proposed Ordinance
amending Chapter 23 of the Wakulla County Code of Ordinances imposing fees for use of County Parks and
Recreational Fees. Second by Commissioner Harden and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
(CD5:03) 2. Request Board Approval to Conduct the Public Hearing and Consider an Ordinance Amending
Chapter 7 of the Wakulla County Code of Ordinances Related to Parking and Mooring of Vehicle and Vessels
on County Boat Parking Areas, Boat Ramps, Docks and Piers
Commissioner Moore moved to approve to conduct the public hearing and adopt the proposed Ordinance
amending Chapter 7 of the Wakulla County Code of Ordinances related to parking and mooring of vehicles and
vessels on County boat parking areas, boat ramps, docks and piers. Second by Commissioner Thomas and the
motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
Commissioner Moore moved to rescind the above motion, second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion
carried unanimously, 5/0.
Commissioner Moore moved to approve to conduct the public hearing and adopt the proposed Ordinance
amending Chapter 7 of the Wakulla County Code of Ordinances related to parking and mooring of vehicles and
vessels on County boat parking areas, boat ramps, docks and piers, with the deletion of Section 7.002. Second
by Commissioner Kessler and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
(CD5:09) 3. Request Board Approval to Conduct the Public Hearing and Consider an Ordinance Regulating
the Unauthorized Sale of Tobacco Products and Restricting the Placement of Tobacco Products
May 6, 2013
Commissioner Harden moved to approve to conduct the public hearing and adopt the proposed ordinance
relating to the unauthorized sale of tobacco products and restricting the placement of tobacco products. Second
by Commissioner Kessler with Commissioners Harden, Kessler, Moore, and Merritt in favor, Commissioner
Thomas opposed, motion carried, 4/1.
(CD5:14) 4. Request Board Approval to Conduct the Public Hearing and Adopt the Comprehensive Plan Text
Amendment Pertaining to Family Homestead Subdivisions, CP12-05
Commissioner Harden moved to approve to conduct the Public Hearing and adopt the proposed Comprehensive
Plan Amendment for the creation of a new Policy 1.10 of the Future Land Use Element pertaining to Family
Homestead Subdivisions. Second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
(CD5:22) 5. Request Board Approval to Conduct the Public Hearing to Consider Text Amendments to Section
2-4(65.1) and Section 5-7(1) of the Land Development Code, Pertaining to Family Enclave Agreements, and
Amendments to the Family Enclave Agreement Policy and Procedure
Commissioner Kessler moved to approve to conduct the Public Hearing and adopt the proposed Ordinance
amending sections 2-4 (65.1) and 5-7 (1) of the Land Development Code pertaining to Family Enclave
Agreements and amend the Family Enclave Agreement Policy and Procedure based upon the findings of fact
and conclusions of law made by the board and any evidence submitted at the Hearing hereon, with an
amendment to remove the financial requirement and review on an annual basis. Second by Commissioner
Thomas and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
(CD5:47) Acknowledgment of the Fair Housing Coloring Contest Winners by Esrone McDaniels, Meridian
Community Services Group – certificates presented to all age categories
(CD5:51) Harry Reed – CRTPA
Update related to transportation in Wakulla County
(CD5:57) Sports Physicals at the TMH Satellite Office in Crawfordville on Saturday, May 18, 2013
(CD5:57) Commissioner Thomas moved to approve the Consent Agenda, minus items 12, 13, 15, & 16.
Second by Commissioner Harden and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
6. Approval of Minutes from the April 15, 2013 Regular Board Meeting
Approve – Minutes from the April 15, 2013 Regular Board Meeting
7. Approval for Payment of Bills and Vouchers Submitted for April 11, 2013 – April 24, 2013
Approve – Payment of Bills and Vouchers submitted for April 11, 2013 – April 24, 2013
8. Request Board Approval to Replace a Dump Truck and Mowing Tractor in the Public Works Road and
Bridge Department
Approve – the purchase of the dump truck and mowing tractor from the Florida Sheriff’s Association Contract
for the Public Works Road and Bridge Department
9. Request Board Approval of JEA Task Order #26 to Continue the Contamination Assessment Activities at the
Lower Bridge Landfill
Approve – JEA Task Order #26 to continue the contamination Assessment Activities at the Lower Bridge
May 6, 2013
10. Request Board Approval of a Resolution Replacing a Member and Alternate Member to the Wakulla
County RESTORE Act Advisory Committee
Approve – the Resolution replacing and appointing members to the Wakulla county RESTORE Act Advisory
11. Request Board Approval of FY2012/2013 Agreement between Wakulla County and Apalachee Regional
Planning Council for the Hazardous Waste Management Practices for Small Quantity Generators
Approve – Agreement between Wakulla County and ARPC for FY 2012/2013
14. Request Board Approval of a Resolution and Budget Amendment accepting the Annual State of Florida
EMS County Grant Award for FY 2012/13 in the amount of $2872.00
Approve – Resolution and budget amendment accepting the State of Florida EMS County Grant in the amount
of $2,872.00
21. Request Board Approval to Award Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #2013-14 to Brown & Brown
Insurance as Agent of Record for Employee Benefit Program Services
Approve – to Award Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #2013-14 to Brown & Brown Insurance as Agent of
Record for Employee benefit Program Services
(CD6:01) 12. Request Board Approval to Award ITB# 2013-11 for Fuel Facility Tank and Containment Area
Recoating to the Lowest Responsive Bidder
Commissioner Kessler moved to accept and award #ITB 2013-11 to Advance Industrial coatings, LLC for the
Fuel Facility Tank and Containment Recoating project in the amount of $19,047.97. Second by Commissioner
Harden and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
(CD6:01) 13. Request Board Approval to Award ITB# 2013-15 for Concrete Pouring and Forming to the
Lowest Responsive Bidder
Commissioner Kessler moved to accept and award ITB# 2013-15 to Michael Turner Construction, Inc. for
Concrete Pouring and Forming. Second by Commissioner Harden and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
(CD6:04) 15. Request Board Approval of an Amended Interlocal Agreement Relating to the Formation and
Operation of the Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency
Commissioner Kessler moved to approve the Amended Interlocal Agreement relating to the formation and
operation of the CRTPA. Second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
(CD6:05) 16. Request Board Approval of FY2012/13 Mid-Year Budget Amendment
Commissioner Kessler moved to approve FY2012/2013 Mid-year Budget Amendment. Second by
Commissioner Thomas and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
(CD6:09) 17. Request Board Approval of Terms for the Agreement between Wakulla County and the YMCA,
and Approval of a Budget Amendment Reallocating Funds for the Community Center
Commissioner Harden moved to approve the proposed terms in substantial form and authorize staff to begin
drafting a contract as well as coordinating with the Community Center Advisory Board on the substantive terms
of the contract and approve the Budget Amendment reallocating $250,000 from the one cent sales tax public
facility infrastructure fund for the Community Center. Second by Commissioner Moore who subsequently
May 6, 2013
withdrew the second and a new second was made by Commissioner Thomas. After a lengthy discussion
Commissioner Thomas withdrew his second and Commissioner Kessler made a second to the motion with
Commissioners Harden, Merritt, and Kessler in favor, Commissioners Thomas and Moore opposed, motion
carried, 3/2.
(CD5:57) 18. Request Board Approval of a Resolution Accepting Deeds for Right-of-Way Donations on
Summerwood Rd.
Commissioner Moore moved to adopt the Resolution accepting Deeds of Dedication Right-of-Way on
Summerwood Drive. Second by Commissioner Harden and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
(CD7:10) 1. Ron Piasecki – Code Enforcement is requesting a 2 hour Workshop to brief the Board on the
Code Enforcement process
(CD7:16) 2. Hugh Taylor – YMCA, Citizen Oversight and TDC, doesn’t believe in 2:00 p.m. meetings,
selective enforcement
(CD7:22) 3. Chuck Hess – The Board meetings at 2:00 p.m. are for money making people, the evening
meetings are for civically minded people
(CD7:24) 19. Request Board Direction Regarding a Resolution Amending the Process for Required Third Party
Transportation Reviews and Amending the Transportation Concurrency Review Fees
Commissioner Kessler moved to direct staff to come back with the process that the County would hire the
Consultant to do the study as an option with the Consultant paying for the study, applicant will pay the County,
the County will pay the Consultant, and if the Applicant does not want to use this process they can hire their
own person, but they will still have to pay the County a fee for checking the study. Second by Commissioner
Harden and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
(CD7:42) a. Request Board Approval of a Letter of Support for Alan Lamarche to Serve on the Marine
Fisheries Gulf Council
Commissioner Moore moved to approve the letter of support for Alan Lamarche to serve on the Marine
Fisheries Gulf Council. Second by Commissioner Harden with Commissioners Harden, Merritt, Moore, and
Thomas in favor, Commissioner Kessler opposed, motion carried, 4/1.
(CD7:45) b. Request Board Approval to Waive Permit Fees for TDC Signs
Commissioner Moore moved to approve the Building Department to waive the sign permit fee for TDC.
Second by Commissioner Thomas who subsequently withdrew the second, motion died for lack of second.
May 6, 2013
(CD7:49) a. Gulf Fisheries Fairness Act – Congressman Southerland is not aggressively pushing this forward
(CD5:52) b. Sheree Keeler – Commissioner Thomas spent a couple of days with her at the Capitol and thinks
she is an asset to the County
(CD7:53) a. Spoke about the Blue Crab Festival, Rock the Dock, Big Bend Kayak and the number of persons
that came to the County to attend these events. He also wanted to thank Skip Young for the use of his arena and
Bevis Funeral Home will have a fish fry on Saturday with the benefits going to the Senior Citizens.
(CD7:54) a. Highway 61 Speed Limit – He may bring an Agenda item back to see if the speed limit can be
restored to the 2000 level
(CD8:04) a. Discussion Regarding Code Enforcement Liens, Fines, and Assessments – would like to hold a
Workshop with Code Enforcement
Commissioner Harden moved to hold a Workshop with Code Enforcement at 2:30 p.m. on June 3, 2013.
Second by Commissioner Thomas and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
(CD8:13) b. Discussion Regarding Medart Recreation Park Facilities and Maintenance – the need for more
netting at Medart Park as spectators are being hit with balls
(CD8:17) a. Discussion Regarding Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation – Resolution to come back
(CD8:21) b. Discussion regarding Limitation of Truck Size on our Roads – next meeting short Power Point
(CD8:22) c. Shadeville Highway Speed Limit – previous items
(CD8:22) d. How to protect Wakulla Springs on May 16, 2013 at Woodville Community Center at 9:30
(CD8:23) e. Second meeting of month – penalizes people that work. This item will come up for review on
June 2, 20213.
Commissioner Merritt will be bringing an item back regarding the 35’ Wetland Buffer.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Thomas moved to adjourn; second by
Commissioner Harden and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:27 p.m.